To run this application you should add in your program argparser and enter the following line in terminal(Linux):
python3 <> -v version
Also if you want to see version and commit in terminal, you should use function show() in your application. Example:
import argparse
import vgit
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument('-v', action=print(
This program show you information(tag, commit and changes, that should be commited) in terminal.
For correct result of the application you must follow this rules:
1. For import this library you should have folder vgit in your project's main directory.
And then use: import vgit.
2. If you cloned vgit in /modules you must have emty/not empty file __init.py__ in /modules. And
use: from modules import vgit
3. You mustn't delete file VERSION from /vgit
4. Don't forget push your tags.
This application is a library for python projects. It helps developers follow tags, commits and changes, that should be commited.