Releases: Elenterius/Biomancy
Releases · Elenterius/Biomancy
- refactor tributes
- refactor recipe handling and replace all static food digesting recipes with one dynamic recipe
- refactor living tools
- refactor nutrients api
- rework Nutrients handling and add fluid fuel support
- removes the following EntityType tags: sharp_fang, sharp_claw, sinew, toxin_gland, volatile_gland, bile_gland, bone_marrow, withered_bone_marrow
- migrate from entity tags to loot-table based despoil loot
- add Acid Coat ability to Caustic Gunblade (8a07dc8)
- add Acolyte Armor (173d431)
- add backwards compatibility for the removed bio-forge tab (abf2202), closes #118
- add Bio-Alchemical Epidermis ability to Acoylte Armor (d3d1127)
- add Biometric Membrane (6c469a3)
- add Caustic Gunblade (7ef4c3d)
- add Chrysalis Block (701fc0f)
- add crafting recipe for the removal of Flesh Mound settings from a Primordial Cradle item (e5155ac)
- add crafting recipes for smooth and porous variants of primal flesh (7d03e2b)
- add distinct block model for Primal Orifices that are half full (1a69683)
- add Gastric Acid Juice (ca96c78)
- add living tools with max nutrients amount to creative tab (78283de)
- add Mob Essence (81d8fc4)
- add mob Essence Extractor (b2e6a07)
- add Modular Larynx (d967c71)
- add not_removable_with_cleansing_serum mob-effect tag (ed6d65a)
- add ornamental flesh slab (c2c717d)
- add proper flesh tongue comments (2f1107d)
- add recipes for armor and gunblade (f21e405)
- add Recipes for Essence Extractor and Modular Larynx (b783dcd)
- add rudimentary placeholder icons for Caustic Gunblade (5f1c30c)
- add Self-Feeding enchantment (28bdfca)
- add Smooth & Porous Primal Flesh variants for blocks, slabs, stairs and walls (db8c38e)
- add Surgical Precision enchantment (63c2404)
- add symbiontic repair enchantment (b59f6fa)
- add The Thorn shield (c0cbda7)
- add tooltips to primal items (61d5f7c)
- add usage information to the Modular Larynx tooltip (730bd46)
- alexs-caves: rework decomposer recipe result for sea pigs (c9d846d)
- buff: change the Ravenous Claws damage from generic to bleed (5e738a5)
- buff: increase fuel value for Nutrient Paste (2 -> 3) and Nutrient Bar (18 -> 27) (56e0370)
- buff: increase nutrients storage for acolyte chestplate and leggings from 200 to 250 (0ebb48f)
- buff: increase Ravenous Claws attack damage by 0.5 points (cf14b23)
- buff: increase repair value of nutrients for living items (0745169)
- buff: make bleed and acid damage bypass Invincibility-Frames (4af9092)
- buff: make Primordial Core crafting recipe cheaper (ed00205)
- change attack reach indicator of Ravenous Claws (f5a35aa)
- change decomposer recipe output for any Eggs from to (70b096b)
- change how mob sounds are found & store them on mob essence (4919f0f)
- change nutrients recipes (68a6f0f)
- change the requirements of the Kitty Cat advancement to also trigger for ocelots (8bc8696)
- crossbow hold Caustic Gunblade in ranged mode (3e3acd0)
- improve filtering of items that can't be eaten by the cradle (20d96c3)
- improve tooltips looks & readability by removing the horizontal rule bar (7e57616)
- improve wording of tooltip hint for showing more info (a650a4e)
- include primal flesh variants in flesh mound growth (e90cca9)
- increase anomaly spawn chance of Cradle by 2% (b757c6c)
- make all bio-machines fluid fuel consumers (IFluidHandler Capability) (5255124)
- make despoil loot-table driven where each mob has its own loot-table (94594ab)
- make Essence Anemia effect non-removable (0cf8dd6)
- make it possible to also collect acid from Primal Orifices with glass bottles (3e72747)
- make minor tweaks to advancements (0624a07)
- make ModularLarynx capable of playing ambient, hurt and death sounds (e63cf24)
- make Primal Bloom mineable with shears or silk-touch (6107eb5)
- make Primal Bloom placeable on all primal block variants (6da7fec)
- make Suspicious Stew a valid source of life energy for the Primordial Cradle (460119e), closes #125
- make the durability bar always visible for living tools without max nutrients (3f9f310)
- make The Thorn shield a living tool (d81e6fa)
- move the ravenous claws hud element below the crosshair (0dc1726)
- nerf: consume extra nutrients/charge when triggering abilities of the Ravenous Claws (547263e)
- nerf: decrease value of Suspicious Stew for cradle sacrifices (c58a791)
- nerf: drastica...
- add Self-Feeding enchantment (943ea83)
- buff: increase repair value of nutrients for living items (e983239)
- rework symbiontic mending enchantment into a more beneficial but cursed enchantment called Parasitic Metabolism (3bc8bce)
Bug Fixes
- remove ability to enchant living tools and armor with unbreaking (befc8b1)
- add crafting recipe for the removal of Flesh Mound settings from a Primordial Cradle item (91aff61)
- add living tools with max nutrients amount to creative tab (ebdb41d)
- add recipes for armor and gunblade (c5ca421)
- add symbiontic repair enchantment (6b3ee6d)
- make minor tweaks to advancements (956d3e6)
- tweak which enchantments can be applied to living tools (fa3fb99)
- update Bloomberry texture (d21dbaf)
- update chrysalis textures (f3f683f)
- update Extractor texture (9c6dc2a)
- update Flesh Door textures (fc74c5a)
- update nutrient paste & bar textures (8f98568)
- update Primordial Flesh Blob textures (1166b26)
Bug Fixes
- add rudimentary placeholder icons for Caustic Gunblade (533e2cc)
- crossbow hold Caustic Gunblade in ranged mode (5cf5541)
- only deal acid melee damage when Caustic Gunblade is coated in acid (c4aa926)
- show ammo amount status on Caustic Gunblade model (b734692)
- tweak Caustic Gunblade attack speed (abebc1b)
- tweak reload behavior of Caustic Gunblade (fdc3ad7)
- use nutrients for Caustic Gunblade durability (58a79a6)
Bug Fixes
- fix Caustic Gunblade animation not showing the acid coat (684a509)
- refactor tributes
- refactor recipe handling and replace all static food digesting recipes with one dynamic recipe
- add Acolyte Armor (ef8e594)
- add Bio-Alchemical Epidermis ability to Acoylte Armor (31a6cc4)
- add Caustic Gunblade (e90444a)
- add proper flesh tongue comments (14e2256)
- buff: increase fuel value for Nutrient Paste (2 -> 3) and Nutrient Bar (18 -> 27) (04a6bd0)
- make the durability bar always visible for living tools without max nutrients (8b0131a)
- re-balance digesting recipes (nerf cocoa beans, bamboo, melon, pumpkin, cake, etc.) (a2fdc35)
- refactor recipe handling and replace all static food digesting recipes with one dynamic recipe (52b5a5e)
- refactor tributes (ad49699)
- remove experimental Toxicus & Bile-Spitter items (45a3e4f)
- slightly tweak cradle behavior and limit Cradle attack on failure to sacrifices with high hostility (0a3728e)
- tweak decomposing recipes (nerf golden carrot & golden apple; buff magma cream) (f5ccf4d)
- refactor living tools
- refactor nutrients api
- rework Nutrients handling and add fluid fuel support
- add crafting recipes for smooth and porous variants of primal flesh (e96fd38)
- add distinct block model for Primal Orifices that are half full (8deb708)
- add Gastric Acid Juice (8fd0003)
- add not_removable_with_cleansing_serum mob-effect tag (803eed5)
- add The Thorn shield (4047282)
- add tooltips to primal items (048aec0)
- buff: change the Ravenous Claws damage from generic to bleed (4351898)
- buff: make bleed and acid damage bypass Invincibility-Frames (6c3ff9d)
- change attack reach indicator of Ravenous Claws (9179f7b)
- change nutrients recipes (6562bdb)
- improve tooltips looks & readability by removing the horizontal rule bar (e346026)
- increase anomaly spawn chance of Cradle by 2% (f78f3ba)
- make all bio-machines fluid fuel consumers (IFluidHandler Capability) (a9e1cf9)
- make Essence Anemia effect non-removable (434f631)
- make it possible to also collect acid from Primal Orifices with glass bottles (945252e)
- make ModularLarynx capable of playing ambient, hurt and death sounds (6fb18a4)
- make The Thorn shield a living tool (e416561)
- move the ravenous claws hud element below the crosshair (693a108)
- nerf: consume extra nutrients/charge when triggering abilities of the Ravenous Claws (d90c76b)
- nerf: drastically reduce nutrients fuel value of everything (ac6ace6)
- reduce hostile spawn chance of Cradle by 15% (4e49e03)
- rename Acid fluid to Gastric Acid (1ed0a9d)
- show nutrient fuel value of items inside bio-machine GUIs (2cc5ab0)
- tweak Essence Anemia effect color (a2c0868)
- update Modular Larynx model (d39c444)
Bug Fixes
- fix extractor item animation playing on all other extractor items when looking at a mob (dc4f2b1)
- fix missing acid bucket pickup sounds (2bdcc61)
- fix missing translation for fleshkin eat sounds (d2791aa)
- try to fix the rare issue where the Cradle Chamber is unable to form a floor by lowering Acid Chambers by 0.25 units (6760c47)
Miscellaneous Chores
- add Biometric Membrane (914cccb)
- add Chrysalis Block (49f04db)
- add Mob Essence (63c59ea)
- add mob Essence Extractor (99d8c7b)
- add Modular Larynx (63e55a2)
- add Surgical Precision enchantment (710f3ed)
- make Primal Bloom mineable with shears or silk-touch (891e340)
- make Suspicious Stew a valid source of life energy for the Primordial Cradle (1710d5b), closes #125
- nerf: decrease value of Suspicious Stew for cradle sacrifices (5e0bd05)