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Use our free API for accessing SNOTEL station data. Our API is useful for finding current snow levels in mountainous regions across the United States. All endpoints accept a callback parameter for JSONP and don't require authentication.
Over 800 SNOTEL stations are available:
Returns basic information about all of the SNOTEL stations in the United States.
Endpoint: /stations
Request parameters:
Parameter | Descriptions |
None | None |
Response parameters:
The response comes as an array of objects. Here is a breakdown of a returned object.
Parameter | Descriptions |
Elevation (integer) | Elevation of the station in feet |
Location (lat, lng object) | Latitude and longitude of the station |
Name (string) | Name of the station in ALL CAPS |
Triplet (string) | Unique identifier for the station. Formatted as ::SNTL |
Wind (boolean) | Indiciates whether or not the station is equiped with a wind sensor |
Sample call:
Sample response:
[ { "elevation":8777, "location": {"lat":40.8852,"lng":-110.8277}, "name":"BEAR RIVER RS", "timezone":-7, "triplet":"992:UT:SNTL", "wind":false }, { "elevation":5130, "location":{"lat":46.78265,"lng":-121.74765}, "name":"PARADISE", "timezone":-8, "triplet":"679:WA:SNTL", "wind":false }, { ... } ]
Returns detailed information for the specified SNOTEL station.
Endpoint: /station/:id
Request parameters:
Parameter | Description |
ID (triplet) | Station id in the form of ###:STATE:SNTL. Example: 791:WA:SNTL. Find the triplet for a particular station through the /stations endpoint. |
Days (integer) | Number of days information to retrieve from today. (optional) |
Start date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Historical date to pull data from. Use in conjunction with end date. (optional) |
End date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Historical date to pull data from. Use in conjunction with start date (optional) |
Response parameters:
The response includes basic station information in addition to an array of snow data.
Parameter | Description |
Date | Date measurement was taken |
Snow Water Equivalent (in) | The amount of water contained within the snowpack. |
Change In Snow Water Equivalent (in) | The change in the snow water equivalent from the last measurement (typically the past 24 hours). |
Snow Depth (in) | Depth of snow in inches. |
Change In Snow Depth (in) | The change in the snow depth from the last measurement (typically the past 24 hours). |
Sample calls:
Sample response:
{ "station_information": { "elevation":3950, "location": {"lat":47.74607,"lng":-121.09288}, "name":"STEVENS PASS", "timezone":-8, "triplet":"791:WA:SNTL", "wind":false }, "data": [ { "Date":"2014-06-30", "Snow Water Equivalent (in)":"0.0", "Change In Snow Water Equivalent (in)":"0.0", "Snow Depth (in)":"0", "Change In Snow Depth (in)":"0" }, { "Date":"2014-07-01", "Snow Water Equivalent (in)":"0.0", "Change In Snow Water Equivalent (in)":"0.0", "Snow Depth (in)":"0", "Change In Snow Depth (in)":"0" }, { ... } ] }
Returns detailed information for the closest SNOTEL stations to a geographic point.
Endpoint: /closest_stations
Request parameters:
Parameter | Description |
lat (float) | Latitude to base search off of. (required) |
lng (float) | Longitude to base search off of. (required) |
data (boolean) | Setting to true will enable fetching of snow info from the stations. Note that this might be slow depending on the number of stations you're requesting information from. |
days (integer) | Number of days information to retrieve from today. (optional) |
count (integer) | number of station's to return (optional - defaults to 3, maximum of 5) |
Response parameters:
The response is an array of stations including their basic information in addition to an array of snow data.
Parameter | Description |
Date | Date measurement was taken |
Snow Water Equivalent (in) | The amount of water contained within the snowpack. |
Change In Snow Water Equivalent (in) | The change in the snow water equivalent from the last measurement (typically the past 24 hours). |
Snow Depth (in) | Depth of snow in inches. |
Change In Snow Depth (in) | The change in the snow depth from the last measurement (typically the past 24 hours). |
Sample call:
Sample response:
[ { "station_information": { "elevation":3950, "location": {"lat":47.74607,"lng":-121.09288}, "name":"STEVENS PASS", "timezone":-8, "triplet":"791:WA:SNTL", "wind":false }, "data": [ { "Date":"2014-06-30", "Snow Water Equivalent (in)":"0.0", "Change In Snow Water Equivalent (in)":"0.0", "Snow Depth (in)":"0", "Change In Snow Depth (in)":"0" }, { "Date":"2014-07-01", "Snow Water Equivalent (in)":"0.0", "Change In Snow Water Equivalent (in)":"0.0", "Snow Depth (in)":"0", "Change In Snow Depth (in)":"0" }, { ... } ] }, { ... } ]
The source for the API is available at
To run the API locally:
- Clone the git repository
- Run "bundle install"
- Run 'rackup'
- Navigate to http://localhost:9292 in your browser
Let us know if you have any questions or concern. Email Bobby
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