The media branch has image recibe (and some other media) capabilities. Also reconnect and minor imporovements. Thanks to all colaborators.
This Project provides a microservice which implements an interface to yowsup2. You can Send/Receive Whatsapp-Messages with any language of your choice.
Install & Configure the yowsup2 CLI Demo.
Use yowsup-cli to register a Number.
- Install rabbitmq
- Install Flask,Nameko,Flasgger,pexpect
- Install yowsup2
# Install Python Stuff:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev
pip3 install nameko
pip3 install flask
pip3 install flasgger
pip3 install pexpect
# git+ works fine
pip3 install git+
# Install RabbitMQ
apt-get install rabbitmq-server
rename service.yml.sample to service.yml and put your credentials into it.
Run the the Service with:
Run the the Api with:
Go to:
Set the parameter ENDPOINT_RESEND_MESSAGES to the url of your application where you want the messages to be dispatched. The received messages will be sent to that url in JSON format.
Have a look at swagger documentation.
nameko shell
n.rpc.yowsup.send(type="simple", body="This is a test Message!", address="49XXXX")
This will automatically setup and run the main service and the API The service is exposed in port 80
Change the following environment variables with your credentials (after registering on yowsup-cli) in env.list file. Or create a new env.list file
- TOKEN_RESEND_MESSAGES: any value established by you that will be sent in the request to validate the identity.
- ENDPOINT_RESEND_MESSAGES: the url where messages received from the whatsapp network will be sent in the specified json format.
Then run:
docker run --name <name> --env-file env.list -p <hostPort>:80 gabrieltandil/yowsup-microservice:latest
And you're all set!! :D
docker build -t yowsup-microservice:latest .