We provide an easy way to leverage apktool
, along with common Android tools such as zipalign
and apksigner
, all from within Docker.
To use the image, pull the pre-built image or build one from the repo root with the included Dockerfile:
docker pull ghcr.io/ibotpeaches/apktool:latest
# OR
docker build -t apktool:local -f docker/Dockerfile .
The best way to use the image is to create aliases to run the internal commands. Replace ghcr.io/ibotpeaches/apktool:latest
with apktool:local
if you have built the image locally.
alias apktool="docker run --rm -ti --name=apktool -v \"${PWD}:${PWD}\" -w \"${PWD}\" ghcr.io/ibotpeaches/apktool:latest apktool"
alias zipalign="docker run --rm -ti --name=zipalign -v \"${PWD}:${PWD}\" -w \"${PWD}\" ghcr.io/ibotpeaches/apktool:latest zipalign"
alias apksigner="docker run --rm -ti --name=apksigner -v \"${PWD}:${PWD}\" -w \"${PWD}\" ghcr.io/ibotpeaches/apktool:latest apksigner"
You can then utilize these commands as you would if they were natively installed:
apktool d My.apk -o MyFolder
apktool b MyFolder -o MyNew.apk
zipalign -p -f 4 MyNew.apk MyNewAligned.apk
apksigner sign --ks My.keystore MyNewAligned.apk