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3D Snake Game - 3GC3 Final Project

Zhenqi Chai 400223880     Nico Stepan 001404582

Shengyu Wu 400075340     Zihao Chen 001405956

Graphics Features

This snake game includes the following graphics features as explored in class:

1. Lighting

We have implemented different lighting options. These include changing the position of the light, by pressing u, j, h, k, or by toggling the main scene light.

2. Textures

In this game, there are multiple textures being rendered. For example, the entire map that the snake moves on has a grass texture binded to it. Other textures include a stone texture for obstacles, money texture for coins, and water texture for ponds. All of these objects appear on the map, and can be interacted with.

3. Alpha Blending

The alpha blending feature is implemented in the game and can be observed when the snake interacts with a pond object. When the snake interacts with the pond, it becomes slightly transparent for one move iteration in whatever direction it's currently travelling in.

4. Picking

Ray casting is implemented in this game such that the user can use currency to select and delete stone obstacles througout the map. Deleting an object requires 5 currency and can be achieved by left-clicking on an obstacle.

5. Non-Geometric Primitives

There is a user interface rendered around the main game screen area. Using gluBitMapCharacter, we render a title with instructions, along with a section for currency and scores which are constantly changing as the game progresses. They are rendered in such a way that when the game map is rotated, using the arrow keys, their appearance is unaffected.


The following code snippet displays the possible commands for this program:

###########      COMMANDS      ###########
#   Press the space bar to begin!        #
#   'w' --> move the snake up            #
#   's' --> move the snake down          #
#   'a' --> move the snake left          #
#   'd' --> move the snake right         #
#   'l' --> toggle lighting on or off    #
#   'u' --> change light (+y) position   #
#   'j' --> change light (-y) position   #
#   'k' --> change light (+z) position   #
#   'h' --> change light (-z) position   #
#    Arrow keys rotate the scene         #
#   Left-click on an obstacle to         #
#   eliminate it                         #
#       (costs 5 currency)               #
#                                        #
#   Right-click to bring up menu         #
#       (customize  speed and            #
#       number of obstacles)             #
#   'q' --> quit the game                #

How to run: clone this repository, and in the correct directory type make


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