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RPC Server & JSON-RPC API Quick Start

Welcome to the guide for making remote procedure calls (RPC) to the Sui network. This document walks you through connecting to Sui and using the Sui JSON-RPC API to interact with the Sui network. Use the RPC layer to test your dApps, sending their transactions onto the Sui validators for verification.

This guide is useful for developers interested in Sui network interactions via API and should be used in conjunction with the SuiJSON format for aligning JSON inputs with Move Call arguments.

For a similar guide on Sui network interactions via CLI, refer to the Sui CLI client documentation.

Set up RPC server

Follow the instructions to install Sui binaries.

Connect to Sui network

Remote Devnet

Simply connect to the Sui Devnet to start making RPC calls to our remote server, build on top of Sui.

Local Sui Network

Alternatively, to contribute to Sui itself, you may follow the instructions to create and start a local Sui network.

The genesis process will create a gateway.yaml configuration file that will be used by the RPC server.

Start RPC server

Use the following command to start an RPC server:

$ rpc-server

You will see output resembling:

2022-08-05T19:41:33.227478Z  INFO rpc_server: Gateway config file path config_path="/home/sui/.sui/sui_config/gateway.yaml"
2022-08-05T19:41:33.227514Z  INFO rpc_server: Starting Prometheus HTTP endpoint at
2022-08-05T19:41:33.896152Z  INFO sui_storage::lock_service: LockService command processing loop started
2022-08-05T19:41:33.896230Z  INFO sui_storage::lock_service: LockService queries processing loop started
2022-08-05T19:41:34.615529Z  INFO sui_json_rpc: acl=AccessControl { allowed_hosts: Any, allowed_origins: None, allowed_headers: Any }
2022-08-05T19:41:34.618762Z  INFO sui_json_rpc: Sui JSON-RPC server listening on local_addr=
2022-08-05T19:41:34.618789Z  INFO sui_json_rpc: Available JSON-RPC methods : ["sui_moveCall", "sui_getTransaction", "sui_getObjectsOwnedByAddress", "sui_getTotalTransactionNumber", "sui_transferObject", "sui_transferSui", "sui_batchTransaction", "sui_executeTransaction", "sui_mergeCoins", "sui_getRecentTransactions", "sui_getTransactionsInRange", "sui_getObject", "sui_getObjectsOwnedByObject", "", "sui_splitCoin", "sui_getRawObject", "sui_publish", "sui_syncAccountState"]

Note: For additional logs, set RUST_LOG=debug before invoking rpc-server.

Export a local user variable to store the hardcoded hostname + port that the local RPC server starts with to be used when issuing the curl commands that follow.

export SUI_RPC_HOST=

Use Sui software development kits

You can sign transactions and interact with the Sui network using any of the following:

Follow Sui JSON-RPC examples

In the following sections we will show how to use Sui's JSON-RPC API with the curl command. See the Sui API Reference for the latest list of all available methods.

RPC discover

Sui RPC server supports OpenRPC’s service discovery method. A method is added to provide documentation describing our JSON-RPC APIs service.

curl --location --request POST $SUI_RPC_HOST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"","id":1}'

Transfer object

1, Create an unsigned transaction to transfer a Sui coin from one address to another

curl --location --request POST $SUI_RPC_HOST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0",
              "id":1}' | json_pp

A transaction data response will be returned from the gateway server.

  "id" : 1,
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "result" : {
    "tx_bytes" : "VHJhbnNhY3Rpb25EYXRhOjoAAFHe8jecgzoGWyGlZ1sJ2KBFN8aZF7NIkDsM+3X8mrVCa7adg9HnVqUBAAAAAAAAACDOlrjlT0A18D0DqJLTU28ChUfRFtgHprmuOGCHYdv8YVHe8jecgzoGWyGlZ1sJ2KBFN8aZdZnY6h3kyWFtB38Wyg6zjN7KzAcBAAAAAAAAACDxI+LSHrFUxU0G8bPMXhF+46hpchJ22IHlpPv4FgNvGOgDAAAAAAAA"

2, Sign the transaction using the Sui keytool

sui keytool sign --address <owner_address> --data <tx_bytes>

The signing tool will create and print out the signature and public key information. You will see output resembling:

2022-04-25T18:50:06.031722Z  INFO sui::sui_commands: Data to sign : VHJhbnNhY3Rpb25EYXRhOjoAAFHe8jecgzoGWyGlZ1sJ2KBFN8aZF7NIkDsM+3X8mrVCa7adg9HnVqUBAAAAAAAAACDOlrjlT0A18D0DqJLTU28ChUfRFtgHprmuOGCHYdv8YVHe8jecgzoGWyGlZ1sJ2KBFN8aZdZnY6h3kyWFtB38Wyg6zjN7KzAcBAAAAAAAAACDxI+LSHrFUxU0G8bPMXhF+46hpchJ22IHlpPv4FgNvGOgDAAAAAAAA
2022-04-25T18:50:06.031765Z  INFO sui::sui_commands: Address : 0x51def2379c833a065b21a5675b09d8a04537c699
2022-04-25T18:50:06.031911Z  INFO sui::sui_commands: Public Key Base64: H82FDLUZN1u0+6UdZilxu9HDT5rPd3khKo2UJoCPJFo=
2022-04-25T18:50:06.031925Z  INFO sui::sui_commands: Signature : 6vc+ku0RsMKdky8DRfoy/hw6eCQ3YsadH6rZ9WUCwGTAumuWER3TOJRw7u7F4QaHkqUsIPfJN9GRraSX+N8ADQ==

3, Execute the transaction using the transaction data, signature and public key

curl --location --request POST $SUI_RPC_HOST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0",
                  "tx_bytes" : "{{tx_bytes}}",
                  "signature" : "{{signature}}",
                  "pub_key" : "{{pub_key}}"}],
              "id":1}' | json_pp

Native transfer by sui_transferObject is supported for any object that allows for public transfers. Refer to transactions documentation for more information about a native transfer. Some objects cannot be transferred natively and require a Move call.

You should replace {{owner_address}} and {{to_address}} in the command above with an actual address values, for example one obtained from client.yaml. You should also replace {{object_id}} and {{gas_object_id}} in the command above with an actual object ID, for example one obtained from objectId in the output of sui_getOwnedObjects. You can see that all gas objects generated during genesis are of Coin/SUI type). For this call to work, objects represented by both {{coin_object_id}} and {{gas_object_id}} must be owned by the address represented by {{owner_address}}.

Invoke Move functions

1, Execute a Move call transaction

Execute a Move call transaction by calling the specified function in the module of a given package (smart contracts in Sui are written in the Move language):

curl --location --request POST $SUI_RPC_HOST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
              "method": "sui_moveCall",
              "params": [
                  ["{{object_id}}", "{{recipient_address}}"],
              "id": 1 }' | json_pp

2, Sign the transaction

Follow the instructions to sign the transaction.

3, Execute the transaction

Follow the instructions to execute the transaction.

Arguments are passed in, and type will be inferred from function signature. Gas usage is capped by the gas_budget. The transfer function is described in more detail in the Sui CLI client documentation.

Calling the transfer function in the Coin module serves the same purpose as the native transfer (sui_transferObject), and is mostly used for illustration purposes as native transfer is more efficient when it's applicable (i.e., we are simply transferring objects with no additional Move logic). Consequently, you should fill out argument placeholders ({{owner_address}}, {{object_id}, etc.) the same way you would for sui_transferObject - please note additional 0x prepended to function arguments.

To learn more about what args are accepted in a Move call, refer to the SuiJSON documentation.

Publish a Move package

curl --location --request POST $SUI_RPC_HOST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0",
              "params":[ "{{owner_address}}",
              "id":1}' | json_pp

This endpoint will perform proper verification and linking to make sure the package is valid. If some modules have initializers, these initializers will also be executed in Move (which means new Move objects can be created in the process of publishing a Move package). Gas budget is required because of the need to execute module initializers.

You should replace {{owner_address}} in the command above with an actual address values, for example one obtained from client.yaml. You should also replace {{gas_object_id}} in the command above with an actual object ID, for example one obtained from objectId in the output of sui_getObjectsOwnedByAddress. You can see that all gas objects generated during genesis are of Coin/SUI type). For this call to work, the object represented by {{gas_object_id}} must be owned by the address represented by {{owner_address}}.

To publish a Move module, you also need {{vector_of_compiled_modules}}. To generate the value of this field, use the sui move command. The sui move command supports printing the bytecodes as base64 with the following option

sui move --path <move-module-path> build --dump-bytecode-as-base64

Assuming that the location of the package's sources is in the PATH_TO_PACKAGE environment variable an example command would resemble the following

sui move --path $PATH_TO_PACKAGE/my_move_package build --dump-bytecode-as-base64

Build Successful

Copy the outputting base64 representation of the compiled Move module into the REST publish endpoint.

2, Sign the transaction

Follow the instructions to sign the transaction.

3, Execute the transaction

Follow the instructions to execute the transaction.

Below you can see a truncated sample output of sui_publish. One of the results of executing this command is generation of a package object representing the published Move code. An ID of the package object can be used as an argument for subsequent Move calls to functions defined in this package.

    "package": [