flowchart TD
subgraph sourceRepo [Source repo]
subgraph trigger [Trigger event]
t1[Push to a branch]
t2[Pull request opened]
t3[Pull request synced]
t4[Pull request closed]
t5[Branch deleted]
trigger --> s1
subgraph source [Source repo workflow]
s1[Source repo workflow triggered] --> s2{Is the\nevent a pull\nrequest?}
s2 -- Yes --> s3
s2 -- No --> s4
s3[.../pr/:number] --> s5
s4[.../branch/:name] --> s5
s5[Build static website\nusing this base URL] --> s6
s6[Run EndBug/pages-preview action]
subgraph action [EndBug/pages-preview]
a1[Action run triggered] -->
a2{What should\nthe action do?}
a2 -- Deploy --> a30
a2 -- Remove --> a4
a2 -- Nothing --> aRet
a30[Create a new deployment] -->
a3[Copy current build to\nthe preview repo] --> a5
a4[Remove the preview\nfrom the preview repo] --> a5
a5[Parse metadata] -->
a6[Trigger GitHub Pages\ndeployment on the preview\nrepo] -->
a7[Wait for workflow run to\nend in preview repo] -->
a80[Update deployment status] -->
a81[Deactivate previous deployments] -->
a8{Is the\nevent a pull\nrequest?}
a8 -- Yes --> a9
a8 -- No --> aRet
a9{What action\nhas been\nperformed?}
a9 -- Deploy --> a10
a9 -- Remove --> a11
a10[Create/Update PR comment\nwith preview URL] --> aRet
a11[Remove preview URL\nfrom PR comment] --> aRet
aRet[Return action status]
sRet[Return workflow status]
PR[PR comment updated]
D0[New pending deployment created]
D1[Deployment status updated]
D2[Previous deployments deactivated]
s6 --> a1
aRet --> sRet
a11 -.-> PR
a10 -.-> PR
a30 -.-> D0
a80 -.-> D1
a81 -.-> D2
subgraph previewRepo [Preview repo]
p0[Content updated via\ncommit push]
subgraph deploy [Preview repo workflow]
p2[Deployment triggered] -->
p3[Check if the versions match] -->
p4[Deploy the whole website\nto GitHub Pages] -->
p5[Set environment URL] -->
pRet[Return workflow status]
a3 -.-> p0
a4 -.-> p0
a6 -.-> p2
pRet -.-> a7