This section describes the first version of consent functionality in Energy Origin. Consent is provided by a user to a 3rd party client.
- 3rd party client: A third party company using the APIs exposed by Energy Origin. A 3rd party client may have software systems running and interacting with the Energy Origin APIs without user interaction.
- User: A user authenticated with MitID erhverv and acting as employee in a company. A user may be employed by multiple companies, but is forced to select a specific company as part of MitID authenticattion.
- TIN: Tax Identification Number, in Denmark the CVR number.
- Terms: Terms a user must agree to, before using Energy Origin Web application or APIs.
- Consent: A user grants consent to a 3rd party. The 3rd party may after being granted consent, use Energy Origin APIs on behalf of the user.
USER ||--o{ AFFILIATIONS : "employed under"
ORGANIZATION ||--o{ CONSENT : "grants"
CONSENT ||--|| CLIENT : "to"
guid Id "Primary key in EO Database"
string TIN "Tax Identification Number"
string name "Organization's name"
guid Id "Primary key"
string IdpId "Identifer from IDP"
string IdpUserId "Unique Identifier of User"
string username "User's name"
guid UserId "Foreign key mapping to the user entity"
guid OrganizationId "Foreign key mapping to the Organization entity"
guid Id "Primary key"
string IdpClientId "Unique identifier"
string name "Client's name"
string redirectUrl "Redirect Url"
enum role "0 = EXTERNAL, 1 = INTERNAL"
guid Id "Primary key"
guid OrganizationId "Foreign key to ORGANIZATION"
guid ClientId "Foreign key to CLIENT"
date consent_date "Date of consent"
A user authenticating using MitID will work in the context of a single organization and TIN. To work in the context of another organization, the user will need to authenticate again and select a different organization.
A client will be authenticated to work in the context of all the organizations it has been granted consent to. Imagine the client is running a software system trading certificates on behalf of all the organizations it has been granted consent to.
Our use of the Client Credentials flow is described by Microsoft in the following article Client Credentials Grant.
Person(user, "MitID Erhverv user")
Enterprise_Boundary(eoBoundary, "Energy Origin") {
System(WEB, "Energy Origin", "Web app")
System(API, "Energy Origin API", "HTTP API")
System_Boundary(Authorization, "Authentication") {
System(B2C, "Azure AD B2C", "Energy Origin Identity Provider")
System(authorizationAPI, "Authorization API", "Energy Origin authorization")
System_Ext(MitID, "MitID", "Signaturgruppen MitID provider")
Rel(user, WEB, "Access resources and provide consent", "OpenID Connect")
Rel(user, MitID, "Logs in", "HTTPS")
Rel(WEB, B2C, "Delegates log in ", "OpenID Connect")
Rel(WEB, API, "Uses HTTP APIs", "HTTPS")
Rel(WEB, authorizationAPI, "Updates consent", "HTTPS")
Rel(B2C, MitID, "Delegates authentication of MitID users", "OpenID Connect")
Rel(B2C, authorizationAPI, "Fetches authorization claims", "HTTPS")
UpdateElementStyle(eoBoundary, $fontColor="lightgrey", $bgColor="transparent", $borderColor="lightgrey")
UpdateElementStyle(Authorization, $fontColor="lightgrey", $bgColor="transparent", $borderColor="lightgrey")
UpdateElementStyle(user, $fontColor="black", $bgColor="lightgrey", $borderColor="black")
UpdateElementStyle(MitID, $fontColor="black", $bgColor="lightgrey", $borderColor="white")
UpdateRelStyle(WEB, B2C, $textColor="lightgrey", $lineColor="lightgrey")
UpdateRelStyle(user, MitID, $textColor="lightgrey", $lineColor="lightgrey")
UpdateRelStyle(B2C, MitID, $textColor="lightgrey", $lineColor="lightgrey")
UpdateRelStyle(WEB, API, $textColor="lightgrey", $lineColor="lightgrey")
UpdateRelStyle(user, WEB, $textColor="lightgrey", $lineColor="lightgrey")
UpdateRelStyle(B2C, authorizationAPI, $textColor="lightgrey", $lineColor="lightgrey")
UpdateRelStyle(WEB, authorizationAPI, $textColor="lightgrey", $lineColor="lightgrey")
Fist time a MitID user logs into the Energy Origin Web application, the user will have to go through some steps. After agreeing to terms and conditions, a 'shadow' user will be creater in B2C.
actor User
Grant consent for 3rd party client to access and manage data in Energy Origin.
actor User
participant ClientApp as Client Application
participant EO as Energy Origin
participant B2C as B2C
participant MitID as MitID
participant Auth as Authorization
User->>ClientApp: Grant consent
ClientApp->>EO: Redirect to EO
rect rgb(50, 50, 50)
note over EO, MitID: Authorization Code Flow
EO->>B2C: Redirect to B2C
B2C->>MitID: Redirect to MitID
User->>MitID: Login
MitID->>B2C: Successful login (tokens)
B2C->>EO: Successful login (tokens)
activate EO
EO->>EO: Redirect user to consent page
User->>EO: User accepts consent
EO->>Auth: Update consent (link CVR and clientId)
deactivate EO
Call Energy Origin API as 3rd party client on behalf of organization.
participant ClientApp as Client Backend
participant B2C as B2C
participant Auth as Authorization
participant Cert as Certification API
rect rgb(50, 50, 50)
note over ClientApp,Auth: Client Credentials Flow
ClientApp->>B2C: Client Credentials flow
activate B2C
B2C->>B2C: Client credentials flow (B2C as client)
B2C->>Auth: Get authorization (B2C access token)
activate Auth
Auth->>B2C: Authorization (CVR list)
deactivate Auth
B2C->>ClientApp: Token
deactivate B2C
ClientApp->>Cert: API call (token)
ClientApp->>Cert: ...
ClientApp->>Cert: API call (token)
The Terms Acceptance feature allows organizations to accept the latest terms and conditions. When an organization accepts the terms, the Authorization database is updated, and an integration event is published to RabbitMQ, using MassTransit's transactional outbox pattern.
actor User
participant API as Accept Terms API
participant Backend as Authorization Subsystem
participant EventBus as Event Bus
User->>API: Accept Terms
activate API
API->>Backend: Process Terms Acceptance
activate Backend
Backend->>Backend: Update Terms Acceptance
Backend->>EventBus: Publish Terms Accepted Event
Backend-->>API: Terms Acceptance Result
deactivate Backend
alt Terms Accepted Successfully
API-->>User: Success Response
else Terms Acceptance Failed
API-->>User: Error Response
deactivate API
The endpoint requires authorization with the B2CCvrClaim policy
This policy ensures that the user attempting to accept the terms is indeed affiliated with the organization, they are accepting the terms on behalf of.
The policy is implemented as a custom authorization policy, in the EnergyOrigin.TokenValidation NuGet package.
The User Consent Authorization API is responsible for retrieving and managing user authorization models. This endpoint is designed to work in tandem with the Azure B2C tenant, which is the only authorized caller of this endpoint.
participant B2C as Azure B2C
participant API as User-Consent API
participant Backend as Authorization Subsystem
B2C->>API: Request User Consent
activate API
API->>Backend: Process User Consent
activate Backend
Backend->>Backend: Handle User and Organization Data
Backend->>Backend: Check and Update Terms Acceptance
Backend-->>API: Return Consent Result
deactivate Backend
API-->>B2C: Return Authorization Response
deactivate API
alt Error Occurs
Backend-->>API: Report Error
API-->>B2C: Return Error Response
The User Delete Consent flow is responsible for enabling users to delete consents.
actor User
participant API as Delete Consent API
participant Backend as Authorization Subsystem
User->>API: Delete Consent Request
activate API
API->>Backend: Process Delete Consent
activate Backend
Backend->>Backend: Verify User Affiliation
Backend->>Backend: Find and Delete Consent
alt Consent Deleted Successfully
Backend-->>API: Confirm Deletion
API-->>User: 204 No Content
else User Not Affiliated
Backend-->>API: Report User Not Affiliated
API-->>User: 403 Forbidden
else Consent Not Found
Backend-->>API: Report Consent Not Found
API-->>User: 404 Not Found
deactivate Backend
deactivate API
Azure B2C itself will have to be registered as a client. This allows B2C to obtain a token for itself and call the EO authorization API.
Provide the name self
for the app, and register by clicking Register
Afterwards change settings in the manifest file. Make sure the following two settings are present: "signInAudience": "AzureADMyOrg"
and "accessTokenAcceptedVersion": 2
Add a new client secret to the app registration.
Make sure to copy the secret value and store it somewhere safe. Use client id and client secret to configure client_credentials custom policy.
Signaturgruppen technical documentation
MitID admin tool (User: energinet-test-admin and use mitid login, not erhverv)
Confluence: MitID test brugere (We currently use Sylvester68903ErhvervEO as test user)
Confluence: Driftinfo hos Netsbroker
Set up ncat to listen and dump all traffic on port 9090 on localhost
nc -k -l 9090
Set up ngrok to forward traffic to netcat
ngrok http 9090
This section describes the first version of Authorization Proxy in Energy Origin. Authorization Proxy is built to handle authentication and authorization for opensource Wallet project. Since Wallet is opensource and needs to be generic, we have to have a wrapper (Authorization Proxy) to secure all calls against it. The way this is handled is by having 1 to 1 mapping between Wallet API's and the Authorization Proxy API. We then have extra requirements for providing OrganizationID, that we can check if client's request has access to, before forwarding the request towards Wallet API.
Authorization Proxy is made backwards compaitble allowing old self signed tokens, aswell as the new Azure B2C tokens, to ensure we can use this new proxy service without breaking old code. The proxy is simple and only needs B2C, TokenValidation and WalletBaseUrl in enviroment variables.