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Remake of Minecraft for PS1 with PSn00bSDK

Table of Contents



Blog Posts



Current work is frustum culling, ordered directional sub-mesh culling and crafting system


Breaking Blocks

Breaking Overlay

Placing Blocks

Placing Blocks

Item Drops

Item Drops



Sunlight Propagation

Sunlight Propagation

Single Source Block Light

Single Source Block Light

Multiple Source Block Light

Multiple Source Block Light

Weather Raining

Weather Raining

Crafting with Cursor

Crafting with Cursor

Hotbar Attributes

Hotbar Attributes


Configuring the project can be done with

cmake --preset default .

Then the CD image can be built with

cmake --build ./build

This will create several files in the build directory. Using the PCSX Redux emulator, you can load the build/PSXMC.bin CD image and run it.

Docker Environment

Depending on the system you are building on (Windows/Linux/OSX) you may want to build locally, however, in the case that you are on OSX and want the ease of a development environment in Linux without the extra configuration headache, a Dockerfile has been provided that can be used with the script to build the project.

First build the docker image, which will initialise a Linux distribution with all the necessary tooling and build the SDK. The following are optional arguments you can provide:

  • --build-arg="REPO_TARGET=<user name>/<repo name>" specify the namespaced repo (potential a fork) to build from. Defaults to Lameguy64/PSn00bSDK.
  • --build-arg="REPO_COMMIT_ISH=<branch/commit/tag>" specify a build arg to target a specific branch/commit/tag of the SDK repo. Defaults to master.
  • --build-arg="GCC_MIPSEL_ELF_TAG=<Lameguy64/PSn00bSDK release tag>" specify a release tag to pull the GCC build from. Defaults to v0.24.
  • --build-arg=PSN00BSDK_LIBC_ALLOCATOR=<CUSTOM | AAF | TLSF> specify an allocator to use in the SDK build, must be one of CUSTOM, AAF (allocated-first-fit), or TLSF (two-level-segregated-fit). This currently requires EngineersBox/PSn00bSDK fork with multiple-allocators branch. Defaults to TLSF.
  • --build-arg="CACHEBUST=$(date +%s)" force a rebuild of the repo. Defaults to 0.

Using this, we can build as follows:

docker build -t psxmc:latest -f Dockerfile .

Utility Build Script

Using the above image, the utility script can be used to bundle assets and compile the project, it essentially does the work of running the image, mounting directories, passing the right flags, etc.

Usage: ./ [<options>]
    -h | --help                Print this help message
    -r | --rebuild             Clean the build directory and initialise CMake again (default: false)
    -o | --output=<dir>        Set the directory to use as the build output (default: ./build)
    -i | --image=<image:tag>   Specify which image to use when building (default: psxmc:latest)


Initially, you'll want to run it as ./ --output=./build --rebuild, but then for later rebuilds when making changes to code, just run ./ Include --output=<directory> if you want to use a different directory than the default. Note that you'll need to use this option every time you run the command in that case.

Development Scripts

There are several scripts in the scripts and root directory that used for various development purposes. This section details the ones that are useful and how to use them.

Dependency Graph

This generates a Graphviz compatible dependency graph in the DOT format, then exports to a desired rendered format such as SVG, PNG, etc.

Usage: ./ [<options>]
    -h | --help               Print this help message
    -f | --format=<type>      Output format of the graph. See for valid values (default: svg)
    -o | --output=<filename>  Name of the generated graph file (default: graph.svg)

Resource Generator

Game resources such as blocks and block items conform to a specific interface via interface99 with some simplifying constructs, macros, etc. The resource generator makes creating the header and sources necessary with markers to fill in where necessary.

Currently only blocks and block items supported, more will be added as the rest of the item/block types are implemented. See the following help outputs for the desired generation:

  • Block: python3 scripts/ block --help
  • Block item: python3 scripts/resource_generator itemblock --help

Recipe Tree

Recipes for any block or interface that uses them are generated as compile-time structures that are traversed via the handlers in src/game/recipe/recipe.h. To support this, the script/ script exists in order to convert a JSON definition of recipes into the structural definition as an extern in a given location. See the output of python3 scripts/ --help for more details.

Development Environment


You can use the Dockerfile to double as a build environment for CLion so that you can run CMake within the Docker context attached to CLion. To the following to set this up:

  1. Open up settings and go to Build, Execution, Deployment > Toolchains
  2. Create a new Docker toolchain and select the image you had build before
  3. Open the container settings
  4. Set the CMake option to Docker CMake
  5. Go to Build, Execution, Deployment > CMake
  6. Create a new profile
  7. Set the toolchain to the Docker toolchain you just created
  8. Add --preset default to the CMake options field
  9. Exit settings
  10. Verify that the Docker daemon is running on your local
  11. Reload CMake project

Neovim Clangd


This assumes you are using the clangd LSP using nvim-lspconfig, as it takes advantage of being able to customise the LSP instantiation command.

We will be modifying a standard configuration for customising the cmd provided by the nvim-lspconfig repo for running LSPs in containers.

Using the below configuration for the LSP, we will detect the project name, as the directory name of the highest level git repo (where .git is) from where the LSP is being instantiated from within neovim.

local root_pattern = lspconfig.util.root_pattern('.git')
local function file_exists(name)
   if f ~= nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end
-- Might be cleaner to try to expose this as a pattern from `lspconfig.util`, as
-- really it is just stolen from part of the `clangd` config
local function format_clangd_command()
    -- Turn the name of the current file into the name of an expected container, assuming that
    -- the container running/building this file is named the same as the basename of the project
    -- that the file is in
    -- The name of the current buffer
    local bufname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)
    -- Project root
    local project_root = vim.loop.cwd()
    -- Turned into a filename
    local filename = lspconfig.util.path.is_absolute(bufname) and bufname or lspconfig.util.path.join(project_root, bufname)
    -- Then the directory of the project
    local project_dirname = root_pattern(filename) or lspconfig.util.path.dirname(filename)
    -- And finally perform what is essentially a `basename` on this directory
    local basename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(lspconfig.util.find_git_ancestor(project_dirname), ':t')
    if (basename == nil) then
        return nil
    local name, _ = string.gsub(
    if (file_exists(project_root .. "/cclangd")) then
        return { project_root .. "/cclangd" }
        return { "/usr/local/bin/cclangd", name, project_root }
    on_attach = on_attach,
    cmd = format_clangd_command(),

There are some changes here to determine if the repo has a custom cclangd script, which allows us to create custom LSP configurations per-repo but also maintain a global behaviour with the script expected to be at /usr/local/bin/cclangd.



# Verify that a contianer by this name actually exists, and is running
if [ -z "$(docker ps -q -f name="$CONTAINER_NAME" -f status=running)" ]; then
    echo "[cclangd] No container running, determining existance of '' script in project root"
    if [ -e "$PROJECT_ROOT_PATH/" ]; then
        echo "[cclangd] Start script exists in project root, invoking it to start container"
        echo "[cclangd] No start script exists in project root, starting on host"
        clangd --background-index
    echo "[cclangd] Container running, executing inside it"
    # Important part here is both the '-i' and the redirection of STDERR
    docker exec -i "$1" /usr/bin/clangd --background-index 2>/dev/null

In the custom cclangd script (within this repo and above), there is additional logic to launch the custom container context through with a custom container name (to avoid using hyphens with the current name and also cause I don't want to change the project name).



docker run \
    -i \
    --rm \
    -e PSN00BSDK_LIBS=/opt/psn00bsdk/lib/libpsn00b \
    --name "$CONTAINER_NAME" \
    psxmc:latest \
    /bin/bash -c "ln -s $PROJECT_ROOT_PATH /tmp/PSX-Minecraft \
    && ln -s $PROJECT_ROOT_PATH/.clangd /opt/psn00bsdk/include/libpsn00b/.clangd \
    && /usr/bin/clangd \
    --compile-commands-dir=\"${PROJECT_ROOT_PATH}/build\" \

So assuming you have build the container image as per the instructions eariler in this README and named it psxmc:latest, this will launch clangd within a container using that image.

At this point your LSP configuration should work with PSn00bSDK (assuming the container paths match your local paths for the SDK) and the project sources without issue.

Git Hooks

A custom git pre-commit hook is used to sort the TODO list so that unfinished items are grouped together in each sublist. This relies on hooks in a non-default location within the repository under .githooks/.

If you want to be able to use these, then you will need to run the following which will override the git config parameter core.hooksPath for only this cloned repository (does not affect your normal git config located in ~/.gitconfig). If you have externally global hooks, then they will need to be reconciled manually to work with this repository.

git config --local core.hooksPath "$(pwd)/.githooks"

You can of course also run these manually if you'd like to instead:
