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API backend usage

The backend is written in Python and uses Django framework. Here's the How to install and start the api server

Link the backend simulation library

  • In a Linux environment :

      ln -s [simulation_repo absolute path]/src [api repo absolute path]/socket_api/api/sockets/src
  • In a windows environment :

      mklink /D [api repo absolute path]/socket_api/api/sockets/src [simulation_repo absolute path]/src

Create virtual environment (optional)

Create a virtual environment with python :

python -m venv [venv directory name e.g .venv]

Activate an existing virtual environment :

  • In a Linux environment :

      source [venv direcotry name e.g .venv]/bin/activate
  • In a windows environment :

      [venv direcotry name e.g .venv]\Scripts\activate.bat

Exit a virtual environment :


Install python pre-requisites

Install requirements.txt file with python pip (with virtual envirnoment activated):

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Create and migrate database

cd socket_api
python migrate

Start the server

  1. Go to the Django root directory

     cd socket_api
  2. Start the server :

     python runserver routes

You can find all defined routes inside


Every @sio.event annotated function is a valid route on which the server is listening. From the client, use :

socket.emit('[route name]', [optional data object i.e {'uuid': 'abc'}])

And :

socket.on('[response route name]')

To emit and receive to and from a socket.