$ git clone [email protected]:Erdiko/performance-tests.git
$ cd performance-tests
$ docker-compose up &
$ docker exec -it erdiko_performance_php /bin/bash
$ cd /benchmarks/jsonYml/scripts
$ sh run-setup.sh
This will install:
Composer dependencies
- PhpBench PhpBench Documentation
PECL Package
- Yaml Yaml Package
And also will add new bin for PhpBench
$ phpbench --help
$ cd /benchmarks/jsonYml/scripts
$ sh run-bench.sh
$ sh run-bench.sh -i 1000 -r 100 -s 1
These are the main parameters to run the benchmark:
- Iterations: Iterations represent the number of times we will perform the benchmark (including all the revolutions). Contrary to revolutions, a time reading will be taken for each iteration.
Iteration Reference: PhpBench Iteration Reference
- Revolutions: The term “revolutions” (invented here) refers to the number of times the benchmark is executed consecutively within a single time measurement.
Revolution Reference: PhpBench Revolution Reference
- File Size: The script generate a file to be processed and the value for the size must be start from >= 1
- 1 = 10KB
- 5 = 50KB
- 10 = 100KB
- 50 = 500KB
- 100 = 1 MB
- 1000 = 100MB
- 1000 = 1000MB
Default Values:
- Iterations: 1000
- Revolutions: 10
- File Size: 1
$ sh run-bench.sh -i 1000 -r 10 -s 1
Set 1000 Iterations
Set 10 Revolutions
Set 1000 KB as File Size to Process
PhpBench 0.14-dev (@git_version@). Running benchmarks.
\JsonYaml (#0 benchLoadJsonArray, #1 benchLoadObject, #2 benchYamlArray, #3 benchYamlObject)
#0 (σ = 10.953μs ) -2σ [ ▁█▇▄▂▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁] +2σ [μ Mo]/r: 0.0842 0.0795 μRSD/r: 13.01%
#1 (σ = 13.095μs ) -2σ [ ▁▇█▃▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁] +2σ [μ Mo]/r: 0.0925 0.0864 μRSD/r: 14.15%
#2 (σ = 45.977μs ) -2σ [ ▁▃█▆▅▄▂▂▁▁▁▁▁▁] +2σ [μ Mo]/r: 0.4395 0.4184 μRSD/r: 10.46%
#3 (σ = 50.018μs ) -2σ [ ▁▁█▆▄▄▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁] +2σ [μ Mo]/r: 0.4402 0.4187 μRSD/r: 11.36%
4 subjects, 4,000 iterations, 40 revs, 0 rejects
(best [mean mode] worst) = 75.200 [264.081 250.738] 170.100 (μs)
⅀T: 1,056,324.800μs μSD/r 30.011μs μRSD/r: 12.248%
suite: 133c7e1138fc7989db08f7af074085cfce9a2004, date: 2017-07-21, stime: 21:04:22
| benchmark | subject | groups | params | revs | its | mem_peak | best | mean | mode | worst | stdev | rstdev | diff |
| JsonYaml | benchLoadJsonArray | json | [] | 10 | 1000 | 454,600b | 0.0752ms | 0.0842ms | 0.0795ms | 0.1757ms | 0.0110ms | 13.01% | 0.00% |
| JsonYaml | benchLoadObject | json | [] | 10 | 1000 | 457,232b | 0.0819ms | 0.0925ms | 0.0864ms | 0.1701ms | 0.0131ms | 14.15% | +9.92% |
| JsonYaml | benchYamlArray | yaml | [] | 10 | 1000 | 442,744b | 0.3921ms | 0.4395ms | 0.4184ms | 0.7117ms | 0.0460ms | 10.46% | +422.14% |
| JsonYaml | benchYamlObject | yaml | [] | 10 | 1000 | 442,744b | 0.3901ms | 0.4402ms | 0.4187ms | 0.7743ms | 0.0500ms | 11.36% | +423.00% |