See if Elysium is online or offline. Elysium Status is monitoring the private WoW-server Elysium and its services (website, logon-server and wow-servers). Online monitoring live.
Available at
ElysiumStatus is an online status tracker for the online emulation project Elysium Project.
##Contribute Help especially wanted for:
- Data optimalization / bandwidth reduction (!!)
- Translation
- Integrating realm-data from to "realm details"-page.
Translators, Traducteurs, переводчики, Übersetzer, Traductores!
Translators are wanted! Please look @ static/locale/
to see how and what needs translations. (Tutorial wanted).
Got any ideas? Contribute by creating a creating a fork and then a pull request.
##Thanks to ###💻Contributors
###🌎Translators Want to help with translating? Read here
- Azshrinn - French
- rsKliPPy - Serbian
- Dranthos - Spanish
- gabryatfendor - Italian
- njamnjam - German
- Guffeluffe - Danish
- Demoniaco - Brazilian Portuguese
- freeone - Bulgarian
- jgaurilo - Finnish
##📖License MIT License
Copyright (c) 2016 Erlend Ellingsen