This Python program will download books and chapters from novels availaible on several websites and saves them as .epub ebooks. About 200 books as of the latest release from direct sources with several thousand available from Read Light Novel site (newly added novels should also show up without requiring any updates to the program!).
Visit for a webapp with the same functionality made by MakeYourLifeEasier.
To run this script you'll need to have Python 3.7+.x installed which you can find here.
- Download your favourite novels from as .epub books from:
- WuxiaWorld - doesn't really work for all novels anymore because of the Karma system
- Volare Novels
- Totally Translations
- Novelle Leggere
- Read Light Novel initial load time for this is slow due to the sheer amount of novels also, poor quality formatting
- Automatically adds some metadata like title and cover
- Concurrent download of chapters - significantly faster download of books than just downloading them one by one (I'm talking ten to a hundred times faster)
Download the precompiled program from releases, unzip the file, and run novel2ebook.exe to launch the program.
After that just select the website you want, then the novel you want to read, select the chapter range or the book you want to download and hit the "Download" button. Once the download is finished, the novel will be stored in the Books folder which is in the same directory as the program. If you want to read on your Kindle device I highly recommend using Calibre which can automatically convert and upload your freshly cooked ebooks to your device. Keep it mind that it will take some time for the book to be downloaded, so don't close the window or the console (or do as you please, you do you).
Alternatively, you can download the source, install the requirements as mentioned below, navigate to the folder where you stored the source code using the console and write:
to launch the program or just use the start.bat file. If you didn't add Python to the PATH variable during the installation or afterwards the write
As mentioned before this script was written for Python version 3.7+.x. It may work with other versions too but none are tested. Additionally the Python image library (Pillow), lxml, html5lib, and BeautifulSoup4 are required. To install all dependencies just use the console to navigate into the project folder and write
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you make any changes to the source and want to package it up, just run the install.bat file to compile it (Requires PyInstaller).
There are currently no plans to add any more features or websites to this project but if you have suggestions for future updates or come across any bugs don't hesitate to open up a "new issue" in the issue tab or write me an email at [email protected].
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- This program was initially created by MakeYourLifeEasier so thanks to him and all of the wonderful people on StackExchange, you guys are the best.