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Rupture Model Database

For selected large earthquakes, we have compiled rupture models in a common format. Models derived from both seismic and geodetic data are provided, where available.

Each folder contains the rupture models for each of the following events.

Date Event Seismic Data Geodetic Data PublicID
05/03/2021 East Cape M7.2 X 2021p169083
14/11/2016 Kaikoura M7.8 X X 2016p858000
14/02/2016 Christchurch M5.7 X X 2016p118944
20/01/2014 Eketahuna M6.2 X 2014p051675
16/08/2013 Lake Grassmere M6.6 X X 2013p613797
21/07/2013 Cook Strait M6.5 X X 2013p543824
23/12/2011 Christchurch M5.9 and 5.8 X X 3631380 and 3631359
13/05/2011 Christchurch M6.0 X X 3528839
22/02/2011 Christchurch M6.2 X X 3468575
04/09/2010 Darfield M7.1 X X 3366146
15/07/2009 Dusky Sound M7.8 X X 3124785
20/12/2007 Gisborne M6.7 X 2839343
15/10/2007 George Sound M6.7 X 2808298
21/08/2003 Fiordland M7.1 X 2103645

Reference Papers

Beavan, J., Samsonov, S., Denys, P., Sutherland, R., Palmer, N. and Denham, M. (2010). "Oblique slip on the Puysegur subduction interface in the 2009 July Mw 7.8 Dusky Sound earthquake from GPS and InSAR observations: implications for the tectonics of southwestern New Zealand". Geophysical Journal International, 183(3), 1265-1286,

Beavan, J., Motagh, M., Fielding, E., Donnelly, N. and Collett, D. (2012). "Fault slip models of the 2010–2011 Canterbury, New Zealand, earthquakes from geodetic data and observations of postseismic ground deformation". New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 55(3), 207-221,

François-Holden, C., Bannister, S., Beavan, J., Cousins, J., Field, B., McCaffrey, R., McVerry, G., Reyners, M., Ristau, J. and Samsonov, S. (2008). "The Mw 6.6 Gisborne earthquake of 2007: Preliminary records and general source characterisation". Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 41(4), 266-277,

Fry, B., Bannister, S., Beavan, J., Bland, L., Bradley, B., Cox, S., Cousins, J., Gale, N., Hancox, G. and Holden, C. (2010). "The Mw 7.6 Dusky Sound earthquake of 2009: Preliminary report". Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 43(1), 24-40,

Holden, C., Beavan, J., Fry, B., Reyners, M., Ristau, J., Van Dissen, R., Villamor, P. and Quigley, M. (2011). "Preliminary source model of the Mw 7.1 Darfield earthquake from geological, geodetic and seismic data". In Proceedings of the Ninth Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Building an Earthquake-Resilient Society, Paper No. 164, Auckland, New Zealand, 14-16 April.

Holden, C. (2011). "Kinematic source model of the 22 February 2011 Mw 6.2 Christchurch earthquake using strong motion data". Seismological Research Letters, 82(6), 783-788,

Holden, C. and Beavan, J. (2012). "Source studies of the ongoing (2010-2011) sequence of recent large earthquakes in Canterbury". In Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.

Holden, C., Kaiser, A., Van Dissen, R. and Jury, R. (2013). "Sources, ground motion and structural response characteristics in Wellington of the 2013 Cook Strait earthquakes". Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 46(4), 188-195,

Holden, C., Kaneko, Y., D'Anastasio, E., Benites, R., Fry, B. and Hamling, I. (2017) "The 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake Revealed by Kinematic Source Inversion and Seismic Wavefield Simulations: Slow Rupture Propagation on a Geometrically Complex Crustal Fault Network". Geophysical Research Letters,

Hamling, I., D'Anastasio, E., Wallace, L., Ellis, S., Motagh, M., Samsonov, S., Palmer, N. and Hreinsdóttir, S. (2014). "Crustal deformation and stress transfer during a propagating earthquake sequence: The 2013 Cook Strait sequence, central New Zealand". Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(7), 6080-6092,

Kaiser, A., Holden, C., Hamling, I., Hreinsdóttir, S., Horspool, N., Massey, C., Villamor, P., Rhoades, D., Fry, B., D'Anastasio, E., Benites, R., Christophersen, A., Ristau, J., Ries, W., Goded, T., Archibald, G., Little, C., Bannister, S., Ma, Q., Denys, P., Pearson, C., Giona-Bucci, M., Almond, P., Van Ballegooy, S. and Wallace, S. (2016). "The 2016 Valentine's Day Mw5.7 Christchurch earthquake: preliminary report". In Proceedings of Conference of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Paper number O-20, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1-3 April 2016

McGinty, P. and Robinson, R. (2007). "The 2003 Mw 7.2 Fiordland subduction earthquake, New Zealand: aftershock distribution, main shock fault plane and static stress changes on the overlying Alpine Fault". Geophysical Journal International, 169(2), 579-592,

Petersen, T., Ristau, J., Beavan, J., Denys, P., Denham, M., Field, B., François-Holden, C., McCaffrey, R., Palmer, N. and Reyners, M. (2009). "The Mw 6.7 George Sound Earthquake of October 15, 2007: Responses and Preliminary Results". Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 42(2), 129,

Reyners, M., McGinty, P., Cox, S., Turnbull, I., O Neill, T., Gledhill, K., Hancox, G., Beavan, J., Matheson, D. and McVerry, G. (2003). "The Mw 7.2 Fiordland Earthquake of August 21, 2003: Background and Preliminary Results". Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 36(4), 233-248,

Ristau, J., Holden, C., Kaiser, A., Williams, C., Bannister, S. and Fry, B. (2013). "The Pegasus Bay aftershock sequence of the Mw 7.1 Darfield (Canterbury), New Zealand earthquake". Geophysical Journal International, 195(1), 444-459,

Xie, Y., Meng, L., Zhou, T., Xu, L., Bao, H., & Chu, R. (2022). "The 2021 Mw 7.3 East Cape Earthquake: Triggered Rupture in Complex Faulting Revealed by Multi‐Array Back‐Projections". Geophysical Research Letters, 49(20), e2022GL099643,