From b8af27a135aaffba109a6d1f1fa7495def36863a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alexander Bakhtin Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 10:50:22 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] remove: conda environments --- | 2 +- | 2 +- environment.yml | 254 ------------------------------------ environment_no_dl.yml | 220 ------------------------------- environment_win64_no_dl.yml | 196 ---------------------------- 5 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 672 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 environment.yml delete mode 100644 environment_no_dl.yml delete mode 100644 environment_win64_no_dl.yml diff --git a/ b/ index 359752a..da64f8d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ python -m pip install loglead ``` NOTE: pip version does not have the `tensorflow` dependencies necessary for `BertEmbeddings`. -If you want to use them, make a `conda` environment using the [environment](environment.yml) file and then install `loglead` there. +Install them manually (preferably in a conda enviroment). ### Known issues diff --git a/ b/ index 7bff87a..860a17f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ python -m pip install loglead ``` NOTE: pip version does not have the `tensorflow` dependencies necessary for `BertEmbeddings`. -If you want to use them, make a `conda` environment using the [environment](environment.yml) file and then install `loglead` there. +Install them manually (preferably in a conda enviroment). ### Known issues diff --git a/environment.yml b/environment.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 2f02413..0000000 --- a/environment.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,254 +0,0 @@ -name: ll_with_dl -channels: - - defaults -dependencies: - - _libgcc_mutex>=0.1 - - _openmp_mutex>=5.1 - - _py-xgboost-mutex>=2.0 - - _tflow_select>=2.1.0 - - abseil-cpp>=20211102.0 - - absl-py>=1.4.0 - - aiohttp>=3.8.5 - - aiosignal>=1.2.0 - - appdirs>=1.4.4 - - arrow-cpp>=11.0.0 - - astor>=0.8.1 - - asttokens>=2.0.5 - - astunparse>=1.6.3 - - async-timeout>=4.0.2 - - attrs>=23.1.0 - - aws-c-common>=0.6.8 - - aws-c-event-stream>=0.1.6 - - aws-checksums>=0.1.11 - - aws-sdk-cpp>=1.8.185 - - backcall>=0.2.0 - - blas>=1.0 - - blinker>=1.6.2 - - boost-cpp>=1.82.0 - - bottleneck>=1.3.5 - - brotli>=1.0.9 - - brotli-bin>=1.0.9 - - brotlipy>=0.7.0 - - bzip2>=1.0.8 - - c-ares>=1.19.1 - - ca-certificates>=2023.08.22 - - certifi>=2023.7.22 - - cffi>=1.15.1 - - charset-normalizer>=2.0.4 - - click>=8.0.4 - - comm>=0.1.2 - - contourpy>=1.0.5 - - cryptography>=41.0.3 - - cudatoolkit>=10.1.243 - - cudnn>=7.6.5 - - cupti>=10.1.168 - - cycler>=0.11.0 - - cyrus-sasl>=2.1.28 - - daal4py>=2023.1.1 - - dal>=2023.1.1 - - datasets>=2.12.0 - - dbus>=1.13.18 - - debugpy>=1.6.7 - - decorator>=5.1.1 - - dill>=0.3.6 - - exceptiongroup>=1.0.4 - - executing>=0.8.3 - - expat>=2.5.0 - - filelock>=3.9.0 - - fontconfig>=2.14.1 - - fonttools>=4.25.0 - - freetype>=2.12.1 - - frozenlist>=1.3.3 - - fsspec>=2023.9.2 - - gast>=0.4.0 - - gflags>=2.2.2 - - giflib>=5.2.1 - - glib>=2.69.1 - - glog>=0.5.0 - - google-auth>=2.22.0 - - google-auth-oauthlib>=0.5.2 - - google-pasta>=0.2.0 - - grpc-cpp>=1.48.2 - - grpcio>=1.48.2 - - gst-plugins-base>=1.14.1 - - gstreamer>=1.14.1 - - h5py>=2.10.0 - - hdf5>=1.10.6 - - huggingface_hub>=0.17.3 - - icu>=73.1 - - idna>=3.4 - - importlib-metadata>=6.0.0 - - importlib_metadata>=6.0.0 - - importlib_resources>=6.1.0 - - intel-openmp>=2021.4.0 - - ipykernel>=6.25.0 - - ipython>=8.15.0 - - jedi>=0.18.1 - - joblib>=1.2.0 - - jpeg>=9e - - jupyter_client>=8.1.0 - - jupyter_core>=5.3.0 - - keras>=2.4.3 - - keras-base>=2.4.3 - - keras-preprocessing>=1.1.2 - - kiwisolver>=1.4.4 - - krb5>=1.20.1 - - lcms2>=2.12 - - ld_impl_linux-64>=2.38 - - lerc>=3.0 - - libboost>=1.82.0 - - libbrotlicommon>=1.0.9 - - libbrotlidec>=1.0.9 - - libbrotlienc>=1.0.9 - - libclang>=14.0.6 - - libclang13>=14.0.6 - - libcups>=2.4.2 - - libcurl>=8.4.0 - - libdeflate>=1.17 - - libedit>=3.1.20221030 - - libev>=4.33 - - libevent>=2.1.12 - - libffi>=3.4.4 - - libgcc-ng>=11.2.0 - - libgfortran-ng>=11.2.0 - - libgfortran5>=11.2.0 - - libgomp>=11.2.0 - - libllvm14>=14.0.6 - - libnghttp2>=1.57.0 - - libpng>=1.6.39 - - libpq>=12.15 - - libprotobuf>=3.20.3 - - libsodium>=1.0.18 - - libssh2>=1.10.0 - - libstdcxx-ng>=11.2.0 - - libthrift>=0.15.0 - - libtiff>=4.5.1 - - libuuid>=1.41.5 - - libwebp>=1.3.2 - - libwebp-base>=1.3.2 - - libxcb>=1.15 - - libxgboost>=1.7.3 - - libxkbcommon>=1.0.1 - - libxml2>=2.10.4 - - lz4-c>=1.9.4 - - markdown>=3.4.1 - - markupsafe>=2.1.1 - - matplotlib>=3.8.0 - - matplotlib-base>=3.8.0 - - matplotlib-inline>=0.1.6 - - mkl>=2021.4.0 - - mkl-service>=2.4.0 - - mkl_fft>=1.3.1 - - mkl_random>=1.2.2 - - mpi>=1.0 - - mpich>=4.1.1 - - multidict>=6.0.2 - - multiprocess>=0.70.14 - - munkres>=1.1.4 - - mysql>=5.7.24 - - ncurses>=6.4 - - nest-asyncio>=1.5.6 - - numexpr>=2.8.4 - - numpy>=1.23.4 - - numpy-base>=1.23.4 - - oauthlib>=3.2.2 - - openjpeg>=2.4.0 - - openssl>=3.0.12 - - opt_einsum>=3.3.0 - - orc>=1.7.4 - - packaging>=23.1 - - pandas>=2.0.3 - - parso>=0.8.3 - - pcre>=8.45 - - pexpect>=4.8.0 - - pickleshare>=0.7.5 - - pillow>=10.0.1 - - pip>=23.2.1 - - platformdirs>=3.10.0 - - ply>=3.11 - - pooch>=1.4.0 - - prompt-toolkit>=3.0.36 - - protobuf>=3.20.3 - - psutil>=5.9.0 - - ptyprocess>=0.7.0 - - pure_eval>=0.2.2 - - py-xgboost>=1.7.3 - - pyarrow>=11.0.0 - - pyasn1>=0.4.8 - - pyasn1-modules>=0.2.8 - - pycparser>=2.21 - - pygments>=2.15.1 - - pyjwt>=2.4.0 - - pyopenssl>=23.2.0 - - pyparsing>=3.0.9 - - pyqt>=5.15.10 - - pyqt5-sip>=12.13.0 - - pysocks>=1.7.1 - - python>=3.9.18 - - python-dateutil>=2.8.2 - - python-flatbuffers>=2.0 - - python-tzdata>=2023.3 - - python-xxhash>=2.0.2 - - pytz>=2023.3.post1 - - pyyaml>=6.0 - - pyzmq>=25.1.0 - - qt-main>=5.15.2 - - re2>=2022.04.01 - - readline>=8.2 - - regex>=2023.10.3 - - requests>=2.31.0 - - requests-oauthlib>=1.3.0 - - responses>=0.13.3 - - rsa>=4.7.2 - - safetensors>=0.3.2 - - scikit-learn>=1.3.0 - - scipy>=1.10.1 - - sentencepiece>=0.1.99 - - setuptools>=68.0.0 - - sip>=6.7.12 - - six>=1.16.0 - - snappy>=1.1.9 - - sqlite>=3.41.2 - - stack_data>=0.2.0 - - tbb>=2021.8.0 - - tensorboard>=2.12.1 - - tensorboard-data-server>=0.7.0 - - tensorboard-plugin-wit>=1.8.1 - - tensorflow>=2.4.1 - - tensorflow-base>=2.4.1 - - tensorflow-estimator>=2.6.0 - - tensorflow-gpu>=2.4.1 - - termcolor>=2.1.0 - - threadpoolctl>=2.2.0 - - tk>=8.6.12 - - tokenizers>=0.13.3 - - tomli>=2.0.1 - - tornado>=6.3.3 - - tqdm>=4.65.0 - - traitlets>=5.7.1 - - transformers>=4.32.1 - - typing-extensions>=4.7.1 - - typing_extensions>=4.7.1 - - tzdata>=2023c - - urllib3>=1.26.16 - - utf8proc>=2.6.1 - - wcwidth>=0.2.5 - - werkzeug>=2.2.3 - - wheel>=0.41.2 - - wrapt>=1.14.1 - - xgboost>=1.7.3 - - xxhash>=0.8.0 - - xz>=5.4.2 - - yaml>=0.2.5 - - yarl>=1.8.1 - - zeromq>=4.3.4 - - zipp>=3.11.0 - - zlib>=1.2.13 - - zstd>=1.5.5 - - pip: - - cachetools>=4.2.1 - - drain3>=0.9.11 - - jsonpickle>=1.5.1 - - milksnake>=0.1.6 - - polars==0.20.21 - diff --git a/environment_no_dl.yml b/environment_no_dl.yml deleted file mode 100644 index db24caa..0000000 --- a/environment_no_dl.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,220 +0,0 @@ -name: ll_no_tf -channels: - - defaults -dependencies: - - _libgcc_mutex>=0.1 - - _openmp_mutex>=5.1 - - _py-xgboost-mutex>=2.0 - - abseil-cpp>=20211102.0 - - arrow-cpp>=14.0.2 - - asttokens>=2.0.5 - - attrs>=23.1.0 - - aws-c-auth>=0.6.19 - - aws-c-cal>=0.5.20 - - aws-c-common>=0.8.5 - - aws-c-compression>=0.2.16 - - aws-c-event-stream>=0.2.15 - - aws-c-http>=0.6.25 - - aws-c-io>=0.13.10 - - aws-c-mqtt>=0.7.13 - - aws-c-s3>=0.1.51 - - aws-c-sdkutils>=0.1.6 - - aws-checksums>=0.1.13 - - aws-crt-cpp>=0.18.16 - - aws-sdk-cpp>=1.10.55 - - backcall>=0.2.0 - - blas>=1.0 - - boost-cpp>=1.82.0 - - bottleneck>=1.3.7 - - brotli>=1.0.9 - - brotli-bin>=1.0.9 - - brotli-python>=1.0.9 - - bzip2>=1.0.8 - - c-ares>=1.19.1 - - ca-certificates>=2024.3.11 - - certifi>=2024.2.2 - - charset-normalizer>=2.0.4 - - click>=8.1.7 - - cloudpickle>=2.2.1 - - comm>=0.2.1 - - contourpy>=1.2.0 - - curl>=8.7.1 - - cycler>=0.11.0 - - cyrus-sasl>=2.1.28 - - dbus>=1.13.18 - - debugpy>=1.6.7 - - decorator>=5.1.1 - - executing>=0.8.3 - - expat>=2.5.0 - - fontconfig>=2.14.1 - - fonttools>=4.25.0 - - freetype>=2.12.1 - - gdbm>=1.18 - - gettext>=0.21.0 - - gflags>=2.2.2 - - giflib>=5.2.1 - - git>=2.40.1 - - gitdb>=4.0.7 - - gitpython>=3.1.37 - - glib>=2.78.4 - - glib-tools>=2.78.4 - - glog>=0.5.0 - - grpc-cpp>=1.48.2 - - gst-plugins-base>=1.14.1 - - gstreamer>=1.14.1 - - icu>=73.1 - - idna>=3.7 - - intel-openmp>=2023.1.0 - - ipykernel>=6.28.0 - - ipython>=8.20.0 - - jedi>=0.18.1 - - jinja2>=3.1.3 - - joblib>=1.2.0 - - jpeg>=9e - - jsonschema>=4.19.2 - - jsonschema-specifications>=2023.7.1 - - jupyter_client>=8.6.0 - - jupyter_core>=5.5.0 - - kiwisolver>=1.4.4 - - krb5>=1.20.1 - - lcms2>=2.12 - - ld_impl_linux-64>=2.38 - - lerc>=3.0 - - libboost>=1.82.0 - - libbrotlicommon>=1.0.9 - - libbrotlidec>=1.0.9 - - libbrotlienc>=1.0.9 - - libclang>=14.0.6 - - libclang13>=14.0.6 - - libcups>=2.4.2 - - libcurl>=8.5.0 - - libdeflate>=1.17 - - libedit>=3.1.20230828 - - libev>=4.33 - - libevent>=2.1.12 - - libffi>=3.4.4 - - libgcc-ng>=11.2.0 - - libgfortran-ng>=11.2.0 - - libgfortran5>=11.2.0 - - libglib>=2.78.4 - - libgomp>=11.2.0 - - libiconv>=1.16 - - libllvm14>=14.0.6 - - libnghttp2>=1.57.0 - - libpng>=1.6.39 - - libpq>=12.17 - - libprotobuf>=3.20.3 - - libsodium>=1.0.18 - - libssh2>=1.10.0 - - libstdcxx-ng>=11.2.0 - - libthrift>=0.15.0 - - libtiff>=4.5.1 - - libuuid>=1.41.5 - - libwebp>=1.3.2 - - libwebp-base>=1.3.2 - - libxcb>=1.15 - - libxgboost>=1.7.6 - - libxkbcommon>=1.0.1 - - libxml2>=2.10.4 - - llvmlite>=0.42.0 - - lz4-c>=1.9.4 - - markupsafe>=2.1.3 - - matplotlib>=3.8.0 - - matplotlib-base>=3.8.0 - - matplotlib-inline>=0.1.6 - - mkl>=2023.1.0 - - mkl-service>=2.4.0 - - mkl_fft>=1.3.8 - - mkl_random>=1.2.4 - - munkres>=1.1.4 - - mysql>=5.7.24 - - nbformat>=5.9.2 - - ncurses>=6.4 - - nest-asyncio>=1.6.0 - - numba>=0.59.1 - - numexpr>=2.8.7 - - numpy>=1.26.4 - - numpy-base>=1.26.4 - - openjpeg>=2.4.0 - - openssl>=3.0.13 - - orc>=1.7.4 - - packaging>=23.2 - - pandas>=2.2.1 - - parso>=0.8.3 - - pcre>=8.45 - - pcre2>=10.42 - - perl>=5.34.0 - - pexpect>=4.8.0 - - pickleshare>=0.7.5 - - pillow>=10.2.0 - - pip>=23.3.1 - - platformdirs>=3.10.0 - - plotly>=5.19.0 - - ply>=3.11 - - prompt-toolkit>=3.0.43 - - prompt_toolkit>=3.0.43 - - psutil>=5.9.0 - - ptyprocess>=0.7.0 - - pure_eval>=0.2.2 - - py-xgboost>=1.7.6 - - pyarrow>=14.0.2 - - pybind11-abi>=5 - - pygments>=2.15.1 - - pyparsing>=3.0.9 - - pyqt>=5.15.10 - - pyqt5-sip>=12.13.0 - - pysocks>=1.7.1 - - python>=3.11.5 - - python-dateutil>=2.8.2 - - python-dotenv>=0.21.0 - - python-fastjsonschema>=2.16.2 - - python-tzdata>=2023.3 - - pytz>=2023.3.post1 - - pyyaml>=6.0.1 - - pyzmq>=25.1.2 - - qt-main>=5.15.2 - - re2>=2022.04.01 - - readline>=8.2 - - referencing>=0.30.2 - - regex>=2023.10.3 - - requests>=2.32.2 - - rpds-py>=0.10.6 - - s2n>=1.3.27 - - scikit-learn>=1.2.2 - - scipy>=1.12.0 - - setuptools>=68.2.2 - - shap>=0.42.1 - - sip>=6.7.12 - - six>=1.16.0 - - slicer>=0.0.7 - - smmap>4.0.0 - - snappy>=1.1.10 - - sqlite>=3.41.2 - - stack_data>=0.2.0 - - tbb>=2021.8.0 - - tenacity>=8.2.2 - - threadpoolctl>=2.2.0 - - tk>=8.6.12 - - tornado>=6.3.3 - - tqdm>=4.65.0 - - traitlets>=5.7.1 - - tzdata>=2024a - - unicodedata2>=15.1.0 - - urllib3>=2.2.1 - - utf8proc>=2.6.1 - - wcwidth>=0.2.5 - - wheel>=0.41.2 - - xgboost>=1.7.6 - - xz>=5.4.6 - - yaml>=0.2.5 - - zeromq>=4.3.5 - - zlib>=1.2.13 - - zstd>=1.5.5 - - pip: - - cachetools>=4.2.1 - - drain3>=0.9.11 - - jsonpickle>=1.5.1 - - polars==0.20.21 - - pynndescent>=0.5.12 - - tipping>=0.1.3 - - umap-learn>=0.5.6 diff --git a/environment_win64_no_dl.yml b/environment_win64_no_dl.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 39172c6..0000000 --- a/environment_win64_no_dl.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,196 +0,0 @@ -name: environment_win64_no_dl -channels: - - conda-forge - - defaults -dependencies: - - _libgcc_mutex=0.1=main - - _py-xgboost-mutex=2.0=cpu_0 - - abseil-cpp=20211102.0=hd77b12b_0 - - arrow-cpp=14.0.2=ha81ea56_1 - - asttokens=2.0.5=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - - attrs=23.1.0=py311haa95532_0 - - aws-c-auth=0.6.19=h2bbff1b_0 - - aws-c-cal=0.5.20=h2bbff1b_0 - - aws-c-common=0.8.5=h2bbff1b_0 - - aws-c-compression=0.2.16=h2bbff1b_0 - - aws-c-event-stream=0.2.15=hd77b12b_0 - - aws-c-http=0.6.25=h2bbff1b_0 - - aws-c-io=0.13.10=h2bbff1b_0 - - aws-c-mqtt=0.7.13=h2bbff1b_0 - - aws-c-s3=0.1.51=h2bbff1b_0 - - aws-c-sdkutils=0.1.6=h2bbff1b_0 - - aws-checksums=0.1.13=h2bbff1b_0 - - aws-crt-cpp=0.18.16=hd77b12b_0 - - aws-sdk-cpp=1.10.55=hd77b12b_0 - - backcall=0.2.0=pyhd3eb1b0_0 - - blas=1.0=mkl - - boost-cpp=1.82.0=h59b6b97_2 - - bottleneck=1.3.7=py311hd7041d2_0 - - brotli=1.0.9=h2bbff1b_7 - - brotli-bin=1.0.9=h2bbff1b_7 - - bzip2=1.0.8=he774522_0 - - c-ares=1.19.1=h2bbff1b_0 - - ca-certificates=2024.3.11=haa95532_0 - - cloudpickle=2.2.1=py311haa95532_0 - - colorama=0.4.6=py311haa95532_0 - - comm=0.2.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - - contourpy=1.2.0=py311h59b6b97_0 - - cycler=0.11.0=pyhd3eb1b0_0 - - cyrus-sasl=2.1.28=h563c26c_1 - - debugpy=1.6.7=py311hd77b12b_0 - - decorator=5.1.1=pyhd3eb1b0_0 - - exceptiongroup=1.2.0=pyhd8ed1ab_2 - - executing=0.8.3=pyhd3eb1b0_0 - - expat=2.5.0=hd77b12b_0 - - fontconfig=2.14.1=h9c4af85_2 - - fonttools=4.25.0=pyhd3eb1b0_0 - - freetype=2.12.1=ha860e81_0 - - gflags=2.2.2=ha925a31_0 - - giflib=5.2.1=h8cc25b3_3 - - glib=2.78.4=hd77b12b_0 - - glib-tools=2.78.4=hd77b12b_0 - - glog=0.5.0=hd77b12b_0 - - grpc-cpp=1.48.2=hfe90ff0_1 - - icc_rt=2022.1.0=h6049295_2 - - icu=73.1=h6c2663c_0 - - intel-openmp=2023.1.0=h59b6b97_46320 - - ipykernel=6.28.0=pyha63f2e9_0 - - ipython=8.20.0=pyh7428d3b_0 - - jedi=0.18.1=py311haa95532_1 - - joblib=1.2.0=py311haa95532_0 - - jpeg=9e=h2bbff1b_1 - - jsonschema=4.19.2=py311haa95532_0 - - jsonschema-specifications=2023.7.1=py311haa95532_0 - - jupyter_client=8.6.0=py311haa95532_0 - - jupyter_core=5.5.0=py311haa95532_0 - - kiwisolver=1.4.4=py311hd77b12b_0 - - krb5=1.20.1=h5b6d351_0 - - lcms2=2.12=h83e58a3_0 - - lerc=3.0=hd77b12b_0 - - libboost=1.82.0=h3399ecb_2 - - libbrotlicommon=1.0.9=h2bbff1b_7 - - libbrotlidec=1.0.9=h2bbff1b_7 - - libbrotlienc=1.0.9=h2bbff1b_7 - - libclang=14.0.6=default_hb5a9fac_1 - - libclang13=14.0.6=default_h8e68704_1 - - libcurl=8.5.0=h86230a5_0 - - libdb=6.2.32=h6c2663c_1 - - libdeflate=1.17=h2bbff1b_1 - - libevent=2.1.12=h56d1f94_1 - - libffi=3.4.4=hd77b12b_0 - - libglib=2.78.4=ha17d25a_0 - - libiconv=1.16=h2bbff1b_2 - - libllvm14=14.0.6=h4157e71_3 - - libpng=1.6.39=h8cc25b3_0 - - libpq=12.15=h906ac69_1 - - libprotobuf=3.20.3=h23ce68f_0 - - libsodium=1.0.18=h62dcd97_0 - - libssh2=1.10.0=he2ea4bf_2 - - libthrift=0.15.0=h4364b78_2 - - libtiff=4.5.1=hd77b12b_0 - - libwebp=1.3.2=hbc33d0d_0 - - libwebp-base=1.3.2=h2bbff1b_0 - - libxcb=1.15=hcd874cb_0 - - libxgboost=1.7.3=hd77b12b_0 - - libxml2=2.10.4=h0ad7f3c_1 - - llvmlite=0.42.0=py311hf2fb9eb_0 - - lz4-c=1.9.4=h2bbff1b_0 - - m2w64-gcc-libgfortran=5.3.0=6 - 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