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Other OSS BGP implementations

Thomas Mangin edited this page Aug 15, 2014 · 34 revisions

I am a C coder and I hate Python

use Bird
or Quagga

I am a Ruby coder and I hate Python

use BGPFeeder
from the very nice people at ByteMark
hg clone

I am a Perl coder and I hate Python

use bgpsimple
svn checkout bgpsimple-read-only

I am an erlang coder and I hate Python

There is a start of an implementation here

I love Python but I prefer twisted

Then look here at pybgp
bzr branch lp:pybgp

I am not sure if this project existed when I started or not but I clearly missed it !	It does not support many RFC, but has IPv4 and VPNv4/MPLS. I really like twisted and use it a lot but did not want a dependency on it for a BGP daemon.

Better, but I want something for my website resilience

You should look at in ExaBGP but as you insist on not using it, The wikimedia foundation wrote something cool named pybal 

I want something which works with OpenStack

In 2014 Orange released BAGPIPE which use ExaBGP's classes to write their own BGP route injector with a clear focus on OpenStack. Some of their code has been ported back in ExaBGP - Thank you for the help.

You are sure you listed them all ?

No, and I just found (2012-03-19) another python program from 2005 called announcer