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Alaa-eddine K. edited this page May 8, 2015 · 5 revisions

This wiki contain documentation about EZGUI.

it's still incomplete, and will be updated gradually.

contributions are welcome.

also feel free to open issues if you encounter problem using EZGUI.

What's EZGUI

EZGUI is a game GUI library aiming to simplify the GUI creation by separating the GUI description from game code, and providing GUI components and kits to simplify the UI creation.

All gui stuff (Themes and description) are defined in a JSON format.

the library provide many GUI basic components : Window, Button, Slider, Checkbox, Radio, List ...etc and more to come

it'll also provide game kits : a game kit is mainly a composite component dedicated to one purpose with a simplified JSON definition. for now there is only one kit (tha MainScreen kit) which provide a component to show a game main screen with logo and buttons. you can create such screen by defining a complex GUI composed of a window + layout + image + buttons, then bind events to each button ...etc with the main screen kit, you have a simple JSON definition providing click events to each button.

more game kits will be added : Level screen, Score screen, Social screens ...etc

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