Releases: FAForever/Neroxis-Map-Generator
Make ramps smoother and longer
make islands appear more on 20km
smooth texture artifacts
Reduce large battle reclaim amount
Fix none symmetry (asymmetric) being limited to a circle.
Shrink size of decals
Space out mex expansions a little more
decrease normal map intensity
set minimum mex count per player to 9
reduce mex count on small islands style
Use normal terrain generation for more than 2 teams
Add option to visualize all masks via cmdline
Fix bug where civ units hits unit cap
reduce mountain and plateau artifacts
add perlin noise to normal
reduce 1v1 max mex count
Use dsl-json for faster load times
Use Range fit for dds compression for speed
Make unexplored script compatible with hardffa and claustrophobia
Introduce flooded style
Decrease ramp width and minimum mountain spacing
Optimize select operations for speed
Optimize size change functions on masks for speed
Increase minimum distance between spawns on asymmetric maps
Set normal decal to fixed size of 512
Set decal cutoff lod to 1000
decrease contrast of normal decal
Fix blind map preview showing
Add map wide normal to increase terrain contrast
Add pan and zoom to visual debugger
Use array copy for primitive copies to increase efficiency
Use int for serializing preview colors
Use dot product of normals for writing preview
Refactor parallel operation of masks in generator
Increase 1024 mex count for small teams
Remove debug files when generating with tournament style
Add LOW_MEX style
Add zoom and panning to visual debugger
Reduce size of plateaus
Reduce mex count on 5km
Increase spacing for low mex count
Increase mex for high player team games