Releases: FAForever/fa
Game version 3809
Fixes various reported issues.
With gratitude to all those who took the time to report issues,
Balance changes
- (#6099) Decrease rate of fire of the Cybran TML
It can now fire a tactical missile every 3 seconds instead of every 1.5 seconds. Other factions can fire a tactical missile every 6 seconds.
Bug fixes
(#6099) Fix a bug where the lobby would reject players with a nickname of just 2 characters
(e4e5568) Fix a bug where the UEF ACU would get confused and steer away from targets right outside the attack radius of the primary weapon
Other changes
(#6099) Add basic anti-spam protection against taunts
(#6079) Make various structures easier to place to help with base building.
- All Tech 3 Power Generators, Tech 3 Mass Fabricators, Tech 3 Artilleries, Shield Structures, Land Factories and Air Factories:
- MaxGroundVariation: 1.0 --> 1.1
- All Game Enders except for the Scathis:
- MaxGroundVariation: 1.0 --> 1.2
- All Tech 3 Power Generators, Tech 3 Mass Fabricators, Tech 3 Artilleries, Shield Structures, Land Factories and Air Factories:
With thanks to the following people who contributed through coding:
And, last but certainly not least - with thanks to those that took part in constructive discussions:
- @Sheikah45
- @Brutus5000
- Sladow
- Farms
- Tatsu
- Melanol
- @relent0r
Game version 3808
A small hotfix because it appears we finally managed to get achievements working again.
With gratitude to all those who took the time to report issues,
Bug Fixes
Preliminary data in the server logs show that achievements are being processed and updated again for players on the FAF Develop game type! With this release we make the current state of our hunt on bugs surrounding achievements available to the player base. We'll use that data to determine whether we finally found all the issues.
- (#6052) Remove rounding performed on AI unit threat level calculations to improve threat assignment and variation between units.
With thanks to the following people who contributed through coding:
- Relent0r
- lL1l1
- Jip
Game version 3807
Fixes various reported issues and removes the 1st april pranks from the game again. They are still available as separate mods. You can find them here:
Again with thanks to @Deribus for his extended effort and time in creating the initial implementation.
With gratitude to all those who took the time to report issues,
Bug Fixes
(#6044) Fix Seraphim experimentals not appearing in the Notify settings window in normal games after having played Nomads.
(#73) Fix a memory leak where weak tables are not deallocated by the garbage collector
- (#6040) Make veterancy requirements equal for presets and normal SACUs
Previously, the cost of enhancements for an SACU preset was added to the veterancy requirement of the unit, making it much harder to gain veterancy with them than manually upgraded SACUs.
- (#6036) Add custom 'foot fall textures' for the Ythotha
Previously the Ythotha would use the same texture that the ACU does, but scaled up. It now uses a custom made texture that better fits the shape. It's not perfect, if you're interested in improving it then do get in touch with us!
Other Changes
(#6037) Various smaller improvements to the additional unit details displayed when
Show Armament Detail in Build Menu
is enabled in the settings. -
(#6036) Reduce the lifetime of foot fall textures
They are now inline with tread marks, reduced from roughly 120 seconds to 4 - 8 seconds.
With thanks to the following people who contributed through coding:
- @lL1l1
- @Basilisk3
- @Garanas (Jip)
With thanks to the following people who contributed through binary patches:
With thanks to the following individuals who contributed through model, texture, and effect changes:
- @Garanas (Jip)
And, last but certainly not least - with thanks to those that took part in constructive discussions:
- @Deribus
- Aranei (Discord user)
- RarePleasure (Discord user)
Game version 3806
Fixes various bugs and visual inconsistencies that were reported by players.
With gratitude to all those who took the time to report issues,
Bug Fixes
(#6021) Fix the teleport reticle crashing when using a modded scoreboard
(#6021) Fix the teleport reticle not working on maps not aligned to the top left corner
(#6022) Fix a bug where the Seraphim Air Factories are more sensitive to the terrain than the air factories of other factions.
(#6026) Fix a bug where the build icons of the build queues of units would randomly pop up on screen when observing and/or watching a replay.
- (#6031) With the solid argumentation of Derp we decided to revert the revert of the revert that reverts the revert of the Tele Billy.
Other Changes
- (#6027) Attempt to fix odd behavior with the ACU when it gains veterancy.
With thanks to the community and specifically to @Deribus for investigating.
With thanks to the following people who contributed through coding:
And, last but certainly not least - with thanks to those that took part in constructive discussions:
- Derp
- Stormlantern
- @Sheikah45
And with special thanks to Derp and @Deribus for all their time and effort!
Game version 3805
Fixes various issues that were introduced in the past game versions.
With gratitude to all those who took the time to report issues,
Bug Fixes
- (#6017) Fix a bug that prevents you from upgrading tech 2 mass extractors to tech 3 mass extractors
With thanks to the following people who contributed through coding:
@Garanas (Jip)
Game version 3804
Fixes various issues that were introduced in the past game versions. The most notable issue is the bug where the fog of war is not removed when a game ends.
With gratitude to all those who took the time to report issues,
Bug Fixes
(#6002) Fix a bug where the map would not reveal at the end of the game
(#6007) Fix Siren uselessly trying to repair units when assisting them
(#6015) Fix a bug with capping extractors via the context-based templates feature
It was no longer possible to create the mass storage template for tech 2 or higher extractors with tech 1 engineers.
- (#6013) Fix an exploit with the copy/distribute orders feature
The exploit was that a player could assign attack orders to (mobile) units that you lack any form of intel of as long as you control one unit that has an attack order that you can distribute and/or copy.
(#6009) Add separate hotkeys to select all normal bombers and all torpedo bombers
They can be found in the Selection category of the hotkeys as "Select all Bombers (Normal)" and "Select all Bombers (Torpedo)".
Selecting normal bombers excludes the Mercy, as it is a kamikaze missile. -
(#6015) Extend the context-based templates feature
(#6010) Add a hotkey label for the Attack Move button
The context-based templates feature generates and adjusts templates based on the context of your mouse. Globally speaking, this is one of two categories:
- (1) Mouse is over a unit or a build order
In this case the first template will always be the first buildable version of the unit that you're hovering over. Then additional templates may be introduced for common tasks, such as capping an extractor with storages.
The first 'template' acts like a color picker - it enables you to copy the unit you're hovering over and build more of them.
- (2) Mouse is over a deposit, land or water
In this scenario you can easily create mass extractors, hydrocarbons and/or walled point defenses.
Other Changes
(#6002) Simplify the setup for moderator events
(#6001) Add missing categories to units with Anti-Torpedo defenses
(#6012) Add missing categories to the CZAR
(#6005) Remove the
category from all units that previously had it. As this category was unused, the Tempest still functions as you would expect. -
(#6006) Remove the
category from all ACUs, SACUs and the Paragon. Add theANTIMISSILE
category to the Seraphim Aircraft Carrier. -
(#6008) Remove the
category from the Brick as it does not have torpedo defenses -
(#6009) Add Mercy to the
category alongside Fire Beetle. Remove Loyalist from the category as its Charge ability was removed.This allows category filtering to filter for Mercies.
With thanks to the following people who contributed through coding:
And, last but certainly not least - with thanks to those that took part in constructive discussions:
- Sladow
- Babel
- Albert C
- Archsimkat
- Aranei
- @4z0t
- Shen
Game version 3803
Various small fixes for bugs that were reported by players.
With gratitude to all those who took the time to report issues,
Bug Fixes
- (520434e) Fix an edge case where the game would pause when a player is defeated.
With thanks to the following people who contributed through coding:
- Jip
And, last but certainly not least - with thanks to those that took part in constructive discussions:
- Shen
Game version 3802
Various small fixes for bugs that were reported by players.
With gratitude to all those who took the time to report issues,
Bug Fixes
(#5986) Fix a bug where experimental units leave no wreckage.
(#5997) Fix losing reclaim orders when distributing a large number of reclaim orders.
Reclaim orders are now distributed in a similar fashion as move and build orders are. Each reclaim order is assigned to a single engineer. There is no redundancy anymore.
- (#5998) Further improvements to the assets of the Mongoose.
With thanks to @Ajamajan the Mongoose received a second round of attention. Do zoom in and give the results a good look in-game!
Other Changes
- (#5995) Adds an event message when a player (un)pauses the game or self destructs units.
The chat message is also visible in the game log that is shown in the client, which is useful for moderators.
With thanks to the following people who contributed through coding:
- @Garanas (Jip)
With thanks to the following individuals who contributed through model, texture, and effect changes:
And, last but certainly not least - with thanks to those that took part in constructive discussions:
- Fichom
- @Sheikah45
- Prohibitorum
- @maudlin27
- @Deribus
Game version 3801
The first development iteration of 2024 is here!
There's a lot of goodies in this iteration. Most notably this developers iteration is also soaked with various balance changes. From 2024 and onwards we no longer have separate development and balance patches.
The in-game changelog will no longer include all the details of the changes. You can find the complete changelog on Github. You can use the button in the bottom-left corner of this dialog to immediately jump to details of the changes of the selected game version.
With gratitude to all those who took the time to contribute,
One does wonder - how did we jump from game version 3780 to 3801? The answer is simple - we did a whoopsie and pushed game version 3800 instead of 3780 to the FAF Develop game type. Now, it won't update the game type unless the game version is equal or more than 3800. As game version 3800 is already occupied we now have game version 3801.
Bug Fixes
(#5897) Fix wrecks that sink to end up below the terrain.
(#5896) Fix Corona and Swiftwind being unable to hit landed air units.
(#5888) Prevent the player from gaining veterancy by killing allied units.
(#5880) Fix strategic missile launchers losing progress when adjacency changes.
(#5878) Fix the Volcano being able to redirect strategic missiles.
(#5879) Fix various air units when landed being impossible to hit with non-splash weaponry.
(#5931) Fix the bug related to capture time and costs for factories that are building units.
The unit they were constructing would inflate the capture time and cost of the factory itself.
(#5958, #5979) Fix projectiles of the Fatboy and SACUs with their respective range upgrades running out of lifetime before impact.
(#5945) Fix the Seraphim Tech 3 Submarine Hunter not being recognized in a formation
(#5941, #5972, #5959) Fix collision shapes of various units
This reduces the chance that beam weapons miss.
(203f8c9) Fix the game producing invalid JSON that is used by achievements
(#5898) Rework projectile counts on torpedo bombers.
The projectile count was excessive and a large quantity of torpedo bombers could consume a significant chunk of the available budget for the simulation. At the same time we increase the projectile count of the Solace to make it less susceptible by torpedo defenses.
- Solace (XAA0306): increase salvo size from 4 to 5 but keep the same total damage output
- Skimmer (UAA0204): reduce salvo size from 5 to 4
- Stork (UEA0204): reduce salvo size from 5 to 4
- Cormorant (URA0204): reduce salvo size from 5 to 4
- Uosioz (XSA0204): reduce salvo size from 5 to 2
Note that the projectile of the Uosioz splits upon impacting the water and therefore the actual projectile count is 6.
Additionally, the Solace's MaxRadius and MuzzleSalvoDelay are reduced to decrease the likelihood of it dropping its torpedoes over terrain. Its RateOfFire and BreakOffDistance stats are increased to prevent it from sometimes failing to drop its payload, or dropping it on top of or behind ships. Effective DPS stays roughly the same.
Solace (XAA0306): reduce its range from 32 to 26; reduce its MuzzleSalvoDelay from 0.4 to 0.2; increase it's BreakOffDistance from 42 to 44; decrease its reload time from 12.5 down to 10 seconds.
(#5910) Adjust the pathfinding behavior of the Blaze
The main weapon is now a turret like the majority of the units. As a result the weapon no longer negatively influences the pathfinding behavior of the unit. To compensate the hitpoints of the Blaze is reduced from 1100 to 1000.
(#5884) The Chrono Dampener enhancement can now fire while being underwater
(#5916, #5979, #5978) Improve the targeting behavior of the Ythotha and the Fatboy
Both units will better align to targets to maximize the use of their weaponry.
(#5764, #5954, #5963) Change the reverse behavior of a wide range of units
In an attempt to improve the general pathfinding of the game, a lot more units can move now move backwards for small distances.
In addition to gaining the ability to move backwards, the Seraphim Tech 2 Sonar gets its TurnRate stat tripled from 20 to 60 (Tech 3 Sonars have 100), and its movement speed increased by 12%, as it was very sluggish to use.
(#5944) Increase the maintenance cost of Cybran Superiority Fighters
Costs are increased from 25 to 30 to align with the cost increase of the previous balance patch.
(#5947) Unfinished structures and experimentals no longer create a wreck
Teleport duration and energy costs now increase as you're trying to jump further. The minimum is a duration of 15 seconds at a cost of 5.000 energy per second. The maximum is a duration of 50 seconds at a cost of 50.000 energy per second. The maximum can only be reached on maps of size 40x40 or larger.
This is implemented as an alternative to a maximum teleport range. This implementation still allows people to jump as far as they wish but they're naturally constrained by their own economy.
The expected costs of the teleport are displayed next to the cursor when you're trying to issue a teleport order. This uses the distance from the world position of the cursor to the unit. When you hold shift it instead uses the distance from the world position of the cursor to the last move and/or teleport order of the unit.
(#5860) Further improve the context-based templates feature.
You can now cycle through templates of a given context in the following order:
- (1) The build context.
- (2) The build order the cursor is hovering over.
- (3) The unit the cursor is hovering over.
- (4) The deposit the cursor is hovering over.
- (5) The layer (land/water) the cursor is hovering over.
The templates you are cycling through are now preserved until you exit command mode. That means once you enter command mode by cycling you keep on cycling through the same templates.
(#5846, 5915) Further improvements to the behavior of tactical missiles.
A single (non-aeon) tactical missile defense can now protect itself against a missile with 2 hit points again. In general Aeon, UEF and Cybran missiles have a reduced velocity. The Seraphim missiles still have the same velocity, but decrease in velocity as they get closer to the target.
(#5923) Add the ability to load into transports by right clicking the transport button.
This triggers the same behavior as the 'Load into transports' hotkey.
(#5887, #5914, #5892, #5890, #5953) Significant improvements to the graphics of the various UEF units.
With thanks to @Ajamajan the Mongoose, Frigate and Destroyer finally received the attention that they needed. The quality of the textures of the first level of detail (LOD0) have improved significantly and the units are now visually on-par with the rest of the UEF arsenal.
(#5911) Improve the effects surrounding Seraphim torpedo's.
The split effect is now applied when Seraphim torpedo's split.
Seraphim stationary torpedo defenses now drop their torpedo's into the water instead of them flying across the water surface.
(#5970, #5960) Update the impact effects of various tactical missiles.
All significant tactical missiles now have separate faction-specific effects from insignificant tactical missiles. This makes it easier to understand the origin of the tactical missile. Significant tactical missiles also have a larger strategic icon (4 pixels instead of 1 or 2). The Billy has a new, unique strategic icon.
(#5866) Fix submarines surfacing when leaving the factory.
(#5872) Improve the behavior surrounding AI rating.
They are now taking into account when computing the game quality.
(#5861) Reduce the overhead of various navigational functions.
(#5863) Add an alternative, more detailed version of computing valid nearby positions.
Other Changes
(#5865, #5929, #5934, #5938, #5936, #5937, #5935, #5928, #5930,
#5942, #5966, #5968, #5969, #5965, #5967, #5964)
Update the categories of various units.These are used by key bindings and the UI to understand what the units are capable of.
(#5870, #5858, #5881) Improve the descriptions of a wide range of units.
(#5939) Improve the naming scheme of all UEF drones and update their descriptions and Tech levels.
(#5873) Reduce the lifetime of scorchmarks created by forest fires.
They would previously last between 300 to 90.000 seconds. They now last between 60 to 120 seconds.
(#5864) Fix the pin feature of the minimap not being stored in the preference file.
(#5875) The upgraded kennel can now be drag-build when spawning it in via the cheat menu.
(#5921) Align the target priorities of the Continental with other similar weapons.
(#5871) Fix a framerate drop when selecting units.
This was most notable for players with many user-made build templates. All the user-made build templates would be deep copied for each new selection. The average user-made build template easily has a footprint of several kilobytes in memory. With all the user-made build templates combined it could rack up to a megabyte worth of copied memory.
The solution was to cache the templates so that they are only allocated once.
(#5852) The first decimal place of damage values are now visible in unit tooltips.
(#5849) Small tweaks to the Salvation to match the (visual) properties of other artillery.
(#5943) The Novax Satalite System is no longer disabled when air is restricted.
The Novax Satalite System can be restricted separately.
(#5980) Reduce the logging of enabled UI mods.
Especially UI mods with (large) changelogs ...
Game version 3781
Bug Fixes
- (37cf270) Fix the Easy AI not working (again)
We often use the Easy AI as a testing platform.