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title description published date tags editor dateCreated
FAF version - Mapping Guidelines
GPG, unknown & inactive author map rework
2023-07-13 18:24:01 UTC
mapping, guidelines, advanced, faf_version
2023-06-19 22:22:31 UTC

1 Introduction {#sec-1}

The goals of the FAF version maps are fair / balanced gaming conditions and an improved / up-to-date gaming experience. To ensure the goals are met for every FAF version map, these Mapping Guidelines were created to empower authorized FAF version map maker. These guidelines are based on the FAF version maps created by svenni_badbwoi.


  • Map upload of approved content stays in the hands of authorized FAF version map maker! Don't upload any FAF version map without authorization!
  • If you can’t meet the requirements mentioned in this document, regardless of your authorization status, you are not qualified / allowed to create and upload a FAF version map!
  • Adaptive maps and maps with individual assets are even harder to rework and require a total understanding of all dependencies.

1.1 Released FAF Version Maps & Change Documentation {#sec-1-1}

FAF version maps that have been released already can be found in the FAF vault if you search for the suffix - FAF version. Please download the latest map version .v000X for the best in game experience.

The documentation of the map-related changes can be found here:

Note: The Indivudual Map Issue Documentation provides an overview of all reported isses and deails on how these issues have been resolved in specific map versions. This documentation is intended for authorized FAF version map makers to track and resolve open reported map-related issues as well as individual issues that arise during the map creation process. (This documentation should be replaced and merged into the future ticket system data base enties, with similar requirements / columns)

1.2 Report New Map Issues (Community Support) {#sec-1-2}

Have you ever found yourself frustrated by unbalanced heightmaps or unevenly distributed marker, props and units in the following maps:

If the issue has not already been resolved (see 1.1), please feel free to inform us about any map-related issues here:

2 Preparations

2.1 Required Tools {#sec-2-1}

2.1.1 Text-Editor {#sec-2-1-1}

Get Visual Studio Code, the recommended text editor of the FAF development guide, which can format and highlight the LUA file structure.

2.1.2 GPG-Editor {#sec-2-1-2}

The GPG-Editor can only read and save Supreme Commander v56 map versions.


  • If the GPG-Editor is unable to load the map, place the map folder in the default Supreme Commander maps path (see 3.1.1).
  • If the GPG-Editor crashes while loading, try re-saving the map in v56 format via FAF-Editor and try again.
  • The GPG-Editor needs a no-rush radius value (see 2.2.2), otherwise it will crash during loading.

FAF content The GPG-Editor does not include the latest FAF changes.

Map preview The GPG-Editor can create a 100% realistic Supreme Commander and Forged Alliance map preview. Meaning the map preview gets rendered like in game, except for the recent FAF water shader changes.

Note: One could copy over the shader files into the vanilla gamedata folder to achieve a 100% realistic map preview, but there's no written guide on that yet.

Minimap The GPG-Editor DOES NOT color the land and water areas in the minimap differently.

Skybox The GPG-Editor DOES NOT support the export and import of skybox files.

Reclaim The GPG-Editor REMOVES the reclaim value from _scenario.lua.

Note: The reclaim value is a feature of the FAF-Editor.

2.1.3 FAF-Editor {#sec-2-1-3}

The FAF-Editor can read and save Supreme Commander v56 and Forged Alliance v60 map versions.

Note: FAF-Editor can be used to save a v60 map in v56 format to be able to edit the map in the GPG-Editor. Keep in mind that the skybox and other content gets lost while re-saving a v60 map as v56 format.

FAF content The FAF-Editor includes the latest FAF changes.

Map preview The map preview created in the FAF-Editor DOES NOT look 100% realistic. The textures and water get rendered differently.

Minimap The FAF-Editor colors the land and water areas in the minimap differently.

Skybox The FAF-Editor supports the export and import of skybox files.

Reclaim The FAF-Editor adds / writes the reclaim value to _scenario.lua.

2.1.4 MapTransformer (by Sheikah) {#sec-2-1-4}

The MapTransformer by Sheikah is the recommended tool to recreate the map based on the source map version and source area or angle. You can request the latest version of the MapTransformer from Sheikah through a personal message. Usage see 3.5.1.

Credit: Huge thanks to Sheikah for creating the MapTransformer. Note: If you encounter any issues or have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to Sheikah for assistance.

2.2 Understand Map File Content {#sec-2-2}

To make precise and efficient map modifications, it's crucial to understand the content of each map file in order to determine which files and changes should be used and which can be ignored safely (see 3.4).

2.2.1 .scmap {#sec-2-2-1}

It's a non-text binary file. Changes need to be performed in a map editor or binary / hex editor. The file will be changed / rewritten when a map gets saved in a map editor.

The file holds the following information:

  • preview
  • minimap
  • heightmap
  • strata / layer (mask and path)
  • props (position and path)
  • decals (position and path)
  • skybox (v60 maps only)

Note: The only difference between v56 and v60 map formats is the content of the .scmap file. The other map files can be used across all map formats.

Individual Assets {#sec-2-2-1-1}

Individual assets such as paths to prop or decal are hard-coded in the .scmap file. The path / version needs to be adapted, otherwise assets are missing or only loading when the original map is still in the maps folder.

  • Changed map name / path

    • Change path in map editor or replace asset
  • Changed map version

    • Open .scmap file in binary / hex editor (Visual Studio Code, Okteta, ...) and change version .v000X

Note: Like GPG maps, the majority of maps do not contain individual assets. However, there are a community maps that incorporate individual assets.

2.2.2 _scenario.lua {#sec-2-2-2}

It's a plain text file that contains LUA code. Changes can be performed with a text or map editor. Except for the reclaim value, there is no need to use a _scenario.lua that gets created while saving the map in the editor, you can simply modify the old file in a text editor.

Note: Once you have a working _scenario.lua file with all the relevant information it can be placed in the Master Map Version folder. No further changes are needed.

The file holds the following information:

  • name - Name of your map that will be displayed in game lobby.
  • description - Description of your map that will be displayed in the game lobby.
  • type - Set map type to skirmish.
  • starts - Set it to true.
  • preview - Keep this empty to have a working map preview in the FAF lobby. Are custom previews from map folder not working?
  • reclaim – Value is generated by FAF-Editor / value will be lost in GPG-Editor.
  • size - Size of the map (set in map editor), do not change it.
  • map_version - Current version number of the map.
  • map - Path to .scmap file.
  • save - Path to _save.lua file.
  • script - Path to _script.lua file.
  • norushradius – Radius used if no rush is enabled.
  • norushoffset – Offset that is used to move the no rush radius of every army (e.g. to ensure same mex/hydro amount).
  • armies configuration - Playable Armies and ExtraArmies of the map. Check dependency in _save.lua (see 2.2.3).
    • Ensure that ARMY_9 or ARMY_17 as well as NEUTRAL_CIVILIAN are added to ExtraArmies.
      • GPG maps need ARMY_9 and NEUTRAL_CIVILIAN. The player count was limited to 8 Armies.
        armies = {'ARMY_1', 'ARMY_2', 'ARMY_3', 'ARMY_4', 'ARMY_5', 'ARMY_6', 'ARMY_7', 'ARMY_8'}
        ['ExtraArmies'] = STRING( 'ARMY_9 NEUTRAL_CIVILIAN' )
      • Other maps need ARMY_17 and NEUTRAL_CIVILIAN. The player count is limited to 16 Armies.
        armies = {'ARMY_1', 'ARMY_2', 'ARMY_3', 'ARMY_4', 'ARMY_5', 'ARMY_6', 'ARMY_7', 'ARMY_8' ,'ARMY_9', 'ARMY_10', 'ARMY_11', 'ARMY_12', 'ARMY_13', 'ARMY_14', 'ARMY_15', 'ARMY_16'}
        ['ExtraArmies'] = STRING( 'ARMY_17 NEUTRAL_CIVILIAN' )
        Or should it be ARMY_17 in GPG map rework as well?

Result / Settings (FAF-Editor) {#sec-2-2-2-1}

faf_version_scenario.png faf_version_armies_configuration.png

Example _scenario.lua {#sec-2-2-2-2}

version = 3 -- Lua Version. Dont touch this
ScenarioInfo = {
    name = 'Setons Clutch - FAF version',
    description = 'Dozens of battles have been fought over the years across Setons Clutch. A patient searcher could find the remains of thousands of units resting beneath the earth and under the waves. - FAF version of the original Forged Alliance map "SCMAP_009": Ensures symmetrical heightmap, textures, decals, marker, props and units. Contains improved AI marker. - Modified by FAF Creative:',
    preview = '',
    map_version = 1,
    type = 'skirmish',
    starts = true,
    size = {1024, 1024},
    reclaim = {55561.41, 336980.6},
    map = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.scmap',
    save = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version_save.lua',
    script = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version_script.lua',
    norushradius = 70.000000,
    norushoffsetX_ARMY_1 = 15.000000,
    norushoffsetY_ARMY_1 = 40.000000,
    norushoffsetX_ARMY_2 = -15.000000,
    norushoffsetY_ARMY_2 = -40.000000,
    norushoffsetX_ARMY_3 = 12.000000,
    norushoffsetY_ARMY_3 = 38.000000,
    norushoffsetX_ARMY_4 = -12.000000,
    norushoffsetY_ARMY_4 = -38.000000,
    norushoffsetX_ARMY_5 = -40.000000,
    norushoffsetY_ARMY_5 = -15.000000,
    norushoffsetX_ARMY_6 = 40.000000,
    norushoffsetY_ARMY_6 = 15.000000,
    norushoffsetX_ARMY_7 = -10.000000,
    norushoffsetY_ARMY_7 = -10.000000,
    norushoffsetX_ARMY_8 = 10.000000,
    norushoffsetY_ARMY_8 = 10.000000,
    Configurations = {
        ['standard'] = {
            teams = {
                    name = 'FFA',
                    armies = {'ARMY_1', 'ARMY_2', 'ARMY_3', 'ARMY_4', 'ARMY_5', 'ARMY_6', 'ARMY_7', 'ARMY_8'}
            customprops = {
                ['ExtraArmies'] = STRING( 'ARMY_9 NEUTRAL_CIVILIAN' ),

2.2.3 _save.lua {#sec-2-2-3}

It's a plain text file that contains LUA code. Changes need to be performed in a map editor. The file will be changed / rewritten when a map gets saved in a map editor.

The file holds the following information:

  • marker (position, group and path)
    • ARMY_X
    • ExtraArmies
      • ARMY_9 or ARMY_17
    • Units & Structures
      • INITIAL – living (not moving)
      • WRECKAGE – dead
      • PlatoonBuilders– living (moving) with hard-coded purpose
    • Resources
    • AI marker

Note: Changes to scripted maps like adaptive maps, require an understanding of all scripted dependencies e.g. army related mex spawning in _tables.lua and adaptive _options.lua.

NEUTRAL_CIVILIAN {#sec-2-2-3-1}

Living NEUTRAL_CIVILIAN units and structures should be placed in INITIAL group. They need a radar and enough power to work properly. Dead units and structures should be placed in WRECKAGE group.

Armies & ExtraArmies {#sec-2-2-3-2}

Every playable ARMY_X needs an INITIAL Group at Units. ExtraArmies like ARMY_9 or ARMY_17 and NEUTRAL_CIVILIAN need an INITIAL & WRECKAGE Group at Units. Check dependency in _scenario.lua (see 2.2.2).

Note: This is needed for some mods to work. Is that true?

Results / Settings (FAF-Editor)


2.2.4 _script.lua {#sec-2-2-4}

It's a plain text file that contains LUA code. Changes can be performed with a text editor.

The file holds the following information:

  • how the map starts / behaves


  • There is no need to change the file content (except filename) while reworking GPG (Supreme Commander and Forged Alliance) maps.
  • Some maps (e.g. adaptive maps) have a map folder and file reference in the _script.lua. Make sure to update the path as well.

Example _script.lua {#sec-2-2-4-1}

local ScenarioUtils = import('/lua/sim/ScenarioUtilities.lua')

function OnPopulate()

function OnStart(self)

2.3 Map Issues {#sec-2-3}

A lot of map-specific issues are already documented or fixed (see 1.1). Get familiar with the open map-specific issues for optimal map rework results.

2.3.1 Issues In Game {#sec-2-3-1}

Check the issues in game.

2.3.2 Issues In Editor {#sec-2-3-2}

Check the issues in GPG or FAF Editor.

2.4 Check Other FAF Version Maps {#sec-2-4}

Download other FAF version maps from the FAF vault and get familiar with the requirements.

3 Create FAF version {#sec-3}

The primary focus of this section is to guide the creation of a balanced and optimized FAF version map while preserving its original essence and improving specific aspects.

3.1 Get Source Map Version {#sec-3-1}

If the source map version of the FAF version is a GPG (Supreme Commader and Forged Alliance) map, Forged Alliance v60 maps should always be used. The Forged Alliance v60 maps are further developed (e.g. skybox, different units, ...) compared to the Supreme Commander v56 ones (see 3.1.1, 3.1.2 and 3.1.4).

In case of unknown author and inactive author maps, the source map version can be downloaded from the FAF Vault and will then be accessible in the Forged Alliance Forever maps path (see 3.1.3).

Note: GPG named the map folder and files differently than the map name. The map name is only visible in game or in the _scenario.lua file.

  • GPG Skirmish Maps

    • SCMP_0XX are official Supreme Comander v56 and Forged Alliance v60 skirmish map folder and files
    • X1MP_0XX are additional official Forged Alliance v60 skirmish map folder and files
  • GPG Campain Maps

    • SCCA_XXX are official Supreme Commander v56 campain map folder and files
    • X1CA_0XX are official Forged Alliance v60 campaign map folder and files

3.1.1 Supreme Commander (v56 | GPG-Editor) maps path {#sec-3-1-1}

Default GPG path: \Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander\maps
Default Stream path: /steam/steamapps/common/Supreme Commander/maps

3.1.1 Forged Alliance (v60) maps path {#sec-3-1-2}

Default GPG path: \THQ\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance\maps Default Stream path: /steam/steamapps/common/Supreme Commander Forged Alliance/maps

3.1.3 Forged Alliance Forever (v56 and v60) maps path {#sec-3-1-3}

Needed for testing or if a map from unknown or inactive author has been downloaded from the FAF Vault as source map version.

Default FAF path: /My Games/Gas Powered Games/Supreme Commander Forged Alliance/maps/

3.1.4 Example GPG Source Map Version {#sec-3-1-4}

Different units/structure placement and count between Supreme Commander v56 and Forged Alliance v60 map versions. faf_version_source_map_version.jpg Image: Theta Passage – Supreme Commander v56 (left) VS Forged Alliance v60 map version (right)

3.2 Find Source Area Or Angle {#sec-3-2}

For a balanced FAF version of the map, it is crucial to correctly identify the source area or angle. The source marks the map content that will be used for the FAF version rework. If the map issue doesn't dictate a specific source area or angle (e.g. remove heightmap difference at map bottom > source = TOP), the source area or angle needs to be found/discussed.

Note: In some cases, a different source area or angle was used to rework the heightmap and props differently.

3.2.1 Prepare Discussion {#sec-3-2-1}

To prepare the discussion, one of the following steps is advisable:

  • Export heightmap.raw and create a 360° rotation/mirror video to discuss the source area or angle.
    • Worldmachine Template add
  • Create and test a few source area or angle options on the correct source map version with the MapTransformer and compare the results.
    • Terrain issues at source area or angle.
    • Changes in prop value and marker placement, ...

3.2.2 Discuss Source Area Or Angle / Map Issues / Requirements {#sec-3-2-2}

Engage in discussions with the ladder team, Team Match Maker (TMM), and the issue reporter to determine the optimal source area or angle based on the open individual map issues (see 1.1), preparations and other map specific requirements. Please create a thread in the following channel on Discord:

Note: It is recommended for authorized FAF version map makers to engage in discussions regarding open questions and unexpected issues that arise during the map rework process.

3.2.3 Example {#sec-3-2-3}

In the case of the Setons Clutch – FAF version, we agreed on a source angle of 115° (white area was used). See forum post for more examples. faf_version_source_angle.png

3.3 Set up new map name, files, version, folder & file path {#sec-3-3}

While creating a new map, it is important to set up the folder, files, and file path according to the map name (see Example _scenario.lua and already uploaded FAF version maps). Copy the source map version folder to the Master Map Version directory (see 3.4) and make the following adjustments manually.

Note: Manual adjustment is recommended at this step to ensure that the changes are made correctly. Re-saving the map with a different name will change the original content!

3.3.1 New Map Name {#sec-3-3-1}

Derive the new map name from the original map name in _scenario.lua and change it accordingly:

  • Capitalize the first letters of the original map name.
  • Special characters (except -) are not allowed.
  • Add the suffix - FAF version to get the final map name. Should “FAF Version” be allowed as well?


name = 'map name',
name = 'Map Name - FAF version',
name = 'Seton’s Clutch',
name = 'Setons Clutch - FAF version',

3.3.2 New Map File Names {#sec-3-3-2}

Derive the FILE_NAME from the new map name and change the map file names accordingly:

  • All characters need to be lowered (A becomes a).
  • White-spaces ( ) need to be replaced with an underscore (_).


name = 'Setons Clutch - FAF version'
FILE_NAME = 'setons_clutch_-_faf_version'
scmap = 'setons_clutch_-_faf_version.scmap'
scenario = 'setons_clutch_-_faf_version_scenario.lua'
save = 'setons_clutch_-_faf_version_save.lua'
script = 'setons_clutch_-_faf_version_script.lua'

3.3.3 New Map Version {#sec-3-3-3}

Add the correct map_version to the _scenario.lua file. The value map_version was implemented by FAF and is needed for versioning/upload.

Note: The first version of a map should be number 1.


map_version = 1,

3.3.4 New Map Folder Name {#sec-3-3-4}

Create FOLDER_NAME (from FILE_NAME and map_version) and rename the map folder accordingly.




official_folder_name = 'SCMP_009'
map_version = 1,
FILE_NAME = 'setons_clutch_-_faf_version'
FOLDER_NAME = 'setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001'

3.3.5 New File Path {#sec-3-3-5}

Set the path according to the new map FILE_NAME and FOLDER_NAME in the _scenario.lua file.

Note: Some maps (e.g. adaptive maps) have a map file reference in the _script.lua. Make sure to update that path as well.


map = '/maps/FOLDER_NAME/FILE_NAME.scmap',
save = '/maps/FOLDER_NAME/FILE_NAME_save.lua',
script = '/maps/FOLDER_NAME/FILE_NAME_script.lua'


FILE_NAME = 'setons_clutch_-_faf_version'
FOLDER_NAME = 'setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001'
map = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.scmap',
save = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version_save.lua',
script = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version_script.lua'

3.3.6 Validate Map Metadata {#sec-3-3-6}

Use the validate map metadata web-page to validate the map name and _scenario.lua content.

3.3.7 Test Map {#sec-3-3-6}

Test the map in-game before you proceed with the next step.

3.4 Create Editor & Master Map Version Folder {#sec-3-4}

To streamline the process and maintain backups of the latest changes, it is recommended to create an Editor Map Version and Master Map Version in different directories. This ensures that only necessary and tested changes/files are transferred to the final version of the FAF version map.

Note: To ensure that work is always being done on the latest version of the map, it's important to regularly replace the Editor Map Version with the Master Map Version folder.

3.4.1 Editor Map Version – FAF Maps Folder {#sec-3-4-1}

The Editor Map Version folder represents the work in progress as well as test version of the map. The Editor Map Version folder needs to be placed in the required map folder (simply copy the folder created in 3.3 into the required directory, see 3.1). The benefits of the Editor Map Version are, it can be edited, saved, destroyed or deleted without affecting the Master Map Version backup.

Note: All changes that require the map editor or MapTransformer should be made in the Editor Map Version folder.

3.4.2 Master Map Version - Project Folder {#sec-3-4-2}

The Master Map Version folder is used to store, test and discuss final results and during the Map Upload Process. The Master Map Version should be placed in a separate project directory outside the FAF environment. The content of the Master Map Version will be updated by copying the tested necessary files (e.g. .scmap or _save.lua) from the Editor Map Version folder and replacing the files in the Master Map Version folder. This way, only relevant changes are transferred and the Master Map Version serves as a backup of the latest version of the map. It is not recommended to overwrite all files or to save the Master Map Version in a map editor, as this could result in unintended changes to the original content. Simply copy & replace .scmap if a new map preview was created / _save.lua if marker where changed (see 2.2).


  • Git is the recommended tool for committing final results in the Master Map Version folder.
  • The _scenario.lua content as well as the default quotation mark settings will be changed while using different map editors. It's good practice to finalize the _scenario.lua in the Master Map Version folder.

3.5 Implement Source Area / Angle {#sec-3-5}

After completing all the necessary preparation steps, it is now time to implement the source area or angle (see 3.2) based on the Editor Map Version.

Automating the implementation of the source area or angle using the MapTransformer by Sheikah is highly recommended. This ensures consistency and accuracy in the process, while also saving time and effort. If you need to manually implement or recreate map assets, such as mirroring decals, refer to the documented steps at 3.5.2.

3.5.1 Automated Rotation / Mirror² (MapTransformer) {#sec-3-5-1}

The MapTransformer is a java command line tool. The MapTransformer rotates and mirrors² the map content based on the symmetry and source settings of the input map. Content that does not belong to the source gets deleted and repopulated according to the symmetry settings. Changes can be done separately or --all at once. .


  • The symmetry settings (rotation, mirror) derive from the original source map version.
  • The --all option should be used to ensure a balanced FAF version map.
  • The MapTransformer does not create AI markers / preserve connections.
  • ² The MapTransformer is currently unable to mirror decals, see b2ag’s scmap_mirror_tool to mirror .scmap content.

Preparations & Usage

  1. Install Java 17 (minimum requirement)
  2. In the directory where the MapTransformer-17.jar file is placed:
    1. Create TransformedMaps folder
    2. Create InputMaps folder
    3. Place the map folder (Editor Map Version) in the InputMaps folder
  3. Adjust the code examples (in-folder-path, symmetry and source area or angle) to your needs
  4. Run terminal in the directory where the MapTransformer-17.jar file is placed
  5. Run code in terminal
  6. Open TransformedMaps to access the modified map

Terminal options

The options can be seen by running java -jar MapTransformer-17.jar –help.

--help		        // produce help message
--in-folder-path  // arg	required, set the input folder for the map
--out-folder-path // arg	required, set the output folder for the transformed map
--symmetry        // arg	required, set the symmetry for the mapPOINT2      // 180° rotationPOINTN      // 360°/N rotationX           // mirror / flipZ           // mirror / flipXZ          // mirror / flipZX					// mirror / flip
--source					// arg  required, set which half to use as base for forced symmetryANGLETOPBOTTOMLEFTRIGHTTOP_LEFTTOP_RIGHTBOTTOM_LEFTBOTTOM_RIGHTALL
--all							// optional, force symmetry for all components
--spawns					// optional, force spawn symmetry
--resources				// optional, force mex symmetry
--props						// optional, force prop symmetry
--decals					// optional, force decal symmetry
--wrecks					// optional, force wreck symmetry
--civilians				// optional, force civilian symmetry
--terrain					// optional, force terrain symmetry
--debug						// optional, turn on debugging options

Rotation Code Examples

java -jar MapTransformer-17.jar --debug --in-folder-path "InputMaps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001" --out-folder-path TransformedMaps --symmetry POINT2 --source 115all
java -jar MapTransformer-17.jar --debug --in-folder-path "InputMaps/the_ditch_-_faf_version.v0001" --out-folder-path TransformedMaps --symmetry POINT2 --source BOTTOM_LEFTall

Mirror Code Example

java -jar MapTransformer-17.jar --debug --in-folder-path "InputMaps/serenity_desert_small_-_faf_version.v0002" --out-folder-path TransformedMaps --symmetry ZX --source TOP_LEFTall

3.5.2 Manual Rotation / Mirror {#sec-3-5-2}


  • Create rotation/mirror strata/layer mask of source area or angle for usage in map editor.
  • Create rotation/mirror setup for source area or angle in Worldmachine.


  1. Export map heightmap.raw.
  2. Rotate/mirror and heightmap in Worldmachine, Image editing Software.
    • Keep terrain issues at source area or angle axis in mind.
  3. Import rotated/mirrored heightmap.raw.

Props (GPG-Editor)

  1. Import rotation/mirror mask of source area or angle as strata/layer in map editor.
  2. Delete props at opposite side of source area or angle.
  3. Export props.
  4. Import props.
    • Set the correct angle (opposite of source area or angle) while importing.
  5. Realign props to terrain.
    • Use STRG+A to select all props, then delete them and press STRG+Z to undo it.

Marker (FAF-Editor)

  1. Import rotation/mirror mask of source area or angle as strata/layer in map editor.
  2. Set the correct symmetry in FAF-Editor. Select the marker on the source side and adjust the marker on the opposite side to the correct/marked position.

Note: Marker refers to the content of the _save.lua file (see 2.2.3).

faf_version_manual_marker.jpg Image: Seton's Clutch - Manual marker rework.

Strata / Layer

  1. Export all map strata/layer.
  2. Rotate/mirror strata/layer in Worldmachine, Image editing Software.
    • Keep coloring issues at source area or angle axis in mind.
  3. Import rotated/mirrored strata/layer.

Decals (GPG-Editor)

  1. Import rotation/mirror mask of source area or angle as strata/layer in map editor.
  2. Delete decals at opposite side of source area or angle.
  3. Export decals.
  4. Import decals.
    • Rotate manually to the correct angle (opposite of source area or angle) after import while the decals are still selected.

Note: Decals can currently only be mirrored with b2ag’s scmap_mirror_tool.

3.6 Polish Map Files Content {#sec-3-6}

After implementing the source area or angle, it is necessary to polish the map files to eliminate issues and provide an up-to-date gaming experience.

Note: Issues could be introduced while implementing the source area or angle. Pay special attention to the rotation/mirror axis.

3.6.1 .scmap {#sec-3-6-1}

Also see 2.2.1.

Map Preview (GPG-Editor)

After using the MapTransformer, it's necessary to create a new map preview because the changes are based on the source area or angle and not on the correct perspective and lighting. Saving the map will overwrite the .scmap file and generate a new map preview.


  • To preserve the original look of the map preview, it's recommended to save the .scmap file in the GPG-Editor v56 map format (see 2.1.2).
  • If the map contains a skybox, it is a Forged Alliance v60 map. In this case, it's recommended to save the .scmap file only in the FAF-Editor as v60 map format. Otherwise, the skybox content will be lost (see 2.1.3). All Forged Alliance maps contain a individual skybox.

Heightmap (FAF-Editor)

Check/fix terrain issues at the rotation/mirror axis of the source area or angle.

Strata / Layer (FAF-Editor)

Check/fix strata/layer mask issues at the rotation/mirror axis of the source area or angle.


Check/fix prop issues at the rotation/mirror axis of the source area or angle.

GPG-Editor Note: If props need to be realigned to the terrain, follow step 3. If props need to be submerged and realigned to the terrain, follow steps 1-4:

  1. Make note of the current water level.
  2. Set the water level to 0.
  3. Realign props to terrain.
    • Use STRG+A to select all props, then delete them and press STRG+Z to undo it.
  4. Set the water level to its original value.

Decals (GPG-Editor)

Check/fix decal issues at the rotation/mirror axis of the source area or angle.

For a consistent visual experience, set the same Cutoff Distance value for all decals. This will ensure that they blend in and out at the same time. Use STRG+A to select all decals, then change the value according to map size:

Map Size Cutoff Distance
5x5 km 1000
10x10 km 2000
20x20 km 3000
40x40km 4000

Note: See Individual Assets.

3.6.2 _scenario.lua {#sec-3-6-2}

Also see 2.2.2.


Add a similar description with a link to the forum channel:

description = "Dozens of battles have been fought over the years across Seton's Clutch. A patient searcher could find the remains of thousands of units resting beneath the earth and under the waves. - FAF version of the original FA map 'SCMAP_009': Ensures symmetrical heightmap, textures, decals, marker, props, and units. Contains improved AI marker. - Modified by FAF Creative:"
description = "FAF version of the unknown author map 'Loki': Ensures symmetrical marker and props. Contains new AI marker. - Modified by FAF Creative:"

What should be written instead of "FAF creative" in the future?

Norush Radius

Add a reasonable norushradius if the value is 0.

Norush Radius Offset

Adapt the norushoffsetX/Y_ARMY_X to changes.

Note: The norushoffsetX/Y_ARMY_X can be deleted if the offset value is 0.


See 2.2.2.

3.6.3 _save.lua {#sec-3-6-3}

Also see 2.2.3.

Marker (FAF Editor)

Check/fix marker issues at the rotation/mirror axis of the source area or angle. Add, optimize and improve the AI marker. Should AI marker be add, even if they get generated automatically now?

Note: Marker refers to the content of the _save.lua file (see 2.2.3).

Units and structures Pay special attention to the reclaim value, as well as the quantity of structures and units located at the rotation/mirror axis or in the middle of the map. Take note of the reclaim value, as well as the quantity of structures and units used in the original source map version. Ensure the units and structures are placed as closely as possible to the original in the FAF version. Try to ensure they match in reclaim value, placement, type and quantity, while considering the new source area or angle.

Note: If a radar belongs to the INITIAL NEUTRAL_CIVILIAN group, ensure it has sufficient power to operate effectively.

faf_version_syrtis_mid_structures_compare.png Image: Syrtis Major - Middle base

faf_version_units_structures_compare_arctic_refuge.jpg Image: Arctic Refuge - Middle base

faf_version_setons_mid_units_compare.png Image: Seton's Clutch - Special middle units rework.

Armies & ExtraArmies

See 2.2.3.

3.6.4 _script.lua {#sec-3-6-4}

See 2.2.4.

4 Test “Master Map Version” {#sec-4}

Testing the Master Map Version is a crucial step in ensuring its quality and functionality.

  1. Once all changes are final, remove the Editor Map Version from the FAF maps path.
  2. Copy the Master Map Version to the FAF maps path.
  3. Test the created Master Map Version thoroughly in game to ensure:
    • That the map is working like intended.
    • That all map-related issues have been resolved (see 1.1) and no new issues have been introduced.
      • Open the Moho Log by pressing F9 and check for any additional issues.
    • That all FAF version-related requirements have been met (see 3).
    • That structures can be built on every resource marker.
    • That AI Markers are working.
  4. If necessary, make changes based on testing results and restart the process from step 1.

5 Review, Approval & Change Documentation {#sec-5}

Reviewing and documenting changes are essential steps in ensuring transparency and effective communication within the community

5.1 Document Prop Value Changes {#sec-5-1}

Use the FAF-Editor to retrieve the prop values for mass and energy of the original source map version and the FAF version map. Calculate the difference for discussion and documentation.

Seton's Clutch - Prop Value Mass Energy
SCMP_009 (original v60 source map version) 36.525,34 333.853,70
FAF version (v0001, 115° source angle) 37.814,32 336.974,80
Difference 288,98 3.121,10

5.2 Review & Approval {#sec-5-2}

Present the FAF version to the ladder team, Team Match Maker (TMM), and the issue reporter to review and test the changes (see 3.2). Before proceeding, ensure that you have received approval for the following: Changes in prop value and marker placement, ...

  • changes in prop value (see 5.1)
  • changes in marker placement
  • requirements of 4.3

Note: To make the map accessible prior to uploading it to the FAF Vault, create a zip file from the Master Map Version folder and upload the zip file to the Matchmaker-submissions Discord channel (see 3.2.2). This allows others to access and review the map before it is officially uploaded.

5.3 Change Documentation {#sec-5-3}

Comprehensive documentation is crucial for maintaining a record of changes and facilitating future issue tracking.

  1. Individual Map Issue Documentation Document version related changes in Individual Map Issue Documentation for future documentation and issue tracking (see 1.1). Where should it be documented in the future, currently i got this.
  2. Forum Post Explain map changes in one forum post in a clear and concise manner for documentation (in case issues arise from changes) and to inform the community about the changes made to the map. Provide detailed and issue-related information about the values that have been changed. This ensures that the community is fully informed about the changes made to the map and can provide feedback accordingly.

Note: Keep the Individual Map Issue Documentation and the corresonding Forum Post up to date whenever a new map version is uploaded the the FAF Vault.

6 Map Upload Process {#sec-6}

The map upload process is the final step in making the FAF version map available to the FAF community. It involves preparing the map files, adjusting the folder and file paths and uploading the map to the FAF Vault.

To prevent the occurrence of the DOUBLE MAP_VERSION_STRING (see 6.1.) error, it is essential to remove the .v000X from both the folder and file paths prior to uploading. This is because the map file paths for all map files will be automatically generated during the upload process, using the selected FOLDER_NAME and the map_version specified in the _scenario.lua file. Is that true or is the name from the scenario.lua used? If FOLDER_NAME, would it be enough, to only change the folder name and leave the map file path unchanged?

  1. Copy the final Master Map Version folder to a separate directory.
  2. Remove the MAP_VERSION_STRING .v000X from the FOLDER_NAME.
FOLDER_NAME = 'setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001'
FOLDER_NAME = 'setons_clutch_-_faf_version'
  1. Remove the MAP_VERSION_STRING .v000X from the map file path in _scenario.lua and _script.lua (if present).

Note The .scmap file does not require any modifications. It remains unchanged throughout the upload process. Is that true?

map = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.scmap',
save = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version_save.lua',
script = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version_script.lua',
map = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.scmap',
save = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version/setons_clutch_-_faf_version_save.lua',
script = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version/setons_clutch_-_faf_version_script.lua',
  1. Select the renamed folder with the adapted file path during the upload process.
  2. If the upload is successful, delete the Editor Map Version or Master Map Version from the FAF map path.
  3. Download the newly uploaded map.
  4. Test the map to ensure it is working as intended (see 4).


When the MAP_VERSION_STRING .v000X is not removed from both the folder and file paths before uploading, it triggers the DOUBLE MAP_VERSION_STRING error. This results in the duplication of the MAP_VERSION_STRING (.v000X.v000X), leading to an incorrect file path and an unplayable map version.

Bad GPG Map Senario Example {#sec-6-1-2}

FOLDER_NAME = 'setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001'
map_version = 1
map = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.scmap',
save = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version_save.lua',
script = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version_script.lua',
--RESULT AFTER UPLOAD ('.v0001.v0001')
version = 3 -- Lua Version. Dont touch this
ScenarioInfo = {
    name = 'Setons Clutch - FAF version',
    map_version = 1,
    map = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.scmap',
    save = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version_save.lua',
    script = '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0001.v0001/setons_clutch_-_faf_version_script.lua',

Bad Adaptive Map Script Example {#sec-6-1-2}

FOLDER_NAME = 'adaptive_monument_valley.v0005'
map_version = 5
local Tables = import('/maps/adaptive_monument_valley.v0005/adaptive_monument_valley_tables.lua')
--RESULT AFTER UPLOAD ('.v0005.v0005'):
----- Script by CookieNoob and KeyBlue (modified by svenni_badbwoi)-----
local Tables = import('/maps/adaptive_monument_valley.v0005.v0005/adaptive_monument_valley_tables.lua')