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See below for a step-by-step tutorial on how to use TStickers

Step 1 - Send a message to @BotFather

  1. You must have a telegram account to use this
  2. Send a message to @BotFather to get started.
  3. Send a message containing /newbot
  4. Send a message containing the name of the bot e.g. /test
  5. Send a message containing the username of the bot e.g. /test_bot
  6. @BotFather will send a message with the token

Step 1

Step 2 - Create a file called 'env'

Create a file called 'env' (or env.txt) and paste your token from part 1.

e.g. env.txt


Step 3 - Get the URL of the telegram sticker pack(s)

Option 1 - Use a browser and search for the pack

  1. Use a browser and search for the pack e.g. telegram donut the dog

    Step 3: Part 1
  2. Click on the link

  3. Copy the url: e.g.

Option 2 - Use telegram

  1. Open telegram, find the desired sticker pack and share the pack (on mobile pick copy link). An example of sharing a pack is below

    Step 3: Part 2
  2. Click on share stickers/ link - this will copy the url: e.g.

Step 4 - Use TStickers

  • Run the program python -m tstickers
  • Enter the URL of the sticker pack
  • Get the output in the downloads folder.
$ tstickers
Enter sticker_set url (leave blank to stop):
Enter sticker_set url (leave blank to stop):
INFO     | ============================================================
INFO     | Starting to scrape "DonutTheDog" ..
INFO     | Time taken to scrape 31 stickers - 0.044s
INFO     |
INFO     | ------------------------------------------------------------
INFO     | Starting download of "donutthedog" into downloads\donutthedog
INFO     | Time taken to download 31 stickers - 0.157s
INFO     |
INFO     | ------------------------------------------------------------
INFO     | -> Cache miss for DonutTheDog!
INFO     | Converting stickers "DonutTheDog"...
INFO     | Time taken to convert 31 stickers (tgs) - 60.970s
INFO     |
INFO     | Time taken to convert 31 stickers (webp) - 0.447s
INFO     |
INFO     | Time taken to convert 62 stickers (total) - 61.434s
INFO     |