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159 lines (137 loc) · 7.55 KB

Contributing to KIARA

Here are some ways for you to get involved in the community:

  • Get involved with the KIARA/FIWARE community on the FI-Ware Jira by responding to questions and joining the debate.
  • Create github tickets for bugs and new features and comment and vote on the ones that you are interested in.
  • Github is for social coding: if you want to write code, we encourage contributions through pull requests from forks of this repository. If you want to contribute code this way, please reference an existing issue if there is one as well covering the specific issue you are addressing. Always submit pull requests to the "develop" branch.
  • Watch for upcoming articles on KIARA by subscribing to the FIWARE blog

KIARA on Maven Central Repository

The Maven Central Repository (aka. MavenCentral) allows global distribution of Software artifacts for any size of project. Since 2002 this repository is hosted by Sonatype using their Nexus Professional product management platform.

For individual Projects the service is called OpenSource Software Repository Hosting (OSSRH). It uses the Maven repository format to:

KIARA is registered for the group id org.fiware.kiara.

How to upload to the Maven Central Repository

The instructions how to register, set up projects and manage artifacts can be found in the OSSHR Guide.

Create a Sonatype Jira Account

The Sonatype Jira Account is required to get access to The Central Repository and upload artifacts. An account can be associated with multiple projects. To get access go to the Sonatype Jira Server and Sign Up for a new account. Afterwards send the username of your new account to a project administrator for your project. He has to add you to the contributors list.

Create a GPG signing keypair

All artifacts in the Central Repository have to be signed with a valid published GPG key. The following is a summary of the OSSRH instructions.

Install gpg (or the newer gpg2 release) with your OS package manager or download it from (

  • Linux - DEB: sudo apt-get install gnupg2
  • Linux - RPM: yum install gnupg2
  • OS X - Homebrew: brew install gpg2

Create a Private Key Pair

$ gpg --gen-key
  • give default values when asked for type, size, time of validity and confirm the key data.
  • give your full name, email and (optional) comment
  • give a good pass phrase for your private key

You can list all your public keys:

$ gpg2 --list-keys
pub   1024D/C6EED57A 2010-01-13
uid                  John Doe (FIWARE) <[email protected]>
sub   2048g/D704745C 2010-01-13

or secret keys:

$ gpg2 --list-secret-keys
sec   1024D/C6EED57A 2010-01-13
uid                  John Doe (FIWARE) <[email protected]>
ssb   2048g/D704745C 2010-01-13

To distribute your public key (make it available for other people) to verify files, it has to be published to a public key-server:

$ gpg2 --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys C6EED57A

Now other people can import the public key to their key-chain:

$ gpg2 --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys C6EED57A

Set up Gradle

Create the file ~/.gradle/ and add the following settings:

signing.keyId=              // key id of your GPG key e.g. 00B0AEF9
signing.password=           // password for your GPG secret key
nexusUsername=              // username of your Sonatype Jira user
nexusPassword=              // password of your Sonatype Jira user

After this you can install the artifacts to the local repository (mavenLocal) using:

$ ./gradlew install

or upload release artifacts with:

$ ./gradlew uploadArchives

Depending on the version name it is uploaded as: * snapshot release if version ends with -SNAPSHOT: e.g. version = '0.1.1-SNAPSHOT' * staging release if not: e.g.version = '0.1.1'

After uploading to the staging area it is still only visible for authorized developers. See [promote-staged] on instructions how to promote a staged release to the public area.

Set up Maven

Create the file ~/.m2/settins.xml and add the following settings:

<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

After this you can install the artifacts locally using:

$ mvn install

and upload the release artifacts to staging area with:

$ mvn deploy -P release

Depending on the version name it is uploaded as:

  • snapshot release if version ends with -SNAPSHOT: e.g. <version>0.1.1-SNAPSHOT</version>'
  • staging release if not: e.g.<version>0.1.1</version>

Promote staged release to public [promote-staged]

If a release is staged in the staging area it can be promoted to the public area. See Releasing the deployment for detailed instructions.

  1. Login to
  2. Locate and examine the staging repository (staged releases are in state 'open')
  3. Evaluate the release in the Content-Tab.
  4. Press the Close button above the list. This will trigger an evaluation against the requirements (all components bin, doc, src available and signed).
    • If it fails, the release is not valid and it can be removed with Drop. This allows to fix the problem, upload a new release and rerun the verification.
    • If successful, it can be released using the Release button. This will move the artefact to the public area and sync it to the Central Repository.