TL;DR. Human-readable forms of data, and self-describing data, will outlive all other forms of data and the apps that created them.
With plain text you can achieve a self-describing data stream that is independent of the app that created it.
Plain text doesn't mean that it's unstructured: HTML, JSON, YAML are all plain text.
If the data is in plain text, you could place it under a version control system, so that you auto keep a history of all changes.
allows you to see the changessum
allows you to generate a checksum to be aware of accidental / malicious modification
- plain text test data is simple to add, modify
- the output can be trivially analyzed (e.g. with shell commands / a simple script)
Plain text will always be the common standard that all parties can communicate.
- The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey To Mastery, 20th Anniversary Edition (2nd Edition)