This repository contains a basic python script to convert a .csv file generated by a GEOSTIX to .kml format for fast viewing on a map and quick quality checking (qc).
Table of Contents
Some tools need to be present on your system to run csv2kml-qc properly :
Under Linux (Ubuntu) distribution the installation procedure is as follows:
- Open a terminal
- Installing dependencies:
sudo apt-get install git python3.10
- Clone csv2kml-qc repository:
git clone [email protected]:Geobsys/csv2kml-qc.git
- Create a virtual environment:
python3.10 -m venv venv_csv2kml-qc
- Activate the virtual environment:
source venv_csv2kml-qc/bin/activate
- Install simplekml module:
pip install simplekml
To test csv2kml-qc:
- Access the main folder:
cd csv2kml-qc
- Launch the tool on the dataset example:
python3.10 src/ test/EXTENVENT.LOG
- Open the file test/EXTENVENT.kml on Google Earth viewer