From 07f04c81b0e70465c2a4df4253fd5190efe5217f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fansana Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 02:09:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] replace EE rules --- Resources/ServerInfo/Rules.txt | 416 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 281 insertions(+), 135 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/ServerInfo/Rules.txt b/Resources/ServerInfo/Rules.txt index 9d5ed774b08..d1d9551f764 100644 --- a/Resources/ServerInfo/Rules.txt +++ b/Resources/ServerInfo/Rules.txt @@ -1,135 +1,281 @@ -[color=#ff0000]YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 17 YEARS OF AGE TO PLAY ON DELTA-V SERVERS. ANY USERS SUSPECTED OF BEING UNDER 17 YEARS OF AGE WILL BE BANNED UNTIL THEY ARE OF AGE.[/color] - -[color=#ff0000]DISCONNECTING FROM OR IGNORING/EVADING ADMIN-HELPS WILL RESULT IN AN APPEAL ONLY BAN.[/color] - -[color=#ff0000]THE USAGE OF ANY THIRD-PARTY APPLICATIONS/SCRIPTS/CLIENT MODIFICATIONS TO GAIN AN ADVANTAGE, AVOID INTENDED GAME/SERVER MECHANICS, OR TO HARM SERVER INFRASTRUCTURE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. ANY AND ALL INSTANCES OF THIS WILL BE MET WITH AN APPEAL-ONLY BAN.[/color] - -[color=#00ff00]Rules Update 11Mar2024 - Added Cryo Rules, Changed the Prisoner Rule, Expanded on EORG, added rules aimed at meta-grudging/vitriolic OOC/LOOC, and clarified part of Rule 6[/color] - -[color=#ffff00]Delta-V is a Medium Roleplay server. Try to immerse yourself into your character. This includes doing your job, interacting with your fellow crewmates, and using roleplay as the primary vessel to play the game. MRP places less emphasis on “winning” and more on just telling a story.[/color] - -If you have any questions about these rules, please use the admin help (ahelp) menu by hitting F1 in-game or clicking the “Ahelp” button in the lobby. - -[color=#a4885c]0.[/color] Admins can disregard any and all of these rules if they deem it in the best interest of the current round, server, and/or community at large. - - Administrators will be held fully accountable for their actions if they exercise this privilege. - - All of these rules apply as they are intended. Every example of a rule break cannot be defined as written, therefore, enforcement of the rules is subject to staff interpretation of the rule's intention. - -[color=#a4885c]1.[/color] Erotic Roleplay (ERP), erotic content, or 18+ sexual content is [color=#ff0000]not allowed under any circumstance[/color]. This includes comments not explicitly sexual in nature that contain words, phrases, or ideations that are deemed inappropriate. [color=#ff0000]If roleplay reaches a point where it has become sexual and/or uncomfortable, immediately stop and contact an administrator.[/color] - -[color=#a4885c]2.[/color] Follow the server expectations - - Do not cheat. - - Do not abuse glitches and exploits. [color=#ff0000]We have zero tolerance for abusing exploits/bugs. If you’re not sure, ask an admin.[/color] Otherwise, please use the #bug-reports channel on the Discord to report the bug. - - If you are banned from a role or department, you may not play that role. This includes seeking or accepting promotions into roles you are banned from. - - Do not make yourself a major problem/annoyance/disruption for the crew while not being an antagonist (i.e. self-antagging). - - Do not make yourself a major problem/annoyance/disruption for one specific crew member in a way that would actively detract from the other player's enjoyment of the shift. - - Do not, as a crewmate, hide the nuclear fission explosive (i.e. "the nuke") in an impossible to see location. - - Do not ignore the admin help relay or abuse it by flooding it with garbage, checking for admins before stating a problem (ex: "hello?", "any admins?"), using it as a chatroom, or sending messages of no substance. Hostility to administrators in the relay will result in your removal. All ahelp messages are sent to the Delta-V Discord. - - Department strikes (ex: cargonia and any variation thereof), riots, cults, and any other type of similar largely disruptive behavior are strictly forbidden. These activities are generally antagonist-only and all players regardless of antagonist status must obtain admin Central Command permission before engaging in this behavior (you are extremely unlikely to get permission). - - AFK (aka SSD) and catatonic players are considered to have the same rights as a conscious crewmate. - - End-of-round grief (EORG) is not allowed. This includes attacking, destroying, polluting, and injuring without reason both *at* and *on the way to* Central Command. - * This also extends to the following: - * Neutral parties, such as space dragons or sentient artifacts activating harmful nodes. - * Attempts to block the docking ports or ports leading into Central Command. - -[color=#a4885c]3.[/color] Follow Chat Guidelines - - Use English as your primary method of communication. - - Do not spam. - - Do not advertise. - - Be respectful towards other players in LOOC and OOC channels, and avoid making others uncomfortable. This can range anywhere from starting arguments to personal attacks against others, depending on the context. - - Do not use netspeak in character (i.e. btw, lmfao). - - Do not use the Emotes channel to bypass an inability to speak. This includes examples like "motions for you to put parmesan THEN sauce on the spaghetti," "im friendly," and "huh weird looks like I can't type." - - Use the LOOC and OOC channels properly. Don’t speak of in-character matters in those channels unless you’re asking questions related to in-game concepts. - * DO NOT use in-character channels to bypass a lack of ability to use OOC/LOOC chats (e.g. "Huh, wonder where captain went? *OOC* He probably left to get dinner lol"). This will result in an immediate dewhitelist. - - Hate speech, slurs and bigotry are [color=#ff0000]not allowed[/color]. Words that are closely tied to real life slurs are [color=#ff0000]not allowed[/color]. - - No racist remarks towards in-game races/morphotypes (i.e. Simulated Racism), while you don’t have to like everybody, you should not be acting upon nor expressing your distaste for other races/morphotypes. - -[color=#a4885c]4.[/color] Follow Metagaming guidelines - - If you die and get revived, do not act on things you saw while you were dead. - - Do not engage in meta-communications. This includes using chat channels outside of what is available in-game to communicate with other players in the same game. - - Players are allowed to have in-character relationships (friends, enemies, or otherwise), however they cannot be used as a reason to grant or deny things based exclusively on having a relationship with one another(i.e. Meta-Friending). - - You are allowed to have knowledge of past experiences with someone else in prior shifts. This does not give you permission to hold a grudge against someone that results in you treating them differently in an unfair way (i.e. Meta-Grudging). - - Specific players who were antagonists in previous rounds must not be treated differently because of it. - - Do not "Antag Roll." This is the act of joining rounds for the purpose of seeing if you joined as an antagonist, and leaving soon after if not. Players who have a history of this behavior will have their whitelist revoked and/or face a ban. - - [color=#ff0000]Do not stream the current round to the Delta-V Discord.[/color] - - Do not place players into cryosleep unless they have given consent to do so, they are fully catatonic, or they have been sentenced to preservative stasis. Always examine a character to double check if they are SSD or catatonic prior to placing them into cryosleep. - -[color=#a4885c]5.[/color] If a player dies and is brought back by way of cloning or borgification, they forget the last five minutes leading up to their death and cannot describe who or what killed them. - -Players that are revived by using a defibrillator CAN recall what killed them and do not have any forgetfulness about what happened while they were alive. - -[color=#ff0000]Please report players who violate this rule.[/color] - -[color=#a4885c]6.[/color] All constructed/summoned beings that have laws are bound by those laws and must abide by them. - - If a being has a master, they MUST follow their master's orders. - - Your master is held accountable if they order you to do something malicious. - *This does not apply to breaking server rules. If you are ordered to do something that would break a server rule, disregard it and inform an admin. - - Not having orders, or being given free will by your master does NOT give you permission to self-antag or grief the crew. - -[color=#a4885c]7.[/color] Follow Naming Conventions - - In-character names must fit the server standards of: - * Doesn't make obvious references - * Doesn't disturb roleplay - OR - * Is a result of random name generation. - - The only exception to the above is that theatrical roles like clown, boxer, and mime are allowed stage names with some freedom, as long as it is not obscene. - -[color=#a4885c]8.[/color] Follow Roleplay Guidelines - - Treat your character as a separate entity from you, the player. Your character's actions, feelings, and knowledge in-game should be based solely on the character's experiences and not your own as the player. Low roleplay actions that have no regard for your character or the setting (Memes, silly copy paste spam IC) are not acceptable. - - Character development can occur over rounds but each round is a soft-reset, meaning you can have previous shift experience but your character will never have died in the past. - - Command and Security will be held to a higher standard for roleplay. - - By picking prisoner, you have chosen to RP as a prisoner. You are still subject to rules pertaining to escalation, and should only seek to escape from the brig with good roleplay reasoning, such as abusive security, or a badly damaged perma. Escaping for no reason is considered a self-antag activity. If you are unsure whether your escape reason is valid, feel free to AHelp it first. - -[color=#a4885c]9.[/color] Follow Escalation Guidelines - - Do not escalate situations needlessly. Very few things are deserving of a fight to the death. - - Antagonistic ghost roles, and pest ghost roles like mice are always fair game for attacking. Don't grief crew-aligned ghost roles like familiars, drones, or pets without provocation. - - If a fight results in someone being critically injured, seek medical help for them. If they die, do not destroy or otherwise hide their body. - -[color=#a4885c]10.[/color] Follow Antagonist Guidelines - - The damage antagonists cause should be roughly proportional to their objectives, and contribute towards achieving them in some way. However antagonists have leniency in regards to what they can and can’t do. If you are concerned as to whether or not what you're about to do is allowed, feel free to ahelp and ask an admin. - - Other antagonists are not necessarily your friends. Traitors, rat kings, and possibly even space dragons are free agents, but no one should be working together with xenomorphs or zombies. - - Exploits, arrivals camping, unnecessary round extensions, and other extremely lame behavior are forbidden. - - Ghost roles have their own independent rules that must be followed. [color=#ff0000]Breaking these rules can result in a ban, whitelist removal, or both.[/color] - -[color=#a4885c]11.[/color] Psionics - - Players that have psionic powers are allowed to use them at-will to accomplish their roleplay goals. It should be noted that in-character consequences can happen as a result of their use, including being stripped of psionic powers or even death. - - As a psionic mantis, it is not your goal to hunt down psionics. Do not mindbreak others against their will solely because they have psionic powers. - -[color=#a4885c]12.[/color] Don't rush for or prepare equipment unrelated to your job for no purpose other than to have it "just in case" (referred to as "Powergaming"). - - A medical doctor does not need insulated gloves, and the Head of Personnel does not need to give themselves armory access so they can go grab a gun. Have an actual reason for needing these things. - - Don't manufacture weapons, bombs, or deadly poisons before you know of any reason you would need them. - - Don't preemptively hide antagonist objectives or preemptively secure them with higher security than normally required. - - Don't manufacture or prepare things for the "end of the round" when the shuttle docks with Central Command. - -[color=#ff0000]SECURITY & COMMAND RULES[/color] -These rules apply to any individual who is promoted or is acting in the place of a Security/Command role (unless they are an antagonist). - -[color=#a4885c]13.[/color] Security and command roles are held to a higher standard and must follow space law. - - If you don’t have time to play a full round, do not select these roles. - - If you need to leave your computer, send an ahelp or notify your fellow crew via the radio. - - Be competent in your job and department. Failure to know the basics of your department is liable to result in a job ban. - - Security and Command roles are forbidden from using a syndicate uplink to receive contraband without written permission from Central Command. - - Do not give away your objective items (e.g. Captain’s equipment, Head of Personnel’s ID, etc.). Some leeway is given to making deals with criminals if the deal benefits the safety or situation of the station as a whole and not just yourself. - - Uphold the Law & maintain order. Do not engage in lawbreaking activity or troublemaker behavior. Security is expected to intervene into criminal activity where possible. Heads of Staff are at minimum expected to report criminal activity to Security. - - Do not immediately abandon your position as a Command role and go do whatever you want instead of managing your department/the station. Do not abuse your position or use it to make arbitrary choices to the detriment of the station. - - Do not hire random crew to be your bodyguards or promote random crewmember to Captain or a Head of Staff at random. If you need bodyguards, talk to your security department. If you need a new Command role, talk to the personnel in that related department. - - Do not abandon the station during Nuclear Operatives. You are supposed to protect the station, not let operatives kill everyone on it without a fight. - -[color=#a4885c]14.[/color] Security (and Command where applicable) should try to remain non-lethal and effect arrests. Security/Command will be expected to answer for use of lethal force. Security/Command will be expected to effect arrests on criminals and prevent them from dying while in custody, even if lethal force is used. - -In the following special circumstances, lethal force may be used by Security: - - Lethal force is used against you (ex: firearms, lasers, disabling/stunning weapons with intent to kill, deadly melee weapons) - - Suspect is equipped with dangerous equipment only used by enemy agents/antagonists and is not cuffed nor surrendering (ex: Bloodred Hardsuit, China Lake, C-20R, etc.). - - You determine that your life or the life of another person is in immediate danger. - - The suspect is unable to be safely detained by less-lethal means. This includes suspects who continually resist efforts to be cuffed or continuously manage to escape. - - If no other reasonable options are readily available and allowing the suspect to continue would be an unreasonable danger to the station/crew. - -[color=#a4885c]15.[/color] Security/Command are expected to protect detainees in their custody to the best of their ability so as long as it does not come to unreasonable risk to themselves, the crew, or the station at large to do so. - - Brig times should generally not exceed 20 minutes unless the crime is permabriggable. - - Security may choose to confiscate dangerous items (weapons, firearms) as well as items used to commit crimes or items that prove problematic in possession of the detainee (tools, insulated gloves, etc.). - - Security may inspect PDAs of detainees and withhold them for the duration of detention, but can only confiscate them if they are obviously contraband. Suspicion alone is NOT sufficient for PDA confiscation by Security. - - Security is prohibited from checking crewmates for implants without reasonable suspicion. - - Detainees that die in your custody must be cloned unless they have been (legally) executed or have committed suicide. - - Executions must be for a capital crime, used only as a last resort, and MUST be authorized by the highest ranking member of Security, who will answer to the use of execution. - - Detainees in the brig have the right to know what they are being charged with. - -[color=#a4885c]16.[/color] Command members besides the Logistics Officer are not permitted to leave the station on salvage expeditions. +Floof Station Server Rules + +Community Rules +1. All of these rules apply as they are intended. Every example of a rule break cannot be defined as +written, therefore, enforcement of the rules is subject to staff interpretation of the rule's intention. +Any extended discussion regarding interpretation of the rules should be avoided in the AHelp menu +and can be instead pursued within the Floof Station Discord in the #help channel. + +2. Floof Station is an English-based community; use English as your primary method of +communication within the game. + +3. Erotic Roleplay (ERP), erotic content, and 18+ sexual content are allowed, so long all parties +involved consent to it. If your consent is not respected, immediately contact an administrator or +moderator. Ideally, ERP should not take priority over job responsibilities, especially for command +and security roles during a crisis; but for the sake of roleplay, so long it is roleplayed well enough, +leeway is given. + +4. Be civil: + +A. Do not spam or advertise on our server. + +B. Be respectful towards other members, avoid making others uncomfortable, and most important + +of all, do not be an asshole. + +C. We have a zero tolerance policy for racism, sexism, homophobia, violence, threats, hate speech, +slurs, and other forms of bigotry, discrimination, and harassment. Slurs and terms that use real or +implied mental or physical disability to mock or denigrate members or their in-game characters are +also strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with this rule will result in community removal. +Game Server Rules + +1. Follow the server expectations: + +A. If you are banned from a role or department, you may not play that role. This includes seeking or +accepting promotions into roles you are banned from. + +B. Do not make yourself a major problem/annoyance/disruption for the crew while not being an +antagonist (i.e. self-antagging). Intentionally hindering the station as a crew-aligned character is +strictly against our rules. And so is making other players’ lives hell for your own amusement, so, do +not be an asshole, and let everybody else enjoy the game too. + +C. Department strikes (e.g. cargonia and any variation thereof), riots, cults, and any other type of +similar largely disruptive behavior are to be roleplayed excellently and require explicit +administrator pre-approval. + +D. Clowns, Mimes, and other "prankster" roles do not get an exemption from the above, and should +not use their job as an excuse to be a major disturbance. +E. AFK (a.k.a. SSD) and catatonic players are considered to have the same rights as any other +crewmate. + +F. If a player is dead and catatonic (not SSD), they are not required to be revived and should be +stored in the morgue. You should not biomass grind dead and catatonic crew unless in an +emergency. + +G. If a player is alive and catatonic, they may be brought to their relevant department or cryostorage +as necessary. + +H. For the sake of privacy and respect towards the other members of the community, and by reason +of the nature of the server, recording or livestreaming rounds is strictly forbidden. + +2. Follow metagaming guidelines: + +A. Do not use the Emote channel to bypass an inability to speak. This includes examples like "I’m +friendly," "oh weird I can’t speak," or "mimes a flashlight". + +B. Additionally, use of the emote channel to simulate character death rattles or other game +mechanics is prohibited. + +C. Use the local-out-of-character (LOOC) and global out-of-character (OOC) channels properly. +Don’t speak of in-character matters in those channels unless you’re asking questions related to ingame concepts. + +D. Do not use in-character channels to bypass a lack of ability to use OOC/LOOC chats (e.g. "Huh, +wonder where the captain went? OOC He probably left to get dinner lol"). + +E. Do not engage in meta-communications (i.e. using external channels to communicate with other +players in the same game). + +F. Do not discuss or share information about the current round to the Floof Station Discord. + +G. You are allowed to have knowledge of past experiences and prior shifts, and players are allowed +to have in-character relationships (friends, enemies, or otherwise). + +H. Antagonists in previous rounds must not be treated differently due to their prior antagonist status. +Notwithstanding, confession of crimes committed in a prior shift are still admissible in court. + +I. For the sake of continuity, your character will never have permanently died in previous rounds +(unless you wish to roleplay this concept out). + +J. Do not "antag roll." This is the act of joining rounds for the purpose of seeing if you have +received an antagonist role, and leaving soon after if not. + +K. Act like an actual person on board of a space station, and don’t use text speech or emoticons +when speaking in character. + +3. Follow the new-life rules: + +A. If a player dies and is brought back by way of cloning or borging, they forget the last five +minutes leading up to their death and cannot describe who or what killed them. + +B. Players that are revived by using a defibrillator can only recall vague details about their death, +such as "Someone shot me" or "I was set ablaze" but they cannot recall details beyond that. Please +report players who break this rule. + +C. In either case, characters do not have any knowledge of what happened while they were dead +(i.e. ghosted/observing), and are forbidden from acting on information gained during death. + +4. Follow naming conventions: +Don't make obvious references, don’t make obvious puns or plays on words, and try to be creative +by picking a believable and fitting name and/or surname. Leeway is given to theatrical roles such as +the clown, boxer, and mime; these roles are allowed stage names with some freedom. + +5. Follow roleplay guidelines: + +A. Your character is a separate entity from you, the player. Your character's actions, feelings, and +knowledge in-game should be based solely on the character's experiences rather than your own as +the player. + +B. Do not escalate situations needlessly. Very few things are deserving of a fight to the death, or the +loss of life of somebody. Brawls and self defense are permitted, but do not put someone in critical +state without a very valid roleplay reason to it. + +C. If a fight results in someone being critically injured, seek medical help for them - and if they die, +do not destroy or otherwise hide their body. This falls under self-antagonistic behavior. + +D. Pest ghost roles such as mice are always fair game for attacking. Do not grief crew-aligned ghost +roles such as familiars, drones, or pets without provocation. + +E. Some awakened pest roles (e.g. sentient mothroach) may be considered crew pets and fall under +this rule. + +F. Non-security personnel should not seek to kill or detain unrelated threats, unless they themselves +or other crew in the direct vicinity are in current, immediate danger from it. Crew may neutralize +threats when they present themselves or if they are relevant to the crew member in question, but are +not to pursue them if and once routed from their current area. + +G. Certain severe emergencies may make it reasonable for normal crew to defend themselves and +their station, such as nuclear operatives, a zombie outbreak, space dragon attack, or any other +critical situation, and thus render the previous rule temporary null. + +6. Follow powergaming guidelines: + +A. Don't rush for or prepare equipment unrelated to your job for no purpose other than to have it +without valid reason. + +B. A medical doctor does not need insulated gloves, the Head of Personnel does not need a gun, and +the Captain does not need an assault rifle. If you, in your given role, require an item that does not +fall within your job’s usual parameters, have a valid gameplay or roleplay reason to obtain and keep +it. + +C. Manufacturing weapons, bombs, or deadly poisons before you know of any reason you would +need them for (or without an excellent roleplay reason to it) is powergaming behavior. + +D. Hiding Traitor objective items or preemptively securing them with higher security than usually +required or than would make logical sense violates our powergaming and roleplay guidelines. + +E. Do not, under any circumstances, hide the nuclear fission explosive, authentication disk, or other +sensitive items in an impossible to see/access location. + +F. While it is allowed for the crew to know the details around antagonist functions (traitor items +being such, PDAs having uplinks, listening posts existing, etc.), Security is strictly forbidden from +acting on that information without extremely valid reason and suspicion, and it is always to presume +innocence until proven contrary. For example, it is to be avoided to check PDAs, implants and +headsets unless the person is strongly suspected to be a syndicate agent, and there is evidence to +back this up. + +7. Follow end-of-round (EOR) rules: + +A. Significant end-of-round grief (EORG) is not allowed. This includes attacking, destroying, +polluting, and severely injuring without reason both at and on the way to Central Command. + +B. Explosives and strategies with capacity for high collateral damage should not be used on or +around the evacuation shuttle. + +Command, Security, and Antagonist Rules: + +1. Follow Command and Security Guidelines: + +A. Security and Command roles are expected to know and perform their jobs to the best of their +ability. These roles often heavily impact the round and require more careful and conscientious +roleplay; if you cannot meet these requirements do not take these roles. + +B. Both departments are required to read and follow Floof Station Space Law, Standard Operating +Procedure, Alert Procedure, and Company Policy to the best of their ability. + +C. Abusing your position or using it to make arbitrary or obviously malicious choices to the +detriment of the entire station and/or its inhabitants is prohibited, without beyond excellent roleplay +reason to it, and especially without administrator permission. + +D. Leeway to not meeting “expected higher standards” is given and consented in favor of freedom +of roleplay and fun, so long that the player is ready to be met with the in-character consequences to +those actions, so long it’s roleplayed well, and so long what’s being done is not too disruptive or +harmful in nature to others players. + +E. If you need to leave the round, please notify administrators via AHelp menu and notify your +fellow crew via departmental radio. If you have the capability to do so, ensure that you return your +items as necessary and seek cryostorage if you are not planning on returning. + +F. Do not hire random crew to be your bodyguard(s) or promote random crewmembers to +Command positions at random. If you require bodyguards or security details, talk to your Security +department. If you need new Command staff, talk to the personnel in that related department. + +G. Security should try to use non-lethals and arrest criminals, unless given extreme circumstances, +such as but not limited to: lethal force being used against them, their life or that of an innocent +being in immediate danger, no other reasonable option being available at the moment to detain an +unreasonably dangerous threat, or when facing off against station-destroying antagonists (nuclear +operatives, zombies, dragons, etc.). + +H. Security may choose to confiscate dangerous items (weapons, firearms) as well as items used to +commit crimes or items that could prove to be problematic when in possession of the detainee +(tools, insulated gloves, etc.), so long that there is an extremely valid, strong reason and suspicion +that such items will be used maliciously, or evidence that they have been used to commit a crime. + +I. When lethal force is used by Security, they are expected when and if possible to patch up the +critical condition detained individual back to health, or even to life in the event of death, by cloning +or defibbing. + +J. Executions can only be carried out for capital crimes, and are to be used exclusively as a last +resort. Such as, when the detained individual is proven beyond any reasonable doubt to be an +unreasonably hard to contain, major threat to the station and its inhabitants. +K. Brig times should generally not exceed 20 minutes unless the crime is permabriggable, and +permabrigging is to be done exclusively for antagonists and exceptional cases (usually, +unreasonably dangerous individuals). + +M. Do not mindbreak others against their will solely because they have psionic powers. Only do so +when the individual is either a proven antagonist (and even then, it is strongly encouraged not to do +so unless absolutely necessary, such as them having a power that makes their containment +exceedingly difficult), or proven to be misusing their powers to the detriment of the safety of the +station. + +2. Follow antagonist guidelines: +A. Antagonists exist to move the round forward and make things interesting and fun for everyone +involved. The point is not to “greentext” or win over people by pulling every meta trick in the book. +The real victory, is in achieving your goals in a fun, interesting, or unique way. As such, “play to +win” gameplay void of any roleplay aspect is not only heavily discouraged, but may also lead to +negative notes or even suspensions, if deemed to be causing a negative impact on the community +and be detrimental to everybody’s fun. The same of course, is to be applied to roles in opposition to +antagonists, such as Security and Command. We are all here to roleplay, relax and have fun, not to +have a competition on who’s the best or the most “robust”. Don’t be a dick. + +B. The damage that antagonists can cause MUST be proportional to their objectives, and contribute +towards achieving them in some way. If you are concerned as to whether or not what you're about to +do is allowed, feel free to AHelp and ask an admin for clarification. Lack of administrator response +does not constitute approval. + +C. Stealth and pacifism are heavily encouraged and to be considered preferable wherever and +whenever applicable. + +D. Round removal is strictly forbidden, outside of situations reasonably demanding it (such as for +example, getting rid of a kill objective, or getting rid of an unreasonably dangerous, hard to contain +threat), or obvious unintended accidents. + +E. Antagonists exist not only as a role for your character but also as a game mechanic. Seek to push +forward the round through your antagonistic actions, rather than grind it to halt in pursuit of your +objectives. + +F. Other antagonists are not necessarily your friends. Other agents, mercenaries, and possibly even +space dragons are free agents that you may negotiate with at your own risk, but no one should be +working together with xenomorphs or zombies. + +G. Heavily damaging/spacing or camping arrivals/evac/cryo, unnecessarily extending the round, +and behavior that calls the round to an end prematurely - as well as other lame behaviors - are +strictly forbidden for all antags. + +H. As a non- or partially-sentient antagonist, you are expected to have only a limited understanding +of space stations and their mechanics. Slimes, zombies, and spiders should not be targeting the +gravity generator or the AME, nor should they be unnecessarily spacing the station. + +I. Neutral roles such as skeletons or sentient artifacts, while having the freedom of being either +friendly or hostile (and until or unless proven the latter, crew is expected to be friendly in return), in +reason of not having a defined set of objectives, are expected not to go too overboard if choosing to +be hostile. As already mentioned and implied by antagonist guidelines: do not mass murder, do not +cause mass station damage, do not be overly disruptive and a detriment to the fun, and most +important of all, roleplay the hostility well. + +J. Specific, normally hostile roles such as dragons or rat kings, while do also have the liberty of +being friendly if so wished or desired, are not subjected to the “rule of friendliness”. If deemed too +big of a potential threat by the station inhabitants, they can be terminated at any time they see fit. +Although, it is strongly preferable for the crew to act hostile with reason (for example: a rat king +who agreed to not have more than 3 rats beginning to create more). + +K. Ghost roles have their own independent rules that must be followed.