handles assets for generic(=non-framework specific) php packages
Takes care of distributing assets of packages and accessing them seamlessly inside views, specified in a configuration file 'assetPackages.json' in the root directory. Leveraging composer on the background to prevent duplicity along sharing a unified installation approach for assets and packages in PHP .
There are 2 approaches:
either 1) calling it directly calling this original package command or 2) using own wrapping script inside own package in your project .
- this approach is more straightforward and simple, as the command is available from the shelf to be called from any package from it's original location
(cd vendor/fantomx1/datatabless && php $(cd ../../../vendor/fantomx1/packages-assets-support && pwd)/initAssets.php -w ../../../backend/web -o assets)
- where the "-p -package" - references relatively the curret package it is used in (toolmasterForeman) -p is now automatic as a current working directory
- where the "-w -webdir" - comma separated references the directories where to distribute/publish assets using symlinks
- where the "-o --ownAssetsDir" - the directory of the package's own assets to publish
(Note: subcommand syntax is for resolving symlinks - $(cd ../../../vendor/fantomx1/packages-assets-support && pwd)/initAssets.php )
All the available command line parameters are listed inside availableParams.php file.
- this approach is maybe a little more concise and perhaps a little more transparent for the package user, it gives an impression that there is not executed a script from another library, however it needs a wrapper script workload
// fantomx1/datatables/initAssets.php
include "vendor/autoload.php";
$packageAssetsSupport = new \fantomx1\PackagesAssetsSupport();
// the 2nd voluntary parameter is the relative path of own assets to handle
$packageAssetsSupport->run(__DIR__, "assets");
then calling it from it's own directory -
php vendor/fantomx1/datatables/initAssets.php -w=examples/assets -o=./testAssets
( using inside a packages' view file/class for accessing the symlinked assets directory
$packageAssetsSupport = new \fantomx1\PackagesAssetsSupport();
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $assetsHandler->getAssetsDir("", "components/jqueryui/).'/js/jsfile.js'; ?>">
// for own library assets not passing the vendor assets library name
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $assetsHandler->getAssetsDir("", '').'/assets/js/jsfile.js'; ?>">
<script type="text/javascript" src="getAssetsDir($rootDir, "components/jqueryui/).'/js/jsfile.js'; ?>">
where the $rootDir is the root dir of the our package in regard , it is being used in - as of now v0.91 rootdir calculated automatically