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Releases: FederatedAI/FATE

Release v1.10.0

29 Dec 10:38
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By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

Major Features and Improvements


  • Renewed Homo NN: PyTorch-based, support flexible model building:
    • Support user access to complex self-defined PyTorch models or ready-to-use PyTorch models such as DeepFM, ResNet, BERT, Yolo
    • Support various data set types, may build data set based on PyTorch Dataset
    • User-defined training loss
    • User-defined training process: user-defined aggregation algorithm for client and server
    • Provide API for developing Aggregator
  • Upgraded Hetero NN: support flexible model building and various data set types:
    • more flexible pytorch top/bottom model customization; provide access to industry approved PyTorch models
    • User-defined training loss
    • Support various data set types, may build data set based on PyTorch Dataset
  • Renewed Homo-federated framework with support for all current homo models, including Homo NN, Homo LR,Homo SecureBoost,
    Homo Feature Binning, and Hetero KMeans. This provides smoother algorithm customization and development experience
  • Semi-Supervised Algorithm Positive Unlabeled Learning
  • Hetero LR & Hetero SecureBoost now supports Intel IPCL
  • Intersection support Multi-host Elliptic-curve-based PSI
  • Intersection may compute Multi-host Secure PSI Cardinality
  • Hetero Feature Optimal Binning now record & show Gini/KS/Chi-Square metrics
  • Host may load Hetero Binning model with WOE score through Model Loader
  • Hetero Feature Binning support binning by user-provided split points
  • Sampler support weighted sampling by instance weight


  • Flow CLI adds min-test options
  • Pipeline adds data-bind API, useful for local development
  • Pipeline may reconfigure role/model_id/model_version, switching party_id for prediction task

Release v1.8.1

09 Dec 12:04
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By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

Major Features and Improvements


  • Support EggRoll v2.4.7

Release v1.7.3

09 Dec 12:03
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By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

Major Features and Improvements


  • Support EggRoll v2.4.7

Release v1.9.2

08 Dec 09:44
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By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

Major Features and Improvements


  • Support EggRoll v2.4.7

Release v1.9.1

23 Nov 10:26
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By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

Major Features and Improvements


  • Fix cipher compression with large Hessian value for HeteroSecureBoost
  • Fix tweedie-loss calculation in HeteroSecureBoost
  • Fix Intersection summary when left-joining data with match_id
  • Fix event/non_event statistic for WOE computation in HeteroFeatureBinning
  • Fix default sid name display for data uploaded with meta

Release v1.9.0

31 Aug 08:40
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By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

Major Features and Improvements


  • Add elliptic curve based PSI algorithm, which allows 128-bit secure-level intersection of billion samples, 20x faster than RSA protocol under the same security level
  • Support accurate intersection cardinality calculation
  • Support for multi-column ID data; user may specify id column for PSI intersection and subsequent modeling usage
  • Hetero NN supports torch backend and supports complex layers such as LSTM
  • Add CoAE label reinforcement mechanism for vertical federated neural network
  • Hetero NN supports multi-host modeling scenarios
  • HeteroSecureBoost supports merging sub-models from all parties and exporting the merged model into lightgbm or PMML format
  • HeteroLR and HeteroSSHELR support merging sub-models from all parties and exporting the merged model into sklearn or PMML format
  • HeteroFeatureSelection supports anonymous feature selection
  • Label Encoder adds automatic label type inference
  • 10x faster local VIF computation in HeteroPearson, with added support for computing local VIF on linearly dependent columns
  • Optimized feature engineering column processing logic
  • HeteroFeatureBinning supports calculation of IV and WOE values during prediction
  • Renewed feature anonymous generation logic


  • Support python3.8+
  • Support Spark 3x
  • Renewed Federation module, RabbitMQ and Pulsar support client transmission mode
  • Support Standalone, Spark, EggRoll heterogeneous computing engine interconnection


  • PipeLine adds timeout retry mechanism
  • Pipeline's get_output_data API now may return component output data in DataFrame-typed format

Release v1.8.0

18 Apr 14:23
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By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

Major Features and Improvements


  • Add non-coordinated-version Hetero Linear Regression, based on integrated Hetero GLM framework, with mixed protocol of HE and SPDZ
  • Homo LR support one-vs-rest
  • Add SecureBoost-MO algorithm to speed up multi-class classification of Hetero & Homo SecureBoost, 1.5x-5x faster
  • Optimize Hetero SecureBoost Predict Transmission Data Size,reduce 75% bandwidth consumption if tree's max depth is small
  • Speed up DH Intersection implementation, 30%+ faster
  • Optimized Quantile Binning gk-summary structure & split point query,20%+ faster, less memory cost
  • Support weighted training in non-coordinated Hetero Logistic Regression & Linear Regression
  • Merge Hetero FastSecureBoost into Hetero SecureBoost as a boosting strategy option


  • Adjustable task_cores for standalone FATE
  • Enable Eggroll option to make computing output "IN_MEMORY" by default


  • Include Paillier encryption performance evaluation
  • Include SPDZ performance evaluation
  • Optimized testsuite printout
  • Include examples data upload and mnist download
  • Provide pipeline to dsl convert tools


  • Fix bug for SPDZ when using default q_filed
  • Fix multiple get problem of SPDZ
  • Fix bugs of recursive-query homo feature binning
  • Fix homo_nn's model aggregation problem
  • Fix bug for hetero feature selection when using federated filter but some party's feature is empty.

Release v1.5.3

14 Mar 09:01
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By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

Major Features and Improvements


  • New batch strategy in coordinated Hetero LR: support masked batch data and batch shuffle
  • Iterative Affine is disabled


  • Support Eggroll v2.2.3, upgrade com.h2database:h2 to version 2.1.210, to version 3.16.1, spring to version 5.1.20.RELEASE

Release v1.7.2

01 Mar 10:02
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By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

Major Features and Improvements


  • New batch strategy in coordinated Hetero LR: support masked batch data and batch shuffle
  • Model inference protection enhancement for Hetero SecureBoost with FED-EINI algorithm
  • Hetero SecureBoost supports split feature importance on host side, disables gain feature importance
  • Offline SBT Feature transform component


  • Fixed Bug for HeteroPearson with changing default q_field value for spdz
  • Fix Data Transform's schema label name setting problem when with_label is False
  • Add testing examples for new algorithm features, and delete deprecated params in algorithm examples.


  • Support the loading of custom password encryption modules through plug-ins
  • Separate the base connection address of the data storage table from the data table information, and compatible with historical versions

Release v1.7.1.1

27 Jan 10:09
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By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

Major Features and Improvements


  • upgrade mysql to version 8.0.28


  • Support Eggroll v2.4.3, upgrade com.h2database:h2 to version 2.1.210, to version 3.16.1