The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Licence, contact, source information for AmpliconArchitect and PrepareAA python scripts
- documentation about absolute path needed of AmpliconArchitect data repository
- ampliconclassifier stub run tests
- new version of circdna metromap with updated colors
- note that ATAC-seq should be used in caution with the pipeline.
- build docker container for prepareaa -> Needs to be built first and will be included in the next release
- nf-core template update 2.8
- Circle_finder bug with bash sort command wanting to write into /tmp/ directory and not into work directory
- updated to new paths and addition of nf-core modules
- Local python scripts not included in the pipeline
- Local versions of nf-core modules
- ampliconclassifier/makeinput module added -> Generates the input file used for ampliconclassifier functions
- ampliconclassifier/makeresultstable added -> Generates results table from AmpliconArchitect and AmpliconClassifier
- CNN Reference File For AmpliconArchitect
- mm10 option for AmpliconArchitect
- stub runs for AmpliconArchitect processes
- New module versions
- nf-core template 2.7.2
- Fixed ZeroDivisionError by Circle-Map
- Fixed keep_duplicates and skip_markduplicates parameter bug
- AmpliconArchitect Summary Process was deprecated
- Documentation Updates
- Fixed Bug with pipeline version in nextflow.config
- Fixed Circle-Map Realign bug in which only one sample is processed
- Samtools FAIDX
Initial release of nf-core/circdna, created with the nf-core template.
nf-core/circdna is a bioinformatics analysis pipeline for the identification of circular DNAs in eukaryotic cells. The pipeline is able to process WGS, ATAC-seq data or Circle-Seq data to give insights into the circular DNA landscape in your samples.
In total, the user can choose between 5 different branches inside the pipeline, depending on the biological question and the input data set. In these branches, specific software is used that is built for either the identification of amplified circular DNAs, the detection of putative circular DNA junctions, or the de novo assembly and mapping of circular DNAs.