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Question Answering System

In an Ordering System, the conversation is quite important to realize the users said and do a correct reply. In this project, we are using BERT to construct this Question Answering System which trained by the Chinese McDonald and MosBurger menu.

Menu Generator

To generate the training data, we constructed the python script with menu and some questions which like below sample for Chinese McDonald Menu.

  • Menu

    main_meals = {
        "大麦克": (72, 16),
        "双层牛肉吉事堡": (62, 29),
        "嫩煎鸡腿堡": (82, 40),
  • Questions

    questions = [

By this menu generator, the users can just run the script, or, to get the training data.

cd menu-generator


cd menu-generator

The generated training data, test_1.json, will like below with specific ID. (The will generate the mos_test_1.json.)

"question": "大麦克多少钱?", 
"id": "MCDONALDS_168_QUERY_0", 
"answers": [
        "text": "72元", 
        "answer_start": 16

And it also generate the paragraph.txt for demo.

Own Generator

If you want to enable the specific conversation or another menu, you can based on or to meet your requirement. In these two menu generator scripts, the meal is defined with the price and position(index) of answer, a reply, in context, _set["context"]. However, the index is not just from the answer in context, it needs to treate the all continuous number as one to meet the token design in BERT. Therefore, you need to care the all numbers in context get the correct position of the answer start to make the training data correct.

Train a BERT to Support the Own Dataset

After generated the training data, you can based on the CMRC2018 dataset with Chinese BERT pre-trained model to fine tune your Question Answering system for conversation.

  • Preparation

    Please check Preparation section on repo., Chinese.BERT.OpenVINO to download the distilled bert model and follow below command to download cmrc2018 submodules.

    git submodule update --init ./extension/cmrc2018

    Install tensorflow version 1.15.0.

    pip install tensorflow==1.15.0
  • Fine Tuning the BERT Model for Conversation

    After preparation, we can use the pretrained and distilled BERT model and dataset, CMRC2018, with generated training data to fine tune the model.

    In this repo., I am using Roberta-wwm-ext-large-3layers-distill, Chinese.

    cd extension/cmrc2018/baseline
    export PATH_TO_BERT=/path/to/distilled/bert/model/3layers_large
    export DATA_DIR=/path/to/generatd/dataset
    export OUTPUT_DIR=/path/to/save/result/and/tuned_model
    python                    \
        --vocab_file=${PATH_TO_BERT}/vocab.txt              \
        --bert_config_file=${PATH_TO_BERT}/bert_config.json \
        --init_checkpoint=${PATH_TO_BERT}/bert_model.ckpt   \
        --do_train=True                                     \
        --train_file=${DATA_DIR}/test_1.json                \
        --do_predict=True                                   \
        --predict_file=${DATA_DIR}/test_1.json              \
        --train_batch_size=32                               \
        --num_train_epochs=40                               \
        --max_seq_length=256                                \
        --doc_stride=128                                    \
        --learning_rate=3e-5                                \
        --save_checkpoints_steps=1000                       \
        --output_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR}                          \
        --do_lower_case=False                               \

    If you want to evaluate the result, please check this page.

  • Export PB Model

    export PATH_TO_BERT=/path/to/distilled/bert/model/3layers_large
    export DATA_DIR=/path/to/generatd/dataset
    export OUTPUT_DIR=/path/to/save/result/and/tuned_model
    export FINE_TUNED_CHECK_POINT=${OUTPUT_DIR}/model.ckpt-xxx
    python                                     \
        --vocab_file=${PATH_TO_BERT}/vocab.txt              \
        --bert_config_file=${PATH_TO_BERT}/bert_config.json \
        --init_checkpoint=${FINE_TUNED_CHECK_POINT}         \
        --do_train=True                                     \
        --train_file=${DATA_DIR}/test_1.json                \
        --do_predict=True                                   \
        --predict_file=${DATA_DIR}/test_1.json              \
        --train_batch_size=32                               \
        --num_train_epochs=40                               \
        --max_seq_length=256                                \
        --doc_stride=128                                    \
        --learning_rate=3e-5                                \
        --save_checkpoints_steps=1000                       \
        --output_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR}                          \
        --do_lower_case=False                               \
  • Convert the .pb model to Intermediate Representation (IR)

    Please use below command to run the Model Optimizer for those converted .pb model to IR model.

    export MODEL_DIR=/path/to/converted/pb/model
    export OUTPUT_DIR=/path/to/converted/IR/model
        --input_model=${MODEL_DIR}/inference_graph.pb                                                       \
        --input "IteratorGetNext:0{i32}[1 256],IteratorGetNext:1{i32}[1 256],IteratorGetNext:3{i32}[1 256]" \
        --disable_nhwc_to_nchw                                                                              \
        -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}