- FIX build farm errors in armhf builds
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
- FIX: Stuck unit test runs in armhf build farms
- Add demo with a large number of robots (100) in a simple setup
- Support <for> loops in world definition files
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
- New warehouse demo world file, including ros2 launch.
- New feature: download models from remote servers.
- Add 3D Lidar sensor.
- Add support for headless simulations (mvsim launch --headless), suitable for running inside docker containers
- New world element: vertical planes.
- Add <for /> loops in XML world files
- Support for formulas in XML files via exprtk expressions
- Fix naming convention; fix warnings
- Move to clang-format-11
- More consistent class member naming convention
- Add simple Velodyne sensor DAE model
- Add wget as build and runtime dep
- PubSub system: Implemented the feature to notify subscribed clients about a new publisher for a topic
- New 3D model: pioneer3
- ROS: Add build and test dep python3-protobuf
- Added unit tests
- mvsim cli: add the --realtime-factor flag
- more topic echo types
- publish 2D lidar observations as custom protobuf msgs too
- Add new protobuf msg type ObservationLidar2D.proto
- add shutdown service
- Fixed Python topic subscription and parsing
- avoid potential crash during shutdown
- FIX: Timelogger verbosity level is now copied from the main World object.
- BUGFIX: Lidar sensors with ignore_parent_body=true should neither see the wheels
- Tune PID parameters of examples
- Refactoring and simplification of mutexes
- cache GetServiceInfoRequest() calls (more efficient service calls in comms::Client)
- factorize World services into its own .cpp file for clarity
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
- add names to gl objects (useful to debug)
- configurable gui open timeout
- GUI: new button Editor->Export 3Dscene file
- Add a warning if using a physics timestep is incompatible with the sensor periods
- FIX: more accurate simulation of timesteps; more mutexes
- automatic determination of timestep; FIX bug: constant offset in simul time
- fix FBO api for mrpt 2.5.6
- fix build against mrpt 2.5.6; fix infinite loop while hitting quit button
- refactor TCLAP objects to avoid global object initialization fiasco crashes
- handle old and new versions of tf_geometry_msgs
- mvsim cli new command: topic hz
- Fix ROS2 obsolete header
- fix build for u18.04
- fix for older zmq versions
- fix newest zmq deprecated warnings
- FIX: DAE file error to load on newer version of assimp
- provide cmake config types for gcc sanitizers
- fix zmq API in bionic
- avoid zmq_message_t ctor; more parallel threads for ZMQ
- make the get_pose() service to answer immediately without needing to acquire the main simulation mutex
- fix escaping
- more portable makefile comparison for libbox2d version
- d/rules: auto detection of system libbox2d version
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
- Disable Python wrappers for python <3.8
- Honor DESTDIR when building and installing
- Honor cli-provided PYTHON_INSTALL_DIRECTORY via cmake flags
- Fix protobuf-generated broken Python3 imports (using protoletariat)
- Add new WorldElement type: pointcloud
- Add Python3 example for teleop twist
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
- Add more documentation, demo files, and screenshots
- Support animations from keyframe list for blocks and vehicles
- Refactor common xml params in Simulable interface
- Support PARENT_NAME usage in sensor definition files; add "<publish>" tags to tutorial sensors
- 2D lidar sensor: new XML parameter maxRange
- change threshold to decimate sensors preview subwindows
- BUGFIX: Uninitialized quaternion in rviz marker (Closes #14)
- Allow expressions in include tags
- Expose more lidar params in its XML
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
- Major new release with tons of new features.
- New sensors: RGB, depth, RGB+D cameras
- Support for ROS1 and ROS2.
- Sensors now can have 3D models.
- New GUI controls to customize visualization.
- New 3 and 4 wheels differential kinematic models.
- Allow "include"s in XML files.
- Add 3D Jackal robot model.
- ROS nodes: publishers in parallel thread
- mvsim-cli new flag to enable full profiling
- Use new nanogui feature to limit GUI refresh rate
- Fix running faster than real-time
- More consistent timestamping of simulated sensors
- mvsim now shows program version info
- get_pose() service now also gets twist
- Fix elevation maps
- pybind11 per-version directory
- Remove trailing '/' in tf frame names for consistency with modern conventions.
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
- Install models/ subdirectory too
- Changes towards building for both ros1 & ros2
- Copyright date bump
- Fix build and dependencies for ROS1.
- Fix build w/o python
- Fix consistent include path for installed targets
- BUGFIX: Fix random SIGSEGV due to unsafe shared global object for random number generation
- Fix no installation of mvsim_msgs python module
- Fix demo robot starts out of the map
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
- update 2 robots demo
- Add pybind11 as build dep
- fix ros node compilation
- fix build w/o ros
- Fix compilation of the ROS1 node against the latest mvsim libraries
- Fix cmake policy error in pybind11
- Add missing ros deps
- Add missing build dep box2d-dev
- Update README.md
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
- RGBD camera simulation
- MRPT 2.x is now required to build mvsim.
- Update build dep to mrpt2
- License changed to 3-clause BSD.
- Merge pull request #11 from SRai22/patch-1 Update install.rst: needs libprotobuf-dev and libpython3-dev for building from source
- New checkboxes to see sensor poses and FOVs
- Lidar: ignore parent body option
- Lidar: realistic 3D raytrace mode
- enable textures in planes
- add support for ground and ceiling planes
- clean elevation mesh code
- save_to_rawlog option
- register callbacks instead of virtual functions
- New command "topic echo NAME"
- Add support for intangible blocks; publish relative poses
- Add support and example for standalone sensors
- allow changing the server IP or address
- add optional profiler to Client
- Protect main socket with mutex
- fix walls rendering; add new walls demo xml
- allow custom user 3D objects
- timelog format fix
- show class name in timelogger
- World: expose GUI object
- GUI and minor tweaks
- much faster models loading
- fix wrong collision resetting
- safer report collisions
- Fix usage of the update_fps parameter
- Fix build against mrpt 2.1.8
- force build against python3
- more standard python3 deb pkg generation
- solved python pkg problem in bionic
- fix python in bionic
- debian: fix python3 install dir
- add missing python3 dep
- fix deb python packaging
- remove useless cmake include
- first fully-working set_pose from python
- Progress with python wrappers
- Enhance python wrapper
- Document a minimum size limitation in box2d.
- small preliminary test for camera sensor
- Use newer mrpt-gui window manager
- Fix wallHeight wall parameter correct usage
- editor: basic rotate and move objects
- refactor gui code into smaller methods
- fix rendering of non-custom objects
- functional replace by coordinates
- Progress with replace GUI
- progress with bbox rendering
- progress with mouse move UI
- refactor: unify all simulable objects in one list
- update asserts to latest mrpt2 names
- Better service response
- safer multithread gui
- avoid possible exception in serialization
- Return collision state
- Detect and report collisions
- add setStatic method
- progress debugging ramps
- Add incremental set_pose srv
- add get_pose() service
- Import walls working
- walls progress
- progress loading wall models
- Start doxygen integration in docs
- fix not seeing the robot owns body
- subscription works; example updated
- Feature: XML variables parsing
- update pybind11
- done topic subscriptions; fix proper thread joinable checks.
- basic subscription works
- progress subscribe topics
- fix crash upon exit due to unjoined threads
- use -dbg postfix for debug libraries
- implemented command topic list
- docs on world xml parameters
- fix visualization of sensors in custom viz models
- add missing file
- Add ZMQ monitor to connections
- fix install include dir
- fix copy pb hdr files
- clear leftover traces
- auto bbox from visuals
- More modular debian packaging
- services and set_pose() is working
- progress implementing services
- Blocks and vehicles publishes their pose
- Large code refactor: - Use mrpt::math types for twist and points - Use smart pointers - Remove duplicated code via new methods in base class Simulable
- done with publishTopic()
- advertise topics
- done list nodes command
- implement query node list
- refactor Client without parallel thread
- refactor mvsim-cli sources
- progress server
- fix cmake exported targets
- fix install
- unregister nodes
- basic python bindings
- refactor into modules
- progress with server parsing messages
- verbosity levels in client
- ignore files
- refactor into one main cli tool: mvsim
- zmq forwards header
- add thread names
- fix build against zmq<4.4
- First zmq message interchanges
- basic server thread infraestructure
- progress defining client/server protocol
- Add alternative 3D visualization to blocks and vehicles
- start refactor for visual objects
- fix -Werror error in u18.04
- Add zmq and protobuf
- prefer std::move
- Enforce override keyword
- use system logger instead of cout
- avoid raw pointer for box2d instance
- refactor param structures
- fix opengl memory leak
- Port to nanogui
- done port to mrpt2
- prefer nullptr
- narrower mrpt dependencies
- port docs to sphinx
- add circle-ci
- reorganize badges
- fix main doc file
- fix debian installed files path
- use system libbox2d
- add debian packaging files
- modernize: cmake exported targets
- show box2d system library version
- cmake commands to lower case
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Shravan S Rai
- Fix build against latest mrpt-master & 1.5.x versions.
- add ROS build farm badges
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Julian Lopez Velasquez
- fix build against mrpt1
- update to package XML format 2
- fix build in mrpt 2.0
- use docker in travis
- Allow mvsim to be built w/o ROS again
- Merge pull request #10 from spsancti/master GSoC contribution to mvsim See discussion thread: MRPT/GSoC2017-discussions#2
- Added description of world files
- Added description of loggers and Ward-Iagnemma friction model
- Added refernce to Torsen-defferntial
- Added desctiption of Ackermann-drivetrain dynamics
- Added Doxyfile
- Added user manual with basic friction model described
- Added text logger for CSV format
- Add mvsim slam demo.
- fix catkin deps: it now requires mrpt_bridge
- LaserScanner: new option to make all fixtures invisible
- Contributors: Borys Tymchenko, Jose Luis Blanco Claraco, Logrus
- Cleaner build against mrpt 1.3.0
- Fix build against mrpt 1.3.0
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco
- First public release.
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco