Want to share your designs and make it available for other designers and product teams? You can contribute in two different ways:
- Design guidelines
- Design guidelines + design assets
- Search in the design system website
- Check the content status page
- Download and install the required fonts from the Design System foundations folder Note: Following the branding guidelines, we recommend using a licensed font (Futura).
Foundations: When building your component, always reuse the foundations to guarantee consistency in colors, typography styles and most of the basic UI elements like buttons, text fields, etc. Components : You will find also in the components folder other Finastra specific components.
contribution-template : from the contribute folder, you can use the contribution template to start your contribution. This file comes with 2 artboards:
- “Finastra / Your contribution / Preview” where you can put a preview/cover for your contribution.
- "Finastra / Your contribution" where you will add : -- option 1: a hifi image or a vector version of the contribution displayed at 100% size -- option 2: a properly builded version of the contribution (like a component, a dashboard...) made with the foundations library
contribution-template-doc : from the contribute folder, you can use the contribution template doc to start your contribution documentation.
Required content:
- A short description/overview of the component you want to share
- Tell what problem the component solves
- A preview screenshot of the component
- Explain the structure of the component
After review and validation we will provide it as part of these Design assets ;)
Fill a GitHub issue.