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UUV Simulator Tutorial

Spawning a Basic World

In a new terminal (ctrl + alt + t), start up a ROS server.


In a new terminal (ctrl + shift + t), launch an underwater world.

roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds herkules_ship_wreck.launch gui:=false paused:=true

Hint: you can add --ros-args to the command to get a list of arguments available.

Note: if you omit the gui argument, or set it to true, then the gazebo frontend GUI will launch and display the world.

Note: the paused argument sets the physics simulator to freeze (nothing is published), it can then be unfrozen when you're ready.

In a new terminal, explore the topics currently available.

rostopic list

/hydrodynamics/current_velocity: the world referenced current.

/gazebo/model_states: pose and velocity of any models in the simulation.

/gazebo/link_states: pose and velocity of any links in the simulation.

Spawning a BlueROV2

With a world active, you can now simulate a vehicle in it. We will upload the BlueROV2 into the world at 40 m depth.

roslaunch bluerov2_description upload_bluerov2.launch z:=-50 x:=-15

Hint: If you are viewing with Gazebo, you can right click on Models->bluerov2 in the left panel and click "move to", or "follow" to find the BlueROV2.

Unpausing the simulation

First, pull up an RVIZ window:

rosrun rviz rviz -d $(rospack find bluerov2_gazebo)/rviz/bluerov2.rviz

Once rviz starts, check the box marked Image on the left panel.

Next, unpause the simulation:

rosservice call /gazebo/unpause_physics

You should see the camera view of the ROV in RVIZ, and the ROV starting to rise in the gazebo view. This makes sense as the BlueROV2 is positively buoyant!


  1. Explore the topics provided in /bluerov2/...
  2. Run the rqt_publisher GUI: rosrun rqt_publisher rqt_publisher
  3. Play around with publishing thrust commands to /blurov2/thrusters/[0-5]/input topics
  4. See if you can get the ROV to turn on the spot, or hold depth.
  5. Apply 0.0 to the thrusters to stop them.

Configure BlueROV2 with Thruster Allocation Matrix Support

At this point, you are able to publish thrust messages to each of the thrusters manually and cause the model to move. UUV simulator comes with support for a Thruster Allocation Matrix (TAM) manager that converts a commanded body-frame wrench (axial force + rotational moment) into individual thrusts, whose resultant should match the command (within limits).

First, pause the simulation and delete the model.

rosservice call /gazebo/pause_physics

rosservice call /gazebo/delete_model "model_name: 'bluerov2'"

If your gazebo GUI crashes at this point, you can restart it by running gzclient in a terminal.

Next, upload another bluerov2 as you did before. Then run the following to launch the TAM manager:

roslaunch bluerov2_control start_thruster_manager.launch

Publish wrench topics to the /bluerov2/thruster_manager/input topic.


Try to get the ROV to hold depth (view the /bluerov2/pose_gt/twist topic to get a velocity reference.)

Reconfiguring the BlueROV2 Payload

The upload_bluerov2.launch script uses the information provided in $(rospack find bluerov2_description)/robots/bluerov2_default.xacro to spawn the vehicle with the correct payload and properties. This can be changed!

The xacro layout allows for layers of objects to be loaded in, the robots/bluerov2_default.xacro simply specifies all of the files .xacro files to be used.

  1. Pause and delete the BlueROV2.
  2. Open the bluerov2_description/robots/bluerov2_default.xacro and save as a new file bluerov2_description/robots/bluerov2_down_facing_camera.xacro.
  3. After the line </xacro:bluerov2_base>, paste in the following: <xacro:bluerov_camera namespace="" parent_link="$(arg namespace)/base_link" suffix="_down"> <origin xyz="0 0 -0.3" rpy="0 1.57 0"/> </xacro:bluerov_camera>
  4. Spawn the BlueROV2 with the new configuration: roslaunch bluerov2_description upload_bluerov2.launch mode:=down_facing_camera

For your own work

Extra sensors are defined in $(rospack find bluerov2_description)/urdf/sensors.xacro, $(rospack find bluerov2_description)/urdf/snippets.xacro, which inherit from (among other places) $(rospack find uuv_sensor_ros_plugins)/urdf. Try modifying and using the bluerov_altimeter snippet defined in $(rospack find bluerov2_description)/urdf/snippets.xacro to spawn a new robot bluerov2_altimeter.xacro that has a downward facing rangefinder like in the real model.