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File metadata and controls

134 lines (80 loc) · 3.24 KB

etabase: A relational database semantic for the Elm programming language

One of Lamdera's biggest value propositions is:

Elm on the frontend. Elm on the backend. Elm in-between. Elm in the shower! Elm at the store! Everything is Elm all the time always.

And that's really great, because you can store your user input from the frontend on the backend without having to deal with any pesky de/serialization.

But guess what: Your data... it forms a hierarchy, doesn't it? A relational hierarchy. You need a relational database. You need support for relational-database-type manoeuvres, such as "updated at" and "change data control" and "automatic identity".

You dust off Dict (or AssocList if you're feeling fancy) and you just sort of... fight through it. At the end, you have a half-baked, bug-ridden implementation of the worst parts of SQL.

Well, now, you don't have to deal with that anymore. You can just use flyp-inc/etabase.

What can it do?

  • It can track timestamps automatically
  • It can assign a unique identity to each row on insert
  • It can track column history
  • It can add indexes to columns for super-fast, typed lookups on non-primary-key values

What's the catch?

Timestamps come from the runtime, so you'll need to do some Task.mapping to get the current timestamp. If you're already doing Lamdera anyway and you want a more holistic solution, check out flyp-inc/lamdera-extra.

What does it look like to use?

Glad you asked!

module User exposing (..)

import Col
import Table
import Time

-- friendly type aliases

type alias Table =
    Table.Table Record

type alias Row =
    Table.Row Record

-- domain types

type alias Record =
    { emailAddress : String
    , role : Col.Col Role

type Role
    = Admin
    | Member

-- table configuration

config : Table.Config Record
config =
        |> Table.withIndex specRole.index
        |> Table.withIndex specEmailAddress.index

specRole : Table.Spec Record Role
specRole =
    Table.toSpec "Role" (Col.value << .role) <|
        \role ->
            case role of
                Admin ->

                Member ->

specEmailAddress : Table.Spec Record String
specEmailAddress =
    Table.toSpec "EmailAddress" .emailAddress identity

-- creation, insertion

new : Time.Posix -> { emailAddress : String, role : Role } -> Record
new timestamp { emailAddress, role } =
    { emailAddress = emailAddress
    , role = Col.init timestamp role

init : Table
init =
        timeZero : Time.Posix
        timeZero =
            Time.millisToPosix 0

        toRecord : String -> Record
        toRecord emailAddress =
            new timeZero { emailAddress = emailAddress, role = Admin }
    Tuple.second <|
        Table.consBatch config timeZero ( toRecord [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ]) Table.init

-- queries

findByEmailAddress : { emailAddress : String } -> Table -> Maybe Row
findByEmailAddress { emailAddress } table =
    Table.where_ emailAddress table
        |> identity
        |> List.head

getByRole : Role -> Table -> Table
getByRole role =
    Table.where_ role