All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.7.0 (2022-06-23)
- [lb-component] Add TagToolInstanceAdaptor to implement toolInstance (85cd646)
- [lb-component] Implement keydown event for tagging (5f441fe)
- [lb-components] Support and export 'VideoPlayer' (0aea748)
- [lb-components] VideoTagTool Support i18n on hotkeys (8216f5d)
- [lb-demo] Support the use of VideoPlayer (7ab27c2)
- Add FileInvalid and FileException components, show operation on videoTagTool (442318c)
- Add pageChange add stepChange callback (ea20140)
- add renderEnhance function (009a734)
- AnntoationView-Polygon adds keypoint showing (f414dab)
- Implement pushHistory on TagToolInstanceAdaptor (cadd8c7)
- Init result on state while TagToolInstanceAdaptor mounted (954ba29)
- PointTool emits messageSuccess when it adsorb edge (e643dca)
- PolygonTool add combining operation (56bb126)
- PolygonTool add cutting operation (cbc33ac)
- Rename Image Error to FileError and replace life cycle fn 'componentWillUnmount' (3063f7c)
- Support batch data acquisition (2d26c2d)
- TagToolInstanceAdaptor export fn: 'setValid' and getter 'valid' (e73ca3c)
- VideoPlayer playPause while video clicked (c003449)
- VideoTagToolInstance support exporting videoMetaData on exportData (1b2166c)
function needs to be addedhasClosed
(1581ed1)- Click next step jump to the first page (83a0335)
- fix eslint errors (f20b3a3)
- Fix problems from comment (145d20a)
- Fix the pr error (4a2fa2b)
- Fix the wrong internationalization issue (3a78658)
- PointTool for reference only to display polygons and lines (b177dd2)
- PointTool is not allowed drawing outside the target when 'drawOutsideTarget' config is false (2668cd7)
- remove ts-ignore (9065c34)
- TagTool doesn't need to rotate (c20576c)
- Temporarily supports the use of the react AnnotationTool (004e851)
- Update eslint error (6941977)
- VideoPlayer have error status while src changed (0bbf25c)
- VideoTag emitEvent after clear result (865575d)
1.6.0 (2022-05-16)
- Add a annotationPath display (caf671f)
- I18next change init way (8842bf0)
- Optimize edgeAbsorption of PolygonTool which can absorpts points (3a75b04)
- pointTool: The distance between limit points can't be less than 0.2px (8e1d131)
- Fix the problem that the edge of rectTool cannot be dragged (f6d3f11)
- I18n fobid react-useSuspense (dce6bf0)
- pointTool: DrawOutsideTarget doesn't work (0a71a00)
- pointTool: The point still follows the mouse when mouse is released (8871e10)
1.5.0 (2022-03-30)
- API change: header sider footer (3abaf5e)
- PointTool adds edgeAdsorption feature (73e8d97)
- PolygonTool adds rect pattern (2b0d0f0)
- PolygonTool-rect-pattern add drawOutside judgement (725c231)
- PolygonView/LineView adds special line/point render (cad0681)
- RectOperation adds renderEnhance & dataInjection (f3a5678)
- Fix PointTool MarkerPoint Opeartion (52bddc7)
- TextTool initValue fail and make updateTextValue error(#25) (f5714a1)
1.4.0 (2022-01-14)
- Add dragMove event trigger (e31b578)
- Add tag dom rendering / adapt to Polygonal curve (ec0bfcc)
- Add ToolStyleConverter in lb-utils (393e07e)
- AnnotationView - text rendering added to graphics type (e673fb8)
- AnnotationView add text annotation dispaly (1c21c06)
- AnnotationView Text support Position (db6c9b3)
- AnnotationView updates Label Render (484395e)
- LineView adds Direction Render (b2a474e)
- PointTool adds list-annotation feature (64ed73e)
- PolygonView adds Direction Render (bba3248)
- Real-time update of text changes for ViewOperation (1bd807b)
- Support Custom text-dom using Style (ae9031d)
- ViewOperation adds reference pattern(lineDash) (5b2083b)
- Adaptation of list annotations in the case of dependencies (6ea04c6)
- Adapting to the case where textConfigurable does not exist (d084e7a)
- Add viewOperation render data judgment (b35a123)
- Change canvas Mount Position / Add forbidBasicResultRender (8020e3b)
- Change the param of AnnotationView from color to stroke (027ced8)
- Clear domMap in ViewOperation (643aed1)
- Compatible with old config of PointOperation (2f0a4ae)
- Fix getStyle2String function (33c17b9)
- Fix invalid page size error caused by canvas size change (c958b71)
- Fix invalid page size error caused by window size change (07784dd)
- Fix lint - Unreachable code no-unreachable (59e5bc2)
- Fix the accuracy of point-selected (10fc24c)
- Fix the LowerLimitPoint of PointTool (6976a51)
- Solve the problem caused by discontinuous steps in stepList (007ed21)
- Update the ActiveHistory of the PointOperation (bcca28b)
- label-bee 查看模式 (c7dae52)
- [lb-components]步骤切换优化: 单步骤不显示下一步, 步骤列表禁止切换为相同步骤 (100d165)
- 暴露 i18n 到外部 / 修改默认 i18n 的语言 (50a3565)
- 标注的 toolHeader 下一步添加限制 (ae35161)
- 不存在的工具去除快捷键 (af51252)
- 查看工具添加选中 hover 的操作效果 (08c3baa)
- 查看工具支持适配 label-bee (1ebb670)
- 查看模式内填充的添加 (b9183c0)
- 多边形/线条/拉框 - 边缘限制添加 (7f09847)
- 多边形完成标注操作跟拉框同步 - 未开启文本标注不默认选中 (34f2df6)
- 分离图片渲染/添加依赖渲染 (e4d39c2)
- 鼠标离开 canvas 清除一些缓存状态 (45a16cc)
- 添加 annotationEngine 用于管理各类工具的切换 (46a070b)
- 添加save功能 修改工具图标 (2e7eab8)
- 线条支持被标签依赖 (67a0b63)
- 修改测量器的部分功能 / 提供外层位置信息的直接注入 (e9c1fc8)
- 依赖情况下切换步骤保持图片位置 (11b356b)
- 优化 ViewOperation 内 hover 的优先级 (1b59c4d)
- 优化多边形双击操作的延迟卡顿问题 (e70a94d)
- 暂时提供 toolFooter 缩放的图标的明亮模式 (464b89c)
- label-bee 添加步骤切换组件 (4100181)
- Label-Bee 页面添加 loading (382e4ae)
- SENSEBEE-7425: lb-component - 支持切换标注步骤 (d939c43)
- SENSEBEE-7425: lb-component 标注内支持依赖 (79a2e7e)
- SENSEBEE-7425: lb-demo配置多步骤列表 (c7756ef)
- SENSEBEE-7665: 【lb-components】展示当前依赖的小页下标 (b80dc59)
- SENSEBEE-7666: 支持图片错误处理 (4604407)
- SENSEBEE-7668: 工具依赖下禁止更新旋转 (73ec6f2)
- SENSEBEE-8010: 【label-bee】提交数据的时候,需要过滤当前标注完成的数据 (aea59d0)
- SENSEBEE-8017: 依赖情况下旋转限制 (65224a3)
- SENSEBEE-8262:【lb-component】i18n支持 (310086e)
- 禁止滚轮操作触发外层事件 (a3daa56)
- 【lb-annotation】修复types问题 (6be42f1)
- 标签工具结果初始化添加 (4449b2b)
- 标签工具隐藏撤销重做 (b2cf41a)
- 单步步骤 toolheader 不展示下一步 (e2b8b99)
- 多边形工具的双击添加点没有限定最大点数 (c354ca2)
- 发布由于版本名称更新导致的命名错误问题 (9c96caa)
- 工具在无对应快捷键时, footer 不展示快捷键 (06eb50f)
- 将 antd 转为 antd/es (0cdda82)
- 将 basicOperation 双击事件绑定应用于上层(多边形), 避免误触使用 (042df7c)
- 将 lb-utils 更改为 @sensetime/utils (1a4becf)
- 将所有 toolInstance 的事件监听从 on 转为 singleOn (294f0d5)
- 禁止文本标注输入框keydown事件传播 (8ff6091)
- 快捷键功能隐藏 (d8f7201)
- 拉框工具 - 多变形工具重写 destroy 函数,清楚文本的属性注入 (2a99fea)
- 修复 getFileData 外层注入不可用问题 (9691811)
- 修复 label-bee 内 ts 编译错误问题 (6b65e59)
- 修复 mock 数据的问题 (77aeb2c)
- 修复 Sense-annotation 编译错误问题 (8c16888)
- 修复 Sense-annotation 内 ts 编译错误问题 (bfa0d9f)
- 修复 ts compile error (5e60694)
- 修复标签工具内sourcei的Ddiff错误 (be488aa)
- 修复标签工具切换崩溃的问题 (60c2497)
- 修复标签工具切换没有清除渲染标签的问题 (caf4644)
- 修复标签工具在无依赖情况下还会初始化结果 (5aa5811)
- 修复标注工具键盘事件配置未限制的错误 (3402d47)
- 修复打包错误 (882efe5)
- 修复多步骤跳转的结果找不到的问题 (e7a9519)
- 修复国际化的小问题 (0f834b9)
- 修复获取order时候sourceID的diff问题 (00b8c2c)
- 修复结果中嵌入了数组结构数据 (e28c124)
- 修复界面被撑开以及原图显示的问题 (89ac3e0)
- 修复外界缩放和图片更改 canvas 无法立即响应的问题 (7d5d1d5)
- 修复无效图层的层级 (864d34c)
- 修复线条工具键盘切换属性不生效的问题 (90de51c)
- 修复线条工具十字线不存在的问题 / 拖动选中线条拖影的问题 (13cb586)
- 修复小页下标从 0 开始的问题 (25ee20f)
- 修复因图片路径问题导致的加载错误问题 (2367f65)
- 渲染添加限制 (6945607)
- 优化细节交互 (fd6be60)
- 组件销毁时清除事件绑定 (cdaa3ba)
- annotation 类型修复 (5bc5b60)
- AppProps 新增style属性 layout 布局改动 (6a44392)
- BasicOperation 滚轮操作禁止默认操作 (d5e9eb6)
- canvas 宽高调整 (c729aa4)
- checkoperation添加多边形textattribute显示 (60d7c1a)
- Eslint 问题修复 (2de721c)
- Hotkey 的国际化修复 (0e5a431)
- SENSEBEE-7610: 【lb-annotation】线条文本标注icon颜色不更新 (8e6ff49)
- SENSEBEE-7610: 线条的侧边栏并未检查文本输入 (a1024c9)
- SENSEBEE-7610: 线条工具目标外标注失效 (716bf6b)
- SENSEBEE-7751: 修复基础数据消失问题 (73a6dbc)
- SENSEBEE-7910: 【Label-bee + annotation】标签工具 / 文本工具在依赖初始化有问题,仅能初始化第一个依赖 (12e22b3)
- SENSEBEE-7939: [lb-component] 文本工具无法快捷翻页 (5ad2a9d)
- SENSEBEE-7940: 点击下一步时,没有正常回显已标注的文本信息 (dd470f5)
- SENSEBEE-7940: 修复文本工具无法切换依赖数据 (35e506e)
- SENSEBEE-7976: 【label-bee】线条工具 - 选中线条后侧边信息未同步 (46a156b)
- SENSEBEE-7977: 【label-bee】单步骤创建的时候,toolHeader 上方的旋转点击不生效 (d8de761)
- SENSEBEE-7983: 【SDK】【单步骤标注任务】--线条步骤点击清除标注数据没有效果 (1da14c0)
- SENSEBEE-8010: 【label-bee】点击 toolHeader 的下一步切换步骤,若切换前页面为无效图片,则切换后始终保持无效 (9747288)
- SENSEBEE-8012 多步骤 依赖拉框目标外标注问题 (348f522)
- SENSEBEE-8014: 【label-bee】当前页面完全新的,复制上张会复制上张图片的所有数据 (ee6a2d7)
- SENSEBEE-8277: 【annotation】拉框选中时 space + 左键拖动会有点小问题 (4cd2c72)
- SENSEBEE: 7908 7909 (baf8173)
- SENSEBEE: 7913 7915 (bb3f3cf)
- SENSEBEE: 8003 标点工具计数问题 (e79b488)