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Johannes Lötzsch edited this page Mar 9, 2023 · 7 revisions

Promising backends and query-middleware

serverless usage runtimes query languages schema storage backends serialisation immutable data notes
NocoDB yes js rest, (graphql), sql sql sqlite, postgres, mysql db primitives no
Nextcloud yes js, php rest none odt, xlsx, csv (versioning)
specialist-server (yes) (js), jvm, (bb) graphql spec, (graphqlsdl) independent edn, json, yaml backend dependent small, readable codebase
pyramid yes js, jvm, bb datalog, eql free independent edn entity maps optional thin library
oxigraph yes js, rust, py sparql free rocksdb quads no
xtdb no jvm datalog, sparql, sql free many edn records, json, yaml yes (bitemporal) good experience
fluree db yes js, jvm, bb sparql, graphql, flureeql fluree schema fluree ledger json-ld yes (timetravel queries)
solid (yes) js, … ? pods ?
comunica yes js sparql, graphql ? ? ?
jena/aristotle no jvm sparql (rdf, owl) jena rdf, owl no