A Light, Concise and Powerful Hexo's theme: Terran.
- Foxerlee's Journal: https://www.foxerlee.top/
- Article word count, reading time
- Card's friends page
- Image lazy loading
- Site search
- Number of visitors
- Code highlight
- Mobile support
- Comment support
- Download main code
git clone https://github.com/FoxerLee/hexo-theme-terran.git themes/terran
- Install required extension
npm i --save hexo-wordcount
Change configuartion file: _config.yml
# Change to
theme: terran
cd themes/terran
git pull origin master
This theme supports dynamic updates without replacing the original theme configuration file. The way to use it: Create a temp.yml
file in source/_data/
, which is equivalent to the theme's _config.yml
file, and has a higher priority. It will not be changed after git pull
, so if you want to update the theme frequently, please use this way to set configuartion file.
# Blog's name
headername: Foxerlee's Journal
# Menu bar
Home: /
Archive: /archives
Categories: /category
Tags: /tag
Friends: /friends
About: /about
# Main page
## Title in main page
profile_title: Foxerlee's Journal
# douban: /#
# bilibili: /#
github: https://github.com/FoxerLee
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yuan-li-008b3b142/
zhihu: https://www.zhihu.com/people/foxerlee/activities
facebook: /#
twitter: /#
# weibo: /#
# reddit: /#
# stack-overflow: /#
# gitlab: /#
# pinterest: /#
# youtube: /#
# Start year of this website
start_year: 2017
# friend links
## image can be found in source/images/,you can change to your own images
name: Test
url: http://www.foxerlee.top/
image: /images/a1.jpg
name: Test
url: http://www.zjzsliyang.com/
image: /images/a2.jpg
name: Test
url: http://www.zjzsliyang.com/
image: /images/a3.jpg
name: Test
url: http://www.zjzsliyang.com/
image: /images/a4.jpg
## number of friend links
friends_length: 4
# format of time
## reference: http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
month: MMM, YYYY
# Copyright of each post
copyright: true
## Add current post's url
permalink: true
## License
license: Copyright (c) <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/">CC-BY-NC-4.0</a> LICENSE
## Signature
signature: stay hungry, stay foolish
# Word cound
# required extension: https://github.com/willin/hexo-wordcount
wordcount: true # single page, word count
min2read: true # single page, time to read
- /css/style.css
- /js/hexo-theme-terran.js
- /js/md5.js
- /js/lazyLoad.js
enable: true
ClientID: # Client ID
ClientSecret: # Client Secret
repo: # repo which stores your blog
owner: FoxerLee # Github account name
adminUser: ['FoxerLee']
ID: location.pathname
labels: ['Gitalk'] # GitHub issues' tag
perPage: 10 # How many comments in per page
pagerDirection: last # first - old to new; last - new to old
createIssueManually: false # if need admin user to create issue
distractionFreeMode: false # if cmd|ctrl + enter can submit comment
# About page
## github_chart is from https://github.com/2016rshah/githubchart-api
avatar: /images/avatar.jpeg
name: Foxerlee
signature: 致我們短暫相遇,又各奔他處的一生
1: Master of Computer Science, New York University
2: Bachelor of Software Engineering, Tongji University
1: Software Develop Intern, Amazon
2: Graduate Assistant, New York University
3: Research Intern, National Instruments
4: Software Intern, Microsoft
interest: Machine Learning, Computer Vision, OCR, Segmentation, Few-shot Learning, Cybersecurity, Coding, Reading, Dota2, Fitness
github_chart: Foxerlee
enable: true
onlypost: false
loadingImage: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/img/lazy.gif
Reference and extensions I used in development:
- Chic: https://github.com/Siricee/hexo-theme-Chic
- purer: https://github.com/fengkx/hexo-theme-purer
- Snippet: https://github.com/shenliyang/hexo-theme-snippet
- githubchart-api(GitHub 贡献): https://github.com/2016rshah/githubchart-api
- hexo-wordcount(文章字数统计): https://github.com/willin/hexo-wordcount
- Pulse(主题基础框架): https://bootswatch.com/pulse/