This library geofence location data located within given polygon(s) and outputs whole matching lines (every fields).
It uses STDIN and STDOUT in order to boost the process avoiding disk I/O. This allows piping this process in a more elaborate script.
Make sure that none of the delimiters are contained inside a double quoted string.
e.g.: "this,is,a,string" in a CSV file
A great tool to deal with this case and prepare your data is csvquote.
This process will remove double quotes anyway but will not deal with inside-string-delimiter.
Lines with no separator matching INPUT_DELIMITER
will be skipped, no error will be displayed.
Composer must be installed in order to use this library.
Run the following command to build the library:
composer install
php geofence.php $1 $2 $3 $4 $5+
$1 = INPUT_DELIMITER: Input (STDIN) field delimiter
$2 = OUTPUT_DELIMITER: Output field delimiter >>> defaults to same as input
$3 = INPUT_LAT_FIELD: Input latitude field #
$4 = INPUT_LNG_FIELD: Input longitude field #
$5+ = POLYGON_FILES: Polygon files containing their coordinates
and lng_index
in the polygon.json files is used to indicate which, from the coordinate pairs, is latitude and which is longitude.
For example, polygon.json has lng/lat pairs and polygon2.json has lat/lng pairs.
read in CSV
, output same type
cat examples/geofence/data.csv | php geofence.php , '' 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
read in CSV
, output same type (multi-polygon)
cat examples/geofence/data.csv | php geofence.php , '' 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json examples/geofence/polygon2.json
read in CSV
, output CSV
cat examples/geofence/data.csv | php geofence.php , , 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
read in CSV
, output PSV
cat examples/geofence/data.csv | php geofence.php , '|' 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
read in CSV
, output TSV
cat examples/geofence/data.csv | php geofence.php , -t 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
read in PSV
, output PSV
cat examples/geofence/data.psv | php geofence.php '|' '' 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
read in PSV
, output CSV
cat examples/geofence/data.psv | php geofence.php '|' ',' 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
read in PSV
, output TSV
cat examples/geofence/data.psv | php geofence.php '|' -t 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
read in TSV
passing tabulation directly ("$(echo -en '\t')"
cat examples/geofence/data.tsv | php geofence.php "$(echo -en '\t')" "$(echo -en '\t')" 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
read in TSV
passing the parameter -t
for tabulation
cat examples/geofence/data.tsv | php geofence.php -t -t 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
read in TSV
, output CSV
cat examples/geofence/data.tsv | php geofence.php -t , 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
read in TSV
, output PSV
cat examples/geofence/data.tsv | php geofence.php -t '|' 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
count total of location falling inside the polygon
cat examples/geofence/data.csv | php geofence.php , , 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json | wc -l
sort + dedupe locations falling inside the polygon
cat examples/geofence/data.csv | php geofence.php , , 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json | sort -t, -k1,1n -k2,2n -u
sort + count duplicate locations falling inside the polygon
cat examples/geofence/data.csv | php geofence.php , , 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json | sort -t, -k1,1n -k2,2n | uniq -c
read in CSV
double quoted, output CSV
cat examples/geofence/data-quoted.csv | php geofence.php , , 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
read in CSV
double quoted with inside-string-delimiter, output CSV
csvquote examples/geofence/data-quoted.inside-delimiter.csv | sed 's/\x1F//g' | php geofence.php , , 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
read in TSV
double quoted with inside-string-delimiter, output CSV
csvquote -t examples/geofence/data-quoted.inside-delimiter.tsv | sed 's/\x1F//g' | php geofence.php -t , 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
read in TSV
double quoted with inside-string-delimiter, output TSV
csvquote -t examples/geofence/data-quoted.inside-delimiter.tsv | sed 's/\x1F//g' | php geofence.php -t -t 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json
read in CSV
passing tabulation as INPUT_DELIMITER, no output - no error
cat examples/geofence/data.csv | php geofence.php -t , 1 2 examples/geofence/polygon.json