When integrating with other systems, it can be useful to store the x, y, z, or m values as separate attributes. This can be done by accessing the feature’s geometry via Arcade.
I need to store the x and y locations as separate attributes so I can import it into some other system without out post-processing.
// Get the X value
var geom = Geometry($feature)
if (IsEmpty(geom)) {
return null;
} else {
return geom.X;
I need to store the latitude and longitude values to conform to some standard data collection specification (requires data to be in Web Mercator Projection)
// Create a function to convert meters to lat, long
function MetersToLatLon(geometry) {
if (IsEmpty(geometry)) {
return [null, null];
var originShift = 2.0 * PI * 6378137.0 / 2.0;
var lon = (geometry.x / originShift) * 180.0;
var lat = (geometry.y / originShift) * 180.0;
lat = 180.0 / PI * (2.0 * Atan( Exp( lat * PI / 180.0)) - PI / 2.0);
return [Round(lat, 6), Round(lon, 6)];
// Call the function and return the latitude or longitude value