diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
index 785475de5cc..31eb168719d 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ jobs:
           go-version: 1.21
       - name: Setup neo4j
         run: |
-          docker run -d --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/password -p7474:7474 -p7687:7687 neo4j || true
+          docker run -d --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/password -p7474:7474 -p7687:7687 -e NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS='["apoc"]' neo4j:5 || true
       - name: Determine Version
         run: |
           # determine version from tag
diff --git a/cpg-neo4j/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/aisec/cpg/persistence/Common.kt b/cpg-neo4j/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/aisec/cpg/persistence/Common.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..df0f2e29f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpg-neo4j/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/aisec/cpg/persistence/Common.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2024, Fraunhofer AISEC. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *                    $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\   $$$$$$\
+ *                   $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\
+ *                   $$ /  \__|$$ |  $$ |$$ /  \__|
+ *                   $$ |      $$$$$$$  |$$ |$$$$\
+ *                   $$ |      $$  ____/ $$ |\_$$ |
+ *                   $$ |  $$\ $$ |      $$ |  $$ |
+ *                   \$$$$$   |$$ |      \$$$$$   |
+ *                    \______/ \__|       \______/
+ *
+ */
+package de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.persistence
+import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.Name
+import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.Persistable
+import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.edges.flows.DependenceType
+import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.edges.flows.Granularity
+import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.helpers.neo4j.DataflowGranularityConverter
+import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.helpers.neo4j.NameConverter
+import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.helpers.neo4j.SimpleNameConverter
+import kotlin.reflect.KClass
+import kotlin.reflect.KProperty1
+import kotlin.reflect.full.createType
+import kotlin.reflect.full.memberProperties
+import kotlin.reflect.full.superclasses
+import kotlin.reflect.full.withNullability
+import kotlin.uuid.Uuid
+import org.neo4j.ogm.typeconversion.CompositeAttributeConverter
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
+ * A cache used to store and retrieve sets of labels associated with specific Kotlin class types.
+ *
+ * This mutable map uses a Kotlin class type as the key and a set of strings representing associated
+ * labels as the value. The [labelCache] provides efficient lookup and prevents redundant
+ * re-computation of labels for the same class type.
+ */
+val labelCache: MutableMap<KClass<*>, Set<String>> = mutableMapOf()
+ * A cache mapping classes of type [Persistable] to their respective properties.
+ *
+ * This mutable map stores metadata about [Persistable] objects. For each specific class that
+ * implements the [Persistable] interface, it caches a mapping between property names and their
+ * corresponding [KProperty1] references. This allows efficient reflection-based access to class
+ * properties without repeatedly inspecting the class at runtime.
+ *
+ * The key in the map is the [KClass] of a subclass of [Persistable]. The value is a [Map] where the
+ * keys are strings representing the property names, and the values are [KProperty1] references
+ * pointing to those properties. This can be used for dynamic property access or serialization
+ * processes.
+ */
+val schemaPropertiesCache:
+    MutableMap<KClass<out Persistable>, Map<String, KProperty1<out Persistable, *>>> =
+    mutableMapOf()
+ * A set containing predefined property types represented as Kotlin type objects that can be used as
+ * properties in [schemaProperties].
+ */
+val propertyTypes =
+    setOf(
+        String::class.createType(),
+        Int::class.createType(),
+        Long::class.createType(),
+        Boolean::class.createType(),
+        Name::class.createType(),
+        Uuid::class.createType(),
+        Granularity::class.createType(),
+        DependenceType::class.createType(),
+    )
+internal val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("Persistence")
+ * Returns the [Persistable]'s properties. This DOES NOT include relationships, but only properties
+ * directly attached to the node/edge.
+ */
+fun Persistable.properties(): Map<String, Any?> {
+    val properties = mutableMapOf<String, Any?>()
+    for (entry in this::class.schemaProperties) {
+        val value = entry.value.call(this)
+        if (value == null) {
+            continue
+        }
+        value.convert(entry.key, properties)
+    }
+    return properties
+ * Runs any conversions that are necessary by [CompositeAttributeConverter] and
+ * [org.neo4j.ogm.typeconversion.AttributeConverter]. Since both of these classes are Neo4J OGM
+ * classes, we need to find new base types at some point.
+ */
+fun Any.convert(originalKey: String, properties: MutableMap<String, Any?>) {
+    // TODO: generalize conversions
+    if (this is Name && originalKey == "name") {
+        properties += NameConverter().toGraphProperties(this)
+    } else if (this is Name) {
+        properties.put(originalKey, SimpleNameConverter().toGraphProperty(this))
+    } else if (this is Granularity) {
+        properties += DataflowGranularityConverter().toGraphProperties(this)
+    } else if (this is Enum<*>) {
+        properties.put(originalKey, this.name)
+    } else if (this is Uuid) {
+        properties.put(originalKey, this.toString())
+    } else {
+        properties.put(originalKey, this)
+    }
+ * Represents a computed property for obtaining a set of labels associated with a Kotlin class.
+ *
+ * Recursively collects labels from the class hierarchy, including superclass labels, and adds the
+ * simple name of the current class to the set of labels.
+ *
+ * Interfaces and the Kotlin base class `Any` are excluded from the labels. The results are cached
+ * to improve performance.
+ */
+val KClass<*>.labels: Set<String>
+    get() {
+        // Ignore interfaces and the Kotlin base class
+        if (this.java.isInterface || this == Any::class) {
+            return setOf()
+        }
+        val cacheKey = this
+        // Note: we cannot use computeIfAbsent here, because we are calling our function
+        // recursively and this would result in a ConcurrentModificationException
+        if (labelCache.containsKey(cacheKey)) {
+            return labelCache[cacheKey] ?: setOf()
+        }
+        val labels = mutableSetOf<String>()
+        labels.addAll(this.superclasses.flatMap { it.labels })
+        this.simpleName?.let { labels.add(it) }
+        // update the cache
+        labelCache[cacheKey] = labels
+        return labels
+    }
+ * Retrieves a map of schema properties (not relationships!) for the given class implementing
+ * [Persistable].
+ *
+ * This property computes a map that associates property names (as strings) to their corresponding
+ * [KProperty1] objects, which represent the properties defined in the class. Only properties whose
+ * return types are included in a predefined set of supported property types ([propertyTypes]) are
+ * included in the map.
+ *
+ * The computed map is cached to optimize subsequent lookups for properties of the same class.
+ */
+val KClass<out Persistable>.schemaProperties: Map<String, KProperty1<out Persistable, *>>
+    get() {
+        // Check, if we already computed the labels for this node's class
+        return schemaPropertiesCache.computeIfAbsent(this) {
+            val schema = mutableMapOf<String, KProperty1<out Persistable, *>>()
+            val properties = it.memberProperties
+            for (property in properties) {
+                if (property.returnType.withNullability(false) in propertyTypes) {
+                    schema.put(property.name, property)
+                }
+            }
+            schema
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/cpg-neo4j/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/aisec/cpg/persistence/Persistence.kt b/cpg-neo4j/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/aisec/cpg/persistence/Neo4J.kt
similarity index 61%
rename from cpg-neo4j/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/aisec/cpg/persistence/Persistence.kt
rename to cpg-neo4j/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/aisec/cpg/persistence/Neo4J.kt
index fd264b40ceb..b6df3e74784 100644
--- a/cpg-neo4j/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/aisec/cpg/persistence/Persistence.kt
+++ b/cpg-neo4j/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/aisec/cpg/persistence/Neo4J.kt
@@ -26,48 +26,57 @@
 package de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.persistence
 import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.TranslationResult
-import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.Name
 import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.Node
 import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.Persistable
 import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.edges.Edge
 import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.edges.allEdges
-import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.edges.flows.DependenceType
-import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.edges.flows.Granularity
 import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.nodes
 import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.types.FunctionPointerType
 import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.types.HasType
 import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.types.SecondOrderType
 import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.helpers.Benchmark
-import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.helpers.neo4j.DataflowGranularityConverter
-import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.helpers.neo4j.NameConverter
-import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.helpers.neo4j.SimpleNameConverter
 import de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.helpers.toIdentitySet
-import kotlin.reflect.KClass
-import kotlin.reflect.KProperty1
-import kotlin.reflect.full.createType
-import kotlin.reflect.full.memberProperties
-import kotlin.reflect.full.superclasses
-import kotlin.reflect.full.withNullability
-import kotlin.uuid.Uuid
 import org.neo4j.driver.Session
-import org.neo4j.ogm.typeconversion.CompositeAttributeConverter
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
- * docker run \ --name neo4j-apoc \ -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 \ -d \ -e NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/password \
- * -e NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS='["apoc"]' \ neo4j:5
+ * Defines the number of edges to be processed in a single batch operation during persistence.
+ *
+ * This constant is used for chunking collections of edges into smaller groups to optimize write
+ * performance and reduce memory usage when interacting with the Neo4j database. Specifically, it
+ * determines the maximum size of each chunk of edges to be persisted in one batch operation.
-val labelCache: MutableMap<KClass<*>, Set<String>> = mutableMapOf()
-val schemaPropertiesCache:
-    MutableMap<KClass<out Persistable>, Map<String, KProperty1<out Persistable, *>>> =
-    mutableMapOf()
+const val edgeChunkSize = 10000
-val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("Persistence")
-val edgeChunkSize = 10000
-val nodeChunkSize = 10000
+ * Specifies the maximum number of nodes to be processed in a single chunk during persistence
+ * operations.
+ *
+ * This constant is used to control the size of batches when persisting a list of nodes to the
+ * database. Breaking the list into chunks of this size helps improve performance and memory
+ * efficiency during database writes. Each chunk is handled individually, ensuring that operations
+ * remain manageable even for large data sets.
+ */
+const val nodeChunkSize = 10000
+ * Persists the current [TranslationResult] into a graph database.
+ *
+ * This method performs the following actions:
+ * - Logs information about the number and categories of nodes (e.g., AST nodes, scopes, types,
+ *   languages) and edges that are being persisted.
+ * - Collects nodes that include AST nodes, scopes, types, and languages, as well as all associated
+ *   edges.
+ * - Persists the collected nodes and edges.
+ * - Persists additional relationships between nodes, such as those related to types, scopes, and
+ *   languages.
+ * - Utilizes a benchmarking mechanism to measure and log the time taken to complete the persistence
+ *   operation.
+ *
+ * This method relies on the following context and properties:
+ * - The [TranslationResult.finalCtx] property for accessing the scope manager, type manager, and
+ *   configuration.
+ * - A [Session] context to perform persistence actions.
+ */
 fun TranslationResult.persist() {
     val b = Benchmark(Persistable::class.java, "Persisting translation result")
@@ -100,6 +109,20 @@ fun TranslationResult.persist() {
+ * Persists a list of nodes into a database in chunks for efficient processing.
+ *
+ * This function utilizes the surrounding [Session] context to execute the database write
+ * operations. Nodes are processed in chunks of size determined by [nodeChunkSize], and each chunk
+ * is persisted using Cypher queries. The process is benchmarked using the [Benchmark] utility.
+ *
+ * The function generates a list of properties for the nodes, which includes their labels and other
+ * properties. These properties are used to construct Cypher queries that create nodes in the
+ * database with the given labels and properties.
+ *
+ * The function uses the APOC library for creating nodes in the database. For each node in the list,
+ * it extracts the labels and properties and executes the Cypher query to persist the node.
+ */
 private fun List<Node>.persist() {
     this.chunked(nodeChunkSize).map { chunk ->
@@ -122,6 +145,24 @@ private fun List<Node>.persist() {
+ * Persists a collection of edges into a Neo4j graph database within the context of a [Session].
+ *
+ * This method ensures that the required index for node IDs is created before proceeding with
+ * relationship creation. The edges are subdivided into chunks, and for each chunk, the
+ * relationships are created in the database. Neo4j does not support multiple labels on edges, so
+ * each edge is duplicated for each assigned label. The created relationships are associated with
+ * their respective nodes and additional properties derived from the edges.
+ *
+ * Constraints:
+ * - The session context is required to execute write transactions.
+ * - Edges should define their labels and properties for appropriate persistence.
+ *
+ * Mechanisms:
+ * - An index for [Node] IDs is created (if not already existing) to optimize matching operations.
+ * - Edges are chunked to avoid overloading transactional operations.
+ * - Relationship properties and labels are mapped before using database utilities for creation.
+ */
 private fun Collection<Edge<*>>.persist() {
     // Create an index for the "id" field of node, because we are "MATCH"ing on it in the edge
@@ -193,6 +234,14 @@ private fun List<Node>.persistExtraRelationships() {
     relationships.chunked(10000).map { chunk -> this@Session.createRelationships(chunk) }
+ * Creates relationships in a graph database based on provided properties.
+ *
+ * @param props A list of maps, where each map represents properties of a relationship including
+ *   keys such as `startId`, `endId`, and `type`. The `startId` and `endId` identify the nodes to
+ *   connect, while `type` defines the type of the relationship. Additional properties for the
+ *   relationship can also be included in the map.
+ */
 private fun Session.createRelationships(
     props: List<Map<String, Any?>>,
 ) {
@@ -215,95 +264,3 @@ private fun Session.createRelationships(
- * Returns the [Persistable]'s properties. This DOES NOT include relationships, but only properties
- * directly attached to the node/edge.
- */
-fun Persistable.properties(): Map<String, Any?> {
-    val properties = mutableMapOf<String, Any?>()
-    for (entry in this::class.schemaProperties) {
-        val value = entry.value.call(this)
-        if (value == null) {
-            continue
-        }
-        value.convert(entry.key, properties)
-    }
-    return properties
- * Runs any conversions that are necessary by [CompositeAttributeConverter] and
- * [org.neo4j.ogm.typeconversion.AttributeConverter]. Since both of these classes are Neo4J OGM
- * classes, we need to find new base types at some point.
- */
-fun Any.convert(originalKey: String, properties: MutableMap<String, Any?>) {
-    // TODO: generalize conversions
-    if (this is Name && originalKey == "name") {
-        properties += NameConverter().toGraphProperties(this)
-    } else if (this is Name) {
-        properties.put(originalKey, SimpleNameConverter().toGraphProperty(this))
-    } else if (this is Granularity) {
-        properties += DataflowGranularityConverter().toGraphProperties(this)
-    } else if (this is Enum<*>) {
-        properties.put(originalKey, this.name)
-    } else if (this is Uuid) {
-        properties.put(originalKey, this.toString())
-    } else {
-        properties.put(originalKey, this)
-    }
-val KClass<*>.labels: Set<String>
-    get() {
-        // Ignore interfaces and the Kotlin base class
-        if (this.java.isInterface || this == Any::class) {
-            return setOf()
-        }
-        val cacheKey = this
-        // Note: we cannot use computeIfAbsent here, because we are calling our function
-        // recursively and this would result in a ConcurrentModificationException
-        if (labelCache.containsKey(cacheKey)) {
-            return labelCache[cacheKey] ?: setOf()
-        }
-        val labels = mutableSetOf<String>()
-        labels.addAll(this.superclasses.flatMap { it.labels })
-        this.simpleName?.let { labels.add(it) }
-        // update the cache
-        labelCache[cacheKey] = labels
-        return labels
-    }
-val propertyTypes =
-    setOf(
-        String::class.createType(),
-        Int::class.createType(),
-        Long::class.createType(),
-        Boolean::class.createType(),
-        Name::class.createType(),
-        Uuid::class.createType(),
-        Granularity::class.createType(),
-        DependenceType::class.createType(),
-    )
-val KClass<out Persistable>.schemaProperties: Map<String, KProperty1<out Persistable, *>>
-    get() {
-        // Check, if we already computed the labels for this node's class
-        return schemaPropertiesCache.computeIfAbsent(this) {
-            val schema = mutableMapOf<String, KProperty1<out Persistable, *>>()
-            val properties = it.memberProperties
-            for (property in properties) {
-                if (property.returnType.withNullability(false) in propertyTypes) {
-                    schema.put(property.name, property)
-                }
-            }
-            schema
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/cpg-neo4j/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/aisec/cpg_vis_neo4j/Application.kt b/cpg-neo4j/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/aisec/cpg_vis_neo4j/Application.kt
index b286dfc02a5..bacea40c1b1 100644
--- a/cpg-neo4j/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/aisec/cpg_vis_neo4j/Application.kt
+++ b/cpg-neo4j/src/main/kotlin/de/fraunhofer/aisec/cpg_vis_neo4j/Application.kt
@@ -50,14 +50,10 @@ import picocli.CommandLine
 import picocli.CommandLine.ArgGroup
 private const val S_TO_MS_FACTOR = 1000
-private const val TIME_BETWEEN_CONNECTION_TRIES: Long = 2000
-private const val MAX_COUNT_OF_FAILS = 10
 private const val EXIT_SUCCESS = 0
 private const val EXIT_FAILURE = 1
-private const val VERIFY_CONNECTION = true
 private const val DEBUG_PARSER = true
-private const val AUTO_INDEX = "none"
-private const val PROTOCOL = "bolt://"
+private const val PROTOCOL = "neo4j://"
 private const val DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost"
 private const val DEFAULT_PORT = 7687
@@ -81,6 +77,14 @@ data class JsonGraph(val nodes: List<JsonNode>, val edges: List<JsonEdge>)
  * An application to export the <a href="https://github.com/Fraunhofer-AISEC/cpg">cpg</a> to a <a
  * href="https://github.com/Fraunhofer-AISEC/cpg">neo4j</a> database.
+ *
+ * Please make sure, that the [APOC](https://neo4j.com/labs/apoc/) plugin is enabled on your neo4j
+ * server. It is used in mass-creating nodes and relationships.
+ *
+ * For example using docker:
+ * ```
+ * docker run -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 -d -e NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/password -e NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS='["apoc"]' neo4j:5
+ * ```
 class Application : Callable<Int> {