A colorful, dark cozy Neovim colorscheme.
Terminal configurations are in extras and at my dotfiles, includes my tmux config, partly ripped from Hi I'm Bored.
- vim-plug
Plug 'frenzyexists/aquarium-vim', { 'branch': 'develop' }
- packer
use 'frenzyexists/aquarium-vim'
- deim.vim
call dein#add('frenzyexists/aquarium-vim')
The vimscript version currently have some support for a few plugins, bellow a list of supported plugins:
- pandoc
- jedi
- Vim Clap
- fujitive.vim
- vim-sneak
- vim-airline
- lightline.vim
- lualine.nvim «requires neovim 5.0 or above»
- nvim-treesitter «requires neovim 5.0 or above»
- nvim-tree.lua «requires neovim 5.0 or above»
Set Bold:
" On = 1 (default) | Off = 0
let g:aqua_bold = 1
Set Transparency
" On = 1 | Off = 0 (default)
let g:aqua_transparency = 1
Aquarium now has Light Mode!
" To enable Lightmode change the style variable:
" options: "light", "dark"
let g:aquarium_style="dark"
" Airline has two themes :D
" options:
" base16_aquarium_light
" base16_aquarium_dark
let g:airline_theme="base16_aquarium_light"
Note: Copy the contents of the file to the respective config file of your favorite terminal. Always check the docs of your terminal first!
- General Theme (All three themes are in a single file)
Aquarium is open-source, Forever
You could submit a pull request or a suggestion/enchantment for this color theme.
you can also add a onfig of your favorite program using aquarium colors over here.