Every step has screenshots to help you, click on the spoiler to reveal them!
Setting up Github backend may be a little tricky, but if you follow this guide it'll be piece of cake!~ 🍰
Log in or sign up at Github. In this guide, we're assuming you're on desktop 💻
Click on plus button at the top, and click on 'New repository'
Here, enter any desired name (monika-autosaves
is a good example), and set it as private
Your persistent contains all Monika's memories about you — including private info too.
Keep your persistent safe — make your repository private 🛡️
We're now done setting up the repository — onto the next step!~
Go to your settings — click on your avatar in the top corner, then on 'Settings'
Look to the left, and scroll all the way to the bottom of the menu — you'll need the section labelled 'Developer settings'
Now, click on 'Personal access tokens' section to unfold it, then on 'Fine-grained tokens'
Click on 'Generate new token' button
You may be asked to enter your password or authorize with 2FA here — do so if asked
Type anything you like in the 'Token name' field — it only serves as a label for you; next up, select 'No expiration' under 'Expiration' field — so that you won't have to renew this API token again in future
Further on, scroll down to 'Repository access' section; here, click on 'Only select repositories', and select your previously created repository from the list
Then scroll down to 'Permissions' section; click on it to unfold, find 'Contents' section and set it to 'Read and write'
Almost there — scroll until you see 'Generate token' button and press it, then copy the token using 'copy' button
Github stuff is behind us now — let's set up Autosave submod in game 🎉
Open Submods menu in settings, and click on 'API Keys' section on the left
Find '[Autosave] Github API token' field, and click 'Paste'
Open 'Submods' section on the left, and find 'Autosave' submod in the list — then, click 'Select repository' and select your repository from earlier steps
You can check that it works by clicking 'Force save' and saving your persistent.
You're all set! 🥳