This module use general option "ffc_statistics_option" for all Fruitful Code products.
- ffc_statistics_option['ffc_statistic'] - flag for allow send statistics to Fruitful Code. Values: 1 - allow; 0 - disallow;
- ffc_statistics_option['ffc_subscribe'] - flag for allow subscribe to the Fruitful Code newsletters. Values: 1 - allow; 0 - disallow;
- ffc_statistics_option['ffc_subscribe_name'] - Name for subscribe to the Fruitful Code newsletters.
- ffc_statistics_option['ffc_subscribe_email'] - Email for subscribe to the Fruitful Code newsletters.
action: fruitful_send_stats
Fuctions to customize:
- product_stats_settings_update
- general_stats_option_update