This mod adds additional fonts (and stroke order) to the front of the card. This mod currently adds 3 additional fonts:
Note: This specific mod will change in the future to allow more customization. Stay tuned.
- Kyokasho (More handwritten style)
- Stroke order
If you need help reading these instructions, this guide to modding anki might help. Once you've read it, follow along below.
To get fonts into your Anki media folder, I have made a deck you have to import and sync.
Download, Import and Sync the deck(s) in font_decks. This will import the fonts you need for this mod to work.
In the "Front Template" tab of the card editor, copy the following and paste it on a new line after everything.
<span id="word" class="jp comic">{{furigana:Word}}</span>
<span id="word" class="jp kyokasho">{{furigana:Word}}</span>
<span id="word" class="jp strokeorder">{{furigana:Word}}</span>
(Optional no-stroke order) If you want to remove the stroke order entry (It's pretty big so you can see the order numbers), you can use this instead.
<span id="word" class="jp comic">{{furigana:Word}}</span>
<span id="word" class="jp kyokasho">{{furigana:Word}}</span>
- In the "Styling" tab of the card editor, copy the following and paste it on a new line after everything that's already there
@font-face { font-family: strokeorder; src: url('_strokeorder.ttf'); }
@font-face { font-family: hgrkk; src: url('_hgrkk.ttf'); }
@font-face { font-family: yugothb; src: url('_yugothb.ttc'); }
.comic {
font-family: yugothb;
.kyokasho {
font-family: hgrkk;
.strokeorder {
font-family: strokeorder;
font-size: 80px;
- You're done! Hit save or "finished".
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