This is the latest stable version of Eagleye ROS2. It is updated every three months. -
This is a branch to reflect changes in develop-ros1 to ros2 as well.
If contributors wish to add functionality to eagleye, they should create a new branch from this develop branch and submit a pull request. -
This is the latest stable version of Eagleye ROS1. Public development at ros1 ended in May 2023. -
Branches for new features and improvements -
Branch for fixing non-hotfix bugs -
Branch for fixing serious bugs in main branch
When making a pull request, please describe what the pull request is about and how the reviewer can verify that it works.
If you find after submitting a PR that it cannot be merged because it needs to be corrected, add [WIP] to the title of the PR and remove [WIP] from the title as soon as the correction is complete.
Please refer to the coding rules in the ROS developer's guide