Automation is a powerful feature that allows to programmatically create, modify, and delete Scrapyard bookmarks from iShell commands or your own extensions. For example, with this API you can import hierarchical content, manage TODO lists, or create something similar to the legacy Firefox "Live Bookmarks".
All automation features are implemented through the WebExtensions runtime messaging API. The ES6 module available by this link provides a JavaScript wrapper which is used in the examples below.
To call Scrapyard API from regular extensions, automation should be enabled manually at the Scrapyard advanced settings page (ext+scrapyard://advanced). It is not necessary to enable automation to use the code below from iShell commands.
The following messages are currently available:
Returns Scrapyard version. Useful for testing if Scrapyard presents in the browser:
import {getVersion} from "./scrapyard.js";
try {
let version = await getVersion();
console.log(`Scrapyard version: ${version}`);
catch (e) {
сonsole.log("Scrapyard is not installed or automation is disabled");
To optimize disk operations on the Scrapyard storage, these messages need to be issued when creating or modifying multiple bookmark or archive items.
import {openBatchSession, closeBatchSession} from "./scrapyard.js";
try {
await openBatchSession();
// Procesing...
finally {
await closeBatchSession();
Creates a bookmark.
import {addBookmark} from "./scrapyard.js";
const uuid = await addBookmark({
url: "", // Bookmark URL
title: "Bookmark Title", // Bookmark title
icon: "", // URL of bookmark favicon
path: "shelf/my/directory", // Bookmark shelf and directory
tags: "comma, separated", // List of bookmark tags
details: "Bookmark details", // Bookmark details
todo_state: "TODO", // One of the following strings:
todo_date: "YYYY-MM-DD", // TODO expiration date
comments: "comment text", // Bookmark comments
container: "firefox-container-1", // cookieStoreId of a Firefox Multi-Account container
select: true // Select the newly created bookmark in the interface
All parameters are optional. Directories in the bookmark path will be created automatically, if not exist.
The relevant undefined parameters (url
, title
, icon
) will be captured from the active tab.
The icon URL is used by Scrapyard only to store its image in the database, so it may be a URL from a local server, or a data-URL. If this parameter is explicitly set to an empty string, the default icon will be used.
If title
or icon
parameters are explicitly set to true
, bookmark title or icon will be extracted from the page
defined by the url
Returns UUID of the newly created bookmark.
Note: if you have Python installed, a local server could be started by
executing python3 -m http.server
in the desired directory.
Creates an archive.
import {addArchive} from "./scrapyard.js";
const uuid = await addArchive({
url: "", // Bookmark URL
title: "Bookmark Title", // Bookmark title
icon: "", // URL of bookmark favicon
path: "shelf/my/directory", // Bookmark shelf and directory
tags: "comma, separated", // List of bookmark tags
details: "Bookmark details", // Bookmark details
todo_state: "TODO", // One of the following strings:
todo_date: "YYYY-MM-DD", // TODO expiration date
comments: "comment text", // Bookmark comments
container: "firefox-container-1", // cookieStoreId of a Firefox Multi-Account container
content: "<p>Archive content</p>", // A String or ArrayBuffer, representing the text or bytes of the archived content
// HTML-pages, images, PDF-documents, and other files could be stored
content_type: "text/html", // MIME-type of the stored content
pack: true, // Pakck and store the page specified by the 'url' parameter,
// the 'content' parameter is ignored
local: true, // The 'url' parameter contains path to a local file, 'pack' is ignored
hide_tab: false, // Hide tab necessary to pack the page
select: true // Select the newly created bookmark in the interface
All parameters are optional. Directories in the bookmark path will be created automatically, if not exist.
The relevant missing parameters (url
, title
, icon
, content
, content_type
) will be captured
from the active tab. If the url
parameter is explicitly set to an empty string,
it will remain empty.
If title
or icon
parameters are explicitly set to true
, bookmark title or icon will be extracted from the page
defined by the url
When the pack
parameter is specified, this API ignores the content
, title
, and icon
and packs, then stores the page defined by the url
parameter. "text/html" content type is assumed.
A new tab is created, which is required for page packing. This tab could be hidden through the hide_tab
message option.
The pack
and content
parameters are ignored if the local
parameter is set to true
. In this case, the addon will perform
packing of the HTML content as the pack
option, or store binary content otherwise. The title
and icon
parameters are
taken into account.
If the pack
or local
parameters are set, bookmark icon and title will be assigned automatically.
Returns UUID of the newly created archive.
Creates notes.
import {addNotes} from "./scrapyard.js";
const uuid = await addNotes({
title: "Bookmark Title", // Bookmark title
path: "shelf/my/directory", // Bookmark shelf and directory
tags: "comma, separated", // List of bookmark tags
details: "Bookmark details", // Bookmark details
todo_state: "TODO", // One of the following strings:
todo_date: "YYYY-MM-DD", // TODO expiration date
comments: "comment text", // Bookmark comments
content: "Notes content", // A string
format: "text", // One of the following strings: text, markdown, org
select: true // Select the newly created bookmark in the interface
Returns UUID of the newly created notes.
Creates separator.
import {addSeparator} from "./scrapyard.js";
const uuid = await addSeparator({
path: "shelf/my/directory", // Separator shelf and directory
select: true // Select the newly created bookmark in the interface
Returns UUID of the newly created separator.
Packs content of all resources (images, CSS, etc.) referenced by a web-page into a single HTML string. When displayed in the browser, such a page will not rely on any external dependencies. Use this API, for example, when it is necessary to somehow modify the captured page.
This API creates a new tab which is required for its operation.
This tab could be hidden through the hide_tab
message option.
import {packPage} from "./scrapyard.js";
const {html, title, icon} = await packPage({
url: "", // URL of the page to be packed
local: true, // The 'url' parameter contains path to a local file
hide_tab: false // Hide the tab used by the API
Returns an object with the following properties:
- html - HTML string with the content of the specified page and all its referenced resources.
- title - title of the captured page.
- icon - page favicon URL.
Retrieves the properties of a bookmark or archive defined by the uuid
import {getItem} from "./scrapyard.js";
const item = await getItem({
uuid: "F0D858C6ED40416AA402EB2C3257EA17"
Returns an object with the following properties:
- type
- uuid
- title
- url
- icon
- tags
- details
- todo_state
- todo_date
- comments
- container
- path
Only type
, uuid
, and title
properties are always present.
Retrieves the content of an archive or notes defined by the uuid
import {getItemContent} from "./scrapyard.js";
const item = await getItemContent({
uuid: "F0D858C6ED40416AA402EB2C3257EA17"
Returns an object with the following properties:
- content - content of the archive or notes, may be a string or array-buffer.
- content_type - content MIME-type.
- contains - may be one of the following strings: text, bytes, files.
- format - format of the notes.
Only content property is always present. The type of the content depends on the value of the contains
When contains
is equal to "files", content
property contains an array-buffer with the bytes of a ZIP-archive.
Retrieves the properties of bookmarks selected in the Scrapyard sidebar.
import {getSelection} from "./scrapyard.js";
const items = await getSelection();
Lists the direct descendants of a shelf or folder defined by the uuid
or path
import {listItems} from "./scrapyard.js";
const items = await listItems({
uuid: null, // the uuid and path parameters are mutually exclusive
path: "/"
If null
is specified as the value of the uuid
parameter, the list of all shelves is returned.
Updates the properties of a bookmark, archive, or folder represented by the given UUID.
import {updateItem} from "./scrapyard.js";
await updateItem({
uuid: "F0D858C6ED40416AA402EB2C3257EA17",
title: "Bookmark Title", // Bookmark title
url: "", // Bookmark URL
icon: "", // URL of bookmark favicon
tags: "comma, separated", // List of bookmark tags
details: "Bookmark details", // Bookmark details
todo_state: "TODO", // One of the following strings:
todo_date: "YYYY-MM-DD", // TODO expiration date
comments: "comment text", // Bookmark comments
container: "firefox-container-1", // cookieStoreId of a Firefox Multi-Account container
refresh: true // Refresh the sidebar
All parameters are optional. If the icon
parameter is explicitly set to an empty string, the default icon will be used.
It is preferable to use the refresh
parameter only on the last invocation in the chain of updates.
Removes a bookmark or archive defined by the given UUID.
import {deleteItem} from "./scrapyard.js";
const items = await deleteItem({
uuid: "F0D858C6ED40416AA402EB2C3257EA17",
refresh: true // Refresh the sidebar
It is preferable to use the refresh
parameter only on the last invocation in the chain of updates.
Opens a bookmark or archive defined by the UUID, which could be found at the bookmark property dialog.
import {browseItem} from "./scrapyard.js";
await browseItem({
uuid: "F0D858C6ED40416AA402EB2C3257EA17"
In the following examples we use iShell commands to interact with Scrapyard. With iShell, there is no need to create separate add-ons for the Scrapyard automation in the most cases. See the iShell tutorial for more details on command authoring.
In the following example, we create a command that stores a local file
in Scrapyard under the folder specified by the to
In iShell, the global object cmdAPI.scrapyard
provides the same methods as the ES6 wrapper referenced above, so
there is no need to import anything.
Being placed in the iShell command editor, this code
creates the command named "upload-file".
# Syntax
**upload-file** _file path_ **to** _folder path_
# Arguments
- _file path_ - a local file path
- _folder path_ - a full path of a folder in Scrapyard
# Examples
**upload-file** *d:/documents/my file.pdf* **to** *papers/misc*
@icon /ui/icons/scrapyard.svg
@description Stores a local file under the specified Scrapyard folder.
@uuid 674BF919-3BCA-4378-AB8F-C873F8CFE42A
class UploadFile {
constructor(args) {
args[OBJECT] = {nountype: noun_arb_text, label: "path"};
// cmdAPI.scrapyard.noun_type_directory provides the list of all Scrapyard directories
// to autocompletion. A precaution is taken in the case of missing Scrapyard add-on.
const directory_noun = cmdAPI.scrapyard?.noun_type_directory || {suggest: () => ({})};
args[TO] = {nountype: directory_noun, label: "directory"};
preview({OBJECT, TO}, display) {
display.text(`Upload file <b>${OBJECT?.text}</b> to the <b>${AT?.text}</b> folder in Scrapyard.`);
async execute({OBJECT, TO}) {
if (!OBJECT?.text)
const localPath = OBJECT.text;
let title = localPath.replaceAll("\\", "/").split("/");
title = title[title.length - 1]; // use file name as the default bookmark title
title: title,
url: localPath,
path: TO?.text,
local: true,
select: true
Command example:
upload-file d:/documents/my file.pdf to papers/misc
The iShell command demonstrated below sends the content of the currently selected archives for processing in the iShell backend application written in Python. There you can develop your own Flask handlers.
This command has no arguments.
@icon /ui/icons/scrapyard.svg
@description Process with Python the curretnly selected Scrapyard archives.
@uuid 37B60EBB-F216-4A36-88DA-4703579A6457
class ConvertToMarkdown {
async execute() {
const items = await cmdAPI.scrapyard.getSelection();
for (const item of items) {
if (item.type === "archive") {
try {
const content = await cmdAPI.scrapyard.getItemContent({uuid: item.uuid});
const doc = cmdAPI.parseHtml(content.content);
$("style, script", doc).remove();
content.content = doc.outerHTML;
const payload = JSON.stringify({item, content});
const headers = {"content-type": "application/json"};
await cmdAPI.backendFetch("/convert_to_markdown", {method: "post", body: payload, headers});
} catch (e) {
The Flask handler:
import markdownify # 3-rd party library
from flask import request
@app.route("/convert_to_markdown", methods=['POST'])
def convert_to_markdown():
title, content = request.json["item"]["title"], request.json["content"]["content"]
markdown = markdownify.markdownify(content)
with open(f"d:/markdown/{title}.md", "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
return "", 204