diff --git a/extensions/community/ParticleEmitter3D.json b/extensions/community/ParticleEmitter3D.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..83728d148 --- /dev/null +++ b/extensions/community/ParticleEmitter3D.json @@ -0,0 +1,8106 @@ +{ + "author": "", + "category": "Visual effect", + "extensionNamespace": "", + "fullName": "3D particle emitter (experimental)", + "helpPath": "", + "iconUrl": "", + "name": "ParticleEmitter3D", + "previewIconUrl": "https://asset-resources.gdevelop.io/public-resources/Icons/f2e5a34bf465f781866677762d385d6c8e9e8d203383f2df9a3b7e0fad6a2cb5_fire.svg", + "shortDescription": "Display a large number of particles to create visual effects.", + "version": "0.0.1", + "description": [ + "Particle emitters can be used to display:", + "- Fire", + "- Smoke", + "- Splashes", + "- Lights" + ], + "tags": [ + "3d", + "particle", + "explosion", + "fire", + "smoke", + "splash", + "light" + ], + "authorIds": [ + "IWykYNRvhCZBN3vEgKEbBPOR3Oc2" + ], + "dependencies": [], + "eventsFunctions": [ + { + "description": "Define helper classes JavaScript code.", + "fullName": "Define helper classes", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "DefineHelperClasses", + "private": true, + "sentence": "Define helper classes JavaScript code", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "GlobalVariableAsBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "_ParticleEmmiter3DExtension_ClassesDefined", + "" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "SetGlobalVariableAsBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "_ParticleEmmiter3DExtension_ClassesDefined", + "True" + ] + } + ], + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension || {};", + "", + "/**", + " * @param {string} colorString", + " * @param {THREE.Vector4} threeColor", + " */", + "const setThreeColor = (colorString, threeColor = new THREE.Vector4()) => {", + " const integerColor = gdjs.rgbOrHexToRGBColor(colorString);", + " threeColor.x = integerColor[0] / 255;", + " threeColor.y = integerColor[1] / 255;", + " threeColor.z = integerColor[2] / 255;", + "};", + "", + "/**", + " * @param {string} integerOpacity", + " * @param {THREE.Vector4} threeColor", + " */", + "const setThreeOpacity = (integerOpacity, threeColor = new THREE.Vector4()) => {", + " threeColor.w = integerOpacity / 255;", + "};", + "", + "class ParticleEmitterAdapter {", + " /**", + " * @param particleSystem {ParticleSystem}", + " * @param colorOverLife {ColorOverLife}", + " * @param sizeOverLife {SizeOverLife}", + " * @param applyForce {ApplyForce}", + " */", + " constructor(particleSystem, colorOverLife, sizeOverLife, applyForce) {", + " this.particleSystem = particleSystem;", + " this.colorOverLife = colorOverLife;", + " this.sizeOverLife = sizeOverLife;", + " this.applyForce = applyForce;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param startColor {string}", + " */", + " setStartColor(startColor) {", + " setThreeColor(startColor, this.colorOverLife.color.a);", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param endColor {string}", + " */", + " setEndColor(endColor) {", + " setThreeColor(endColor, this.colorOverLife.color.b);", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param startOpacity {number}", + " */", + " setStartOpacity(startOpacity) {", + " setThreeOpacity(startOpacity, this.colorOverLife.color.a);", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param endOpacity {number}", + " */", + " setEndOpacity(endOpacity) {", + " setThreeOpacity(endOpacity, this.colorOverLife.color.b);", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param flow {number}", + " */", + " setFlow(flow) {", + " this.particleSystem.emissionOverTime.value = flow;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param startMinSize {number}", + " */", + " setStartMinSize(startMinSize) {", + " this.particleSystem.startSize.a = startMinSize;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param startMaxSize {number}", + " */", + " setStartMaxSize(startMaxSize) {", + " this.particleSystem.startSize.b = startMaxSize;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param endScale {number}", + " */", + " setEndScale(endScale) {", + " /** @type Bezier */", + " const bezier = this.sizeOverLife.functions[0];", + " bezier.p[0] = 1;", + " bezier.p[1] = gdjs.evtTools.common.lerp(1, endScale, 1 / 3);", + " bezier.p[2] = gdjs.evtTools.common.lerp(1, endScale, 2 / 3);", + " bezier.p[3] = endScale;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param startSpeedMin {number}", + " */", + " setStartSpeedMin(startSpeedMin) {", + " this.particleSystem.startSpeed.a = startSpeedMin;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param startSpeedMax {number}", + " */", + " setStartSpeedMax(startSpeedMax) {", + " this.particleSystem.startSpeed.b = startSpeedMax;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param lifespanMin {number}", + " */", + " setLifespanMin(lifespanMin) {", + " this.particleSystem.startLife.a = lifespanMin;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param lifespanMax {number}", + " */", + " setLifespanMax(lifespanMax) {", + " this.particleSystem.startLife.b = lifespanMax;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param duration {number}", + " */", + " setDuration(duration) {", + " this.particleSystem.duration = duration || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param areParticlesRelative {boolean}", + " */", + " setParticlesRelative(areParticlesRelative) {", + " this.particleSystem.worldSpace = !areParticlesRelative;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param sprayConeAngle {number}", + " */", + " setSprayConeAngle(sprayConeAngle) {", + " if (0 < sprayConeAngle && sprayConeAngle <= 180) {", + " if (!this.particleSystem.emitterShape.angle) {", + " this.particleSystem.emitterShape = new ConeEmitter({ radius: 0.1, angle: Math.PI / 8 });", + " }", + " this.particleSystem.emitterShape.angle = sprayConeAngle * Math.PI / 180;", + " }", + " else {", + " if (this.particleSystem.emitterShape.angle) {", + " this.particleSystem.emitterShape = new PointEmitter();", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param blending {string}", + " */", + " setBlending(blendingString) {", + " const blending =", + " blendingString === \"Additive\" ? THREE.AdditiveBlending :", + " blendingString === \"Normal\" ? THREE.NormalBlending :", + " blendingString === \"Subtractive\" ? THREE.SubtractiveBlending :", + " blendingString === \"Multiply\" ? THREE.MultiplyBlending :", + " blendingString === \"None\" ? THREE.NoBlending :", + " THREE.AdditiveBlending;", + " // TODO This doesn't work.", + " this.particleSystem.blending = blending;", + " }", + " ", + " /**", + " * @param gravity {number}", + " */", + " setGravity(gravity) {", + " this.applyForce.magnitude.value = gravity;", + " }", + " ", + " /**", + " * @param gravityTop {string}", + " */", + " setGravityTop(gravityTop) {", + " // TODO Make gravity absolute even when \"relative\" is enabled. ", + " switch (gravityTop) {", + " case \"Z+\":", + " this.applyForce.direction.set(0, 0, -1);", + " break;", + "", + " case \"Y-\":", + " this.applyForce.direction.set(0, 1, 0);", + " break;", + " }", + " }", + "}", + "", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ParticleEmitterAdapter = ParticleEmitterAdapter;", + "", + "/**", + " * three.quarks v0.10.3 build Fri Jul 28 2023", + " * https://github.com/Alchemist0823/three.quarks#readme", + " * Copyright 2023 Alchemist0823 , MIT", + " */", + "class ParticleEmitter extends THREE.Object3D {", + " //interleavedBuffer: InterleavedBuffer;", + " constructor(system) {", + " super();", + " this.type = \"ParticleEmitter\";", + " this.system = system;", + " // this.visible = false;", + " // TODO: implement boundingVolume", + " }", + " clone() {", + " const system = this.system.clone();", + " system.emitter.copy(this, true);", + " return system.emitter;", + " }", + " dispose() {", + " }", + " // extract data from the cache hash", + " // remove metadata on each item", + " // and return as array", + " extractFromCache(cache) {", + " const values = [];", + " for (const key in cache) {", + " const data = cache[key];", + " delete data.metadata;", + " values.push(data);", + " }", + " return values;", + " }", + " toJSON(meta, options = {}) {", + " // meta is a string when called from JSON.stringify", + " const isRootObject = (meta === undefined || typeof meta === 'string');", + " const output = {};", + " // meta is a hash used to collect geometries, materials.", + " // not providing it implies that this is the root object", + " // being serialized.", + " if (isRootObject) {", + " // initialize meta obj", + " meta = {", + " geometries: {},", + " materials: {},", + " textures: {},", + " images: {},", + " shapes: {},", + " skeletons: {},", + " animations: {},", + " nodes: {}", + " };", + " output.metadata = {", + " version: 4.5,", + " type: 'Object',", + " generator: 'Object3D.toJSON'", + " };", + " }", + " // standard Object3D serialization", + " const object = {};", + " object.uuid = this.uuid;", + " object.type = this.type;", + " if (this.name !== '')", + " object.name = this.name;", + " if (this.castShadow === true)", + " object.castShadow = true;", + " if (this.receiveShadow === true)", + " object.receiveShadow = true;", + " if (this.visible === false)", + " object.visible = false;", + " if (this.frustumCulled === false)", + " object.frustumCulled = false;", + " if (this.renderOrder !== 0)", + " object.renderOrder = this.renderOrder;", + " if (JSON.stringify(this.userData) !== '{}')", + " object.userData = this.userData;", + " object.layers = this.layers.mask;", + " object.matrix = this.matrix.toArray();", + " if (this.matrixAutoUpdate === false)", + " object.matrixAutoUpdate = false;", + " // object specific properties", + " // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion", + " if (this.system !== null)", + " object.ps = this.system.toJSON(meta, options);", + " if (this.children.length > 0) {", + " object.children = [];", + " for (let i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {", + " if (this.children[i].type !== \"ParticleSystemPreview\") {", + " object.children.push(this.children[i].toJSON(meta).object);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " if (isRootObject) {", + " // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion", + " const geometries = this.extractFromCache(meta.geometries);", + " // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion", + " const materials = this.extractFromCache(meta.materials);", + " // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion", + " const textures = this.extractFromCache(meta.textures);", + " // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion", + " const images = this.extractFromCache(meta.images);", + " if (geometries.length > 0)", + " output.geometries = geometries;", + " if (materials.length > 0)", + " output.materials = materials;", + " if (textures.length > 0)", + " output.textures = textures;", + " if (images.length > 0)", + " output.images = images;", + " }", + " output.object = object;", + " return output;", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class LinkedListNode {", + " constructor(data) {", + " this.data = data;", + " this.next = null;", + " this.prev = null;", + " }", + " hasPrev() {", + " return this.prev !== null;", + " }", + " hasNext() {", + " return this.next !== null;", + " }", + "}", + "class LinkedList {", + " constructor() {", + " this.length = 0;", + " this.head = this.tail = null;", + " }", + " isEmpty() {", + " return this.head === null;", + " }", + " clear() {", + " this.length = 0;", + " this.head = this.tail = null;", + " }", + " front() {", + " if (this.head === null)", + " return null;", + " return this.head.data;", + " }", + " back() {", + " if (this.tail === null)", + " return null;", + " return this.tail.data;", + " }", + " /**", + " * remove at head in O(1)", + " */", + " dequeue() {", + " if (this.head) {", + " const value = this.head.data;", + " this.head = this.head.next;", + " if (!this.head) {", + " this.tail = null;", + " }", + " else {", + " this.head.prev = null;", + " }", + " this.length--;", + " return value;", + " }", + " return undefined;", + " }", + " /**", + " * remove at tail in O(1)", + " */", + " pop() {", + " if (this.tail) {", + " const value = this.tail.data;", + " this.tail = this.tail.prev;", + " if (!this.tail) {", + " this.head = null;", + " }", + " else {", + " this.tail.next = null;", + " }", + " this.length--;", + " return value;", + " }", + " return undefined;", + " }", + " /**", + " * add at head in O(1)", + " */", + " queue(data) {", + " const node = new LinkedListNode(data);", + " if (!this.tail) {", + " this.tail = node;", + " }", + " if (this.head) {", + " this.head.prev = node;", + " node.next = this.head;", + " }", + " this.head = node;", + " this.length++;", + " }", + " /**", + " * add at tail in O(1)", + " */", + " push(data) {", + " const node = new LinkedListNode(data);", + " if (!this.head) {", + " this.head = node;", + " }", + " if (this.tail) {", + " this.tail.next = node;", + " node.prev = this.tail;", + " }", + " this.tail = node;", + " this.length++;", + " }", + " insertBefore(node, data) {", + " const newNode = new LinkedListNode(data);", + " newNode.next = node;", + " newNode.prev = node.prev;", + " if (newNode.prev !== null) {", + " newNode.prev.next = newNode;", + " }", + " newNode.next.prev = newNode;", + " if (node == this.head) {", + " this.head = newNode;", + " }", + " this.length++;", + " }", + " remove(data) {", + " if (this.head === null || this.tail === null) {", + " return;", + " }", + " let tempNode = this.head;", + " if (data === this.head.data) {", + " this.head = this.head.next;", + " }", + " if (data === this.tail.data) {", + " this.tail = this.tail.prev;", + " }", + " while (tempNode.next !== null && tempNode.data !== data) {", + " tempNode = tempNode.next;", + " }", + " if (tempNode.data === data) {", + " if (tempNode.prev !== null)", + " tempNode.prev.next = tempNode.next;", + " if (tempNode.next !== null)", + " tempNode.next.prev = tempNode.prev;", + " this.length--;", + " }", + " }", + " /**", + " * Returns an iterator over the values", + " */", + " *values() {", + " let current = this.head;", + " while (current !== null) {", + " yield current.data;", + " current = current.next;", + " }", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class SpriteParticle {", + " constructor() {", + " // CPU", + " this.startSpeed = 0;", + " this.startColor = new THREE.Vector4();", + " this.startSize = 1;", + " this.position = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.velocity = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.age = 0;", + " this.life = 1;", + " this.size = 1;", + " // GPU", + " this.rotation = 0;", + " this.color = new THREE.Vector4();", + " this.uvTile = 0;", + " }", + " get died() {", + " return this.age >= this.life;", + " }", + "}", + "class RecordState {", + " constructor(position, size, color) {", + " this.position = position;", + " this.size = size;", + " this.color = color;", + " }", + "}", + "class TrailParticle {", + " constructor() {", + " this.startSpeed = 0;", + " this.startColor = new THREE.Vector4();", + " this.startSize = 1;", + " this.position = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.velocity = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.age = 0;", + " this.life = 1;", + " this.size = 1;", + " this.length = 100;", + " // GPU", + " this.color = new THREE.Vector4();", + " // use link list instead", + " this.previous = new LinkedList();", + " this.uvTile = 0;", + " }", + " update() {", + " if (this.age <= this.life) {", + " this.previous.push(new RecordState(this.position.clone(), this.size, this.color.clone()));", + " }", + " else {", + " if (this.previous.length > 0) {", + " this.previous.dequeue();", + " }", + " }", + " while (this.previous.length > this.length) {", + " this.previous.dequeue();", + " }", + " }", + " get died() {", + " return this.age >= this.life;", + " }", + " reset() {", + " this.previous.clear();", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class ConstantValue {", + " constructor(value) {", + " this.value = value;", + " this.type = 'value';", + " }", + " genValue() {", + " return this.value;", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: \"ConstantValue\",", + " value: this.value", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new ConstantValue(json.value);", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new ConstantValue(this.value);", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class IntervalValue {", + " constructor(a, b) {", + " this.a = a;", + " this.b = b;", + " this.type = \"value\";", + " }", + " genValue() {", + " return THREE.MathUtils.lerp(this.a, this.b, Math.random());", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: \"IntervalValue\",", + " a: this.a,", + " b: this.b,", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new IntervalValue(json.a, json.b);", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new IntervalValue(this.a, this.b);", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class PiecewiseFunction {", + " constructor() {", + " this.functions = new Array();", + " }", + " findFunction(t) {", + " let mid = 0;", + " let left = 0, right = this.functions.length - 1;", + " while (left + 1 < right) {", + " mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2);", + " if (t < this.getStartX(mid))", + " right = mid - 1;", + " else if (t > this.getEndX(mid))", + " left = mid + 1;", + " else", + " return mid;", + " }", + " for (let i = left; i <= right; i++) {", + " if (t >= this.functions[i][1] && t <= this.getEndX(i))", + " return i;", + " }", + " return -1;", + " }", + " getStartX(index) {", + " return this.functions[index][1];", + " }", + " setStartX(index, x) {", + " if (index > 0)", + " this.functions[index][1] = x;", + " }", + " getEndX(index) {", + " if (index + 1 < this.functions.length)", + " return this.functions[index + 1][1];", + " return 1;", + " }", + " setEndX(index, x) {", + " if (index + 1 < this.functions.length)", + " this.functions[index + 1][1] = x;", + " }", + " insertFunction(t, func) {", + " const index = this.findFunction(t);", + " this.functions.splice(index + 1, 0, [func, t]);", + " }", + " removeFunction(index) {", + " return this.functions.splice(index, 1)[0][0];", + " }", + " getFunction(index) {", + " return this.functions[index][0];", + " }", + " setFunction(index, func) {", + " this.functions[index][0] = func;", + " }", + " get numOfFunctions() {", + " return this.functions.length;", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class Bezier {", + " constructor(p1, p2, p3, p4) {", + " this.p = [p1, p2, p3, p4];", + " }", + " genValue(t) {", + " const t2 = t * t;", + " const t3 = t * t * t;", + " const mt = 1 - t;", + " const mt2 = mt * mt;", + " const mt3 = mt2 * mt;", + " return this.p[0] * mt3 + this.p[1] * mt2 * t * 3 + this.p[2] * mt * t2 * 3 + this.p[3] * t3;", + " }", + " // get the coefficients of the polynomial's derivatives", + " derivativeCoefficients(points) {", + " const dpoints = [];", + " for (let p = points, c = p.length - 1; c > 0; c--) {", + " const list = [];", + " for (let j = 0; j < c; j++) {", + " const dpt = c * (p[j + 1] - p[j]);", + " list.push(dpt);", + " }", + " dpoints.push(list);", + " p = list;", + " }", + " return dpoints;", + " }", + " // calculate the slope", + " getSlope(t) {", + " const p = this.derivativeCoefficients(this.p)[0];", + " const mt = 1 - t;", + " const a = mt * mt;", + " const b = mt * t * 2;", + " const c = t * t;", + " return a * p[0] + b * p[1] + c * p[2];", + " //return a * (p[1] - p[0]) * 3 + b * (p[2] - p[1]) * 3 + c * (p[3] - p[2]) * 3;", + " }", + " // derivative(0) = (p[1] - p[0]) * 3", + " // derivative(1) = (p[3] - p[2]) * 3", + " controlCurve(d0, d1) {", + " this.p[1] = d0 / 3 + this.p[0];", + " this.p[2] = this.p[3] - d1 / 3;", + " }", + " hull(t) {", + " let p = this.p;", + " let _p = [], pt, idx = 0, i = 0, l = 0;", + " const q = [];", + " q[idx++] = p[0];", + " q[idx++] = p[1];", + " q[idx++] = p[2];", + " q[idx++] = p[3];", + " // we lerp between all points at each iteration, until we have 1 point left.", + " while (p.length > 1) {", + " _p = [];", + " for (i = 0, l = p.length - 1; i < l; i++) {", + " pt = t * p[i] + (1 - t) * p[i + 1];", + " q[idx++] = pt;", + " _p.push(pt);", + " }", + " p = _p;", + " }", + " return q;", + " }", + " split(t) {", + " // no shortcut: use \"de Casteljau\" iteration.", + " const q = this.hull(t);", + " const result = {", + " left: new Bezier(q[0], q[4], q[7], q[9]),", + " right: new Bezier(q[9], q[8], q[6], q[3]),", + " span: q", + " };", + " return result;", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new Bezier(this.p[0], this.p[1], this.p[2], this.p[3]);", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " p0: this.p[0],", + " p1: this.p[1],", + " p2: this.p[2],", + " p3: this.p[3],", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new Bezier(json.p0, json.p1, json.p2, json.p3);", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class PiecewiseBezier extends PiecewiseFunction {", + " // default linear bezier", + " constructor(curves = [[new Bezier(0, 1.0 / 3, 1.0 / 3 * 2, 1), 0]]) {", + " super();", + " this.type = \"function\";", + " this.functions = curves;", + " }", + " genValue(t = 0) {", + " const index = this.findFunction(t);", + " if (index === -1) {", + " return 0;", + " }", + " return this.functions[index][0].genValue((t - this.getStartX(index)) / (this.getEndX(index) - this.getStartX(index)));", + " }", + " toSVG(length, segments) {", + " if (segments < 1)", + " return \"\";", + " let result = [\"M\", 0, this.functions[0][0].p[0]].join(\" \");", + " for (let i = 1.0 / segments; i <= 1; i += 1.0 / segments) {", + " result = [result, \"L\", i * length, this.genValue(i)].join(\" \");", + " }", + " return result;", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: \"PiecewiseBezier\",", + " functions: this.functions.map(([bezier, start]) => ({ function: bezier.toJSON(), start: start })),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new PiecewiseBezier(json.functions.map((piecewiseFunction) => ([Bezier.fromJSON(piecewiseFunction.function), piecewiseFunction.start])));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new PiecewiseBezier(this.functions.map(([bezier, start]) => ([bezier.clone(), start])));", + " }", + "}", + "", + "function ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json) {", + " switch (json.type) {", + " case 'ConstantValue':", + " return ConstantValue.fromJSON(json);", + " case 'IntervalValue':", + " return IntervalValue.fromJSON(json);", + " case 'PiecewiseBezier':", + " return PiecewiseBezier.fromJSON(json);", + " default:", + " return new ConstantValue(0);", + " }", + "}", + "", + "const ColorToJSON = (color) => {", + " return { r: color.x, g: color.y, b: color.z, a: color.w };", + "};", + "const JSONToColor = (json) => {", + " return new THREE.Vector4(json.r, json.g, json.b, json.a);", + "};", + "", + "class RandomColor {", + " constructor(a, b) {", + " this.a = a;", + " this.b = b;", + " this.type = \"value\";", + " }", + " genColor(color) {", + " const rand = Math.random();", + " return color.copy(this.a).lerp(this.b, rand);", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: \"RandomColor\",", + " a: ColorToJSON(this.a),", + " b: ColorToJSON(this.b),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new RandomColor(JSONToColor(json.a), JSONToColor(json.b));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new RandomColor(this.a.clone(), this.b.clone());", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class ColorRange {", + " constructor(a, b) {", + " this.a = a;", + " this.b = b;", + " this.type = \"function\";", + " }", + " genColor(color, t) {", + " return color.copy(this.a).lerp(this.b, t);", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: \"ColorRange\",", + " a: ColorToJSON(this.a),", + " b: ColorToJSON(this.b),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new ColorRange(JSONToColor(json.a), JSONToColor(json.b));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new ColorRange(this.a.clone(), this.b.clone());", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class Gradient extends PiecewiseFunction {", + " // default linear bezier", + " constructor(functions = [[new ColorRange(new THREE.Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1), new THREE.Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)), 0]]) {", + " super();", + " this.type = \"function\";", + " this.functions = functions;", + " }", + " genColor(color, t) {", + " const index = this.findFunction(t);", + " if (index === -1) {", + " return color.copy(this.functions[0][0].a);", + " }", + " return this.getFunction(index).genColor(color, (t - this.getStartX(index)) / (this.getEndX(index) - this.getStartX(index)));", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: \"Gradient\",", + " functions: this.functions.map(([range, start]) => ({ function: range.toJSON(), start: start })),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new Gradient(json.functions.map((piecewiseFunction) => ([ColorRange.fromJSON(piecewiseFunction.function), piecewiseFunction.start])));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new Gradient(this.functions.map(([range, start]) => ([range.clone(), start])));", + " }", + "}", + "", + "const tempColor = new THREE.Vector4();", + "// generate a random color from the start two gradients", + "class RandomColorBetweenGradient {", + " constructor(gradient1, gradient2) {", + " this.type = 'memorizedFunction';", + " this.gradient1 = gradient1;", + " this.gradient2 = gradient2;", + " }", + " startGen(memory) {", + " memory.rand = Math.random();", + " }", + " genColor(color, t, memory) {", + " this.gradient1.genColor(color, t);", + " this.gradient2.genColor(tempColor, t);", + " color.lerp(tempColor, memory.rand);", + " return color;", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: 'RandomColorBetweenGradient',", + " gradient1: this.gradient1.toJSON(),", + " gradient2: this.gradient2.toJSON(),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new RandomColorBetweenGradient(Gradient.fromJSON(json.gradient1), Gradient.fromJSON(json.gradient2));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new RandomColorBetweenGradient(this.gradient1.clone(), this.gradient2.clone());", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class ConstantColor {", + " constructor(color) {", + " this.color = color;", + " this.type = 'value';", + " }", + " genColor(color) {", + " return color.copy(this.color);", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: 'ConstantColor',", + " color: ColorToJSON(this.color),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new ConstantColor(JSONToColor(json.color));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new ConstantColor(this.color.clone());", + " }", + "}", + "function ColorGeneratorFromJSON(json) {", + " switch (json.type) {", + " case 'ConstantColor':", + " return ConstantColor.fromJSON(json);", + " case 'ColorRange':", + " return ColorRange.fromJSON(json);", + " case 'RandomColor':", + " return RandomColor.fromJSON(json);", + " case 'Gradient':", + " return Gradient.fromJSON(json);", + " case 'RandomColorBetweenGradient':", + " return RandomColorBetweenGradient.fromJSON(json);", + " default:", + " return new ConstantColor(new THREE.Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1));", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class RandomQuatGenerator {", + " constructor() {", + " this.type = \"rotation\";", + " }", + " genValue(quat, t) {", + " let x, y, z, u, v, w;", + " do {", + " x = Math.random() * 2 - 1;", + " y = Math.random() * 2 - 1;", + " z = x * x + y * y;", + " } while (z > 1);", + " do {", + " u = Math.random() * 2 - 1;", + " v = Math.random() * 2 - 1;", + " w = u * u + v * v;", + " } while (w > 1);", + " const s = Math.sqrt((1 - z) / w);", + " quat.set(x, y, s * u, s * v);", + " return quat;", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: \"RandomQuat\"", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new RandomQuatGenerator();", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new RandomQuatGenerator();", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class AxisAngleGenerator {", + " constructor(axis, angle) {", + " this.axis = axis;", + " this.angle = angle;", + " this.type = \"rotation\";", + " }", + " genValue(quat, t) {", + " // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion", + " return quat.setFromAxisAngle(this.axis, this.angle.genValue(t));", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: \"AxisAngle\",", + " axis: { x: this.axis.x, y: this.axis.y, z: this.axis.z },", + " angle: this.angle.toJSON(),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new AxisAngleGenerator(json.axis, ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.angle));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new AxisAngleGenerator(this.axis.clone(), this.angle.clone());", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class EulerGenerator {", + " constructor(angleX, angleY, angleZ) {", + " this.angleX = angleX;", + " this.angleY = angleY;", + " this.angleZ = angleZ;", + " this.type = \"rotation\";", + " }", + " genValue(quat, t) {", + " // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion", + " return quat.setFromEuler(new THREE.Euler(this.angleX.genValue(t), this.angleY.genValue(t), this.angleZ.genValue(t)));", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: \"Euler\",", + " angleX: this.angleX.toJSON(),", + " angleY: this.angleY.toJSON(),", + " angleZ: this.angleZ.toJSON(),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new EulerGenerator(ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.angleX), ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.angleY), ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.angleZ));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new EulerGenerator(this.angleX, this.angleY, this.angleZ);", + " }", + "}", + "", + "function RotationGeneratorFromJSON(json) {", + " switch (json.type) {", + " case 'AxisAngle':", + " return AxisAngleGenerator.fromJSON(json);", + " case 'Euler':", + " return EulerGenerator.fromJSON(json);", + " case 'RandomQuat':", + " return RandomQuatGenerator.fromJSON(json);", + " default:", + " return new RandomQuatGenerator();", + " }", + "}", + "", + "function GeneratorFromJSON(json) {", + " switch (json.type) {", + " case 'ConstantValue':", + " case 'IntervalValue':", + " case 'PiecewiseBezier':", + " return ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json);", + " case 'AxisAngle':", + " case 'RandomQuat':", + " case 'Euler':", + " return RotationGeneratorFromJSON(json);", + " default:", + " return new ConstantValue(0);", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class ColorOverLife {", + " constructor(color) {", + " this.color = color;", + " this.type = 'ColorOverLife';", + " }", + " initialize(particle) {", + " if (this.color.type === 'memorizedFunction') {", + " particle.colorOverLifeMemory = {};", + " this.color.startGen(particle.colorOverLifeMemory);", + " }", + " }", + " update(particle, delta) {", + " if (this.color.type === 'memorizedFunction') {", + " this.color.genColor(particle.color, particle.age / particle.life, particle.colorOverLifeMemory);", + " }", + " else {", + " this.color.genColor(particle.color, particle.age / particle.life);", + " }", + " particle.color.x *= particle.startColor.x;", + " particle.color.y *= particle.startColor.y;", + " particle.color.z *= particle.startColor.z;", + " particle.color.w *= particle.startColor.w;", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) { }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " color: this.color.toJSON(),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new ColorOverLife(ColorGeneratorFromJSON(json.color));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new ColorOverLife(this.color.clone());", + " }", + " reset() { }", + "}", + "", + "class RotationOverLife {", + " constructor(angularVelocity, dynamic) {", + " this.angularVelocity = angularVelocity;", + " this.dynamic = dynamic;", + " this.type = 'RotationOverLife';", + " this.tempQuat = new THREE.Quaternion();", + " }", + " initialize(particle) {", + " if (!this.dynamic && particle instanceof SpriteParticle) {", + " particle.angularVelocity = this.angularVelocity.genValue();", + " }", + " }", + " update(particle, delta) {", + " if (!this.dynamic) {", + " if (particle instanceof SpriteParticle) {", + " particle.rotation += delta * particle.angularVelocity;", + " }", + " }", + " else {", + " particle.rotation += delta * this.angularVelocity.genValue(particle.age / particle.life);", + " }", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " angularVelocity: this.angularVelocity.toJSON(),", + " dynamic: this.dynamic,", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new RotationOverLife(ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.angularVelocity), json.dynamic);", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new RotationOverLife(this.angularVelocity.clone(), this.dynamic);", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class SizeOverLife {", + " initialize(particle) {", + " }", + " constructor(size) {", + " this.size = size;", + " this.type = 'SizeOverLife';", + " }", + " update(particle) {", + " particle.size = particle.startSize * this.size.genValue(particle.age / particle.life);", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " size: this.size.toJSON(),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new SizeOverLife(ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.size));", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new SizeOverLife(this.size.clone());", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class SpeedOverLife {", + " initialize(particle) {", + " }", + " constructor(speed) {", + " this.speed = speed;", + " this.type = 'SpeedOverLife';", + " }", + " update(particle) {", + " particle.velocity.normalize().multiplyScalar(particle.startSpeed * this.speed.genValue(particle.age / particle.life));", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " speed: this.speed.toJSON(),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new SpeedOverLife(ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.speed));", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new SpeedOverLife(this.speed.clone());", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class FrameOverLife {", + " constructor(frame) {", + " this.frame = frame;", + " this.type = 'FrameOverLife';", + " }", + " initialize(particle) {", + " }", + " update(particle, delta) {", + " particle.uvTile = Math.floor(this.frame.genValue(particle.age / particle.life));", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " frame: this.frame.toJSON(),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new FrameOverLife(ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.frame));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new FrameOverLife(this.frame.clone());", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1);", + "class OrbitOverLife {", + " constructor(orbitSpeed, axis = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0)) {", + " this.orbitSpeed = orbitSpeed;", + " this.axis = axis;", + " this.type = 'OrbitOverLife';", + " this.temp = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.rotation = new THREE.Quaternion();", + " this.line = new THREE.Line3();", + " }", + " initialize(particle) {", + " }", + " update(particle, delta) {", + " this.line.set(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0), this.axis);", + " this.line.closestPointToPoint(particle.position, false, this.temp);", + " this.rotation.setFromAxisAngle(this.axis, this.orbitSpeed.genValue(particle.age / particle.life) * delta);", + " particle.position.sub(this.temp);", + " particle.position.applyQuaternion(this.rotation);", + " particle.position.add(this.temp);", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " orbitSpeed: this.orbitSpeed.toJSON(),", + " axis: [this.axis.x, this.axis.y, this.axis.z],", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new OrbitOverLife(ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.orbitSpeed), json.axis ? new THREE.Vector3(json.axis[0], json.axis[1], json.axis[2]) : undefined);", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new OrbitOverLife(this.orbitSpeed.clone());", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class ApplyForce {", + " constructor(direction, magnitude) {", + " this.direction = direction;", + " this.magnitude = magnitude;", + " this.type = 'ApplyForce';", + " this.magnitudeValue = this.magnitude.genValue();", + " }", + " initialize(particle) {", + " }", + " update(particle, delta) {", + " particle.velocity.addScaledVector(this.direction, this.magnitudeValue * delta);", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " this.magnitudeValue = this.magnitude.genValue();", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " direction: [this.direction.x, this.direction.y, this.direction.z],", + " magnitude: this.magnitude.toJSON(),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " var _a;", + " return new ApplyForce(new THREE.Vector3(json.direction[0], json.direction[1], json.direction[2]), ValueGeneratorFromJSON((_a = json.magnitude) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : json.force));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new ApplyForce(this.direction.clone(), this.magnitude.clone());", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class GravityForce {", + " constructor(center, magnitude) {", + " this.center = center;", + " this.magnitude = magnitude;", + " this.type = 'GravityForce';", + " this.temp = new THREE.Vector3();", + " }", + " initialize(particle) {", + " }", + " update(particle, delta) {", + " this.temp.copy(this.center).sub(particle.position).normalize();", + " particle.velocity.addScaledVector(this.temp, this.magnitude / particle.position.distanceToSquared(this.center) * delta);", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " center: [this.center.x, this.center.y, this.center.z],", + " magnitude: this.magnitude,", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new GravityForce(new THREE.Vector3(json.center[0], json.center[1], json.center[2]), json.magnitude);", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new GravityForce(this.center.clone(), this.magnitude);", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class WidthOverLength {", + " initialize(particle) {", + " }", + " constructor(width) {", + " this.width = width;", + " this.type = 'WidthOverLength';", + " }", + " update(particle) {", + " if (particle instanceof TrailParticle) {", + " const iter = particle.previous.values();", + " for (let i = 0; i < particle.previous.length; i++) {", + " const cur = iter.next();", + " cur.value.size = this.width.genValue((particle.previous.length - i) / particle.length);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " width: this.width.toJSON(),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new WidthOverLength(ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.width));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new WidthOverLength(this.width.clone());", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1);", + "class ChangeEmitDirection {", + " constructor(angle) {", + " this.angle = angle;", + " this.type = 'ChangeEmitDirection';", + " this._temp = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this._q = new THREE.Quaternion();", + " }", + " initialize(particle) {", + " const len = particle.velocity.length();", + " if (len == 0)", + " return;", + " particle.velocity.normalize();", + " if (particle.velocity.x === 0 && particle.velocity.y === 0) {", + " this._temp.set(0, particle.velocity.z, 0);", + " }", + " else {", + " this._temp.set(-particle.velocity.y, particle.velocity.x, 0);", + " }", + " this._q.setFromAxisAngle(this._temp.normalize(), this.angle.genValue());", + " this._temp.copy(particle.velocity);", + " particle.velocity.applyQuaternion(this._q);", + " this._q.setFromAxisAngle(this._temp, Math.random() * Math.PI * 2);", + " particle.velocity.applyQuaternion(this._q);", + " particle.velocity.setLength(len);", + " }", + " update(particle, delta) {", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " angle: this.angle.toJSON(),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new ChangeEmitDirection(ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.angle));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new ChangeEmitDirection(this.angle);", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "const VECTOR_ONE = new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1);", + "const VECTOR_Z = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1);", + "class EmitSubParticleSystem {", + " constructor(particleSystem, useVelocityAsBasis, subParticleSystem) {", + " this.particleSystem = particleSystem;", + " this.useVelocityAsBasis = useVelocityAsBasis;", + " this.subParticleSystem = subParticleSystem;", + " this.type = \"EmitSubParticleSystem\";", + " //private matrix_ = new Matrix4();", + " this.q_ = new THREE.Quaternion();", + " this.v_ = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.v2_ = new THREE.Vector3();", + " if (this.subParticleSystem && this.subParticleSystem.system) {", + " this.subParticleSystem.system.onlyUsedByOther = true;", + " }", + " }", + " initialize(particle) {", + " particle.emissionState = {", + " burstIndex: 0,", + " burstWaveIndex: 0,", + " time: 0,", + " waitEmiting: 0,", + " matrix: new THREE.Matrix4(),", + " };", + " }", + " update(particle, delta) {", + " if (!this.subParticleSystem || !particle.emissionState)", + " return;", + " const m = particle.emissionState.matrix;", + " let rotation;", + " if (particle.rotation === undefined || this.useVelocityAsBasis) {", + " if (particle.velocity.x === 0 && particle.velocity.y === 0 && (particle.velocity.z === 1 || particle.velocity.z === 0)) {", + " m.set(1, 0, 0, particle.position.x, 0, 1, 0, particle.position.y, 0, 0, 1, particle.position.z, 0, 0, 0, 1);", + " }", + " else {", + " this.v_.copy(VECTOR_Z).cross(particle.velocity);", + " this.v2_.copy(particle.velocity).cross(this.v_);", + " const len = this.v_.length();", + " const len2 = this.v2_.length();", + " m.set(this.v_.x / len, this.v2_.x / len2, particle.velocity.x, particle.position.x, this.v_.y / len, this.v2_.y / len2, particle.velocity.y, particle.position.y, this.v_.z / len, this.v2_.z / len2, particle.velocity.z, particle.position.z, 0, 0, 0, 1);", + " }", + " }", + " else {", + " if (particle.rotation instanceof THREE.Quaternion) {", + " rotation = particle.rotation;", + " }", + " else {", + " this.q_.setFromAxisAngle(VECTOR_Z, particle.rotation);", + " rotation = this.q_;", + " }", + " m.compose(particle.position, rotation, VECTOR_ONE);", + " }", + " if (!this.particleSystem.worldSpace) {", + " m.multiplyMatrices(this.particleSystem.emitter.matrixWorld, m);", + " }", + " this.subParticleSystem.system.emit(delta, particle.emissionState, m);", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " subParticleSystem: this.subParticleSystem ? this.subParticleSystem.uuid : \"\",", + " useVelocityAsBasis: this.useVelocityAsBasis", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json, particleSystem) {", + " return new EmitSubParticleSystem(particleSystem, json.useVelocityAsBasis, json.subParticleSystem);", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new EmitSubParticleSystem(this.particleSystem, this.useVelocityAsBasis, this.subParticleSystem);", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "/*", + " * A fast javascript implementation of simplex noise by Jonas Wagner", + "Based on a speed-improved simplex noise algorithm for 2D, 3D and 4D in Java.", + "Which is based on example code by Stefan Gustavson (stegu@itn.liu.se).", + "With Optimisations by Peter Eastman (peastman@drizzle.stanford.edu).", + "Better rank ordering method by Stefan Gustavson in 2012.", + " Copyright (c) 2021 Jonas Wagner", + " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy", + " of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal", + " in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights", + " to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell", + " copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is", + " furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:", + " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all", + " copies or substantial portions of the Software.", + " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR", + " IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,", + " FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE", + " AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER", + " LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,", + " OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE", + " SOFTWARE.", + " */", + "const F2 = 0.5 * (Math.sqrt(3.0) - 1.0);", + "const G2 = (3.0 - Math.sqrt(3.0)) / 6.0;", + "const F3 = 1.0 / 3.0;", + "const G3 = 1.0 / 6.0;", + "const F4 = (Math.sqrt(5.0) - 1.0) / 4.0;", + "const G4 = (5.0 - Math.sqrt(5.0)) / 20.0;", + "const grad3 = new Float32Array([1, 1, 0,", + " -1, 1, 0,", + " 1, -1, 0,", + " -1, -1, 0,", + " 1, 0, 1,", + " -1, 0, 1,", + " 1, 0, -1,", + " -1, 0, -1,", + " 0, 1, 1,", + " 0, -1, 1,", + " 0, 1, -1,", + " 0, -1, -1]);", + "const grad4 = new Float32Array([0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, 1, -1, -1,", + " 0, -1, 1, 1, 0, -1, 1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1,", + " 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1,", + " -1, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 0, -1, 1, -1, 0, -1, -1,", + " 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, -1,", + " -1, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 0, -1,", + " 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 0,", + " -1, 1, 1, 0, -1, 1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0]);", + "/** Deterministic simplex noise generator suitable for 2D, 3D and 4D spaces. */", + "class SimplexNoise {", + " /**", + " * Creates a new `SimplexNoise` instance.", + " * This involves some setup. You can save a few cpu cycles by reusing the same instance.", + " * @param randomOrSeed A random number generator or a seed (string|number).", + " * Defaults to Math.random (random irreproducible initialization).", + " */", + " constructor(randomOrSeed = Math.random) {", + " const random = typeof randomOrSeed == 'function' ? randomOrSeed : alea(randomOrSeed);", + " this.p = buildPermutationTable(random);", + " this.perm = new Uint8Array(512);", + " this.permMod12 = new Uint8Array(512);", + " for (let i = 0; i < 512; i++) {", + " this.perm[i] = this.p[i & 255];", + " this.permMod12[i] = this.perm[i] % 12;", + " }", + " }", + " /**", + " * Samples the noise field in 2 dimensions", + " * @param x", + " * @param y", + " * @returns a number in the interval [-1, 1]", + " */", + " noise2D(x, y) {", + " const permMod12 = this.permMod12;", + " const perm = this.perm;", + " let n0 = 0; // Noise contributions from the three corners", + " let n1 = 0;", + " let n2 = 0;", + " // Skew the input space to determine which simplex cell we're in", + " const s = (x + y) * F2; // Hairy factor for 2D", + " const i = Math.floor(x + s);", + " const j = Math.floor(y + s);", + " const t = (i + j) * G2;", + " const X0 = i - t; // Unskew the cell origin back to (x,y) space", + " const Y0 = j - t;", + " const x0 = x - X0; // The x,y distances from the cell origin", + " const y0 = y - Y0;", + " // For the 2D case, the simplex shape is an equilateral triangle.", + " // Determine which simplex we are in.", + " let i1, j1; // Offsets for second (middle) corner of simplex in (i,j) coords", + " if (x0 > y0) {", + " i1 = 1;", + " j1 = 0;", + " } // lower triangle, XY order: (0,0)->(1,0)->(1,1)", + " else {", + " i1 = 0;", + " j1 = 1;", + " } // upper triangle, YX order: (0,0)->(0,1)->(1,1)", + " // A step of (1,0) in (i,j) means a step of (1-c,-c) in (x,y), and", + " // a step of (0,1) in (i,j) means a step of (-c,1-c) in (x,y), where", + " // c = (3-sqrt(3))/6", + " const x1 = x0 - i1 + G2; // Offsets for middle corner in (x,y) unskewed coords", + " const y1 = y0 - j1 + G2;", + " const x2 = x0 - 1.0 + 2.0 * G2; // Offsets for last corner in (x,y) unskewed coords", + " const y2 = y0 - 1.0 + 2.0 * G2;", + " // Work out the hashed gradient indices of the three simplex corners", + " const ii = i & 255;", + " const jj = j & 255;", + " // Calculate the contribution from the three corners", + " let t0 = 0.5 - x0 * x0 - y0 * y0;", + " if (t0 >= 0) {", + " const gi0 = permMod12[ii + perm[jj]] * 3;", + " t0 *= t0;", + " n0 = t0 * t0 * (grad3[gi0] * x0 + grad3[gi0 + 1] * y0); // (x,y) of grad3 used for 2D gradient", + " }", + " let t1 = 0.5 - x1 * x1 - y1 * y1;", + " if (t1 >= 0) {", + " const gi1 = permMod12[ii + i1 + perm[jj + j1]] * 3;", + " t1 *= t1;", + " n1 = t1 * t1 * (grad3[gi1] * x1 + grad3[gi1 + 1] * y1);", + " }", + " let t2 = 0.5 - x2 * x2 - y2 * y2;", + " if (t2 >= 0) {", + " const gi2 = permMod12[ii + 1 + perm[jj + 1]] * 3;", + " t2 *= t2;", + " n2 = t2 * t2 * (grad3[gi2] * x2 + grad3[gi2 + 1] * y2);", + " }", + " // Add contributions from each corner to get the final noise value.", + " // The result is scaled to return values in the interval [-1,1].", + " return 70.0 * (n0 + n1 + n2);", + " }", + " /**", + " * Samples the noise field in 3 dimensions", + " * @param x", + " * @param y", + " * @param z", + " * @returns a number in the interval [-1, 1]", + " */", + " noise3D(x, y, z) {", + " const permMod12 = this.permMod12;", + " const perm = this.perm;", + " let n0, n1, n2, n3; // Noise contributions from the four corners", + " // Skew the input space to determine which simplex cell we're in", + " const s = (x + y + z) * F3; // Very nice and simple skew factor for 3D", + " const i = Math.floor(x + s);", + " const j = Math.floor(y + s);", + " const k = Math.floor(z + s);", + " const t = (i + j + k) * G3;", + " const X0 = i - t; // Unskew the cell origin back to (x,y,z) space", + " const Y0 = j - t;", + " const Z0 = k - t;", + " const x0 = x - X0; // The x,y,z distances from the cell origin", + " const y0 = y - Y0;", + " const z0 = z - Z0;", + " // For the 3D case, the simplex shape is a slightly irregular tetrahedron.", + " // Determine which simplex we are in.", + " let i1, j1, k1; // Offsets for second corner of simplex in (i,j,k) coords", + " let i2, j2, k2; // Offsets for third corner of simplex in (i,j,k) coords", + " if (x0 >= y0) {", + " if (y0 >= z0) {", + " i1 = 1;", + " j1 = 0;", + " k1 = 0;", + " i2 = 1;", + " j2 = 1;", + " k2 = 0;", + " } // X Y Z order", + " else if (x0 >= z0) {", + " i1 = 1;", + " j1 = 0;", + " k1 = 0;", + " i2 = 1;", + " j2 = 0;", + " k2 = 1;", + " } // X Z Y order", + " else {", + " i1 = 0;", + " j1 = 0;", + " k1 = 1;", + " i2 = 1;", + " j2 = 0;", + " k2 = 1;", + " } // Z X Y order", + " }", + " else { // x0 y0)", + " rankx++;", + " else", + " ranky++;", + " if (x0 > z0)", + " rankx++;", + " else", + " rankz++;", + " if (x0 > w0)", + " rankx++;", + " else", + " rankw++;", + " if (y0 > z0)", + " ranky++;", + " else", + " rankz++;", + " if (y0 > w0)", + " ranky++;", + " else", + " rankw++;", + " if (z0 > w0)", + " rankz++;", + " else", + " rankw++;", + " // simplex[c] is a 4-vector with the numbers 0, 1, 2 and 3 in some order.", + " // Many values of c will never occur, since e.g. x>y>z>w makes x= 3 ? 1 : 0;", + " const j1 = ranky >= 3 ? 1 : 0;", + " const k1 = rankz >= 3 ? 1 : 0;", + " const l1 = rankw >= 3 ? 1 : 0;", + " // The integer offsets for the third simplex corner", + " const i2 = rankx >= 2 ? 1 : 0;", + " const j2 = ranky >= 2 ? 1 : 0;", + " const k2 = rankz >= 2 ? 1 : 0;", + " const l2 = rankw >= 2 ? 1 : 0;", + " // The integer offsets for the fourth simplex corner", + " const i3 = rankx >= 1 ? 1 : 0;", + " const j3 = ranky >= 1 ? 1 : 0;", + " const k3 = rankz >= 1 ? 1 : 0;", + " const l3 = rankw >= 1 ? 1 : 0;", + " // The fifth corner has all coordinate offsets = 1, so no need to compute that.", + " const x1 = x0 - i1 + G4; // Offsets for second corner in (x,y,z,w) coords", + " const y1 = y0 - j1 + G4;", + " const z1 = z0 - k1 + G4;", + " const w1 = w0 - l1 + G4;", + " const x2 = x0 - i2 + 2.0 * G4; // Offsets for third corner in (x,y,z,w) coords", + " const y2 = y0 - j2 + 2.0 * G4;", + " const z2 = z0 - k2 + 2.0 * G4;", + " const w2 = w0 - l2 + 2.0 * G4;", + " const x3 = x0 - i3 + 3.0 * G4; // Offsets for fourth corner in (x,y,z,w) coords", + " const y3 = y0 - j3 + 3.0 * G4;", + " const z3 = z0 - k3 + 3.0 * G4;", + " const w3 = w0 - l3 + 3.0 * G4;", + " const x4 = x0 - 1.0 + 4.0 * G4; // Offsets for last corner in (x,y,z,w) coords", + " const y4 = y0 - 1.0 + 4.0 * G4;", + " const z4 = z0 - 1.0 + 4.0 * G4;", + " const w4 = w0 - 1.0 + 4.0 * G4;", + " // Work out the hashed gradient indices of the five simplex corners", + " const ii = i & 255;", + " const jj = j & 255;", + " const kk = k & 255;", + " const ll = l & 255;", + " // Calculate the contribution from the five corners", + " let t0 = 0.6 - x0 * x0 - y0 * y0 - z0 * z0 - w0 * w0;", + " if (t0 < 0)", + " n0 = 0.0;", + " else {", + " const gi0 = (perm[ii + perm[jj + perm[kk + perm[ll]]]] % 32) * 4;", + " t0 *= t0;", + " n0 = t0 * t0 * (grad4[gi0] * x0 + grad4[gi0 + 1] * y0 + grad4[gi0 + 2] * z0 + grad4[gi0 + 3] * w0);", + " }", + " let t1 = 0.6 - x1 * x1 - y1 * y1 - z1 * z1 - w1 * w1;", + " if (t1 < 0)", + " n1 = 0.0;", + " else {", + " const gi1 = (perm[ii + i1 + perm[jj + j1 + perm[kk + k1 + perm[ll + l1]]]] % 32) * 4;", + " t1 *= t1;", + " n1 = t1 * t1 * (grad4[gi1] * x1 + grad4[gi1 + 1] * y1 + grad4[gi1 + 2] * z1 + grad4[gi1 + 3] * w1);", + " }", + " let t2 = 0.6 - x2 * x2 - y2 * y2 - z2 * z2 - w2 * w2;", + " if (t2 < 0)", + " n2 = 0.0;", + " else {", + " const gi2 = (perm[ii + i2 + perm[jj + j2 + perm[kk + k2 + perm[ll + l2]]]] % 32) * 4;", + " t2 *= t2;", + " n2 = t2 * t2 * (grad4[gi2] * x2 + grad4[gi2 + 1] * y2 + grad4[gi2 + 2] * z2 + grad4[gi2 + 3] * w2);", + " }", + " let t3 = 0.6 - x3 * x3 - y3 * y3 - z3 * z3 - w3 * w3;", + " if (t3 < 0)", + " n3 = 0.0;", + " else {", + " const gi3 = (perm[ii + i3 + perm[jj + j3 + perm[kk + k3 + perm[ll + l3]]]] % 32) * 4;", + " t3 *= t3;", + " n3 = t3 * t3 * (grad4[gi3] * x3 + grad4[gi3 + 1] * y3 + grad4[gi3 + 2] * z3 + grad4[gi3 + 3] * w3);", + " }", + " let t4 = 0.6 - x4 * x4 - y4 * y4 - z4 * z4 - w4 * w4;", + " if (t4 < 0)", + " n4 = 0.0;", + " else {", + " const gi4 = (perm[ii + 1 + perm[jj + 1 + perm[kk + 1 + perm[ll + 1]]]] % 32) * 4;", + " t4 *= t4;", + " n4 = t4 * t4 * (grad4[gi4] * x4 + grad4[gi4 + 1] * y4 + grad4[gi4 + 2] * z4 + grad4[gi4 + 3] * w4);", + " }", + " // Sum up and scale the result to cover the range [-1,1]", + " return 27.0 * (n0 + n1 + n2 + n3 + n4);", + " }", + "}", + "/**", + " * Builds a random permutation table.", + " * This is exported only for (internal) testing purposes.", + " * Do not rely on this export.", + " * @private", + " */", + "function buildPermutationTable(random) {", + " const p = new Uint8Array(256);", + " for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {", + " p[i] = i;", + " }", + " for (let i = 0; i < 255; i++) {", + " const r = i + ~~(random() * (256 - i));", + " const aux = p[i];", + " p[i] = p[r];", + " p[r] = aux;", + " }", + " return p;", + "}", + "/*", + "The ALEA PRNG and masher code used by simplex-noise.js", + "is based on code by Johannes Baagøe, modified by Jonas Wagner.", + "See alea.md for the full license.", + "*/", + "function alea(seed) {", + " let s0 = 0;", + " let s1 = 0;", + " let s2 = 0;", + " let c = 1;", + " const mash = masher();", + " s0 = mash(' ');", + " s1 = mash(' ');", + " s2 = mash(' ');", + " s0 -= mash(seed);", + " if (s0 < 0) {", + " s0 += 1;", + " }", + " s1 -= mash(seed);", + " if (s1 < 0) {", + " s1 += 1;", + " }", + " s2 -= mash(seed);", + " if (s2 < 0) {", + " s2 += 1;", + " }", + " return function () {", + " const t = 2091639 * s0 + c * 2.3283064365386963e-10; // 2^-32", + " s0 = s1;", + " s1 = s2;", + " return s2 = t - (c = t | 0);", + " };", + "}", + "function masher() {", + " let n = 0xefc8249d;", + " return function (data) {", + " data = data.toString();", + " for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {", + " n += data.charCodeAt(i);", + " let h = 0.02519603282416938 * n;", + " n = h >>> 0;", + " h -= n;", + " h *= n;", + " n = h >>> 0;", + " h -= n;", + " n += h * 0x100000000; // 2^32", + " }", + " return (n >>> 0) * 2.3283064365386963e-10; // 2^-32", + " };", + "}", + "", + "class TurbulenceField {", + " constructor(scale, octaves, velocityMultiplier, timeScale) {", + " this.scale = scale;", + " this.octaves = octaves;", + " this.velocityMultiplier = velocityMultiplier;", + " this.timeScale = timeScale;", + " this.type = 'TurbulenceField';", + " this.generator = new SimplexNoise();", + " this.timeOffset = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.temp = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.temp2 = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.timeOffset.x = Math.random() / this.scale.x * this.timeScale.x;", + " this.timeOffset.y = Math.random() / this.scale.y * this.timeScale.y;", + " this.timeOffset.z = Math.random() / this.scale.z * this.timeScale.z;", + " }", + " initialize(particle) {", + " }", + " update(particle, delta) {", + " const x = particle.position.x / this.scale.x;", + " const y = particle.position.y / this.scale.y;", + " const z = particle.position.z / this.scale.z;", + " this.temp.set(0, 0, 0);", + " let lvl = 1;", + " for (let i = 0; i < this.octaves; i++) {", + " this.temp2.set(this.generator.noise4D(x * lvl, y * lvl, z * lvl, this.timeOffset.x * lvl) / lvl, this.generator.noise4D(x * lvl, y * lvl, z * lvl, this.timeOffset.y * lvl) / lvl, this.generator.noise4D(x * lvl, y * lvl, z * lvl, this.timeOffset.z * lvl) / lvl);", + " this.temp.add(this.temp2);", + " lvl *= 2;", + " }", + " this.temp.multiply(this.velocityMultiplier);", + " particle.velocity.addScaledVector(this.temp, delta);", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " scale: [this.scale.x, this.scale.y, this.scale.z],", + " octaves: this.octaves,", + " velocityMultiplier: [this.velocityMultiplier.x, this.velocityMultiplier.y, this.velocityMultiplier.z],", + " timeScale: [this.timeScale.x, this.timeScale.y, this.timeScale.z],", + " };", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " this.timeOffset.x += delta * this.timeScale.x;", + " this.timeOffset.y += delta * this.timeScale.y;", + " this.timeOffset.z += delta * this.timeScale.z;", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new TurbulenceField(new THREE.Vector3(json.scale[0], json.scale[1], json.scale[2]), json.octaves, new THREE.Vector3(json.velocityMultiplier[0], json.velocityMultiplier[1], json.velocityMultiplier[2]), new THREE.Vector3(json.timeScale[0], json.timeScale[1], json.timeScale[2]));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new TurbulenceField(this.scale.clone(), this.octaves, this.velocityMultiplier.clone(), this.timeScale.clone());", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "const IdentityQuaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();", + "class Rotation3DOverLife {", + " constructor(angularVelocity, dynamic) {", + " this.angularVelocity = angularVelocity;", + " this.dynamic = dynamic;", + " this.type = 'Rotation3DOverLife';", + " this.tempQuat = new THREE.Quaternion();", + " }", + " initialize(particle) {", + " if (!this.dynamic && particle instanceof SpriteParticle) {", + " particle.angularVelocity = new THREE.Quaternion();", + " this.angularVelocity.genValue(particle.angularVelocity);", + " }", + " }", + " update(particle, delta) {", + " if (!this.dynamic) {", + " if (particle instanceof SpriteParticle) {", + " this.tempQuat.slerpQuaternions(IdentityQuaternion, particle.angularVelocity, delta);", + " particle.rotation.multiply(this.tempQuat);", + " }", + " }", + " else {", + " this.angularVelocity.genValue(this.tempQuat, particle.age / particle.life);", + " this.tempQuat.slerpQuaternions(IdentityQuaternion, this.tempQuat, delta);", + " particle.rotation.multiply(this.tempQuat);", + " }", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " angularVelocity: this.angularVelocity.toJSON(),", + " dynamic: this.dynamic,", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new Rotation3DOverLife(RotationGeneratorFromJSON(json.angularVelocity), json.dynamic);", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new Rotation3DOverLife(this.angularVelocity.clone(), this.dynamic);", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class ForceOverLife {", + " initialize(particle) {", + " }", + " constructor(x, y, z) {", + " this.x = x;", + " this.y = y;", + " this.z = z;", + " this.type = 'ForceOverLife';", + " this._temp = new THREE.Vector3();", + " }", + " update(particle) {", + " this._temp.set(this.x.genValue(particle.age / particle.life), this.y.genValue(particle.age / particle.life), this.z.genValue(particle.age / particle.life));", + " particle.velocity.add(this._temp);", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " x: this.x.toJSON(),", + " y: this.y.toJSON(),", + " z: this.z.toJSON(),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new ForceOverLife(ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.x), ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.y), ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.z));", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new ForceOverLife(this.x.clone(), this.y.clone(), this.z.clone());", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class Noise {", + " constructor(frequency, power) {", + " this.frequency = frequency;", + " this.power = power;", + " this.type = 'Noise';", + " this.generator = new SimplexNoise();", + " this.duration = 0;", + " this.temp = new THREE.Vector3();", + " }", + " initialize(particle) {", + " particle.startTime = this.duration;", + " }", + " update(particle, delta) {", + " this.temp.set(this.generator.noise2D(particle.startTime * this.frequency.x, particle.life / particle.age * this.frequency.x), this.generator.noise2D(particle.startTime * this.frequency.y + 100.25, particle.life / particle.age * this.frequency.y + 100.154), this.generator.noise2D(particle.startTime * this.frequency.z + 200.89, particle.life / particle.age * this.frequency.z + 200.1)).multiply(this.power);", + " particle.position.addScaledVector(this.temp, delta);", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " frequency: [this.frequency.x, this.frequency.y, this.frequency.z],", + " power: [this.power.x, this.power.y, this.power.z],", + " };", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " this.duration += delta;", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new Noise(new THREE.Vector3(json.frequency[0], json.frequency[1], json.frequency[2]), new THREE.Vector3(json.power[0], json.power[1], json.power[2]));", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new Noise(this.frequency.clone(), this.power.clone());", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "const BehaviorTypes = {", + " \"ApplyForce\": { type: \"ApplyForce\", constructor: ApplyForce, params: [[\"direction\", \"vec3\"], [\"magnitude\", \"value\"]], loadJSON: ApplyForce.fromJSON },", + " \"Noise\": { type: \"Noise\", constructor: Noise, params: [[\"frequency\", \"vec3\"], [\"power\", \"vec3\"]], loadJSON: Noise.fromJSON },", + " \"TurbulenceField\": { type: \"TurbulenceField\", constructor: TurbulenceField, params: [[\"scale\", \"vec3\"], [\"octaves\", \"number\"], [\"velocityMultiplier\", \"vec3\"], [\"timeScale\", \"vec3\"]], loadJSON: TurbulenceField.fromJSON },", + " \"GravityForce\": { type: \"GravityForce\", constructor: GravityForce, params: [[\"center\", \"vec3\"], [\"magnitude\", \"number\"]], loadJSON: GravityForce.fromJSON },", + " \"ColorOverLife\": { type: \"ColorOverLife\", constructor: ColorOverLife, params: [[\"color\", \"colorFunc\"]], loadJSON: ColorOverLife.fromJSON },", + " \"RotationOverLife\": { type: \"RotationOverLife\", constructor: RotationOverLife, params: [[\"angularVelocity\", \"valueFunc\"], [\"dynamic\", \"boolean\"]], loadJSON: RotationOverLife.fromJSON },", + " \"Rotation3DOverLife\": { type: \"Rotation3DOverLife\", constructor: Rotation3DOverLife, params: [[\"angularVelocity\", \"rotationFunc\"], [\"dynamic\", \"boolean\"]], loadJSON: Rotation3DOverLife.fromJSON },", + " \"SizeOverLife\": { type: \"SizeOverLife\", constructor: SizeOverLife, params: [[\"size\", \"valueFunc\"]], loadJSON: SizeOverLife.fromJSON },", + " \"SpeedOverLife\": { type: \"SpeedOverLife\", constructor: SpeedOverLife, params: [[\"speed\", \"valueFunc\"]], loadJSON: SpeedOverLife.fromJSON },", + " \"FrameOverLife\": { type: \"FrameOverLife\", constructor: FrameOverLife, params: [[\"frame\", \"valueFunc\"]], loadJSON: FrameOverLife.fromJSON },", + " \"ForceOverLife\": { type: \"ForceOverLife\", constructor: ForceOverLife, params: [[\"x\", \"valueFunc\"], [\"y\", \"valueFunc\"], [\"z\", \"valueFunc\"]], loadJSON: ForceOverLife.fromJSON },", + " \"OrbitOverLife\": { type: \"OrbitOverLife\", constructor: OrbitOverLife, params: [[\"orbitSpeed\", \"valueFunc\"], [\"axis\", \"vec3\"],], loadJSON: OrbitOverLife.fromJSON },", + " \"WidthOverLength\": { type: \"WidthOverLength\", constructor: WidthOverLength, params: [[\"width\", \"valueFunc\"]], loadJSON: WidthOverLength.fromJSON },", + " \"ChangeEmitDirection\": { type: \"ChangeEmitDirection\", constructor: ChangeEmitDirection, params: [[\"angle\", \"value\"]], loadJSON: ChangeEmitDirection.fromJSON },", + " \"EmitSubParticleSystem\": { type: \"EmitSubParticleSystem\", constructor: EmitSubParticleSystem, params: [[\"particleSystem\", \"self\"], ['useVelocityAsBasis', 'boolean'], [\"subParticleSystem\", \"particleSystem\"]], loadJSON: EmitSubParticleSystem.fromJSON },", + "};", + "function BehaviorFromJSON(json, particleSystem) {", + " return BehaviorTypes[json.type].loadJSON(json, particleSystem);", + "}", + "", + "class ConeEmitter {", + " constructor(parameters = {}) {", + " var _a, _b, _c, _d;", + " this.type = \"cone\";", + " this.radius = (_a = parameters.radius) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 10;", + " this.arc = (_b = parameters.arc) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 2.0 * Math.PI;", + " this.thickness = (_c = parameters.thickness) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 1;", + " this.angle = (_d = parameters.angle) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : Math.PI / 6;", + " }", + " initialize(p) {", + " const u = Math.random();", + " const rand = THREE.MathUtils.lerp(1 - this.thickness, 1, Math.random());", + " const theta = u * this.arc;", + " const r = Math.sqrt(rand);", + " const sinTheta = Math.sin(theta);", + " const cosTheta = Math.cos(theta);", + " p.position.x = r * cosTheta;", + " p.position.y = r * sinTheta;", + " p.position.z = 0;", + " const angle = this.angle * r;", + " p.velocity.set(0, 0, Math.cos(angle)).addScaledVector(p.position, Math.sin(angle)).multiplyScalar(p.startSpeed);", + " //const v = Math.random();", + " p.position.multiplyScalar(this.radius);", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: \"cone\",", + " radius: this.radius,", + " arc: this.arc,", + " thickness: this.thickness,", + " angle: this.angle,", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new ConeEmitter(json);", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new ConeEmitter({", + " radius: this.radius,", + " arc: this.arc,", + " thickness: this.thickness,", + " angle: this.angle,", + " });", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class DonutEmitter {", + " constructor(parameters = {}) {", + " var _a, _b, _c, _d;", + " this.type = \"donut\";", + " this.radius = (_a = parameters.radius) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 10;", + " this.arc = (_b = parameters.arc) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 2.0 * Math.PI;", + " this.thickness = (_c = parameters.thickness) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 1;", + " this.angle = (_d = parameters.angle) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : Math.PI / 6;", + " }", + " initialize(p) {", + " const u = Math.random();", + " const rand = THREE.MathUtils.lerp(this.thickness, 1, Math.random());", + " const theta = u * this.arc;", + " const r = Math.sqrt(rand);", + " const sinTheta = Math.sin(theta);", + " const cosTheta = Math.cos(theta);", + " p.position.x = r * cosTheta;", + " p.position.y = r * sinTheta;", + " p.position.z = 0;", + " const angle = this.angle * r;", + " p.velocity.set(0, 0, Math.cos(angle)).addScaledVector(p.position, Math.sin(angle)).multiplyScalar(p.startSpeed);", + " //const v = Math.random();", + " p.position.multiplyScalar(this.radius);", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: \"donut\",", + " radius: this.radius,", + " arc: this.arc,", + " thickness: this.thickness,", + " angle: this.angle", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new DonutEmitter(json);", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new DonutEmitter({", + " radius: this.radius,", + " arc: this.arc,", + " thickness: this.thickness,", + " angle: this.angle,", + " });", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class PointEmitter {", + " constructor() {", + " this.type = \"point\";", + " }", + " initialize(p) {", + " const u = Math.random();", + " const v = Math.random();", + " const theta = u * Math.PI * 2;", + " const phi = Math.acos(2.0 * v - 1.0);", + " const r = Math.cbrt(Math.random());", + " const sinTheta = Math.sin(theta);", + " const cosTheta = Math.cos(theta);", + " const sinPhi = Math.sin(phi);", + " const cosPhi = Math.cos(phi);", + " p.velocity.x = r * sinPhi * cosTheta;", + " p.velocity.y = r * sinPhi * sinTheta;", + " p.velocity.z = r * cosPhi;", + " p.velocity.multiplyScalar(p.startSpeed);", + " p.position.setScalar(0);", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: 'point',", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new PointEmitter();", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new PointEmitter();", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class SphereEmitter {", + " constructor(parameters = {}) {", + " var _a, _b, _c;", + " this.type = \"sphere\";", + " this.radius = (_a = parameters.radius) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 10;", + " this.arc = (_b = parameters.arc) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 2.0 * Math.PI;", + " this.thickness = (_c = parameters.thickness) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 1;", + " }", + " initialize(p) {", + " const u = Math.random();", + " const v = Math.random();", + " const rand = THREE.MathUtils.lerp(1 - this.thickness, 1, Math.random());", + " const theta = u * this.arc;", + " const phi = Math.acos(2.0 * v - 1.0);", + " const r = Math.cbrt(rand);", + " const sinTheta = Math.sin(theta);", + " const cosTheta = Math.cos(theta);", + " const sinPhi = Math.sin(phi);", + " const cosPhi = Math.cos(phi);", + " p.position.x = r * sinPhi * cosTheta;", + " p.position.y = r * sinPhi * sinTheta;", + " p.position.z = r * cosPhi;", + " p.velocity.setScalar(0).addScaledVector(p.position, p.startSpeed);", + " p.position.multiplyScalar(this.radius);", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: \"sphere\",", + " radius: this.radius,", + " arc: this.arc,", + " thickness: this.thickness,", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new SphereEmitter(json);", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new SphereEmitter({", + " radius: this.radius,", + " arc: this.arc,", + " thickness: this.thickness,", + " });", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class MeshSurfaceEmitter {", + " get geometry() {", + " return this._geometry;", + " }", + " set geometry(geometry) {", + " this._geometry = geometry;", + " if (geometry === undefined) {", + " return;", + " }", + " if (typeof geometry === \"string\") {", + " return;", + " }", + " // optimization", + " /*if (mesh.userData.triangleIndexToArea) {", + " this._triangleIndexToArea = mesh.userData.triangleIndexToArea;", + " return;", + " }*/", + " const tri = new THREE.Triangle();", + " this._triangleIndexToArea.length = 0;", + " let area = 0;", + " if (!geometry.getIndex()) {", + " return;", + " }", + " // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion", + " const array = geometry.getIndex().array;", + " const triCount = array.length / 3;", + " this._triangleIndexToArea.push(0);", + " for (let i = 0; i < triCount; i++) {", + " tri.setFromAttributeAndIndices(geometry.getAttribute(\"position\"), array[i * 3], array[i * 3 + 1], array[i * 3 + 2]);", + " area += tri.getArea();", + " this._triangleIndexToArea.push(area);", + " }", + " geometry.userData.triangleIndexToArea = this._triangleIndexToArea;", + " }", + " constructor(geometry) {", + " this.type = \"mesh_surface\";", + " this._triangleIndexToArea = [];", + " this._tempA = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this._tempB = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this._tempC = new THREE.Vector3();", + " if (!geometry) {", + " return;", + " }", + " this.geometry = geometry;", + " }", + " initialize(p) {", + " const geometry = this._geometry;", + " if (!geometry || geometry.getIndex() === null) {", + " p.position.set(0, 0, 0);", + " p.velocity.set(0, 0, 1).multiplyScalar(p.startSpeed);", + " return;", + " }", + " const triCount = this._triangleIndexToArea.length - 1;", + " let left = 0, right = triCount;", + " const target = Math.random() * this._triangleIndexToArea[triCount];", + " while (left + 1 < right) {", + " const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2);", + " if (target < this._triangleIndexToArea[mid]) {", + " right = mid;", + " }", + " else {", + " left = mid;", + " }", + " }", + " //const area = this._triangleIndexToArea[left + 1] - this._triangleIndexToArea[left];", + " //const percent = (target - this._triangleIndexToArea[left]) / area;", + " let u1 = Math.random();", + " let u2 = Math.random();", + " if (u1 + u2 > 1) {", + " u1 = 1 - u1;", + " u2 = 1 - u2;", + " }", + " // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion", + " const index1 = geometry.getIndex().array[left * 3];", + " // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion", + " const index2 = geometry.getIndex().array[left * 3 + 1];", + " // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion", + " const index3 = geometry.getIndex().array[left * 3 + 2];", + " const positionBuffer = geometry.getAttribute(\"position\");", + " this._tempA.fromBufferAttribute(positionBuffer, index1);", + " this._tempB.fromBufferAttribute(positionBuffer, index2);", + " this._tempC.fromBufferAttribute(positionBuffer, index3);", + " this._tempB.sub(this._tempA);", + " this._tempC.sub(this._tempA);", + " this._tempA.addScaledVector(this._tempB, u1).addScaledVector(this._tempC, u2);", + " p.position.copy(this._tempA);", + " // velocity based on tri normal", + " this._tempA.copy(this._tempB).cross(this._tempC).normalize();", + " p.velocity.copy(this._tempA).normalize().multiplyScalar(p.startSpeed);", + " /*p.position.applyMatrix4(this._mesh.matrixWorld);", + " p.velocity.applyMatrix3(this._mesh.normalMatrix);*/", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: 'mesh_surface',", + " mesh: this._geometry ? this._geometry.uuid : \"\",", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json, meta) {", + " return new MeshSurfaceEmitter(meta.geometries[json.geometry]);", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new MeshSurfaceEmitter(this._geometry);", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class GridEmitter {", + " constructor(parameters = {}) {", + " var _a, _b, _c, _d;", + " this.type = \"grid\";", + " this.width = (_a = parameters.width) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 1;", + " this.height = (_b = parameters.height) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 1;", + " this.column = (_c = parameters.column) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 10;", + " this.row = (_d = parameters.row) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : 10;", + " }", + " initialize(p) {", + " const r = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.row);", + " const c = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.column);", + " p.position.x = c * this.width / this.column - this.width / 2;", + " p.position.y = r * this.height / this.row - this.height / 2;", + " p.position.z = 0;", + " p.velocity.set(0, 0, p.startSpeed);", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: \"grid\",", + " width: this.width,", + " height: this.height,", + " column: this.column,", + " row: this.row,", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new GridEmitter(json);", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new GridEmitter({", + " width: this.width,", + " height: this.height,", + " column: this.column,", + " row: this.row,", + " });", + " }", + "}", + "", + "const EmitterShapes = {", + " \"cone\": { type: \"cone\", params: [[\"radius\", \"number\"], [\"arc\", \"radian\"], [\"thickness\", \"number\"], [\"angle\", \"radian\"]], constructor: ConeEmitter, loadJSON: ConeEmitter.fromJSON },", + " \"donut\": { type: \"donut\", params: [[\"radius\", \"number\"], [\"arc\", \"radian\"], [\"thickness\", \"number\"], [\"angle\", \"radian\"]], constructor: DonutEmitter, loadJSON: DonutEmitter.fromJSON },", + " \"point\": { type: \"point\", params: [], constructor: PointEmitter, loadJSON: PointEmitter.fromJSON },", + " \"sphere\": { type: \"sphere\", params: [[\"radius\", \"number\"], [\"arc\", \"radian\"], [\"thickness\", \"number\"], [\"angle\", \"radian\"]], constructor: SphereEmitter, loadJSON: SphereEmitter.fromJSON },", + " \"grid\": { type: \"grid\", params: [[\"width\", \"number\"], [\"height\", \"number\"], [\"rows\", \"number\"], [\"column\", \"number\"]], constructor: GridEmitter, loadJSON: GridEmitter.fromJSON },", + " \"mesh_surface\": { type: \"mesh_surface\", params: [[\"geometry\", \"geometry\"]], constructor: MeshSurfaceEmitter, loadJSON: MeshSurfaceEmitter.fromJSON },", + "};", + "function EmitterFromJSON(json, meta) {", + " return EmitterShapes[json.type].loadJSON(json, meta);", + "}", + "", + "(function (RenderMode) {", + " RenderMode[RenderMode[\"BillBoard\"] = 0] = \"BillBoard\";", + " RenderMode[RenderMode[\"StretchedBillBoard\"] = 1] = \"StretchedBillBoard\";", + " RenderMode[RenderMode[\"Mesh\"] = 2] = \"Mesh\";", + " RenderMode[RenderMode[\"Trail\"] = 3] = \"Trail\";", + "})(gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode || (gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode = {}));", + "", + "class VFXBatch extends THREE.Mesh {", + " constructor(settings) {", + " super();", + " this.type = \"VFXBatch\";", + " this.maxParticles = 1000;", + " this.systems = new Set();", + " const layers = new THREE.Layers();", + " layers.mask = settings.layers.mask;", + " this.settings = {", + " instancingGeometry: settings.instancingGeometry,", + " renderMode: settings.renderMode,", + " renderOrder: settings.renderOrder,", + " material: settings.material,", + " uTileCount: settings.uTileCount,", + " vTileCount: settings.vTileCount,", + " layers: layers,", + " };", + " this.frustumCulled = false;", + " this.renderOrder = this.settings.renderOrder;", + " }", + " addSystem(system) {", + " this.systems.add(system);", + " }", + " removeSystem(system) {", + " this.systems.delete(system);", + " }", + "}", + "", + "const UP = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1);", + "const tempQ = new THREE.Quaternion();", + "const tempV = new THREE.Vector3();", + "const tempV2 = new THREE.Vector3();", + "new THREE.Vector3();", + "const PREWARM_FPS = 60;", + "const DEFAULT_GEOMETRY = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(1, 1, 1, 1);", + "/**", + " * ParticleSystem represents a system that generates and controls particles with similar attributes.", + " *", + " * @class", + " */", + "class ParticleSystem {", + " set time(time) {", + " this.emissionState.time = time;", + " }", + " get time() {", + " return this.emissionState.time;", + " }", + " // currently if you change the layers setting, you need manually set this.neededToUpdateRender = true;", + " get layers() {", + " return this.rendererSettings.layers;", + " }", + " get texture() {", + " return this.rendererSettings.material.map;", + " }", + " set texture(texture) {", + " this.rendererSettings.material.map = texture;", + " this.neededToUpdateRender = true;", + " //this.emitter.material.uniforms.map.value = texture;", + " }", + " get material() {", + " return this.rendererSettings.material;", + " }", + " set material(material) {", + " this.rendererSettings.material = material;", + " this.neededToUpdateRender = true;", + " }", + " get uTileCount() {", + " return this.rendererSettings.uTileCount;", + " }", + " set uTileCount(u) {", + " this.rendererSettings.uTileCount = u;", + " this.neededToUpdateRender = true;", + " //this.emitter.material.uniforms.tileCount.value.x = u;", + " }", + " get vTileCount() {", + " return this.rendererSettings.vTileCount;", + " }", + " set vTileCount(v) {", + " this.rendererSettings.vTileCount = v;", + " this.neededToUpdateRender = true;", + " }", + " get instancingGeometry() {", + " return this.rendererSettings.instancingGeometry;", + " }", + " set instancingGeometry(geometry) {", + " this.restart();", + " this.particles.length = 0;", + " this.rendererSettings.instancingGeometry = geometry;", + " this.neededToUpdateRender = true;", + " }", + " get renderMode() {", + " return this.rendererSettings.renderMode;", + " }", + " set renderMode(renderMode) {", + " if ((this.rendererSettings.renderMode != gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Trail && renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Trail) ||", + " (this.rendererSettings.renderMode == gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Trail && renderMode !== gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Trail)) {", + " this.restart();", + " this.particles.length = 0;", + " }", + " if (this.rendererSettings.renderMode !== renderMode) {", + " switch (renderMode) {", + " case gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Trail:", + " this.rendererEmitterSettings = {", + " startLength: new ConstantValue(30),", + " followLocalOrigin: false,", + " };", + " break;", + " case gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Mesh:", + " this.rendererEmitterSettings = {", + " geometry: new THREE.PlaneGeometry(1, 1),", + " };", + " this.startRotation = new AxisAngleGenerator(new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0), new ConstantValue(0));", + " break;", + " case gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.BillBoard:", + " case gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.StretchedBillBoard:", + " this.rendererEmitterSettings = {};", + " if (this.rendererSettings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Mesh) {", + " this.startRotation = new ConstantValue(0);", + " }", + " break;", + " }", + " }", + " this.rendererSettings.renderMode = renderMode;", + " this.neededToUpdateRender = true;", + " //this.emitter.rebuildMaterial();", + " }", + " get renderOrder() {", + " return this.rendererSettings.renderOrder;", + " }", + " set renderOrder(renderOrder) {", + " this.rendererSettings.renderOrder = renderOrder;", + " this.neededToUpdateRender = true;", + " //this.emitter.rebuildMaterial();", + " }", + " get blending() {", + " return this.rendererSettings.material.blending;", + " }", + " set blending(blending) {", + " this.rendererSettings.material.blending = blending;", + " this.neededToUpdateRender = true;", + " }", + " constructor(parameters) {", + " var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p, _q, _r, _s, _t, _u, _v, _w;", + " this.temp = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.travelDistance = 0;", + " this.normalMatrix = new THREE.Matrix3();", + " this.autoDestroy = parameters.autoDestroy === undefined ? false : parameters.autoDestroy;", + " this.duration = (_a = parameters.duration) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 1;", + " this.looping = parameters.looping === undefined ? true : parameters.looping;", + " this.prewarm = parameters.prewarm === undefined ? false : parameters.prewarm;", + " this.startLife = (_b = parameters.startLife) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : new ConstantValue(5);", + " this.startSpeed = (_c = parameters.startSpeed) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : new ConstantValue(0);", + " this.startRotation = (_d = parameters.startRotation) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : new ConstantValue(0);", + " this.startSize = (_e = parameters.startSize) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : new ConstantValue(1);", + " this.startColor = (_f = parameters.startColor) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : new ConstantColor(new THREE.Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1));", + " //this.startLength = parameters.startLength ?? new ConstantValue(30);", + " this.emissionOverTime = (_g = parameters.emissionOverTime) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : new ConstantValue(10);", + " this.emissionOverDistance = (_h = parameters.emissionOverDistance) !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : new ConstantValue(0);", + " this.emissionBursts = (_j = parameters.emissionBursts) !== null && _j !== void 0 ? _j : [];", + " this.onlyUsedByOther = (_k = parameters.onlyUsedByOther) !== null && _k !== void 0 ? _k : false;", + " this.emitterShape = (_l = parameters.shape) !== null && _l !== void 0 ? _l : new SphereEmitter();", + " this.behaviors = (_m = parameters.behaviors) !== null && _m !== void 0 ? _m : new Array();", + " this.worldSpace = (_o = parameters.worldSpace) !== null && _o !== void 0 ? _o : false;", + " this.speedFactor = (_p = parameters.speedFactor) !== null && _p !== void 0 ? _p : 0;", + " this.rendererEmitterSettings = (_q = parameters.rendererEmitterSettings) !== null && _q !== void 0 ? _q : {};", + " this.rendererSettings = {", + " instancingGeometry: (_r = parameters.instancingGeometry) !== null && _r !== void 0 ? _r : DEFAULT_GEOMETRY,", + " renderMode: (_s = parameters.renderMode) !== null && _s !== void 0 ? _s : gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.BillBoard,", + " renderOrder: (_t = parameters.renderOrder) !== null && _t !== void 0 ? _t : 0,", + " material: parameters.material,", + " uTileCount: (_u = parameters.uTileCount) !== null && _u !== void 0 ? _u : 1,", + " vTileCount: (_v = parameters.vTileCount) !== null && _v !== void 0 ? _v : 1,", + " layers: (_w = parameters.layers) !== null && _w !== void 0 ? _w : new THREE.Layers(),", + " };", + " this.neededToUpdateRender = true;", + " this.particles = new Array();", + " this.startTileIndex = parameters.startTileIndex || new ConstantValue(0);", + " this.emitter = new ParticleEmitter(this);", + " this.paused = false;", + " this.particleNum = 0;", + " this.emissionState = {", + " burstIndex: 0,", + " burstWaveIndex: 0,", + " time: 0,", + " waitEmiting: 0,", + " };", + " this.emitEnded = false;", + " this.markForDestroy = false;", + " this.prewarmed = false;", + " }", + " pause() {", + " this.paused = true;", + " }", + " play() {", + " this.paused = false;", + " }", + " spawn(count, emissionState, matrix) {", + " tempQ.setFromRotationMatrix(matrix);", + " const translation = tempV;", + " const quaternion = tempQ;", + " const scale = tempV2;", + " matrix.decompose(translation, quaternion, scale);", + " for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {", + " this.particleNum++;", + " while (this.particles.length < this.particleNum) {", + " if (this.rendererSettings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Trail) {", + " this.particles.push(new TrailParticle());", + " }", + " else {", + " this.particles.push(new SpriteParticle());", + " }", + " }", + " const particle = this.particles[this.particleNum - 1];", + " this.startColor.genColor(particle.startColor, Math.random());", + " particle.color.copy(particle.startColor);", + " particle.startSpeed = this.startSpeed.genValue(emissionState.time / this.duration);", + " particle.life = this.startLife.genValue(emissionState.time / this.duration);", + " particle.age = 0;", + " particle.startSize = this.startSize.genValue(emissionState.time / this.duration);", + " particle.uvTile = Math.floor(this.startTileIndex.genValue());", + " particle.size = particle.startSize;", + " if (this.rendererSettings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Mesh ||", + " this.rendererSettings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.BillBoard ||", + " this.rendererSettings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.StretchedBillBoard) {", + " const sprite = particle;", + " if (this.rendererSettings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Mesh) {", + " if (!(sprite.rotation instanceof THREE.Quaternion)) {", + " sprite.rotation = new THREE.Quaternion();", + " }", + " if (this.startRotation.type === 'rotation') {", + " this.startRotation.genValue(sprite.rotation, emissionState.time / this.duration);", + " }", + " else {", + " sprite.rotation.setFromAxisAngle(UP, this.startRotation.genValue((emissionState.time / this.duration)));", + " }", + " }", + " else {", + " if (this.startRotation.type === 'rotation') {", + " sprite.rotation = 0;", + " }", + " else {", + " sprite.rotation = this.startRotation.genValue(emissionState.time / this.duration);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " else if (this.rendererSettings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Trail) {", + " const trail = particle;", + " trail.length = this.rendererEmitterSettings.startLength.genValue(emissionState.time / this.duration);", + " trail.reset();", + " }", + " this.emitterShape.initialize(particle);", + " if (this.rendererSettings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Trail &&", + " this.rendererEmitterSettings.followLocalOrigin) {", + " const trail = particle;", + " trail.localPosition = new THREE.Vector3().copy(trail.position);", + " }", + " if (this.worldSpace) {", + " particle.position.applyMatrix4(matrix);", + " particle.startSize = (particle.startSize * (scale.x + scale.y + scale.z)) / 3;", + " particle.size = particle.startSize;", + " particle.velocity.multiply(scale).applyMatrix3(this.normalMatrix);", + " if (particle.rotation && particle.rotation instanceof THREE.Quaternion) {", + " particle.rotation.multiplyQuaternions(tempQ, particle.rotation);", + " }", + " }", + " else {", + " if (this.onlyUsedByOther) {", + " particle.parentMatrix = matrix;", + " }", + " }", + " for (let j = 0; j < this.behaviors.length; j++) {", + " this.behaviors[j].initialize(particle);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " endEmit() {", + " this.emitEnded = true;", + " if (this.autoDestroy) {", + " this.markForDestroy = true;", + " }", + " }", + " dispose() {", + " if (this._renderer)", + " this._renderer.deleteSystem(this);", + " this.emitter.dispose();", + " if (this.emitter.parent)", + " this.emitter.parent.remove(this.emitter);", + " }", + " restart() {", + " this.paused = false;", + " this.particleNum = 0;", + " this.emissionState.burstIndex = 0;", + " this.emissionState.burstWaveIndex = 0;", + " this.emissionState.time = 0;", + " this.emissionState.waitEmiting = 0;", + " this.behaviors.forEach((behavior) => {", + " behavior.reset();", + " });", + " this.emitEnded = false;", + " this.markForDestroy = false;", + " this.prewarmed = false;", + " }", + " //firstTimeUpdate = true;", + " update(delta) {", + " /*if (this.firstTimeUpdate) {", + " this.renderer.addSystem(this);", + " this.firstTimeUpdate = false;", + " }*/", + " if (this.paused)", + " return;", + " let currentParent = this.emitter;", + " while (currentParent.parent) {", + " currentParent = currentParent.parent;", + " }", + " if (currentParent.type !== 'Scene') {", + " this.dispose();", + " return;", + " }", + " if (this.emitEnded && this.particleNum === 0) {", + " if (this.markForDestroy && this.emitter.parent)", + " this.dispose();", + " return;", + " }", + " if (this.looping && this.prewarm && !this.prewarmed) {", + " this.prewarmed = true;", + " for (let i = 0; i < this.duration * PREWARM_FPS; i++) {", + " this.update(1.0 / PREWARM_FPS);", + " }", + " }", + " if (this.neededToUpdateRender) {", + " if (this._renderer)", + " this._renderer.updateSystem(this);", + " this.neededToUpdateRender = false;", + " }", + " if (!this.onlyUsedByOther) {", + " this.emit(delta, this.emissionState, this.emitter.matrixWorld);", + " }", + " // simulate", + " for (let j = 0; j < this.behaviors.length; j++) {", + " for (let i = 0; i < this.particleNum; i++) {", + " if (!this.particles[i].died) {", + " this.behaviors[j].update(this.particles[i], delta);", + " }", + " }", + " this.behaviors[j].frameUpdate(delta);", + " }", + " for (let i = 0; i < this.particleNum; i++) {", + " if (this.rendererEmitterSettings.followLocalOrigin &&", + " this.particles[i].localPosition) {", + " // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion", + " this.particles[i].position.copy(this.particles[i].localPosition);", + " if (this.particles[i].parentMatrix) {", + " // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion", + " this.particles[i].position.applyMatrix4(this.particles[i].parentMatrix);", + " }", + " else {", + " this.particles[i].position.applyMatrix4(this.emitter.matrixWorld);", + " }", + " }", + " else {", + " this.particles[i].position.addScaledVector(this.particles[i].velocity, delta);", + " }", + " this.particles[i].age += delta;", + " }", + " if (this.rendererSettings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Trail) {", + " for (let i = 0; i < this.particleNum; i++) {", + " const particle = this.particles[i];", + " particle.update();", + " }", + " }", + " // particle die", + " for (let i = 0; i < this.particleNum; i++) {", + " const particle = this.particles[i];", + " if (particle.died && (!(particle instanceof TrailParticle) || particle.previous.length === 0)) {", + " this.particles[i] = this.particles[this.particleNum - 1];", + " this.particles[this.particleNum - 1] = particle;", + " this.particleNum--;", + " i--;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " emit(delta, emissionState, emitterMatrix) {", + " if (emissionState.time > this.duration) {", + " if (this.looping) {", + " emissionState.time -= this.duration;", + " emissionState.burstIndex = 0;", + " this.behaviors.forEach((behavior) => {", + " behavior.reset();", + " });", + " }", + " else {", + " if (!this.emitEnded && !this.onlyUsedByOther) {", + " this.endEmit();", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " this.normalMatrix.getNormalMatrix(emitterMatrix);", + " // spawn", + " const totalSpawn = Math.ceil(emissionState.waitEmiting);", + " this.spawn(totalSpawn, emissionState, emitterMatrix);", + " emissionState.waitEmiting -= totalSpawn;", + " // spawn burst", + " while (emissionState.burstIndex < this.emissionBursts.length &&", + " this.emissionBursts[emissionState.burstIndex].time <= emissionState.time) {", + " if (Math.random() < this.emissionBursts[emissionState.burstIndex].probability) {", + " const count = this.emissionBursts[emissionState.burstIndex].count;", + " this.spawn(count, emissionState, emitterMatrix);", + " }", + " emissionState.burstIndex++;", + " }", + " if (!this.emitEnded) {", + " emissionState.waitEmiting += delta * this.emissionOverTime.genValue(emissionState.time / this.duration);", + " if (this.previousWorldPos != undefined) {", + " this.emitter.getWorldPosition(this.temp);", + " this.travelDistance += this.previousWorldPos.distanceTo(this.temp);", + " const emitPerMeter = this.emissionOverDistance.genValue(emissionState.time / this.duration);", + " if (this.travelDistance * emitPerMeter > 0) {", + " const count = Math.floor(this.travelDistance * emitPerMeter);", + " this.travelDistance -= count / emitPerMeter;", + " emissionState.waitEmiting += count;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " if (this.previousWorldPos === undefined)", + " this.previousWorldPos = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.emitter.getWorldPosition(this.previousWorldPos);", + " emissionState.time += delta;", + " }", + " toJSON(meta, options = {}) {", + " const isRootObject = meta === undefined || typeof meta === 'string';", + " if (isRootObject) {", + " // initialize meta obj", + " meta = {", + " geometries: {},", + " materials: {},", + " textures: {},", + " images: {},", + " shapes: {},", + " skeletons: {},", + " animations: {},", + " nodes: {},", + " };", + " }", + " meta.materials[this.rendererSettings.material.uuid] = this.rendererSettings.material.toJSON(meta);", + " if (options.useUrlForImage) {", + " if (this.texture.source !== undefined) {", + " const image = this.texture.source;", + " meta.images[image.uuid] = {", + " uuid: image.uuid,", + " url: this.texture.image.url,", + " };", + " }", + " }", + " // TODO: support URL", + " let rendererSettingsJSON;", + " if (this.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Trail) {", + " rendererSettingsJSON = {", + " startLength: this.rendererEmitterSettings.startLength.toJSON(),", + " followLocalOrigin: this.rendererEmitterSettings.followLocalOrigin,", + " };", + " }", + " else if (this.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Mesh) {", + " rendererSettingsJSON = {};", + " /*;*/", + " }", + " else {", + " rendererSettingsJSON = {};", + " }", + " const geometry = this.rendererSettings.instancingGeometry;", + " if (meta.geometries && !meta.geometries[geometry.uuid]) {", + " meta.geometries[geometry.uuid] = geometry.toJSON();", + " }", + " return {", + " version: '2.0',", + " autoDestroy: this.autoDestroy,", + " looping: this.looping,", + " prewarm: this.prewarm,", + " duration: this.duration,", + " shape: this.emitterShape.toJSON(),", + " startLife: this.startLife.toJSON(),", + " startSpeed: this.startSpeed.toJSON(),", + " startRotation: this.startRotation.toJSON(),", + " startSize: this.startSize.toJSON(),", + " startColor: this.startColor.toJSON(),", + " emissionOverTime: this.emissionOverTime.toJSON(),", + " emissionOverDistance: this.emissionOverDistance.toJSON(),", + " emissionBursts: this.emissionBursts,", + " onlyUsedByOther: this.onlyUsedByOther,", + " instancingGeometry: this.rendererSettings.instancingGeometry.uuid,", + " renderOrder: this.renderOrder,", + " renderMode: this.renderMode,", + " rendererEmitterSettings: rendererSettingsJSON,", + " speedFactor: this.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.StretchedBillBoard ? this.speedFactor : 0,", + " //texture: this.texture.uuid,", + " material: this.rendererSettings.material.uuid,", + " layers: this.layers.mask,", + " startTileIndex: this.startTileIndex.toJSON(),", + " uTileCount: this.uTileCount,", + " vTileCount: this.vTileCount,", + " behaviors: this.behaviors.map((behavior) => behavior.toJSON()),", + " worldSpace: this.worldSpace,", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json, meta, dependencies) {", + " var _a;", + " const shape = EmitterFromJSON(json.shape, meta);", + " let rendererEmitterSettings;", + " if (json.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Trail) {", + " rendererEmitterSettings = {", + " startLength: json.rendererEmitterSettings.startLength != undefined", + " ? ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.rendererEmitterSettings.startLength)", + " : new ConstantValue(30),", + " followLocalOrigin: json.rendererEmitterSettings.followLocalOrigin,", + " };", + " }", + " else if (json.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Mesh) {", + " rendererEmitterSettings = {};", + " }", + " else {", + " rendererEmitterSettings = {};", + " }", + " const layers = new THREE.Layers();", + " if (json.layers) {", + " layers.mask = json.layers;", + " }", + " const ps = new ParticleSystem({", + " autoDestroy: json.autoDestroy,", + " looping: json.looping,", + " prewarm: json.prewarm,", + " duration: json.duration,", + " shape: shape,", + " startLife: ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.startLife),", + " startSpeed: ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.startSpeed),", + " startRotation: GeneratorFromJSON(json.startRotation),", + " startSize: ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.startSize),", + " startColor: ColorGeneratorFromJSON(json.startColor),", + " emissionOverTime: ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.emissionOverTime),", + " emissionOverDistance: ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.emissionOverDistance),", + " emissionBursts: json.emissionBursts,", + " onlyUsedByOther: json.onlyUsedByOther,", + " instancingGeometry: meta.geometries[json.instancingGeometry],", + " renderMode: json.renderMode,", + " rendererEmitterSettings: rendererEmitterSettings,", + " renderOrder: json.renderOrder,", + " speedFactor: json.speedFactor,", + " layers: layers,", + " material: json.material", + " ? meta.materials[json.material]", + " : json.texture", + " ? new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({", + " map: meta.textures[json.texture],", + " transparent: (_a = json.transparent) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : true,", + " blending: json.blending,", + " side: THREE.DoubleSide,", + " })", + " : new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({", + " color: 0xffffff,", + " transparent: true,", + " blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending,", + " side: THREE.DoubleSide,", + " }),", + " startTileIndex: typeof json.startTileIndex === 'number'", + " ? new ConstantValue(json.startTileIndex)", + " : ValueGeneratorFromJSON(json.startTileIndex),", + " uTileCount: json.uTileCount,", + " vTileCount: json.vTileCount,", + " behaviors: [],", + " worldSpace: json.worldSpace,", + " });", + " ps.behaviors = json.behaviors.map((behaviorJson) => {", + " const behavior = BehaviorFromJSON(behaviorJson, ps);", + " if (behavior.type === 'EmitSubParticleSystem') {", + " dependencies[behaviorJson.subParticleSystem] = behavior;", + " }", + " return behavior;", + " });", + " return ps;", + " }", + " addBehavior(behavior) {", + " this.behaviors.push(behavior);", + " }", + " getRendererSettings() {", + " return this.rendererSettings;", + " }", + " clone() {", + " const newEmissionBursts = [];", + " for (const emissionBurst of this.emissionBursts) {", + " const newEmissionBurst = {};", + " Object.assign(newEmissionBurst, emissionBurst);", + " newEmissionBursts.push(newEmissionBurst);", + " }", + " const newBehaviors = [];", + " for (const behavior of this.behaviors) {", + " newBehaviors.push(behavior.clone());", + " }", + " let rendererEmitterSettings;", + " if (this.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Trail) {", + " rendererEmitterSettings = {", + " startLength: this.rendererEmitterSettings.startLength.clone(),", + " followLocalOrigin: this.rendererEmitterSettings.followLocalOrigin,", + " };", + " }", + " else {", + " rendererEmitterSettings = {};", + " }", + " const layers = new THREE.Layers();", + " layers.mask = this.layers.mask;", + " return new ParticleSystem({", + " autoDestroy: this.autoDestroy,", + " looping: this.looping,", + " duration: this.duration,", + " shape: this.emitterShape.clone(),", + " startLife: this.startLife.clone(),", + " startSpeed: this.startSpeed.clone(),", + " startRotation: this.startRotation.clone(),", + " startSize: this.startSize.clone(),", + " startColor: this.startColor.clone(),", + " emissionOverTime: this.emissionOverTime.clone(),", + " emissionOverDistance: this.emissionOverDistance.clone(),", + " emissionBursts: newEmissionBursts,", + " onlyUsedByOther: this.onlyUsedByOther,", + " instancingGeometry: this.rendererSettings.instancingGeometry,", + " renderMode: this.renderMode,", + " renderOrder: this.renderOrder,", + " rendererEmitterSettings: rendererEmitterSettings,", + " speedFactor: this.speedFactor,", + " material: this.rendererSettings.material,", + " startTileIndex: this.startTileIndex,", + " uTileCount: this.uTileCount,", + " vTileCount: this.vTileCount,", + " behaviors: newBehaviors,", + " worldSpace: this.worldSpace,", + " layers: layers,", + " });", + " }", + "}", + "", + "var particle_frag = /* glsl */ `", + "", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "void main() {", + "", + "#include ", + "", + "vec3 outgoingLight = vec3( 0.0 );", + "vec4 diffuseColor = vColor;", + "", + "#include ", + "", + "#ifdef USE_MAP", + "vec4 texelColor = texture2D( map, vUv);", + "diffuseColor *= texelColor;", + "#endif", + "", + "outgoingLight = diffuseColor.rgb;", + "", + "gl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );", + "", + "#include ", + "", + "}", + "`;", + "/*", + " gl_FragColor = vec4(vUv.x, vUv.y, 1.0, 1.0);", + "", + " #ifdef USE_MAP", + " vec4 texelColor = texture2D( map, vUv);", + " diffuseColor *= texelColor;", + " #endif", + "", + " outgoingLight = diffuseColor.rgb;", + "", + " gl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );", + "*/", + "", + "var particle_physics_frag = /* glsl */ `", + "#define STANDARD", + "#ifdef PHYSICAL", + "#define IOR", + "#define SPECULAR", + "#endif", + "uniform vec3 diffuse;", + "uniform vec3 emissive;", + "uniform float roughness;", + "uniform float metalness;", + "uniform float opacity;", + "#ifdef IOR", + "uniform float ior;", + "#endif", + "#ifdef SPECULAR", + "uniform float specularIntensity;", + "uniform vec3 specularColor;", + "#ifdef USE_SPECULARINTENSITYMAP", + "uniform sampler2D specularIntensityMap;", + "#endif", + "#ifdef USE_SPECULARCOLORMAP", + "uniform sampler2D specularColorMap;", + "#endif", + "#endif", + "#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT", + "uniform float clearcoat;", + "uniform float clearcoatRoughness;", + "#endif", + "#ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCE", + "uniform float iridescence;", + "uniform float iridescenceIOR;", + "uniform float iridescenceThicknessMinimum;", + "uniform float iridescenceThicknessMaximum;", + "#endif", + "#ifdef USE_SHEEN", + "uniform vec3 sheenColor;", + "uniform float sheenRoughness;", + "#ifdef USE_SHEENCOLORMAP", + "uniform sampler2D sheenColorMap;", + "#endif", + "#ifdef USE_SHEENROUGHNESSMAP", + "uniform sampler2D sheenRoughnessMap;", + "#endif", + "#endif", + "", + "varying vec3 vViewPosition;", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "void main() {", + "#include ", + "vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );", + "ReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight( vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ) );", + "vec3 totalEmissiveRadiance = emissive;", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "// accumulation", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "// modulation", + "#include ", + "vec3 totalDiffuse = reflectedLight.directDiffuse + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse;", + "vec3 totalSpecular = reflectedLight.directSpecular + reflectedLight.indirectSpecular;", + "#include ", + "vec3 outgoingLight = totalDiffuse + totalSpecular + totalEmissiveRadiance;", + "#ifdef USE_SHEEN", + "// Sheen energy compensation approximation calculation can be found at the end of", + " // https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T0D1VSyR4AllqIJTQAraEIzjlb5h4FKH/view?usp=sharing", + " float sheenEnergyComp = 1.0 - 0.157 * max3( material.sheenColor );", + " outgoingLight = outgoingLight * sheenEnergyComp + sheenSpecular;", + "#endif", + "#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT", + " float dotNVcc = saturate( dot( geometry.clearcoatNormal, geometry.viewDir ) );", + " vec3 Fcc = F_Schlick( material.clearcoatF0, material.clearcoatF90, dotNVcc );", + " outgoingLight = outgoingLight * ( 1.0 - material.clearcoat * Fcc ) + clearcoatSpecular * material.clearcoat;", + "#endif", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "}`;", + "", + "var particle_vert = /* glsl */ `", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "attribute vec3 offset;", + "attribute float rotation;", + "attribute float size;", + "attribute float uvTile;", + "", + "#ifdef UV_TILE", + "uniform vec2 tileCount;", + "#endif", + "", + "void main() {", + "", + "#ifdef UV_TILE", + " vUv = vec2((mod(uvTile, tileCount.x) + uv.x) * (1.0 / tileCount.x), ((tileCount.y - floor(uvTile / tileCount.x) - 1.0) + uv.y) * (1.0 / tileCount.y));", + "#else", + " #include ", + "#endif", + "", + "vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( offset, 1.0 );", + "", + "vec2 alignedPosition = ( position.xy ) * size;", + "", + "vec2 rotatedPosition;", + "rotatedPosition.x = cos( rotation ) * alignedPosition.x - sin( rotation ) * alignedPosition.y;", + "rotatedPosition.y = sin( rotation ) * alignedPosition.x + cos( rotation ) * alignedPosition.y;", + "", + "mvPosition.xy += rotatedPosition;", + "", + "vColor = color;", + "", + "gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;", + "", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "}", + "`;", + "/*", + " #ifndef USE_SIZEATTENUATION", + " bool isPerspective = ( projectionMatrix[ 2 ][ 3 ] == - 1.0 );", + " if ( isPerspective ) computedSize *= - mvPosition.z;", + " #endif", + " */", + "", + "var local_particle_vert = /* glsl */ `", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "attribute vec3 offset;", + "attribute vec4 rotation;", + "attribute float size;", + "// attribute vec4 color;", + "attribute float uvTile;", + "", + "#ifdef UV_TILE", + "uniform vec2 tileCount;", + "#endif", + "", + "void main() {", + "", + "#ifdef UV_TILE", + " vUv = vec2((mod(uvTile, tileCount.x) + uv.x) * (1.0 / tileCount.x), ((tileCount.y - floor(uvTile / tileCount.x) - 1.0) + uv.y) * (1.0 / tileCount.y));", + "#else", + " #include ", + "#endif", + "", + "float x2 = rotation.x + rotation.x, y2 = rotation.y + rotation.y, z2 = rotation.z + rotation.z;", + "float xx = rotation.x * x2, xy = rotation.x * y2, xz = rotation.x * z2;", + "float yy = rotation.y * y2, yz = rotation.y * z2, zz = rotation.z * z2;", + "float wx = rotation.w * x2, wy = rotation.w * y2, wz = rotation.w * z2;", + "float sx = size, sy = size, sz = size;", + "", + "mat4 matrix = mat4(( 1.0 - ( yy + zz ) ) * sx, ( xy + wz ) * sx, ( xz - wy ) * sx, 0.0, // 1. column", + " ( xy - wz ) * sy, ( 1.0 - ( xx + zz ) ) * sy, ( yz + wx ) * sy, 0.0, // 2. column", + " ( xz + wy ) * sz, ( yz - wx ) * sz, ( 1.0 - ( xx + yy ) ) * sz, 0.0, // 3. column", + " offset.x, offset.y, offset.z, 1.0);", + "", + "vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * (matrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ));", + "", + "vColor = color;", + "", + "gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;", + "", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "}", + "`;", + "", + "var local_particle_physics_vert = /* glsl */ `", + "#define STANDARD", + "varying vec3 vViewPosition;", + "#ifdef USE_TRANSMISSION", + "varying vec3 vWorldPosition;", + "#endif", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "attribute vec3 offset;", + "attribute vec4 rotation;", + "attribute float size;", + "attribute float uvTile;", + "", + "#ifdef UV_TILE", + "uniform vec2 tileCount;", + "#endif", + "", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "void main() {", + "#ifdef UV_TILE", + " vUv = vec2((mod(uvTile, tileCount.x) + uv.x) * (1.0 / tileCount.x), ((tileCount.y - floor(uvTile / tileCount.x) - 1.0) + uv.y) * (1.0 / tileCount.y));", + "#else", + " #include ", + "#endif", + "", + "float x2 = rotation.x + rotation.x, y2 = rotation.y + rotation.y, z2 = rotation.z + rotation.z;", + "float xx = rotation.x * x2, xy = rotation.x * y2, xz = rotation.x * z2;", + "float yy = rotation.y * y2, yz = rotation.y * z2, zz = rotation.z * z2;", + "float wx = rotation.w * x2, wy = rotation.w * y2, wz = rotation.w * z2;", + "float sx = size, sy = size, sz = size;", + "", + "mat4 particleMatrix = mat4(( 1.0 - ( yy + zz ) ) * sx, ( xy + wz ) * sx, ( xz - wy ) * sx, 0.0, // 1. column", + " ( xy - wz ) * sy, ( 1.0 - ( xx + zz ) ) * sy, ( yz + wx ) * sy, 0.0, // 2. column", + " ( xz + wy ) * sz, ( yz - wx ) * sz, ( 1.0 - ( xx + yy ) ) * sz, 0.0, // 3. column", + " offset.x, offset.y, offset.z, 1.0);", + " ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "// replace defaultnormal_vertex", + "vec3 transformedNormal = objectNormal;", + "mat3 m = mat3( particleMatrix );", + "transformedNormal /= vec3( dot( m[ 0 ], m[ 0 ] ), dot( m[ 1 ], m[ 1 ] ), dot( m[ 2 ], m[ 2 ] ) );", + "transformedNormal = m * transformedNormal;", + "transformedNormal = normalMatrix * transformedNormal;", + "#ifdef FLIP_SIDED", + " transformedNormal = - transformedNormal;", + "#endif", + "#ifdef USE_TANGENT", + " vec3 transformedTangent = ( modelViewMatrix * vec4( objectTangent, 0.0 ) ).xyz;", + " #ifdef FLIP_SIDED", + " transformedTangent = - transformedTangent;", + " #endif", + "#endif", + "", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "// replace include ", + "vec4 mvPosition = vec4( transformed, 1.0 );", + "mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * (particleMatrix * mvPosition);", + "gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;", + "", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "vViewPosition = - mvPosition.xyz;", + "", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#ifdef USE_TRANSMISSION", + "vWorldPosition = worldPosition.xyz;", + "#endif", + "}", + "`;", + "", + "var stretched_bb_particle_vert = /* glsl */ `", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "attribute vec3 offset;", + "attribute float rotation;", + "attribute float size;", + "attribute vec3 velocity;", + "attribute float uvTile;", + "", + "#ifdef UV_TILE", + "uniform vec2 tileCount;", + "#endif", + "", + "uniform float speedFactor;", + "", + "void main() {", + "", + "#ifdef UV_TILE", + " vUv = vec2((mod(uvTile, tileCount.x) + uv.x) * (1.0 / tileCount.x), ((tileCount.y - floor(uvTile / tileCount.x) - 1.0) + uv.y) * (1.0 / tileCount.y));", + "#else", + " #include ", + "#endif", + "", + "vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( offset, 1.0 );", + "vec3 viewVelocity = normalMatrix * velocity;", + "", + "vec3 scaledPos = vec3(position.xy * size, position.z);", + "mvPosition.xyz += scaledPos + dot(scaledPos, viewVelocity) * viewVelocity / length(viewVelocity) * speedFactor;", + "", + "vColor = color;", + "", + "gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;", + "", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "}", + "`;", + "/*", + "", + " vec3 instancePos = vec3(position.xy * size, position.z);", + " instancePos += dot(instancePos, viewVelocity) * viewVelocity * speedFactor;", + " mvPosition.xyz += instancePos;", + "", + " vColor = color; //vec4(1, 1, 1, 1); //color; //length(viewVelocity) * 0.1", + "", + " #ifndef USE_SIZEATTENUATION", + " bool isPerspective = ( projectionMatrix[ 2 ][ 3 ] == - 1.0 );", + " if ( isPerspective ) computedSize *= - mvPosition.z;", + " #endif", + " */", + "", + "function getMaterialUVChannelName(value) {", + " if (value === 0)", + " return 'uv';", + " return `uv${value}`;", + "}", + "", + "new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1);", + "class SpriteBatch extends VFXBatch {", + " constructor(settings) {", + " super(settings);", + " /*", + " clone() {", + " let system = this.system.clone();", + " return system.emitter as any;", + " }*/", + " this.vector_ = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.vector2_ = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.vector3_ = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.quaternion_ = new THREE.Quaternion();", + " this.quaternion2_ = new THREE.Quaternion();", + " this.quaternion3_ = new THREE.Quaternion();", + " this.rotationMat_ = new THREE.Matrix3();", + " this.rotationMat2_ = new THREE.Matrix3();", + " this.maxParticles = 1000;", + " this.setupBuffers();", + " this.rebuildMaterial();", + " // TODO: implement boundingVolume", + " }", + " buildExpandableBuffers() {", + " this.offsetBuffer = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.maxParticles * 3), 3);", + " this.offsetBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('offset', this.offsetBuffer);", + " this.colorBuffer = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.maxParticles * 4), 4);", + " this.colorBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('color', this.colorBuffer);", + " if (this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Mesh) {", + " this.rotationBuffer = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.maxParticles * 4), 4);", + " this.rotationBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('rotation', this.rotationBuffer);", + " }", + " else if (this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.BillBoard ||", + " this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.StretchedBillBoard) {", + " this.rotationBuffer = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.maxParticles), 1);", + " this.rotationBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('rotation', this.rotationBuffer);", + " }", + " this.sizeBuffer = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.maxParticles), 1);", + " this.sizeBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('size', this.sizeBuffer);", + " this.uvTileBuffer = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.maxParticles), 1);", + " this.uvTileBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('uvTile', this.uvTileBuffer);", + " if (this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.StretchedBillBoard) {", + " this.velocityBuffer = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.maxParticles * 3), 3);", + " this.velocityBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('velocity', this.velocityBuffer);", + " }", + " }", + " setupBuffers() {", + " if (this.geometry)", + " this.geometry.dispose();", + " this.geometry = new THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry();", + " this.geometry.setIndex(this.settings.instancingGeometry.getIndex());", + " if (this.settings.instancingGeometry.hasAttribute('normal')) {", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('normal', this.settings.instancingGeometry.getAttribute('normal'));", + " }", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('position', this.settings.instancingGeometry.getAttribute('position')); //new InterleavedBufferAttribute(this.interleavedBuffer, 3, 0, false));", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('uv', this.settings.instancingGeometry.getAttribute('uv')); //new InterleavedBufferAttribute(this.interleavedBuffer, 2, 3, false));", + " this.buildExpandableBuffers();", + " }", + " expandBuffers(target) {", + " while (target >= this.maxParticles) {", + " this.maxParticles *= 2;", + " }", + " this.setupBuffers();", + " }", + " rebuildMaterial() {", + " this.layers.mask = this.settings.layers.mask;", + " let uniforms;", + " const defines = {};", + " if (this.settings.material.type === 'MeshStandardMaterial' ||", + " this.settings.material.type === 'MeshPhysicalMaterial') {", + " const mat = this.settings.material;", + " uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.merge([", + " THREE.UniformsLib.common,", + " THREE.UniformsLib.envmap,", + " THREE.UniformsLib.aomap,", + " THREE.UniformsLib.lightmap,", + " THREE.UniformsLib.emissivemap,", + " THREE.UniformsLib.bumpmap,", + " THREE.UniformsLib.normalmap,", + " THREE.UniformsLib.displacementmap,", + " THREE.UniformsLib.roughnessmap,", + " THREE.UniformsLib.metalnessmap,", + " THREE.UniformsLib.fog,", + " THREE.UniformsLib.lights,", + " {", + " emissive: { value: /*@__PURE__*/ new THREE.Color(0x000000) },", + " roughness: { value: 1.0 },", + " metalness: { value: 0.0 },", + " envMapIntensity: { value: 1 }, // temporary", + " },", + " ]);", + " uniforms['diffuse'].value = mat.color;", + " uniforms['opacity'].value = mat.opacity;", + " uniforms['emissive'].value = mat.emissive;", + " uniforms['roughness'].value = mat.roughness;", + " uniforms['metalness'].value = mat.metalness;", + " if (mat.envMap) {", + " uniforms['envMap'].value = mat.envMap;", + " uniforms['envMapIntensity'].value = mat.envMapIntensity;", + " }", + " if (mat.normalMap) {", + " uniforms['normalMap'].value = mat.normalMap;", + " uniforms['normalScale'].value = mat.normalScale;", + " }", + " if (mat.roughnessMap) {", + " uniforms['roughnessMap'].value = mat.roughnessMap;", + " }", + " if (mat.metalnessMap) {", + " uniforms['metalnessMap'].value = mat.metalnessMap;", + " }", + " }", + " else {", + " uniforms = {};", + " uniforms['map'] = new THREE.Uniform(this.settings.material.map);", + " }", + " if (this.settings.material.map) {", + " defines['USE_MAP'] = '';", + " defines['USE_UV'] = '';", + " defines['UV_TILE'] = '';", + " const uTileCount = this.settings.uTileCount;", + " const vTileCount = this.settings.vTileCount;", + " defines['MAP_UV'] = getMaterialUVChannelName(this.settings.material.map.channel);", + " uniforms['uvTransform'] = new THREE.Uniform(new THREE.Matrix3().copy(this.settings.material.map.matrix));", + " uniforms['tileCount'] = new THREE.Uniform(new THREE.Vector2(uTileCount, vTileCount));", + " }", + " defines['USE_COLOR_ALPHA'] = '';", + " let needLights = false;", + " if (this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.BillBoard || this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Mesh) {", + " let vertexShader;", + " let fragmentShader;", + " if (this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Mesh) {", + " if (this.settings.material.type === 'MeshStandardMaterial' ||", + " this.settings.material.type === 'MeshPhysicalMaterial') {", + " defines['USE_COLOR'] = '';", + " vertexShader = local_particle_physics_vert;", + " fragmentShader = particle_physics_frag;", + " needLights = true;", + " }", + " else {", + " vertexShader = local_particle_vert;", + " fragmentShader = particle_frag;", + " }", + " }", + " else {", + " vertexShader = particle_vert;", + " fragmentShader = particle_frag;", + " }", + " this.material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({", + " uniforms: uniforms,", + " defines: defines,", + " vertexShader: vertexShader,", + " fragmentShader: fragmentShader,", + " transparent: this.settings.material.transparent,", + " depthWrite: !this.settings.material.transparent,", + " blending: this.settings.material.blending,", + " side: this.settings.material.side,", + " lights: needLights,", + " });", + " }", + " else if (this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.StretchedBillBoard) {", + " uniforms['speedFactor'] = new THREE.Uniform(1.0);", + " this.material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({", + " uniforms: uniforms,", + " defines: defines,", + " vertexShader: stretched_bb_particle_vert,", + " fragmentShader: particle_frag,", + " transparent: this.settings.material.transparent,", + " depthWrite: !this.settings.material.transparent,", + " blending: this.settings.material.blending,", + " side: this.settings.material.side,", + " });", + " }", + " else {", + " throw new Error('render mode unavailable');", + " }", + " }", + " update() {", + " let index = 0;", + " let particleCount = 0;", + " this.systems.forEach((system) => {", + " particleCount += system.particleNum;", + " });", + " if (particleCount > this.maxParticles) {", + " this.expandBuffers(particleCount);", + " }", + " this.systems.forEach((system) => {", + " const particles = system.particles;", + " const particleNum = system.particleNum;", + " const rotation = this.quaternion2_;", + " const translation = this.vector2_;", + " const scale = this.vector3_;", + " system.emitter.matrixWorld.decompose(translation, rotation, scale);", + " this.rotationMat_.setFromMatrix4(system.emitter.matrixWorld);", + " for (let j = 0; j < particleNum; j++, index++) {", + " const particle = particles[j];", + " if (this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Mesh) {", + " //this.quaternion_.setFromAxisAngle(UP, particle.rotation as number);", + " let q;", + " if (system.worldSpace) {", + " q = particle.rotation;", + " }", + " else {", + " let parentQ;", + " if (particle.parentMatrix) {", + " parentQ = this.quaternion3_.setFromRotationMatrix(particle.parentMatrix);", + " }", + " else {", + " parentQ = rotation;", + " }", + " q = this.quaternion_;", + " q.copy(particle.rotation).multiply(parentQ);", + " }", + " this.rotationBuffer.setXYZW(index, q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w);", + " }", + " else if (this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.StretchedBillBoard ||", + " this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.BillBoard) {", + " this.rotationBuffer.setX(index, particle.rotation);", + " }", + " let vec;", + " if (system.worldSpace) {", + " vec = particle.position;", + " }", + " else {", + " vec = this.vector_;", + " if (particle.parentMatrix) {", + " vec.copy(particle.position).applyMatrix4(particle.parentMatrix);", + " }", + " else {", + " vec.copy(particle.position).applyMatrix4(system.emitter.matrixWorld);", + " }", + " }", + " this.offsetBuffer.setXYZ(index, vec.x, vec.y, vec.z);", + " this.colorBuffer.setXYZW(index, particle.color.x, particle.color.y, particle.color.z, particle.color.w);", + " if (system.worldSpace) {", + " this.sizeBuffer.setX(index, particle.size);", + " }", + " else {", + " if (particle.parentMatrix) {", + " this.sizeBuffer.setX(index, particle.size);", + " }", + " else {", + " this.sizeBuffer.setX(index, (particle.size * (scale.x + scale.y + scale.z)) / 3);", + " }", + " }", + " this.uvTileBuffer.setX(index, particle.uvTile);", + " if (this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.StretchedBillBoard && this.velocityBuffer) {", + " const speedFactor = system.speedFactor;", + " let vec;", + " if (system.worldSpace) {", + " vec = particle.velocity;", + " }", + " else {", + " vec = this.vector_;", + " if (particle.parentMatrix) {", + " this.rotationMat2_.setFromMatrix4(particle.parentMatrix);", + " vec.copy(particle.velocity).applyMatrix3(this.rotationMat2_);", + " }", + " else {", + " vec.copy(particle.velocity).applyMatrix3(this.rotationMat_);", + " }", + " }", + " this.velocityBuffer.setXYZ(index, vec.x * speedFactor, vec.y * speedFactor, vec.z * speedFactor);", + " }", + " }", + " });", + " this.geometry.instanceCount = index;", + " if (index > 0) {", + " this.offsetBuffer.updateRange.count = index * 3;", + " this.offsetBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " this.sizeBuffer.updateRange.count = index;", + " this.sizeBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " this.colorBuffer.updateRange.count = index * 4;", + " this.colorBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " this.uvTileBuffer.updateRange.count = index;", + " this.uvTileBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " if (this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.StretchedBillBoard && this.velocityBuffer) {", + " this.velocityBuffer.updateRange.count = index * 3;", + " this.velocityBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " }", + " if (this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Mesh) {", + " this.rotationBuffer.updateRange.count = index * 4;", + " this.rotationBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " }", + " else if (this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.StretchedBillBoard ||", + " this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.BillBoard) {", + " this.rotationBuffer.updateRange.count = index;", + " this.rotationBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " dispose() {", + " this.geometry.dispose();", + " }", + "}", + "", + "var trail_frag = /* glsl */ `", + "", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "uniform sampler2D alphaMap;", + "uniform float useAlphaMap;", + "uniform float visibility;", + "uniform float alphaTest;", + "uniform vec2 repeat;", + "", + "varying vec4 vColor;", + "", + "void main() {", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "vec4 c = vColor;", + "", + "#ifdef USE_MAP", + "c *= texture2D( map, vUv * repeat );", + "#endif", + "if( useAlphaMap == 1. ) c.a *= texture2D( alphaMap, vUv * repeat ).a;", + "if( c.a < alphaTest ) discard;", + "gl_FragColor = c;", + "", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "}`;", + "", + "var trail_vert = /* glsl */ `", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "attribute vec3 previous;", + "attribute vec3 next;", + "attribute float side;", + "attribute float width;", + "", + "uniform vec2 resolution;", + "uniform float lineWidth;", + "uniform float sizeAttenuation;", + "", + "vec2 fix(vec4 i, float aspect) {", + "vec2 res = i.xy / i.w;", + "res.x *= aspect;", + "return res;", + "}", + "", + "void main() {", + "", + "#include ", + "", + "float aspect = resolution.x / resolution.y;", + "", + "vColor = color;", + "", + "mat4 m = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix;", + "vec4 finalPosition = m * vec4( position, 1.0 );", + "vec4 prevPos = m * vec4( previous, 1.0 );", + "vec4 nextPos = m * vec4( next, 1.0 );", + "", + "vec2 currentP = fix( finalPosition, aspect );", + "vec2 prevP = fix( prevPos, aspect );", + "vec2 nextP = fix( nextPos, aspect );", + "", + "float w = lineWidth * width;", + "", + "vec2 dir;", + "if( nextP == currentP ) dir = normalize( currentP - prevP );", + "else if( prevP == currentP ) dir = normalize( nextP - currentP );", + "else {", + " vec2 dir1 = normalize( currentP - prevP );", + " vec2 dir2 = normalize( nextP - currentP );", + " dir = normalize( dir1 + dir2 );", + "", + " vec2 perp = vec2( -dir1.y, dir1.x );", + " vec2 miter = vec2( -dir.y, dir.x );", + " //w = clamp( w / dot( miter, perp ), 0., 4., * lineWidth * width );", + "", + "}", + "", + "//vec2 normal = ( cross( vec3( dir, 0. ) vec3( 0., 0., 1. ) ) ).xy;", + "vec4 normal = vec4( -dir.y, dir.x, 0., 1. );", + "normal.xy *= .5 * w;", + "normal *= projectionMatrix;", + "if( sizeAttenuation == 0. ) {", + " normal.xy *= finalPosition.w;", + " normal.xy /= ( vec4( resolution, 0., 1. ) * projectionMatrix ).xy;", + "}", + "", + "finalPosition.xy += normal.xy * side;", + "", + "gl_Position = finalPosition;", + "", + "#include ", + "#include ", + "", + "vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );", + "", + "#include ", + "}`;", + "", + "new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1);", + "class TrailBatch extends VFXBatch {", + " constructor(settings) {", + " super(settings);", + " /*", + " clone() {", + " let system = this.system.clone();", + " return system.emitter as any;", + " }*/", + " this.vector_ = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.vector2_ = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.vector3_ = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.quaternion_ = new THREE.Quaternion();", + " this.maxParticles = 10000;", + " this.setupBuffers();", + " this.rebuildMaterial();", + " // TODO: implement boundingVolume", + " }", + " setupBuffers() {", + " if (this.geometry)", + " this.geometry.dispose();", + " this.geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();", + " this.indexBuffer = new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Uint32Array(this.maxParticles * 6), 1);", + " this.indexBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setIndex(this.indexBuffer);", + " this.positionBuffer = new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.maxParticles * 6), 3);", + " this.positionBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('position', this.positionBuffer);", + " this.previousBuffer = new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.maxParticles * 6), 3);", + " this.previousBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('previous', this.previousBuffer);", + " this.nextBuffer = new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.maxParticles * 6), 3);", + " this.nextBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('next', this.nextBuffer);", + " this.widthBuffer = new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.maxParticles * 2), 1);", + " this.widthBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('width', this.widthBuffer);", + " this.sideBuffer = new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.maxParticles * 2), 1);", + " this.sideBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('side', this.sideBuffer);", + " this.uvBuffer = new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.maxParticles * 4), 2);", + " this.uvBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('uv', this.uvBuffer);", + " this.colorBuffer = new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.maxParticles * 8), 4);", + " this.colorBuffer.setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage);", + " this.geometry.setAttribute('color', this.colorBuffer);", + " }", + " expandBuffers(target) {", + " while (target >= this.maxParticles) {", + " this.maxParticles *= 2;", + " }", + " this.setupBuffers();", + " }", + " rebuildMaterial() {", + " this.layers.mask = this.settings.layers.mask;", + " const uniforms = {", + " lineWidth: { value: 1 },", + " map: { value: null },", + " useMap: { value: 0 },", + " alphaMap: { value: null },", + " useAlphaMap: { value: 0 },", + " resolution: { value: new THREE.Vector2(1, 1) },", + " sizeAttenuation: { value: 1 },", + " visibility: { value: 1 },", + " alphaTest: { value: 0 },", + " repeat: { value: new THREE.Vector2(1, 1) },", + " };", + " const defines = {};", + " defines['USE_UV'] = '';", + " defines['USE_COLOR_ALPHA'] = '';", + " if (this.settings.material.map) {", + " defines['USE_MAP'] = '';", + " defines['MAP_UV'] = getMaterialUVChannelName(this.settings.material.map.channel);", + " uniforms['map'] = new THREE.Uniform(this.settings.material.map);", + " uniforms['mapTransform'] = new THREE.Uniform(new THREE.Matrix3().copy(this.settings.material.map.matrix));", + " }", + " if (this.settings.renderMode === gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Trail) {", + " this.material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({", + " uniforms: uniforms,", + " defines: defines,", + " vertexShader: trail_vert,", + " fragmentShader: trail_frag,", + " transparent: this.settings.material.transparent,", + " depthWrite: !this.settings.material.transparent,", + " side: this.settings.material.side,", + " blending: this.settings.material.blending || THREE.AdditiveBlending,", + " });", + " }", + " else {", + " throw new Error('render mode unavailable');", + " }", + " }", + " update() {", + " let index = 0;", + " let triangles = 0;", + " let particleCount = 0;", + " this.systems.forEach((system) => {", + " for (let j = 0; j < system.particleNum; j++) {", + " particleCount += system.particles[j].previous.length * 2;", + " }", + " });", + " if (particleCount > this.maxParticles) {", + " this.expandBuffers(particleCount);", + " }", + " this.systems.forEach((system) => {", + " const rotation = this.quaternion_;", + " const translation = this.vector2_;", + " const scale = this.vector3_;", + " system.emitter.matrixWorld.decompose(translation, rotation, scale);", + " const particles = system.particles;", + " const particleNum = system.particleNum;", + " const uTileCount = this.settings.uTileCount;", + " const vTileCount = this.settings.vTileCount;", + " const tileWidth = 1 / uTileCount;", + " const tileHeight = 1 / vTileCount;", + " for (let j = 0; j < particleNum; j++) {", + " const particle = particles[j];", + " const col = particle.uvTile % vTileCount;", + " const row = Math.floor(particle.uvTile / vTileCount);", + " const iter = particle.previous.values();", + " let curIter = iter.next();", + " let previous = curIter.value;", + " let current = previous;", + " if (!curIter.done)", + " curIter = iter.next();", + " let next;", + " if (curIter.value !== undefined) {", + " next = curIter.value;", + " }", + " else {", + " next = current;", + " }", + " for (let i = 0; i < particle.previous.length; i++, index += 2) {", + " this.positionBuffer.setXYZ(index, current.position.x, current.position.y, current.position.z);", + " this.positionBuffer.setXYZ(index + 1, current.position.x, current.position.y, current.position.z);", + " if (system.worldSpace) {", + " this.positionBuffer.setXYZ(index, current.position.x, current.position.y, current.position.z);", + " this.positionBuffer.setXYZ(index + 1, current.position.x, current.position.y, current.position.z);", + " }", + " else {", + " if (particle.parentMatrix) {", + " this.vector_.copy(current.position).applyMatrix4(particle.parentMatrix);", + " }", + " else {", + " this.vector_.copy(current.position).applyMatrix4(system.emitter.matrixWorld);", + " }", + " this.positionBuffer.setXYZ(index, this.vector_.x, this.vector_.y, this.vector_.z);", + " this.positionBuffer.setXYZ(index + 1, this.vector_.x, this.vector_.y, this.vector_.z);", + " }", + " if (system.worldSpace) {", + " this.previousBuffer.setXYZ(index, previous.position.x, previous.position.y, previous.position.z);", + " this.previousBuffer.setXYZ(index + 1, previous.position.x, previous.position.y, previous.position.z);", + " }", + " else {", + " if (particle.parentMatrix) {", + " this.vector_.copy(previous.position).applyMatrix4(particle.parentMatrix);", + " }", + " else {", + " this.vector_.copy(previous.position).applyMatrix4(system.emitter.matrixWorld);", + " }", + " this.previousBuffer.setXYZ(index, this.vector_.x, this.vector_.y, this.vector_.z);", + " this.previousBuffer.setXYZ(index + 1, this.vector_.x, this.vector_.y, this.vector_.z);", + " }", + " if (system.worldSpace) {", + " this.nextBuffer.setXYZ(index, next.position.x, next.position.y, next.position.z);", + " this.nextBuffer.setXYZ(index + 1, next.position.x, next.position.y, next.position.z);", + " }", + " else {", + " if (particle.parentMatrix) {", + " this.vector_.copy(next.position).applyMatrix4(particle.parentMatrix);", + " }", + " else {", + " this.vector_.copy(next.position).applyMatrix4(system.emitter.matrixWorld);", + " }", + " this.nextBuffer.setXYZ(index, this.vector_.x, this.vector_.y, this.vector_.z);", + " this.nextBuffer.setXYZ(index + 1, this.vector_.x, this.vector_.y, this.vector_.z);", + " }", + " this.sideBuffer.setX(index, -1);", + " this.sideBuffer.setX(index + 1, 1);", + " if (system.worldSpace) {", + " this.widthBuffer.setX(index, current.size);", + " this.widthBuffer.setX(index + 1, current.size);", + " }", + " else {", + " if (particle.parentMatrix) {", + " this.widthBuffer.setX(index, current.size);", + " this.widthBuffer.setX(index + 1, current.size);", + " }", + " else {", + " this.widthBuffer.setX(index, (current.size * (scale.x + scale.y + scale.z)) / 3);", + " this.widthBuffer.setX(index + 1, (current.size * (scale.x + scale.y + scale.z)) / 3);", + " }", + " }", + " this.uvBuffer.setXY(index, (i / particle.previous.length + col) * tileWidth, (vTileCount - row - 1) * tileHeight);", + " this.uvBuffer.setXY(index + 1, (i / particle.previous.length + col) * tileWidth, (vTileCount - row) * tileHeight);", + " this.colorBuffer.setXYZW(index, current.color.x, current.color.y, current.color.z, current.color.w);", + " this.colorBuffer.setXYZW(index + 1, current.color.x, current.color.y, current.color.z, current.color.w);", + " if (i + 1 < particle.previous.length) {", + " this.indexBuffer.setX(triangles * 3, index);", + " this.indexBuffer.setX(triangles * 3 + 1, index + 1);", + " this.indexBuffer.setX(triangles * 3 + 2, index + 2);", + " triangles++;", + " this.indexBuffer.setX(triangles * 3, index + 2);", + " this.indexBuffer.setX(triangles * 3 + 1, index + 1);", + " this.indexBuffer.setX(triangles * 3 + 2, index + 3);", + " triangles++;", + " }", + " previous = current;", + " current = next;", + " if (!curIter.done) {", + " curIter = iter.next();", + " if (curIter.value !== undefined) {", + " next = curIter.value;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " });", + " this.positionBuffer.updateRange.count = index * 3;", + " this.positionBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " this.previousBuffer.updateRange.count = index * 3;", + " this.previousBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " this.nextBuffer.updateRange.count = index * 3;", + " this.nextBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " this.sideBuffer.updateRange.count = index;", + " this.sideBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " this.widthBuffer.updateRange.count = index;", + " this.widthBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " this.uvBuffer.updateRange.count = index * 2;", + " this.uvBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " this.colorBuffer.updateRange.count = index * 4;", + " this.colorBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " this.indexBuffer.updateRange.count = triangles * 3;", + " this.indexBuffer.needsUpdate = true;", + " this.geometry.setDrawRange(0, triangles * 3);", + " }", + " dispose() {", + " this.geometry.dispose();", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class BatchedRenderer extends THREE.Object3D {", + " constructor() {", + " super();", + " this.batches = [];", + " this.systemToBatchIndex = new Map();", + " this.type = \"BatchedRenderer\";", + " }", + " static equals(a, b) {", + " return a.material.side === b.material.side &&", + " a.material.blending === b.material.blending &&", + " a.material.transparent === b.material.transparent &&", + " a.material.map === b.material.map &&", + " a.renderMode === b.renderMode &&", + " a.uTileCount === b.uTileCount &&", + " a.vTileCount === b.vTileCount &&", + " a.instancingGeometry === b.instancingGeometry &&", + " a.renderOrder === b.renderOrder &&", + " a.layers.mask === b.layers.mask;", + " }", + " addSystem(system) {", + " system._renderer = this;", + " const settings = system.getRendererSettings();", + " for (let i = 0; i < this.batches.length; i++) {", + " if (BatchedRenderer.equals(this.batches[i].settings, settings)) {", + " this.batches[i].addSystem(system);", + " this.systemToBatchIndex.set(system, i);", + " return;", + " }", + " }", + " let batch;", + " switch (settings.renderMode) {", + " case gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Trail:", + " batch = new TrailBatch(settings);", + " break;", + " case gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.Mesh:", + " case gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.BillBoard:", + " case gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode.StretchedBillBoard:", + " batch = new SpriteBatch(settings);", + " break;", + " }", + " batch.addSystem(system);", + " this.batches.push(batch);", + " this.systemToBatchIndex.set(system, this.batches.length - 1);", + " this.add(batch);", + " }", + " deleteSystem(system) {", + " const batchIndex = this.systemToBatchIndex.get(system);", + " if (batchIndex != undefined) {", + " this.batches[batchIndex].removeSystem(system);", + " this.systemToBatchIndex.delete(system);", + " }", + " /*const settings = system.getRendererSettings();", + " for (let i = 0; i < this.batches.length; i++) {", + " if (BatchedParticleRenderer.equals(this.batches[i].settings, settings)) {", + " this.batches[i].removeSystem(system);", + " return;", + " }", + " }*/", + " }", + " updateSystem(system) {", + " this.deleteSystem(system);", + " this.addSystem(system);", + " }", + " update(delta) {", + " this.systemToBatchIndex.forEach((value, ps) => {", + " ps.update(delta);", + " });", + " for (let i = 0; i < this.batches.length; i++) {", + " this.batches[i].update();", + " }", + " }", + "}", + "", + "// deprecated", + "const BatchedParticleRenderer = BatchedRenderer;", + "", + "class TextureSequencer {", + " constructor(scaleX = 0, scaleY = 0, position = new THREE.Vector3()) {", + " this.scaleX = scaleX;", + " this.scaleY = scaleY;", + " this.position = position;", + " this.locations = [];", + " }", + " transform(position, index) {", + " position.x = this.locations[index % this.locations.length].x * this.scaleX + this.position.x;", + " position.y = this.locations[index % this.locations.length].y * this.scaleY + this.position.y;", + " position.z = this.position.z;", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " const textureSequencer = new TextureSequencer(json.scaleX, json.scaleY, new THREE.Vector3(json.position[0], json.position[1], json.position[2]));", + " textureSequencer.locations = json.locations.map((loc) => new THREE.Vector2(loc.x, loc.y));", + " return textureSequencer;", + " }", + " clone() {", + " const textureSequencer = new TextureSequencer(this.scaleX, this.scaleY, this.position.clone());", + " textureSequencer.locations = this.locations.map(loc => loc.clone());", + " return textureSequencer;", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " scaleX: this.scaleX,", + " scaleY: this.scaleY,", + " position: this.position,", + " locations: this.locations.map(loc => ({", + " x: loc.x,", + " y: loc.y,", + " }))", + " };", + " }", + " fromImage(img, threshold) {", + " // Create an empty canvas element", + " const canvas = document.createElement(\"canvas\");", + " canvas.width = img.width;", + " canvas.height = img.height;", + " // Copy the image contents to the canvas", + " const ctx = canvas.getContext(\"2d\");", + " if (!ctx) {", + " return;", + " }", + " ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);", + " const data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, { colorSpace: \"srgb\" });", + " canvas.remove();", + " this.locations.length = 0;", + " for (let i = 0; i < data.height; i++) {", + " for (let j = 0; j < data.width; j++) {", + " if (data.data[(i * data.width + j) * 4 + 3] > threshold) {", + " this.locations.push(new THREE.Vector2(j, data.height - i));", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " //return data;", + " // Get the data-URL formatted image", + " // Firefox supports PNG and JPEG. You could check img.src to", + " // guess the original format, but be aware the using \"image/jpg\"", + " // will re-encode the image.", + " //var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(\"image/png\");", + " //return dataURL.replace(/^data:image\\/(png|jpg);base64,/, \"\");", + " }", + "}", + "", + "function SequencerFromJSON(json) {", + " switch (json.type) {", + " case 'TextureSequencer':", + " return TextureSequencer.fromJSON(json);", + " default:", + " return new TextureSequencer();", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class ApplySequences {", + " constructor(delayBetweenParticles) {", + " this.type = 'ApplySequences';", + " this.sequencers = [];", + " this.time = 0;", + " this.index = 0;", + " this.pCount = 0;", + " this.tempV = new THREE.Vector3();", + " this.delay = delayBetweenParticles;", + " }", + " initialize(particle) {", + " particle.id = this.pCount;", + " particle.dst = new THREE.Vector3();", + " particle.begin = new THREE.Vector3();", + " particle.inMotion = false;", + " this.pCount++;", + " }", + " reset() {", + " this.time = 0;", + " this.index = 0;", + " this.pCount = 0;", + " }", + " update(particle, delta) {", + " const sequencer = this.sequencers[this.index];", + " const delay = particle.id * this.delay;", + " if (this.time >= sequencer[0].a + delay && this.time <= sequencer[0].b + delay) {", + " if (!particle.inMotion) {", + " particle.inMotion = true;", + " particle.begin.copy(particle.position);", + " sequencer[1].transform(particle.dst, particle.id);", + " }", + " particle.position.lerpVectors(particle.begin, particle.dst, ApplySequences.BEZIER.genValue((this.time - sequencer[0].a - delay) / (sequencer[0].b - sequencer[0].a)));", + " }", + " else if (this.time > sequencer[0].b + delay) {", + " particle.inMotion = false;", + " }", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " while (this.index + 1 < this.sequencers.length && this.time >= this.sequencers[this.index + 1][0].a) {", + " this.index++;", + " }", + " this.time += delta;", + " }", + " appendSequencer(range, sequencer) {", + " this.sequencers.push([range, sequencer]);", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " delay: this.delay,", + " sequencers: this.sequencers.map(([range, sequencer]) => ({", + " range: range.toJSON(),", + " sequencer: sequencer.toJSON(),", + " })),", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " const seq = new ApplySequences(json.delay);", + " json.sequencers.forEach((sequencerJson) => {", + " seq.sequencers.push([ValueGeneratorFromJSON(sequencerJson.range), SequencerFromJSON(sequencerJson.sequencer)]);", + " });", + " return seq;", + " }", + " clone() {", + " const applySequences = new ApplySequences(this.delay);", + " applySequences.sequencers = this.sequencers.map(seq => [seq[0].clone(), seq[1].clone()]);", + " return applySequences;", + " }", + "}", + "ApplySequences.BEZIER = new Bezier(0, 0, 1, 1);", + "", + "let physicsResolver;", + "function setPhysicsResolver(resolver) {", + " physicsResolver = resolver;", + "}", + "function getPhysicsResolver() {", + " return physicsResolver;", + "}", + "class ApplyCollision {", + " constructor(resolver, bounce) {", + " this.resolver = resolver;", + " this.bounce = bounce;", + " this.type = 'ApplyCollision';", + " this.tempV = new THREE.Vector3();", + " }", + " initialize(particle) {", + " }", + " update(particle, delta) {", + " if (this.resolver.resolve(particle.position, this.tempV)) {", + " particle.velocity.reflect(this.tempV).multiplyScalar(this.bounce);", + " }", + " }", + " frameUpdate(delta) {", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " return {", + " type: this.type,", + " bounce: this.bounce,", + " };", + " }", + " static fromJSON(json) {", + " return new ApplyCollision(getPhysicsResolver(), json.bounce);", + " }", + " clone() {", + " return new ApplyCollision(this.resolver, this.bounce);", + " }", + " reset() {", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class QuarksLoader extends THREE.ObjectLoader {", + " /*manager: LoadingManager;", + " crossOrigin: string = \"anonymous\";", + " path?: string;", + " resourcePath: string;", + "*/", + " constructor(manager) {", + " super(manager);", + " //this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : DefaultLoadingManager;", + " //this.resourcePath = '';", + " }", + " linkReference(object) {", + " const objectsMap = {};", + " object.traverse(function (child) {", + " objectsMap[child.uuid] = child;", + " });", + " object.traverse(function (child) {", + " if (child.type === \"ParticleEmitter\") {", + " const system = child.system;", + " system.emitterShape;", + " /*if (shape instanceof MeshSurfaceEmitter) {", + " shape.geometry = objectsMap[shape.geometry as any] as Mesh;", + " }*/", + " for (let i = 0; i < system.behaviors.length; i++) {", + " if (system.behaviors[i] instanceof EmitSubParticleSystem) {", + " system.behaviors[i].subParticleSystem = objectsMap[system.behaviors[i].subParticleSystem];", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " });", + " }", + " parse(json, onLoad) {", + " const object = super.parse(json, onLoad);", + " this.linkReference(object);", + " return object;", + " }", + " // @ts-ignore", + " parseObject(data, geometries, materials, textures, animations) {", + " let object;", + " function getGeometry(name) {", + " if (geometries[name] === undefined) {", + " console.warn('THREE.ObjectLoader: Undefined geometry', name);", + " }", + " return geometries[name];", + " }", + " function getMaterial(name) {", + " if (name === undefined)", + " return undefined;", + " if (Array.isArray(name)) {", + " const array = [];", + " for (let i = 0, l = name.length; i < l; i++) {", + " const uuid = name[i];", + " if (materials[uuid] === undefined) {", + " console.warn('THREE.ObjectLoader: Undefined material', uuid);", + " }", + " array.push(materials[uuid]);", + " }", + " return array;", + " }", + " if (materials[name] === undefined) {", + " console.warn('THREE.ObjectLoader: Undefined material', name);", + " }", + " return materials[name];", + " }", + " function getTexture(uuid) {", + " if (textures[uuid] === undefined) {", + " console.warn('THREE.ObjectLoader: Undefined texture', uuid);", + " }", + " return textures[uuid];", + " }", + " let geometry, material;", + " const meta = {", + " textures: textures,", + " geometries: geometries,", + " materials: materials,", + " };", + " const dependencies = {};", + " switch (data.type) {", + " case 'ParticleEmitter':", + " object = ParticleSystem.fromJSON(data.ps, meta, dependencies).emitter;", + " break;", + " case 'Scene':", + " object = new THREE.Scene();", + " if (data.background !== undefined) {", + " if (Number.isInteger(data.background)) {", + " object.background = new THREE.Color(data.background);", + " }", + " else {", + " object.background = getTexture(data.background);", + " }", + " }", + " if (data.environment !== undefined) {", + " object.environment = getTexture(data.environment);", + " }", + " if (data.fog !== undefined) {", + " if (data.fog.type === 'Fog') {", + " object.fog = new THREE.Fog(data.fog.color, data.fog.near, data.fog.far);", + " }", + " else if (data.fog.type === 'FogExp2') {", + " object.fog = new THREE.FogExp2(data.fog.color, data.fog.density);", + " }", + " }", + " if (data.backgroundBlurriness !== undefined)", + " object.backgroundBlurriness = data.backgroundBlurriness;", + " break;", + " case 'PerspectiveCamera':", + " object = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(data.fov, data.aspect, data.near, data.far);", + " if (data.focus !== undefined)", + " object.focus = data.focus;", + " if (data.zoom !== undefined)", + " object.zoom = data.zoom;", + " if (data.filmGauge !== undefined)", + " object.filmGauge = data.filmGauge;", + " if (data.filmOffset !== undefined)", + " object.filmOffset = data.filmOffset;", + " if (data.view !== undefined)", + " object.view = Object.assign({}, data.view);", + " break;", + " case 'OrthographicCamera':", + " object = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(data.left, data.right, data.top, data.bottom, data.near, data.far);", + " if (data.zoom !== undefined)", + " object.zoom = data.zoom;", + " if (data.view !== undefined)", + " object.view = Object.assign({}, data.view);", + " break;", + " case 'AmbientLight':", + " object = new THREE.AmbientLight(data.color, data.intensity);", + " break;", + " case 'DirectionalLight':", + " object = new THREE.DirectionalLight(data.color, data.intensity);", + " break;", + " case 'PointLight':", + " object = new THREE.PointLight(data.color, data.intensity, data.distance, data.decay);", + " break;", + " case 'RectAreaLight':", + " object = new THREE.RectAreaLight(data.color, data.intensity, data.width, data.height);", + " break;", + " case 'SpotLight':", + " object = new THREE.SpotLight(data.color, data.intensity, data.distance, data.angle, data.penumbra, data.decay);", + " break;", + " case 'HemisphereLight':", + " object = new THREE.HemisphereLight(data.color, data.groundColor, data.intensity);", + " break;", + " case 'LightProbe':", + " object = new THREE.LightProbe().fromJSON(data);", + " break;", + " case 'SkinnedMesh':", + " geometry = getGeometry(data.geometry);", + " material = getMaterial(data.material);", + " object = new THREE.SkinnedMesh(geometry, material);", + " if (data.bindMode !== undefined)", + " object.bindMode = data.bindMode;", + " if (data.bindMatrix !== undefined)", + " object.bindMatrix.fromArray(data.bindMatrix);", + " if (data.skeleton !== undefined)", + " object.skeleton = data.skeleton;", + " break;", + " case 'Mesh':", + " geometry = getGeometry(data.geometry);", + " material = getMaterial(data.material);", + " object = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);", + " break;", + " case 'InstancedMesh': {", + " geometry = getGeometry(data.geometry);", + " material = getMaterial(data.material);", + " const count = data.count;", + " const instanceMatrix = data.instanceMatrix;", + " const instanceColor = data.instanceColor;", + " object = new THREE.InstancedMesh(geometry, material, count);", + " object.instanceMatrix = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute(new Float32Array(instanceMatrix.array), 16);", + " if (instanceColor !== undefined)", + " object.instanceColor = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute(new Float32Array(instanceColor.array), instanceColor.itemSize);", + " break;", + " }", + " case 'LOD':", + " object = new THREE.LOD();", + " break;", + " case 'Line':", + " object = new THREE.Line(getGeometry(data.geometry), getMaterial(data.material));", + " break;", + " case 'LineLoop':", + " object = new THREE.LineLoop(getGeometry(data.geometry), getMaterial(data.material));", + " break;", + " case 'LineSegments':", + " object = new THREE.LineSegments(getGeometry(data.geometry), getMaterial(data.material));", + " break;", + " case 'PointCloud':", + " case 'Points':", + " object = new THREE.Points(getGeometry(data.geometry), getMaterial(data.material));", + " break;", + " case 'Sprite':", + " object = new THREE.Sprite(getMaterial(data.material));", + " break;", + " case 'Group':", + " object = new THREE.Group();", + " break;", + " case 'Bone':", + " object = new THREE.Bone();", + " break;", + " default:", + " object = new THREE.Object3D();", + " }", + " object.uuid = data.uuid;", + " if (data.name !== undefined)", + " object.name = data.name;", + " if (data.matrix !== undefined) {", + " object.matrix.fromArray(data.matrix);", + " if (data.matrixAutoUpdate !== undefined)", + " object.matrixAutoUpdate = data.matrixAutoUpdate;", + " if (object.matrixAutoUpdate)", + " object.matrix.decompose(object.position, object.quaternion, object.scale);", + " }", + " else {", + " if (data.position !== undefined)", + " object.position.fromArray(data.position);", + " if (data.rotation !== undefined)", + " object.rotation.fromArray(data.rotation);", + " if (data.quaternion !== undefined)", + " object.quaternion.fromArray(data.quaternion);", + " if (data.scale !== undefined)", + " object.scale.fromArray(data.scale);", + " }", + " if (data.castShadow !== undefined)", + " object.castShadow = data.castShadow;", + " if (data.receiveShadow !== undefined)", + " object.receiveShadow = data.receiveShadow;", + " if (data.shadow) {", + " if (data.shadow.bias !== undefined)", + " object.shadow.bias = data.shadow.bias;", + " if (data.shadow.normalBias !== undefined)", + " object.normalBias = data.shadow.normalBias;", + " if (data.shadow.radius !== undefined)", + " object.radius = data.shadow.radius;", + " if (data.shadow.mapSize !== undefined)", + " object.mapSize.fromArray(data.shadow.mapSize);", + " if (data.shadow.camera !== undefined) { // @ts-ignore", + " object.camera = this.parseObject(data.shadow.camera);", + " }", + " }", + " if (data.visible !== undefined)", + " object.visible = data.visible;", + " if (data.frustumCulled !== undefined)", + " object.frustumCulled = data.frustumCulled;", + " if (data.renderOrder !== undefined)", + " object.renderOrder = data.renderOrder;", + " if (data.userData !== undefined)", + " object.userData = data.userData;", + " if (data.layers !== undefined)", + " object.layers.mask = data.layers;", + " if (data.children !== undefined) {", + " const children = data.children;", + " for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {", + " object.add(this.parseObject(children[i], geometries, materials, textures, animations));", + " }", + " }", + " if (data.animations !== undefined) {", + " const objectAnimations = data.animations;", + " for (let i = 0; i < objectAnimations.length; i++) {", + " const uuid = objectAnimations[i];", + " object.animations.push(animations[uuid]);", + " }", + " }", + " if (data.type === 'LOD') {", + " if (data.autoUpdate !== undefined)", + " object.autoUpdate = data.autoUpdate;", + " const levels = data.levels;", + " for (let l = 0; l < levels.length; l++) {", + " const level = levels[l];", + " const child = object.getObjectByProperty('uuid', level.object);", + " if (child !== undefined) {", + " // @ts-ignore", + " object.addLevel(child, level.distance);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " // @ts-ignore", + " return object;", + " }", + "}", + "", + "const Plugins = [];", + "function loadPlugin(plugin) {", + " const existing = Plugins.find(item => item.id === plugin.id);", + " if (!existing) {", + " plugin.initialize();", + " for (const emitterShape of plugin.emitterShapes) {", + " if (!EmitterShapes[emitterShape.type]) {", + " EmitterShapes[emitterShape.type] = emitterShape;", + " }", + " }", + " for (const behavior of plugin.behaviors) {", + " if (!BehaviorTypes[behavior.type]) {", + " BehaviorTypes[behavior.type] = behavior;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "}", + "function unloadPlugin(pluginId) {", + " const plugin = Plugins.find(item => item.id === pluginId);", + " if (plugin) {", + " for (const emitterShape of plugin.emitterShapes) {", + " if (EmitterShapes[emitterShape.type]) {", + " delete EmitterShapes[emitterShape.type];", + " }", + " }", + " for (const behavior of plugin.behaviors) {", + " if (BehaviorTypes[behavior.type]) {", + " delete BehaviorTypes[behavior.type];", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "}", + "", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType = void 0;", + "(function (NodeValueType) {", + " NodeValueType[NodeValueType[\"Number\"] = 0] = \"Number\";", + " NodeValueType[NodeValueType[\"Vec2\"] = 1] = \"Vec2\";", + " NodeValueType[NodeValueType[\"Vec3\"] = 2] = \"Vec3\";", + " NodeValueType[NodeValueType[\"Vec4\"] = 3] = \"Vec4\";", + " NodeValueType[NodeValueType[\"Boolean\"] = 4] = \"Boolean\";", + " NodeValueType[NodeValueType[\"AnyType\"] = 5] = \"AnyType\";", + "})(gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType || (gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType = {}));", + "const genDefaultForNodeValueType = (type) => {", + " switch (type) {", + " case gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.Boolean:", + " return false;", + " case gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.Number:", + " return 0;", + " case gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.Vec2:", + " return new THREE.Vector2();", + " case gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.Vec3:", + " return new THREE.Vector3();", + " case gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.Vec4:", + " return new THREE.Vector4();", + " case gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType:", + " return 0;", + " }", + "};", + "", + "class Node {", + " constructor(type) {", + " this.inputs = [];", + " this.outputs = [];", + " this.data = {};", + " // display", + " this.position = new THREE.Vector2();", + " // execution", + " this.outputValues = [];", + " this.id = \"\" + Math.round(Math.random() * 100000); //TODO use real random", + " this.type = type;", + " for (let i = 0; i < type.inputTypes.length; i++) {", + " this.inputs.push(undefined);", + " }", + " for (let i = 0; i < type.outputTypes.length; i++) {", + " this.outputs.push(undefined);", + " this.outputValues.push(genDefaultForNodeValueType(type.outputTypes[i]));", + " }", + " }", + "}", + "class Wire {", + " constructor(input, inputIndex, output, outputIndex) {", + " this.input = input;", + " this.inputIndex = inputIndex;", + " this.input.outputs[inputIndex] = this;", + " this.output = output;", + " this.outputIndex = outputIndex;", + " this.output.inputs[outputIndex] = this;", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class Interpreter {", + " constructor() {", + " this.visited = new Set();", + " Interpreter.Instance = this;", + " }", + " traverse(node) {", + " if (this.context_ === undefined) {", + " throw new Error(\"context is undefined\");", + " }", + " if (this.graph_ === undefined) {", + " throw new Error(\"graph is undefined\");", + " }", + " this.visited.add(node.id);", + " const inputValues = [];", + " for (let i = 0; i < node.inputs.length; i++) {", + " if (node.inputs[i] instanceof Wire) {", + " const inputNode = node.inputs[i].input;", + " //if (inputNode) {", + " if (!this.visited.has(inputNode.id)) {", + " this.traverse(inputNode);", + " }", + " inputValues.push(inputNode.outputValues[node.inputs[i].inputIndex]);", + " /*} else {", + " throw new Error(`Node ${node.id} has not inputs`);", + " }*/", + " }", + " else {", + " inputValues.push(node.inputs[i].getValue(this.context_));", + " }", + " }", + " // calculation", + " node.type.func(this.context_, inputValues, node.outputValues);", + " this.graph_.nodesInOrder.push(node);", + " }", + " executeCompiledGraph() {", + " if (this.context_ === undefined) {", + " throw new Error(\"context is undefined\");", + " }", + " if (this.graph_ === undefined) {", + " throw new Error(\"graph is undefined\");", + " }", + " const nodes = this.graph_.nodesInOrder;", + " for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {", + " const inputValues = [];", + " const node = nodes[i];", + " for (let j = 0; j < node.inputs.length; j++) {", + " if (node.inputs[j] instanceof Wire) {", + " inputValues.push(node.inputs[j].input.outputValues[node.inputs[j].inputIndex]);", + " }", + " else if (node.inputs[j] !== undefined) {", + " inputValues.push(node.inputs[j].getValue(this.context_));", + " }", + " else {", + " throw new Error(`miss input for node ${node.id}`);", + " }", + " }", + " node.type.func(this.context_, inputValues, node.outputValues);", + " }", + " }", + " run(graph, context) {", + " this.graph_ = graph;", + " this.context_ = context;", + " if (graph.compiled) {", + " this.executeCompiledGraph();", + " }", + " else {", + " graph.nodesInOrder.length = 0;", + " this.visited.clear();", + " for (let i = 0; i < graph.outputNodes.length; i++) {", + " const node = graph.outputNodes[i];", + " this.traverse(node);", + " }", + " graph.compiled = true;", + " }", + " }", + "}", + "", + "class NodeType {", + " constructor(name, func, inputTypes, outputTypes) {", + " this.inputTypes = [];", + " this.outputTypes = [];", + " this.name = name;", + " this.func = func;", + " this.inputTypes = inputTypes;", + " this.outputTypes = outputTypes;", + " }", + "}", + "class GraphNodeType extends NodeType {", + " constructor(nodeGraph) {", + " const inputTypes = [];", + " for (let i = 0; i < nodeGraph.inputNodes.length; i++) {", + " if (nodeGraph.inputNodes[i].type.name === 'input') {", + " inputTypes.push(nodeGraph.inputNodes[i].data.type);", + " }", + " }", + " const outputTypes = [];", + " for (let i = 0; i < nodeGraph.outputNodes.length; i++) {", + " if (nodeGraph.outputNodes[i].type.name === 'output') {", + " outputTypes.push(nodeGraph.outputNodes[i].data.type);", + " }", + " }", + " super(nodeGraph.name, (context, inputs, outputs) => {", + " context.inputs = inputs;", + " context.outputs = outputs;", + " Interpreter.Instance.run(nodeGraph, context);", + " }, inputTypes, outputTypes);", + " this.nodeGraph = nodeGraph;", + " }", + "}", + "", + "const NodeTypes = {", + " \"add\": new NodeType(\"add\", (context, inputs, outputs) => {", + " if (typeof inputs[0] === 'number') {", + " outputs[0] = inputs[0] + inputs[1];", + " }", + " else if (inputs[0] instanceof THREE.Vector3 || inputs[0] instanceof THREE.Vector2 || inputs[0] instanceof THREE.Vector4) {", + " outputs[0].addVectors(inputs[0], inputs[1]);", + " }", + " }, [gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType, gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType], [gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType]),", + " \"sub\": new NodeType(\"sub\", (context, inputs, outputs) => {", + " if (typeof inputs[0] === 'number') {", + " outputs[0] = inputs[0] - inputs[1];", + " }", + " else if (inputs[0] instanceof THREE.Vector3 || inputs[0] instanceof THREE.Vector2 || inputs[0] instanceof THREE.Vector4) {", + " outputs[0].subVectors(inputs[0], inputs[1]);", + " }", + " }, [gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType, gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType], [gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType]),", + " \"mul\": new NodeType(\"mul\", (context, inputs, outputs) => {", + " if (typeof inputs[0] === 'number') {", + " outputs[0] = inputs[0] * inputs[1];", + " }", + " else if (inputs[0] instanceof THREE.Vector3 || inputs[0] instanceof THREE.Vector2 || inputs[0] instanceof THREE.Vector4) {", + " outputs[0].multiplyVectors(inputs[0], inputs[1]);", + " }", + " }, [gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType, gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType], [gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType]),", + " \"div\": new NodeType(\"div\", (context, inputs, outputs) => {", + " if (typeof inputs[0] === 'number') {", + " outputs[0] = inputs[0] / inputs[1];", + " }", + " else if (inputs[0] instanceof THREE.Vector3 || inputs[0] instanceof THREE.Vector2 || inputs[0] instanceof THREE.Vector4) {", + " outputs[0].copy(inputs[0]).divide(inputs[1]);", + " }", + " }, [gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType, gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType], [gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType]),", + " \"curve\": new NodeType(\"curve\", (context, inputs, outputs) => {", + " //outputs[0] = inputs[0] + inputs[1];", + " }, [], []),", + " \"vrand\": new NodeType(\"vrand\", (context, inputs, outputs) => {", + " //outputs[0] = inputs[0] + inputs[1];", + " }, [], []),", + " \"curveSample\": new NodeType(\"curveSample\", (context, inputs, outputs) => {", + " //outputs[0] = inputs[0] + inputs[1];", + " }, [], []),", + " \"random\": new NodeType(\"random\", (context, inputs, outputs) => {", + " outputs[0] = Math.random() * (inputs[1] - inputs[0]) + inputs[0];", + " }, [gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.Number, gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.Number], [gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.Number]),", + " \"input\": new NodeType(\"input\", (context, inputs, outputs) => {", + " outputs[0] = inputs[0];", + " }, [gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType], [gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType]),", + " \"output\": new NodeType(\"output\", (context, inputs, outputs) => {", + " outputs[0] = inputs[0];", + " }, [gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType], [gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeValueType.AnyType]),", + "};", + "", + "class NodeGraph {", + " constructor(name) {", + " this.inputNodes = [];", + " this.outputNodes = [];", + " this.allNodes = new Map();", + " this.wires = [];", + " this.compiled = false;", + " this.nodesInOrder = [];", + " this.version = \"1.0\";", + " this.id = \"\" + Math.round(Math.random() * 100000); //TODO use real random", + " this.name = name;", + " }", + " addWire(wire) {", + " this.wires.push(wire);", + " }", + " addNode(node) {", + " //this.nodes.push(node);", + " this.allNodes.set(node.id, node);", + " if (node.type === NodeTypes['input']) {", + " this.inputNodes.push(node);", + " }", + " else if (node.type === NodeTypes['output']) {", + " this.outputNodes.push(node);", + " }", + " }", + " getNode(id) {", + " return this.allNodes.get(id);", + " }", + " deleteNode(node) {", + " /*let index = this.nodes.indexOf(node);", + " if (index != -1) {", + " this.nodes[index] = this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1];", + " this.nodes.pop();", + " }*/", + " this.allNodes.delete(node.id);", + " }", + " deleteWire(wire) {", + " wire.input.outputs[wire.inputIndex] = undefined;", + " wire.output.inputs[wire.outputIndex] = undefined;", + " const index = this.wires.indexOf(wire);", + " if (index != -1) {", + " this.wires[index] = this.wires[this.wires.length - 1];", + " this.wires.pop();", + " }", + " }", + " toJSON() {", + " throw new Error(\"not implemented\");", + " }", + " clone() {", + " throw new Error(\"not implemented\");", + " }", + "}", + "", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ApplyCollision = ApplyCollision;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ApplyForce = ApplyForce;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ApplySequences = ApplySequences;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.AxisAngleGenerator = AxisAngleGenerator;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.BatchedParticleRenderer = BatchedParticleRenderer;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.BatchedRenderer = BatchedRenderer;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.BehaviorFromJSON = BehaviorFromJSON;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.BehaviorTypes = BehaviorTypes;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.Bezier = Bezier;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ChangeEmitDirection = ChangeEmitDirection;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ColorGeneratorFromJSON = ColorGeneratorFromJSON;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ColorOverLife = ColorOverLife;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ColorRange = ColorRange;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ConeEmitter = ConeEmitter;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ConstantColor = ConstantColor;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ConstantValue = ConstantValue;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.DonutEmitter = DonutEmitter;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.EmitSubParticleSystem = EmitSubParticleSystem;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.EmitterFromJSON = EmitterFromJSON;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.EmitterShapes = EmitterShapes;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.EulerGenerator = EulerGenerator;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ForceOverLife = ForceOverLife;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.FrameOverLife = FrameOverLife;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.GeneratorFromJSON = GeneratorFromJSON;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.Gradient = Gradient;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.GraphNodeType = GraphNodeType;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.GravityForce = GravityForce;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.GridEmitter = GridEmitter;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.Interpreter = Interpreter;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.IntervalValue = IntervalValue;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.MeshSurfaceEmitter = MeshSurfaceEmitter;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.Node = Node;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeGraph = NodeGraph;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeType = NodeType;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.NodeTypes = NodeTypes;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.Noise = Noise;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.OrbitOverLife = OrbitOverLife;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ParticleEmitter = ParticleEmitter;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ParticleSystem = ParticleSystem;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.PiecewiseBezier = PiecewiseBezier;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.PiecewiseFunction = PiecewiseFunction;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.Plugins = Plugins;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.PointEmitter = PointEmitter;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.QuarksLoader = QuarksLoader;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RandomColor = RandomColor;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RandomColorBetweenGradient = RandomColorBetweenGradient;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RandomQuatGenerator = RandomQuatGenerator;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RecordState = RecordState;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.Rotation3DOverLife = Rotation3DOverLife;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RotationGeneratorFromJSON = RotationGeneratorFromJSON;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RotationOverLife = RotationOverLife;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.SequencerFromJSON = SequencerFromJSON;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.SizeOverLife = SizeOverLife;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.SpeedOverLife = SpeedOverLife;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.SphereEmitter = SphereEmitter;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.SpriteBatch = SpriteBatch;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.SpriteParticle = SpriteParticle;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.TextureSequencer = TextureSequencer;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.TrailBatch = TrailBatch;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.TrailParticle = TrailParticle;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.TurbulenceField = TurbulenceField;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.VFXBatch = VFXBatch;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ValueGeneratorFromJSON = ValueGeneratorFromJSON;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.WidthOverLength = WidthOverLength;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.Wire = Wire;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.genDefaultForNodeValueType = genDefaultForNodeValueType;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.getPhysicsResolver = getPhysicsResolver;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.loadPlugin = loadPlugin;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.setPhysicsResolver = setPhysicsResolver;", + "gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.unloadPlugin = unloadPlugin;", + "" + ], + "parameterObjects": "", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": true + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "fullName": "", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "onScenePreEvents", + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "\r", + "// See doStepPostEvents\r", + "runtimeScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension = runtimeScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension || {};\r", + "runtimeScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.emittersStepped = 0;" + ], + "parameterObjects": "", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": false + } + ], + "parameters": [], + "objectGroups": [] + } + ], + "eventsBasedBehaviors": [], + "eventsBasedObjects": [ + { + "defaultName": "ParticleEmitter", + "description": "Display a large number of particles to create visual effects.", + "fullName": "3D particle emitter", + "name": "ParticleEmitter3D", + "eventsFunctions": [ + { + "fullName": "", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "onCreated", + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::DefineHelperClasses" + }, + "parameters": [ + "", + "" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "const BatchedRenderer = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.BatchedRenderer;", + "const ParticleSystem = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ParticleSystem;", + "const TextureLoader = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.TextureLoader;", + "const IntervalValue = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.IntervalValue;", + "const ConstantValue = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ConstantValue;", + "const ConstantColor = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ConstantColor;", + "const ColorOverLife = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ColorOverLife;", + "const SizeOverLife = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.SizeOverLife;", + "const ApplyForce = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ApplyForce;", + "const ColorRange = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ColorRange;", + "const PiecewiseBezier = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.PiecewiseBezier;", + "const Bezier = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.Bezier;", + "const PointEmitter = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.PointEmitter;", + "const ConeEmitter = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ConeEmitter;", + "const RenderMode = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.RenderMode;", + "", + "const ParticleEmitterAdapter = gdjs.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.ParticleEmitterAdapter;", + "", + "/** @type {gdjs.CustomRuntimeObject} */", + "const object = objects[0];", + "", + "// Here runtimeScene is the gdjs.CustomRuntimeObjectInstanceContainer inside the custom object.", + "const gameScene = object.getRuntimeScene();", + "const layer = gameScene.getLayer(object.getLayer());", + "", + "gameScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension = gameScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension || {};", + "if (!gameScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.batchSystem) {", + " const batchSystem = new BatchedRenderer();", + " layer.getRenderer().getThreeScene().add(batchSystem);", + " gameScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.batchSystem = batchSystem;", + "}", + "const batchSystem = gameScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.batchSystem;", + "", + "/** @type {SpriteObjectDataType} */", + "const particleSpriteData = object._instanceContainer._objects.get(\"Particle\");", + "const resourceName = particleSpriteData.animations[0].directions[0].sprites[0].image;", + "const texture = object", + " .getInstanceContainer()", + " .getGame()", + " .getImageManager().getThreeTexture(resourceName);", + "", + "// Set the blending here because changes are not applied after the emitter creation.", + "const blendingString = object._getBlending();", + "const blending =", + " blendingString === \"Additive\" ? THREE.AdditiveBlending :", + " blendingString === \"Normal\" ? THREE.NormalBlending :", + " blendingString === \"Subtractive\" ? THREE.SubtractiveBlending :", + " blendingString === \"Multiply\" ? THREE.MultiplyBlending :", + " blendingString === \"None\" ? THREE.NoBlending :", + " THREE.AdditiveBlending;", + "", + "", + "// Build a configuration with the right kind of objects.", + "// These values are not important as they are overrided by the object properties values.", + "const muzzle = {", + " duration: 10,", + " looping: false,", + " startLife: new IntervalValue(1, 2),", + " startSpeed: new IntervalValue(100, 200),", + " startSize: new IntervalValue(20, 50),", + " startColor: new ConstantColor(new THREE.Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)),", + " worldSpace: true,", + "", + " maxParticle: 5,", + " emissionOverTime: new ConstantValue(50),", + " emissionBursts: [{", + " time: 0,", + " count: 1,", + " cycle: 1,", + " interval: 0.01,", + " probability: 1,", + " }],", + "", + " shape: new PointEmitter(),", + " material: new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({", + " map: texture,", + " blending: blending,", + " transparent: true,", + " side: THREE.DoubleSide", + " }),", + " startTileIndex: 0,", + " uTileCount: 1,", + " vTileCount: 1,", + " renderOrder: 2,", + " renderMode: RenderMode.BillBoard", + "};", + "const particleSystem = new ParticleSystem(muzzle);", + "object.__particleSystem = particleSystem;", + "", + "const colorOverLife = new ColorOverLife(new ColorRange(", + " new THREE.Vector4(1, 0.3882312, 0.125, 1),", + " new THREE.Vector4(1, 0.826827, 0.3014706, 1)));", + "particleSystem.addBehavior(colorOverLife);", + "const sizeOverLife = new SizeOverLife(new PiecewiseBezier([[new Bezier(1, 2 / 3, 1 / 3, 0), 0]]));", + "particleSystem.addBehavior(sizeOverLife);", + "const applyForce = new ApplyForce(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1), new ConstantValue(0));", + "particleSystem.addBehavior(applyForce);", + "", + "particleSystem.emitter.rotation.order = 'ZYX';", + "particleSystem.emitter.name = object.getName() + object.getNameId();", + "batchSystem.addSystem(particleSystem);", + "", + "object.__particleEmitterAdapter = new ParticleEmitterAdapter(particleSystem, colorOverLife, sizeOverLife, applyForce);", + "", + "layer.get3DRendererObject().add(particleSystem.emitter);", + "const ParticleEmitter3D = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);", + "if (!ParticleEmitter3D.__isDefined) {", + " ParticleEmitter3D.__isDefined = true;", + " ParticleEmitter3D.get3DRendererObject = () => this.__emitter;", + "}", + "", + "// See doStepPostEvents", + "gameScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.emittersCount = gameScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.emittersCount || 0;", + "gameScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.emittersCount++;", + "", + "" + ], + "parameterObjects": "Object", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": true + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::UpdateFromProperties" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D", + "type": "object" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "fullName": "", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "onDestroy", + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "/** @type {gdjs.CustomRuntimeObject} */", + "const object = objects[0];", + "// Here runtimeScene is the gdjs.CustomRuntimeObjectInstanceContainer inside the custom object.", + "const gameScene = object.getRuntimeScene();", + "", + "object.__particleSystem.dispose();", + "", + "// See doStepPostEvents", + "gameScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.emittersCount--;" + ], + "parameterObjects": "Object", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": true + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D", + "type": "object" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "fullName": "", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "onHotReloading", + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::UpdateFromProperties" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D", + "type": "object" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Update from properties.", + "fullName": "Update from properties", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "UpdateFromProperties", + "private": true, + "sentence": "Update from properties of _PARAM0_", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetZ" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.Z()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetRotationX" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.PropertyRotationX()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetRotationY" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.PropertyRotationY()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetStartColor" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.StartColor()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetEndColor" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.EndColor()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetStartOpacity" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.StartOpacity()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetEndOpacity" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.EndOpacity()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetFlow" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.Flow()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetStartSizeMin" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.StartSizeMin()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetStartSizeMax" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.StartSizeMax()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetStartSpeedMin" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.StartSpeedMin()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetStartSpeedMax" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.StartSpeedMax()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetLifespanMin" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.LifespanMin()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetLifespanMax" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.LifespanMax()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetDuration" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.Duration()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetSpayConeAngle" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.SpayConeAngle()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetGravity" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.Gravity()", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetGravityTop" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.GravityTop()", + "" + ] + } + ], + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "inverted": true, + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::PropertyAreParticlesRelative" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetAreParticlesRelative" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "no", + "" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::PropertyAreParticlesRelative" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetAreParticlesRelative" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "yes", + "" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Comment", + "color": { + "b": 109, + "g": 230, + "r": 255, + "textB": 0, + "textG": 0, + "textR": 0 + }, + "comment": "TODO: Blending can't be changed." + }, + { + "disabled": true, + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetBlending" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "Object.Blending()", + "" + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D", + "type": "object" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "fullName": "", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "doStepPostEvents", + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::HasEnded" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::Delete" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "inverted": true, + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::HasEnded" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [], + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "const object = objects[0];", + "// Here runtimeScene is the gdjs.CustomRuntimeObjectInstanceContainer inside the custom object.", + "const gameScene = object.getRuntimeScene();", + "", + "const emitter = object.__particleSystem.emitter;", + "emitter.position.x = object.getX();", + "emitter.position.y = -object.getY();", + "", + "emitter.rotation.z = -object.getAngle() * Math.PI / 180;", + "", + "// Update batch system after having moved every emitter.", + "// See onScenePreEvents", + "gameScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.emittersStepped++;", + "if (gameScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.emittersStepped === gameScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.emittersCount) {", + " gameScene.__particleEmmiter3DExtension.batchSystem.update(object.getElapsedTime() / 1000);", + "}" + ], + "parameterObjects": "Object", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": true + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D", + "type": "object" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Delete itself", + "fullName": "Delete itself", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "Delete", + "private": true, + "sentence": "Delete _PARAM0_", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "const object = objects[0];", + "", + "object.deleteFromScene(object.getParent());", + "" + ], + "parameterObjects": "Object", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": false + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D", + "type": "object" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Check that emission has ended and no particle is alive anymore.", + "fullName": "Emission has ended", + "functionType": "Condition", + "name": "HasEnded", + "sentence": "Emission from _PARAM0_ has ended", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "const object = objects[0];\r", + "\r", + "eventsFunctionContext.returnValue =\r", + " object._getShouldAutodestruct()\r", + " && object.__particleSystem.emitEnded\r", + " && object.__particleSystem.particleNum === 0;\r", + "" + ], + "parameterObjects": "Object", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": true + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D", + "type": "object" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Restart particule emission from the beginning.", + "fullName": "Restart", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "Restart", + "sentence": "Restart particule emission from _PARAM0_", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "/** @type {gdjs.CustomRuntimeObject} */\r", + "const object = objects[0];\r", + "\r", + "object.__particleSystem.restart();\r", + "" + ], + "parameterObjects": "Object", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": false + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D", + "type": "object" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "the Z position of the emitter.", + "fullName": "Z (elevation)", + "functionType": "ExpressionAndCondition", + "group": "Position", + "name": "Z", + "sentence": "the Z position", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "SetReturnNumber" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object.PropertyZ()" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "expressionType": { + "type": "expression" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D", + "type": "object" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "fullName": "", + "functionType": 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"group": "Angle", + "name": "RotationX", + "sentence": "the rotation on X axis", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "SetReturnNumber" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object.PropertyRotationX()" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "expressionType": { + "type": "expression" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D", + "type": "object" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "fullName": "", + "functionType": "ActionWithOperator", + "getterName": "RotationX", + "name": "SetRotationX", + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D::SetPropertyRotationX" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "=", + "GetArgumentAsNumber(\"Value\")" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "const object = objects[0];\r", + "\r", + "object.__particleSystem.emitter.rotation.x = eventsFunctionContext.getArgument(\"Value\") * Math.PI / 180;" + ], + "parameterObjects": "Object", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": false + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "ParticleEmitter3D::ParticleEmitter3D", + "type": "object" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "the rotation on Y axis of the emitter.", + "fullName": "Rotation on Y axis", + "functionType": "ExpressionAndCondition", + "group": "Angle", + "name": "RotationY", + "sentence": "the rotation on Y axis", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "SetReturnNumber" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object.PropertyRotationY()" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "expressionType": { + "type": "expression" + }, + 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