We use conda environments for development.
First install conda. Read the conda docs for getting started with conda.
$ cd jbrowse-jupyter
$ conda create -n myenv
$ source activate myenv
$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
This command will create a conda env with python 3.6.
$ python browser.py
Install jupyter lab or jupyter notebook following these docs More about configuring your jupyter notebook env.
$ python -m pip install -e .
To verify that the package was installed, you can run
$ pip list
This will display the list of packages in your conda env. Look for the
You can read more about working in development mode here.
You can pip install a specific branch with this command
$ pip install git+https://github.com/GMOD/jbrowse-jupyter.git@branch
You can find all the tests in the tests/
directory To run the tests, you can
run this command from the root of the repo directory
$ pip install pytest
$ python -m pytest tests/
We use flake8 for linting. You can run
$ pip install flake8
$ flake8 --count
from the root of this repo to see any lint errors
We store the docs in docs/
directory. Our docs are created with Sphinx. Check
this out for Sphinx
$ cd docs
You should see a requirements.txt,a Makefile, a make.bat file, the source/ directory, the docs/ directory which stores the build etc.
$ conda create -n myenv
$ source activate myenv
$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
The main entry point for the docs is the source/index.rst After making any modifications,
$ make clean
to delete the contents of docs/docs directory
Now you can run
$ make html
The command above will create a build of the docs and stores them in a subdurectory called docs. For configuring the docs check out the conf.py in the source/ directory. For configuration of the builds, checkout the docs/Makefile and docs/make.bat files.
Note: there parent docs directory stores all the docs. The docs child directory stores the build of the docs when running make html. The source child directory stores the actually configuration and contents of the sphinx docs.
We host our sphinx docs in github pages, and pushing to the gh-pages will publish the updated docs. Once those are published, you can check out this link to view your live docs https://gmod.github.io/jbrowse-jupyter/