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Jan Molak edited this page Nov 16, 2015 · 4 revisions

Build Monitor is a free and open-source project. When we contribute to it, we invest our time and talent to make it better for you and every single one of the Build Monitor Users.

Time is a rare commodity on any free open-source project, so it's crucial that when we invest it, we do it with a good understanding of the circumstances and needs of our Users.

Imagine if the baseball players never knew their batting average, golfers did not keep track of their scores or customer service centres didn't measure how long customers were kept on hold.

If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it - you can’t improve it.
- Dr. H. J. Harrington

To give us a better understanding of how Build Monitor performs for you and allow us to improve your experience, starting from version 1.6+build.167, Build Monitor gathers anonymous usage statistics using Google Analytics, a popular tool used by millions of websites all over the world.

This anonymous data helps us understand some basics about your installation:

  • what version of Build Monitor and Jenkins you use - so that we can focus on supporting the right things
  • Build Monitor performance - so that we know what to optimise first
  • your screen resolution, type of web browser etc. - so that we know what constraints we have when improving the UI

To protect your privacy, any communication between the Build Monitor dashboards and Google Analytics happens securely over https and the statistics gathered will only ever be used to improve the Build Monitor project. The information doesn't contain anything that identifies you or allows us to contact you.

However, if for whatever reason you are not able to help us out - you can opt out at any time using the "Manage Jenkins" configuration page.

Thanks for your support!

Jan Molak
author of the Build Monitor project

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